Were Bucket Seats Actually Worth It?

**Customizing My Ride: A DIY Project**

I gotta mind my noggin. I guess that's why I brought Mike along. The only problem is that the steering wheel is a touch high and yeah, as my seat goes lower, it's only gonna get higher relative to me. Okay, well let's pop this thing out of here and see how much lower we can go.

You will need MC bracket for your brackets touch. The what? Where, how? Right here, the whole front of the seat before your brackets can touch each other. So we can't go lower. The back in it sits in front of them. So it's a little reclined, I'll give you a little more. So yeah. I guess we're gonna be tilting.

Sometimes you don't get to do exactly what you want because you're a little limited by the parts you're working with. And these are a lot of parts that got to stack together. It looks like we got to tilt. Gangster, lean me, baby gangster, lean man.

All right. Well, this looks like pretty much my final seating position. I've got some headroom, the seat fits my distance to the pedals is great, and I like the distance to the steering wheel. So let's ship it. Bolt these puppies up. The holes on our brackets and our seat mounts don't line up. So we're gonna have to do a little hole making. That's okay. Mike's really good at making holes.

We've got all our holes marked out what we need to drill, we need to drill a hole there, a hole there, and two in these seat rails, then they'll go together. Perfect little marriage, just like us.

(Slow upbeat music)

Seat mounts and brackets put together sort of. Our new holes worked; it's jamming on the seat. Yeah, baby. That's for when you're doing like long races and you had a pee and poop, it's where you eject it. Well, that's a seat attached to a thing and look, we're almost kind of off the weld there.

(Looks at the weld)

That's about it. I am pleased. All right. So we got a lot of interior out of this thing, we got two fancy new seats in it, and a Sig new steering wheel setup. So we're pretty much ready to take the seats back out and get started on cage stuff.

But I figured it was only right that we at least drive around the block and feel these new seats out. I got a sick new set of pedals, they're aluminum. They're made by Hard Motorsport, and I'm gonna put them in. Pretty cool pedal. It's got a little thingy, so your foot can't slip off to the right.

(Looks at the pedals)

Oh yeah. It looks cool, feels cool. Oh, baby! I think it's time for a test drive.

(Heavy metal music starts playing)

I am considerably lower. I like these seats and it's a good size. At least for my buns. Yeah. We really got a good tip. Yeah. It's a nice hug. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be able to throw this thing around, and not end up over there.

And you know, all this stuff actually makes me feel pretty cool. These seats are awesome. This wheel, I'll be crooked, looks pretty cool. Even crooked.

(Car engine revving)

This thing is a full-blown race car. Yeah. This thing's coming together and quick. That's the other thing too. I mean, the interior has turned a little bit red in a cool way, but it's also just gone from normal to way cool in one day.

Significantly more interesting. I know, a hundred percent. I feel way cooler sitting in this thing than I did just this morning. The only thing that you may or may not have noticed is that you might have thought you just couldn't see them because of their cammo, but we don't have any seat belts at the moment.

And that's not really what you want, but to mount those seat belts, we need a bit of a roll cage. So I reckon it's time to head back to the shop. Probably straighten out this steering wheel and get started on the roll cage.

(Lets out a laugh)

