Apple Watch Series 7 Review — The Truth!

The New Charging System and Display Drivers

So you're asleep mileage may very well vary. Both the new charging system and the new display drivers are part of the newish S7 System-in-Package. And I say newish because the CPU itself is the same as last year's S6, based on the dual A13 Thunder efficiency cores. And yes, that depresses my inner silicon nerd so much, but I'll cover all of that in depth in my upcoming scalable architecture video. Seriously, make sure you're subscribed.

Now, for the new charging speeds, you will need the new Apple Watch charging cable included in the box. Older Apple Watch cables will work fine, but at the older speeds. And yes, the new cable will also work on older watches, but also at the older speeds. To get the newer speeds, you need both the newer watch and the newer cable. That's because the magnetic inductive puck on the watch end has stayed pretty much the same, but the back-end has swapped out USB-A for USB-C, which Apple says will deliver those faster speeds with basically any standard USB-C adapter.

Sadly, there aren't any new health sensors on the Apple Watch Series 7. They're the kind of stuff every startup and every team swears are ever so close to shipping but inevitably turn out to be just not at all so much. And it's beyond frustrating, especially for people who need them the most, but it seems like they're gonna take a while still, like years until then. So for now, Series 7 continues to offer compass, altimeter, heart rate, blood oxygen, and ECG. I've covered all of those in depth in my previous reviews. I'll link to them in the description below the like button or the dislike, unlike button, if all of that just made you all salty.

Pilates and Tai-Chi can now be tracked in the Workout app as part of watchOS 8. Same thing with meditation and snow season workouts in Fitness Plus, which is more skiing, less shoveling. And group workouts will be coming over SharePlay later this year. Alongside the existing heart rate alerts, international emergency calling, and the other safety features, fall detection also works for cyclists now, which is terrific, especially because Apple is improving the durability of the Series 7 for people who work out or just plain work under way more extreme conditions.

That includes better structural crack resistance for both the ion exchange glass on the aluminum models and the sapphire crystal on the steel and titanium models. That's thanks to 50% thicker glass on top and a flatter base on the bottom, which is science and geometry. Also, better dust, dirt, and debris resistance, IP6X, to be specific, which is great if you're going off-roading, cross-country, or just got transferred to Arrakis, Dune, desert planet.

Also, the same 50 meters of swim-proofing as the previous models. If Atlantis, wave, Waterworld is more your scene. The peak brightness on the Apple Watch's RGB Stripe OLED display is the same as last year but the always-on mode is 70% brighter and that's thanks to the increased efficiency of the panel and the new S7 driver. It makes the display just that much more easier to glance at, like all surreptitious like. And it's another of those things that might not sound like a huge difference but if your work or just your personality depends on you being both up to date and not a complete social jerk, it's invaluable.

And if you see that you're running late or you get a message that you absolutely have to respond to immediately on your watch, you have a couple of new options now to do just that. WatchOS 8 includes a new, more capable QuickBoard where you can dictate replies, drop an emoji, even pick out a GIF/GIF. And yes, I know the G is silent but like on iOS and the Mac, the selection continues to be both perplexingly broad and limited at the same time, but it's still pretty much enough for you to get your meme on.

Unique to the Series 7, though, is a full functional keyboard. Not full-sized, of course but full-charactered. Now, yes, there's a discussion that needs to be had around Apple's learned-helplessness-inducing capricity when it comes to App Store review, specifically around third-party Apple Watch keyboard rejections and appropriations here so hit me up on Twitter if you wanna be part of that. But unsurprisingly to anybody who's used a third-party keyboard, it works really, really well.

