Schluter®-DITRA Over Wood in a Bathroom (Part 2) - by Home Repair Tutor

The Art of Installing Schluter DITRA Waterproof Underlayment

When it comes to installing a waterproof underlayment, such as Schluter DITRA, it's essential to follow the right procedures to ensure a successful outcome. The first step is to prepare the subfloor, which involves ensuring that the wood is level and secure. In this case, the subfloor is already installed, so we'll focus on filling in any gaps or seams.

The next step is to fill in the KERDI seams with Schluter DITRA. To do this, we need to ensure that there's at least a 2-inch overlap of each piece, as required by the manufacturer. This will provide an additional layer of protection against water damage. It's also essential to make sure that all seams are filled in and levelled out, as any imperfections can lead to future issues.

While it may be tempting to start laying tile right away, it's recommended to wait until the thinset has dried completely. Thinset is a key component of the Schluter DITRA system, and it's crucial that it dries properly before proceeding with installation. Using unmodified thinset on wet surfaces can lead to issues, such as tracked-in dirt or uneven surfaces.

To avoid these problems, it's best to wait until the waffles are filled in overnight, allowing the thinset to dry completely. This will also make it easier to tile, as any dirt or debris that might be tracked into the bathroom during the day can be minimized. Additionally, having a clean and dry workspace makes it easier to lay out tiles without creating a mess.

When filling in the waffles, use a grout float to keep everything level. This will help prevent lines or uneven surfaces from forming in the future. If any issues do arise, such as line creases or bumps in the thinset, they can be easily addressed with a trowel or grinder.

It's also essential to take precautions when using Schluter DITRA underlayment. For example, keeping pets out of the bathroom for an evening will prevent them from tracking in dirt and creating uneven surfaces. With careful planning and attention to detail, Schluter DITRA can provide a reliable and long-lasting waterproof solution.

For those embarking on a bathroom remodel, it's recommended to check out our free video series, which offers comprehensive guidance on every aspect of the process. From demoing the old bathroom to installing new plumbing and fixtures, we've got you covered. By signing up for the free video series, you'll gain access to expert advice and tips that will help ensure a successful outcome.