Don't drive without seatbelts kids. No, they're gonna do it. Safety first.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- The next steps in the lifeof our little rally car projectare some safety related items.We're gonna do seats andharnesses, and a roll cage.So on the topic of the roll cage,I wanna make my own roll cage.Of course, I wanna do a DIY style,but I've never made a rollcage and I'd really liketo get it right on the first try.So I figured this would be agreat excuse to ask my mom,if I could have a friend over,she totally can't say no.Mom, can Mike come over?She said, yes. I'm Zach that's Mike.This is Money Pit. Let'sdo some safety stuff.(thunder rumbling)(lasers firing)- Huge thank you to eBay motorsfor sponsoring Money Pit.If you're in search of a newset of wheels, like I was,and you're having a hard time findingwhat you're looking for.Well, you should be using eBay motors.Thanks to their proprietaryweb feature called fitment,eBay motors guaranteesany part fits the caryou're searching for.Whether you wanna buy,sell, or just browse,eBay motors makes it easyto interact with car folkin a secure, trusted online environment.So dilly dally on unreliablesites find exactlywhat you need by going to thelink in the description below.Now let's get back to Money Pit, baby.Boosh.(soft string music)Now, I Know what youguys are all thinking.You thought you clickedon a video about seatsand I just keep talkingabout roll cages. What gives?Let me clear it up.So I am ready to put aroll cage in this thing,but before you go putin a roll cage in a car,there's some stuff thatyou wanna have sorted out.Like where are you gonnasit, your seating position,your seat, your steering wheel,all that stuff should be sorted outbefore you put a roll cage inbecause once you welda roll cage in place,it's not gonna move too easily.So before we go any further,let me introduce you to my friend, Mike.I used to work with himat ECS Tuning in Ohio,he's a wizard at welding andhe's terrific with tubing.He's built a bunch of roll cages,he's great at fabricationand he's just the guyto come help me out with this project.Not necessarily installing seats,but I kinda duped him.So that's what we're gonna do today.We're gonna strip the interior.We're gonna get these oldseats out and replace themwith a cool set of seats and harnesses.And we're also gonna installa sick new steering wheelso that I can really dialin my whole driving positionbefore doing a cage.So let's take a look at some of the craphe's gonna help me out with.Let's take a Gander of the goods, baby.First off for seats, I gota set of Sparco's Evo seats,and they weren't exactly cheap.I paid about 1,750 bucks for the pair.And then for the task ofholding these seats to the car,It has Sparco's aluminum brackets,these are nice and beefy.And then I got a pair of these.These are the mounts that were mountedto the actual chassis. Sothese are built for an E36.They should use thesestock mounting points.And then the brackets,those Sparco brackets,they'll mount to this.Then down here,I don't know if you guys aregonna be able to see these,but I got some harnesses. Theseare made by Sparco as well.And that's right, they'rea desert digital cammo,perfect for ripping around in the desert.These are a five point harness,which means that we'regonna have to modifythe car a little bit to install them.Then we've got our steering wheel set up.We've got our quick disconnect here.It's really sick, Ican't wait to put it on.I've always regretted thatthe Miata doesn't havea quick disconnect. So boom, baby.And then to connect thequick disconnect to the car,we of course have a hub. Thenone of my favorite things,we've got a steeringwheel also from Sparco.I really like all these products a lot,even though they're not thecheapest, they are really nice.So I can't wait to get this stuff in.It's gonna change the personalityof the car in a big way,especially 'cause we'regonna be getting rid of mostof the beige things that are in there.So let's strip someinterior and get these seatsin my driving position ingeneral, I'll figure it out.(upbeat music)Don't break anything. It'sall going up for sale on eBay.(upbeat music)Taking stuff out is findingwhat's holding it inand removing it, sometimes breaking it,but ideally not ever breaking it.I mean, when you are takingstuff like this apart,it is a good idea to beorganized with your hardware,especially if you ever careabout putting stuff back in.There's a Ziploc bags for me, baby.Always good disconnect your batterybefore you startedplaying with these bombs.Speaking which, big step toget the steering wheel offand then we're startto get the carpet out.- Wait, what arewe gonna do with that?- Well, so I do remember where you liveand I remember which room is yours.So I was thinking maybe Iwould modify your pillowa little bit.- Old neck cracky racky?(laughs)- Yeah. I'm gonna be a chiropractor, Eddieyou're my first, Ouch! (beep)Well, we're at a crossroads,bit of an impasse.We gotta take out all thisstuff to get the carpet outin one piece or turn the carpetinto more than one piece.You know what I'm gonna do?(slow upbeat music)All right. Now, let'spull this carpet out.Oh yeah. I'm gonna lose weight for this.