You can either tap out the characters you want or use Apple's swipe-to-type QuickPath mode but just know that unless you wanna be limited to the \\

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- I've been using an AppleWatch all day, every day,since right before they came out.But I'm keenly aware that many of youmay not even have an Apple Watch yet.So for you,this might all be aboutwhat the new Apple WatchSeries 7 can do for youand your life.And if that's finallyenough for you to get one,where for those of you like me,it's all about what it can do better,how it can make our lives even better.And with Series 7,that includes a bigger,more informationally dense,more accessible screen,and faster charging system in general.For time and schedule keeping,a brighter, easier-to-glance-at,always-on mode.For fitness and health tracking,especially the extreme kind,a more crack-resistant displayand dust and debris-resistant casing.For notifications and communications,a built-in keyboard,and yeah, GIF/GIFs.For fashion or just plain fun,a minor Bifrost of new aluminum colors,still starting at 400 bucks.And it all comes togetherto create an experiencethat's light years beyond the original,even if it's still notquite where I want it to be.Let me explain.I'm Rene Ritchie.Thanks to Curiosity Streamwith Nebula for sponsoring.Hit subscribe so you don'tmiss any of the follow up,because this is my AppleWatch Series 7 review.You know, a millimeter here or therejust never sounds like much.That is until you see the differenceat Apple Watch quantum realm scale.Because Apple didn't justincrease the watch sizefrom 40 and 44 millimetersto 41 and 45 millimeters,they second-snapped thebezels by another 40%,increasing the usable display area by 20%over the last few models,and a whopping 50% overthe original few model.And as a result, you canfit either more informationor bigger information on the display,and in some cases, both.A lot of the interface has been tweaked.So, some buttons and taptargets are now 12% bigger,like Control Center and Calculator,or over 27% bigger, like on the stopwatch,making them a lot easier to hit,especially when you'reout and moving aboutor just working out.And you can also see more of your messagesand your mail at one time, 50% more,or you can set the text sizeup to two increments bigger,so you can see those messagesjust way, way more easily,which is great for people withlow vision, with aging eyes,or just in less than ideal conditions.And it's why I'm really, really gladthat Apple is stuck withthis round-rect shape.It's not that I don't think acircular watch wouldn't slapor a spherical interfacewouldn't be just all shades of awesome,it's that the Apple Watchis really as much watchas the iPhone is phone.So it's less about clingingto old world circleor banana-shaped paradigms,and more about evolvingto a modern wearableand pocketable computer ideal.And this feels like that,especially because of allthe extra functionality,those corners really enable.Going without them would belike going withoutperipheral vision to me,just all tunnel, all the time.By way of example,Apple's using the bigger displayfor a new Modular Duo watch face,which replaces the threesmaller bottom complicationson the original Modular Unowith another singlewidth-spanning, large complication.Sure, there's Contour,which I think is reallyjust a wicked optical flexfor the ID team's new refractive edges,but also World Clock,where you can see 24 time zones,a whole day of time, all at the same time,and still have room forfour small complicationsin those corners.A very literal example ofplussing it on the day.And even though thosedifferences may seem small,the increased comfort,the usability that comesfrom them is just enormous.The only problem is, at least for me,I still don't have my dream face,which would be the Photo Face,but with just a ton of complicationsslapped right on top of it.Like Modular Uno,but with a wallpaper, basically.So I can finally have my Superman watchand just gobs and gobsof glanceable data too.And yeah, watchOS 9,there's a case of scotch waiting for itif you can help me out there.Now, even with the bigger displayand brighter, always-on mode,which I'll get to in a minute,Apple's using the increasedoverall efficiencyof the Series 7to maintain the same 18hours of battery life,what Apple calls all-day battery life.And I know some people would just loveto see that be longer, like week-longer,but every feature you add,you literally pay for in battery life.It's the currency.And all the extra battery life you addcosts you in features,that's the trade-off.So would I give upperformance, cellular, Wi-Fi,full-on apps, real interfaces,and other features thatI really use and enjoyfor two or three days of battery life?Hell, no.Because, yes,this is where I watchedthe Fitbit die, PaRappa.I can always charge a wrist computerto keep on using it,but I can't graft onsmartphone-caliber featuresto