As with any DIY project, it's always best to take your time and follow proper procedures. Installing Schluter DITRA underlayment requires patience and attention to detail, but the end result is well worth the effort. With this article, you've gained a better understanding of how to install Schluter DITRA on a wood subfloor in a bathroom. By following these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can create a reliable and long-lasting waterproof solution that will serve you for years to come.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enOkay, so in this video we’re going to showyou how to completely waterproof DITRA ina bathroom. So you can check that out. Inthe first video, we showed you how to installthe DITRA on a floor. But in this one, we’regoing to show you how to waterproof the bathroomfloor using DITRA and Schluter KERDI. So let’sjump into it right now.Okay, so the idea against the tub, obviouslyyou have to keep a ¼” reveal all the wayaround the tub because the idea is the expansionand the contraction of this actual membrane,you need the room. If you had it butt straightup against the tub, it could have issues wherethis uncoupling membrane would be liftingup and being able to let it have any movements.So you need that ¼” gap. So what we’regoing to use is the KERDI Band to fill thatgap and make it waterproof. This is probablythe most critical area with kids splashinginside the tub or even if you didn’t havethe shower curtain right and water runningdown, you want to make sure that the subfloorbelow here is going to be waterproofed tokeep any damage from the actual subfloor.So what the idea is if you use the KERDI Bandto span that and just allow this to seam upagainst the tub and create a seal. And theway that we’re going to seal the KERDI tothe tub is with the KERDI Fix. And then you’llbe just using thinset to adhere it to thefloor.So make sure that you take a nice, dry toweland wipe off the tub. Because anything wet,that’s not going to really adhere well.So just dry it off first. And what I woulddo is apply the KERDI Fix to the tub first.Put a generous amount there. And you can wipeoff the excess later. So go against the tubfirst and then fill in the joint, so basicallyfilling in the gap between the DITRA and thetub.The method we show will ensure 100% waterproofness,but you need to fill in the gap between thetub and the DITRA with the KERDI Fix.So don’t worry. Anything that’s exceedingup above your tile you’ll be able to cutout with a utility knife so it doesn’t interferewith your grout joint. But as long as youhave this lift up and sealed to the tub, you’llbe able to ensure that it’s waterproof.So you want it to look something like that.And then with unmodified thinset… now, weuse modified to adhere this to the subfloor,to the wood. Anything above this, you’regoing to want to use unmodified. So any bagof thinset that you buy should say on thereif it’s modified or if it’s unmodified.So you’ll have to get two different typesof thinset to do this project.So we’re going to go ahead and use the unmodifiedon top of the DITRA. And basically I’m justgoing to use a float to fill in the wafflebecause you want to have each one of thesesquares completely filled prior to installingthat KERDI Band. I think the float’s theeasiest way to accomplish that. And then we’llgo over with the trowel to embed.So this is a KERDI Trowel. You should haveone of these because if you did a KERDI Boardon the tub, you’ll have a KERDI Trowel toinstall this thin membrane. So you kind ofneed two trowels with the correct amount ofthinset. This is an 1/8” notch trowel, soit’s a little bit thinner than the DITRATrowel. Let’s make sure that this is lippingup against the tub. And I’d say I’m lipup about 3/8” so that KERDI Fix will oozeup out of this joint. Okay, so that takescare of that tub gap. Now that’s completelywaterproof. And what we’ll move onto isdoing the sides against the drywall. If you’reusing a waterproof membrane, why not makethe entire thing waterproof? So by creatinga band that goes across the side where thedrywall is, we’ll make that waterproof aswell. I have the same idea, but we’re notgoing to use KERDI Fix. We’re just goingto be using the unmodified thinset.Okay, so same idea. Against the wall. Justfill in the waffle so that it’s completelyfilled. You want to overlap this onto theother piece as well at least 2”. And thenwe’re just going to go up this drywall about2 ½” to 3”. And what I recommend… itdoesn’t crease very well, but it kind ofhelps if you crease it before you installit. On the drywall side, just take your floatand make sure you scrape off this thinsetso that you’re not ruining the finish anymore drywall mud than you have to becausethe base trim should cover.Okay, so same idea here. Fill in that wall.I have a seam here and you’ll fill thatin as well if you want to put KERDI Band overany of the seams where the DITRA meets theDITRA. I’ll have to fill in this whole areato make it a little easier. Go ahead and dothis first. Same thing. Use that KERDI trowelto…Okay, so put a little piece here where there’stwo seams. The less seams that you have, theless you’ve got to tape to make this waterproof.But rather the kind of whole length is workedout for that, so just take your plow and makesure everything’s filled in. We still haveone big seam here. And we have a KERDI. Makesure it overlaps the other piece. It requiresat least 2” of overlap wherever KERDI meetsKERDI so that it’s 100% waterproof.So now technically, if you wanted to, if youhad the time, you could go ahead and lay yourfloor down right now. Normally, I try to dothis at the end of the day. After doing somework on the tub surround and some drywallwork, I try to fill the day with other thingsthat need to be get done and then do the DITRAat the last moment. Because for one, if youtry to tile right now it makes it a littlebit difficult because this is all wet still.It can be messy, especially if you’re trackingin and out of your room—in your bedroomor whatever like that. So having wet thinset’snever a good idea. You step in and you trackthrough the rest of the house. I try to dothis at the end of the day. And then the otherthing that makes it easier is that I fillin all these waffles and let it sit overnight.And in the next morning, I can start tiling.I have a nice surface that I can lay thingsout and not track as much dirt. But whilethe most important parts of this underlaymentis making sure that this waffle is filledin. so if you try to tile right now you justhave to cognizant of making sure that thiswaffle’s filled in and then thinsetted,having all those thinset joints running thesame way. So it just makes it a lot easier,especially if you’re using like a mosaictile. If you’re going to use like a small2x2 tile or something like that, it’s incrediblydifficult to fill in this waffle and tileon the same day because you’re trying tofill that waffle in and trying to make thegrooves for that mosaic. So good idea justdoing it at the end of the day. Fill in thewaffles. Next morning, start laying tile.So I’m going to mix up a little bit moreunmodified thinset and then we’re goingto fill this in and then wait till morning.Fill in all the DITRA. If you just go onedirection, it’ll help fill it in. But youbasically want to make sure that… If youuse a grout float, it really helps keep itall level. I’m filling this in. You’renot really trying to build a layer. Just tryingto fill in that waffle. And if you ever doget like a line crease the next morning, youcan scrape that with your trowel. But whenI do occasionally have some issues is… youknow, it takes quite a few hours for thisthinset to completely dry. And a lot of clientsI end up having an issue where the dog ranin later in the evening and just tracked everywhereso you got these little bit of bumps of thinseteverywhere. And it’s not usually too problematicwith large format tile because you put somuch thinset underneath it anyways. But ifyou were using small mosaic, then you justhave to take a grinder and just grind offthe high ridges. So point being, keep yourpets out of the bathroom for an evening.Okay, so that’s it. This is how you installSchluter DITRA on a wood subfloor in a bathroom.Now if you’re going to be starting a bathroomremodel, you can check out our free videoseries right here. And again, we’ll showyou how to demo your bathroom, put in a newtub, put in the plumbing, and so much more.So again, check that out right here. We knowthat you would love it. It’s free, it’scool, and we’ll answer any questions thatyou have whenever you visit our pages overon Home Repair Tutor.So that is it for today. If you have a questionabout this tutorial, ask it down in the commentssection here because we’d be more than happyto help you out. You can always subscribeto our channel. We come out with a new videoevery single Tuesday, so you can do that aswell. But I’d love for you to sign up forthe free video series if you’re going tobegin a bathroom remodel because I know it’llhelp you out.So that’s it for today. Take care. We’lltalk to you soon.\n"