(slow upbeat music)This car just got a lotlouder, but that's okay.It's a race car. All the noises.Wow! Look at my nice red interior.It is a BMW. So we've got themajority of the interior outof the car. And I guessyou might be wondering whywe would even do all this.Why we would remove allthese perfectly goodand comfortable seats to replace themwith less comfortable stuff.And the fact is, I mean,the thing's supposed to bea performance driving carand when you're performance driving,comfort really isn't what you're after,you're after being held in place.And in my opinion, doing anice set of seats and you know,(beep) pit mods reallyimprove the driving experiencewhen you're trying to drive hard.And I said, a seatswill hold you in place,keep it from sliding around.They let you use five pointharnesses like we're gonna dofor extra safety. And theseseats didn't even really work.Didn't work. They didn't reclined either.They used to at one point intheir life probably reclined,but they didn't do that anymore anyway.So it's just a lateral movewith a little less comfortand a little more safety.Now, let's put some seats in.All right. So I'm justthrowing the side bracketson the seat right nowand I don't really knowwhere I want them to end up ultimately.So I'm just putting them onand then we'll put them in the car,and see if we like it andadjust it, if we don't.Probably gonna be a lot of adjustmentin my future, I don't expectto get this right the first tryand I wanna get it exactly right.I wanna get in the car and be like, yeah,that's where I'm supposed to sit.All right. Well, ourbracket looks to line upwith the holes and the postsfor the original seat mounting locations.That's great. Sometimes aren't great.Now we just gotta hopethat the mounting holesfor the seat brackets also line up,but I have a feeling they're not gonna.Okay. Something in this ballpark.Okay. This is the area thatI wanted to see, I think.Now I'm gonna put the steering wheel onso I can tell where that's gonna beand then we'll readjust the seat.First thing I'm gonna do is pop this hubonto the stock's spline.(wrench screeching)Then we'll connect the quickdisconnect and then the wheel.(wrench screeching)- No way.- Bro, youdon't even tighten that.- I know. I guess that's what you getwhen you get the harborfreight, ball and allen keys.It just broke my head off at likeone newton meter of torque.The made in mounting.Oh yeah. I like that.- Can you go lower?- Can I go lower the seat?I mean, I think so overyour head right now.- Probably makebelieve that the tubeover your head right now?- Yeah.- (indistinct)- Oh boy.- When you put in a cageand a seat in a car,it's really importantto try to consider wherethe tubing is gonna be.You don't wanna be bumpingyour head off that,it's just not safe.So you're gonna have to seat low enoughand try to keep all the roll cage tubingas far away from you as possible.- Well, you heard him, baby.We gotta mind my noggin.I guess that's why I brought Mike along.The only problem is that thesteering wheel is a touch highand yeah, as my seat goes lower,it's only gonna get higher relative to me.Okay. Well let's popthis thing out of hereand see how much lower we can go.(upbeat music)- You will need MC bracketfor your brackets touch.- The what? Where, how?- Right here, the whole front of the seatbefore your brackets can touch each other.- So we can't go lower.- The back in it sits in front of them.So it's a little reclined,I'll give you a little moreSo yeah. I guess we're gonna be tilting.Sometimes you don't get todo exactly what you want'cause you're a littlelimited by the partsyou're working with.And these are a lot of partsthat got to stack together.It looks like we got to tilt.- Gangster. Lean me,baby gangster lean man.All right. Well, thislooks like pretty muchmy final seating position.I've got some headroom,the seat fits my distanceto the pedals is great.And I like the distanceto the steering wheel.So let's ship it. Bolt these puppies up.The holes on our bracketsand our seat mounts don't line up.So we're gonna have todo a little hole making.That's okay. Mike's reallygood at making holes.We've got all our holes markedout what we need to drill,we need to drill a hole there,a hole there and two in these seat rails,then they'll go together.Perfect little marriage, just like us.(slow upbeat music)(driller screeching)Seat mounts and bracketsput together sort of.Our new holes worked,it's jamming on the seat.(metals clanging)(tool wrench screeching)Yeah, baby.That's for, when you aredoing like long racesand you had a pee and poop,it's where you eject it.Well, that's a seat attached to a thingand look, we're almostkinda off the weld there.(metal sheet clanging)Looks about right.(chuckles)That's about it. I am pleased.All right. So we got a lot ofinterior out of this thing,we got two fancy new seats in itand a Sig new steering wheel setup.So we're pretty much readyto take the seats back outand get started on cage stuff.But I figured it was only rightthat we at least drive around the blockand feel these new seats out.I got a sick new set ofpedals, they're aluminum.They're made by hard motorsport and I'm gonna put them in.Pretty cool pedal. It'sgot a little, thingy,so your foot can't slip off to the right.That's pretty cool.Let's see how difficult it isto install. It looks pretty.(metals clanging)Oh yeah. It looks cool, feels cool.Oh, baby! I think it'stime for a test drive.(sirens alarming)(heavy metal music)I am considerably lower.I like these seats and it's a good size.At least for my buns.- Yeah. We really got a good tip.- Yeah. It's a nice hug.I'm not going anywhere.I'm gonna be able tothrow this thing aroundand not end up over there.And you know, all this stuff actually,makes me feel pretty cool.These seats are awesome.This wheel, I'll be acrooked, looks pretty cool.Even crooked.(car engine revving)(chuckles)This thing is a full blown race car.Yeah. This thing's comingtogether and quick.That's the other thing too.I mean the interior hasturned a little bit redin a cool way, but it's also just gonefrom normal to way cool in one day.- Significantly more interesting.- I know, a hundred percent.I feel way cooler sitting in this thingthan I did just this morning.The only thing that youmay or may not have noticedto be missing, you've might have thoughtyou just couldn't see thembecause of their cammo,but we don't have anyseat belts at the moment.And that's not really what you want,but to mount those seat belts,we need a bit of a roll cage.So I reckon it's time tohead back to the shop.Probably straightenout this steering wheeland get started on the roll cage.- Let's do it.- What do you think? Howmuch work we got ahead of us?- A bunch.- Hell yeah.All right. Well, let's getour illegal selves backto the shop.Don't drive without seatbelts kids.- No, they're gonna do it.- Safety first.