a fitness tracker if I need them,which is why I'm also 100% finecharging my Apple Watch every night,right next to my iPhone,especially now that the Series 7has a new 33% faster charging system.Because that way, if you do long workouts,multiple workouts, lots of cellular,or you wanna track your sleep,you can top up 80% in just 45 minutes,a little faster, even, in my testing.But, you know, brand newbattery with fresh install,so that part is to be continued.But just for sleep tracking,you can get eight hoursin just eight minutes.And I never sleep that long,so I never really hada chance to test that.But the couple of times I tried it,I woke up with a lot of battery left.So you're asleep mileagemay very well vary.Both the new charging systemand the new display driversare part of the newishS7 System-in-Package.And I say newish because the CPU itselfis the same as last year's S6,based on the dual A13Thunder efficiency cores.And yes, that depresses myinner silicon nerd so much,but I'll cover all of that in depthin my upcoming scalablearchitecture video.So seriously, make sure you're subscribed.Now, for the new charging speeds,you will need the newApple Watch charging cableincluded in the box.Older Apple Watch cables will work finebut at the older speeds.And yes, the new cable willalso work on older watchesbut also at the older speeds.To get the newer speeds,you need both the newerwatch and the newer cable.That's because the magneticinductive puck on the watch endhas stayed pretty much the same,but the back-end hasswapped out USB-A for USB-C,which Apple says willdeliver those faster speedswith basically any standard USB-C adapter.Now, sadly there aren'tany new health sensorson the Apple Watch Series 7.They're the kind of stuff every startupand every team swears areever so close to shippingbut inevitably turn out tobe just not at all so much.And it's beyond frustrating,especially for peoplewho need them the most,but it seems like they'regonna take a while still,like years while still.So for now, Series 7 continuesto offer compass, altimeter,heart rate, blood oxygen, and ECG.And I've covered all of those in depthin my previous reviews.So I'll link to themin the description below the like buttonor the dislike, unlike button,if all of that just madeyou all of the super salty.Pilates and Tai-Chi can nowbe tracked in the Workout appas part of watchOS 8,same thing with meditationand snow season workoutsin Fitness Plus,which is more skiing, less shoveling.And group workouts willbe coming over SharePlaylater this year.Alongside the existing heart rate alerts,international emergency calling,and the other safety features,fall detection alsoworks for cyclists now,which is terrific,especially because Appleis improving the durabilityof the Series 7 for people whowork out or just plain workunder way more extreme conditions.And that includes betterstructural crack resistancefor both the ion exchangeglass on the aluminum modelsand the sapphire crystal onthe steel and titanium models.That's thanks to 50% thicker glass on topand a flatter base on the bottom,which is science and geometry.Also better dust, dirt,and debris resistance,IP6X, to be specific,which is great if you're goingoff-roading, cross-country,or just got transferred toArrakis, Dune, desert planet.Also the same 50 meters of swim-proofingas the previous models.If Atlantis, wave, Waterworldis more you're scene.The peak brightness on the Apple Watch'sRGB Stripe OlED displayis the same as last yearbut the always-on mode is 70% brighter,and that's thanks to theincreased efficiency of the paneland the new S7 driver.It makes the display just that much moreeasier to glance at, likeall surreptitious like.And it's another of those thingsthat might not soundlike a huge difference,but if your work or just your personalitydepends on you being both up to dateand not a complete socialjerk, it's invaluable.And if you see that you'rerunning late or you get a messagethat you absolutely have to respond toimmediately on your watch,you have a couple of newoptions now to do just that.watchOS 8 includes a new,more capable QuickBoardwhere you can dictatereplies, drop an emoji,even pick out a GIF/GIF.And yes, I know the G is silent,but like on iOS and the Mac,the selection continues tobe both perplexingly broadand limited at the same time,but it's still pretty much enoughfor you to get your meme on.Unique to the Series 7, though,is a full functional keyboard.Not full-sized, of course,but full-charactered.Now, yes, there's a discussionthat needs to be hadaround Apple'slearned-helplessness-inducing capricitywhen it comes to App Store review,specifically around third-partyApple Watch keyboard rejectionsand appropriations here,so hit me up on Twitter ifyou wanna be part of that.But unsurprisinglyto anybody who's useda third-party keyboard,it works really, really well.You can either tap outthe characters you wantor use Apple's swipe-to-typeQuickPath mode.But just know that unlessyou wanna be limitedto the \"Friends\" versionof Jennifer Aniston,rather than the way more based\"The Morning Show\" version,you'll need to avoidthe rated G swipe systemand stick to good old-fashionedducking tap-to-type.Duck, I mean duck.Dammit!Still, despite the keyboard,and the new on-device photo managementand extended settings options,seven series in, and we'restill not functionally closerto a truly, fully independent Apple Watch.Something the iPhoneachieved in 5 versions.The Apple Watch isabsolutely more constrainedin terms of display size,meaning interface andreporting capabilities,and battery size, meaningworkload and run time limitations.I mean, for years, theWatch has been shuttlecraftto starship iPhone,and that relationship will still be bestfor many more years to come.But it'll still be evenmore useful and flexiblewhen shuttlecraft Watch getswarp nacelles all of its own.The aluminum Apple Watchstill starts at $400,now for the 41-millimeterWi-Fi only model.That jumps to $430 forthe 45-millimeter size.Add $100 to that if youwant LTE capability.Plus what the carrier chargesyou month to month, of course.And you can still get the Apple Watch SEor the Apple Watch Series 3 for lessif you're willing to acceptfunctionality that's less.And that's all the samepricing as last year,but there are some newcolor options this year.Space Gray has been replaced by Midnight,which is an indigo black.Silver has been replaced by Starlight,which has a slight golden tinge to it.There's a new deep, almostiPhone 11 Pro green.The blue is more bluejay blue,and the red, a brighter Merlot red.Each with a few new,matching sport, solo loop,and braided loop bandcolors to go with them.Or you can just still usethe Apple Watch Studioto make up your own configuration.And yep, sure thing thereare new Nike variantsin midnight and starlight as well,with new matching Nike bands.And gold, silver, andgraphite stainless steel,brushed and black titanium,and silver and black Hermesoptions on the way higher-end,which I'll cover in a follow-up reviewbecause I remain,tragically, gloriously me.So, should you get an Apple Watch Series 7or upgrade if you havea previous Apple Watch?And that depends entirelyon how compelling any ofthe new features are to you.If you want moreinformation, if you crave it,on your display,or you need the accessibilitythat the bigger display enables,it is absolutely worth checking out,especially if you havethe much smaller displayon a Series 3 or earlier model.Likewise, if you work or playunder more extreme conditionsand you've always been worriedabout the safety of your Apple Watcheven more than yourself,the crack or dust-resistancewould be a real watch-saver,or if you're in the services industry,or just schedule obsessedand the brighter,easier-to-glace-at, always-on displaywould be invaluable to you,especially if you havea Series 4 or earlierwithout always-on at all,it is also worth checking out.And if you don't have one already,I personally can't recommend one enough.It's not just potentially life-saving,it's constantly life-changing.And that's not hype, that's just facts.Once you get used towearing an Apple Watch,you miss it instantly ifyou're not wearing it.Like, as if your external cyberneticswere suddenly taken offlineand you lost your sixth, digital sense.But straight up,my advice remains,wait as long as you can to buy,buy when you really need to,get the best you can afford at the time,and then enjoy the hellout of it with zero regretsbecause there'll always besomething new and something next.Just like on Nebula,where I post all my videoswith no ads, no sponsors,and often with bonus and extended content.Like my interview withApple Watch executives,Kevin Lynch and Deidre Caldbeck,where they explain a lot of the historyand functionality of the Apple Watch.And it's not just me,it's MKBHD, iPhonedo, Georgia Dow,Jordan Harrod, LowSpecGamer,Real Science, Ali Abdaal,ePass Fox, and so many more,all ad-free, sponsor-free on Nebula,and bundled in for freewhen you sign up with today's sponsorat click the link below.And right now, becauseyou're watching this review,you can get Curiosity Stream for 26% off,less than 15 bucks a year,less than the price of a new USB-C adapterfor a whole entire year.And that includes their amazingdocumentaries and serieslike \"City Beats\",where DJ-producer Carly Foxxgoes on a musical journey,immersing herself in the lifeof five iconic European citiesto find her next big inspiration.It is the absolute best wayto support educational creators directlyand the best damn deal in streaming today.So for over 26% off Curiosity Stream,less than 15 bucks a year,and Nebula bundled in for free,just click the button on the screenor go to on the buttonreally helps out this channeland so does hitting the playlist abovefor more on the Apple Watch Series 7and all of Apple's 2021 products.Hit that playlistand I'll see you in the next video.\n"