Is Razer Worth It?

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**The Story of Razer: From Humble Beginnings to Gaming Icon**


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I cannot believe they sell something like this. Like what are you even supposed to do with it? Finger condoms. Heyyyy.

If you're into PC gaming, then you were almost certainly aware of Razer. Now they actually have a longer history than you might expect.

**Razer's Early Days**

Back in 1999, they released their first product, a game most known as the \[insert name]. This marked the beginning of what would become one of the most recognizable brands in the gaming industry.

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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- I cannot believe theysell something like this.Like what are you evensupposed to do with it?Finger condoms.Heyyyy.If you're into PC gaming,then you were almostcertainly aware of Razer.Now they actually have a longer historythan you might expect.Back in 1999, they releasedtheir first product,a game most known as the "Boomslang 1000."As you might imagine withan interesting name like that,Razer didn't exactly lightthe gaming world on fire.And in 2005,the company was actuallyrelaunched as the Razerthat we know today.In 2021, Razer's now becomeone of the biggest playersin the gaming industry.Mainstream companies,such as ASUS and GIGABYTE,now have sub brandsknown as ROG, or AORUS.And they're entirely designedto reach that hardcore gaming audience.Meanwhile, Razer has playedthe Uno reverse card.They've decided to be the game branddetermined to break into the mainstream.And they've done that in some,let's say, interesting ways.Do you remember "Project Breadwinner?"Because I sure don't.I mean, I know that they'veadded April Fools to this,but like, "BREAD TO WIN,""TIS THE SEASON TO BE OP,"man, the marketing teamthat Razer's employingfor the puns is getting paid too much.Razer gold and silver coins,is that a NFT?Wait.Did you guys know that Razeris trying to muscledbrand out of the market?They sell Razer skins.60 bucks for, if I want the mercury skin.Razer also sell smart glasses.Now, this was actuallyan item from Mystery Techthat I have experienced first face-on.It wasn't hands-on, it was, a face-on.I'm gonna admit,I'm usually a fairlydecent fan of Razer stuff.Like most of the stuff is pretty good.These were not good.Here we go.This is the one that Ithink a lot of people know,that mask, the Razer Zephyr.Now, I'm not gonna lie.I want to try one ofthese things, but like,(sighs) God, look at this, look at this,I literally, look, look at all the things.Chairs, wearables, apparels, bags,gear, masks, Sneki Snek,RESPAWN, collabs, Book, Mac.I feel like I can make an entire videojust reacting to Razer stuff.Like what is this?"The Reusable Straw, #STRAWSSUCK,but this one doesn't."Oh, this is interesting.So it's like a boom mic, butit's on a in-ear headset?Well, that's kind of cool.How much is this?A hundred bucks.Or, you know what?That's a product I can kind of get behind.The thing is Razer selltons of other stuff.Like they sell tons of PC components too.Like they just announced thatthey're doing power supplies.They've been selling cases for awhile.Like the size, the breadthof the different amount ofproducts that Razer sells,it's huge.Like, it's probably too much, right?Like I, not exactly expertrunning a hardware company,but I feel it's probably very expensiveto support this many SKUs,this many actual products.This video is sponsored by Cometeer.Boy oh boy,have I been drinking a wholelot more coffee recently.And Cometeer has beenan absolute lifesaver.Most self-made coffee requires set up,brewing and cleanup, which for me,is just way too much time to spend.Cometeer isn't like other coffee.They grind and brewbarista quality coffee,and then flash freeze itto lock in the freshnessto provide a delicious experience.Cometeer also partners withthe best specialty roastersto quickly make deliciouscoffees and lattesfrom different regions all over the world.Just add eight ounces ofhot water with the capsuleor add cold water for an iced coffee.Add milk and you've got yourself a latte.Hey, hey.For a limited time,Cometeer has a special offer for y'all.Right now, you can get $20off your first purchaseby using my link in the description.That is 10 free capsules ofcoffee and always free shipping.So what are you waiting for?Check out the link in the descriptionand a huge thank you to Cometeerfor sponsoring this video.So look, Razer products might be weird,but does that necessarily make them bad?That is a complicated question.If you're thinking about a gaming laptop,sure, yeah, it's probably pretty good.But how about a Razerchair, or Razer plushiesor clothes or straws?I mean, with Razer, they reallywant to expand the brand,which makes sense.When you see Apple, youknow what you're getting.When you see the Supreme logo,you know what you're getting.When you see the threepoint star from Mercedes,you know what you're getting.But when you think about gaming,Razer wants you to think, Razer.Just like how watching this videoshould make you think about subscribingand ringling the dingaling button.Bell, sorry.I consider Razer to be a lotlike high-end car brands.Ask someone who owns aluxury car what they driveand they probably won't tell you it's a"GLE 53 4MATIC+."No, they're gonna tellyou, they drive a Mercedes.Razer wants, and has mostly achieved,being seen in the same way.Odds are, if you ask a gamerwhat accessories they use,they'll simply respond, "Razer,"not the "Huntsman Elite TKL 9,000."Although if you use a TKL board,you're probably thrilledthat someone finallyasked you about it."Finally, I can tell you aboutmy tenkeyless custom lubed switches.Yay."Then this doesn't mean that Razerdoesn't also share someother luxury car DNA,(coughing) being under reliable.Oh, sorry.I need some Cometeer coffeethat could wash that down.But to some people, that'sthe price they'll payto have what theyconsider to be "the best."But the question is, can Razer make thingsthe way that luxury car brands do?Now, if you're a Mercedes,you make everything yourself;the engine, the transmission,the interior, the infotainment system.I mean, you name it.These are bespoke, incrediblyexpensive componentsto develop.A clean sheet modernengine can cost upwards ofa billion dollars todevelop, test and produce.Now, while Razer certainlyhas a history of developinga lot of innovative tech, itis on a far smaller scale,which means that thedifferentiation is a lot harder.There's no AMD or Intelfor engines, right?Car companies have to makethese things themselves,but in the PC side of things,pretty much everyone pullsfrom that same pool of parts.Now, some differentiations,such as when Razer was the first to marketwith that one 120 hertzdisplay on the Razer phone.That's cool.But the thing is, Sharphad that exact same displayin a phone the same year.And a couple of years later,ROG one upped them with a much betterAMOLED 120 hertz display.I mean, in this space,unless you have absolute piles of money,there just simply isn't theroom for true differentiation.Speaking of piles of money, Apple.They really are the onlytech company in the spacethat can truly make different products.That's because Timmy Cook's got that bank.They developed a hugeswath of their own techin a way that Razerjust simply can't match.Think about it like this, right,Apple develops all of their own software.They design the chips thatgo inside their laptops.And they have the scalethat if they want some weirdspecialty screen with a notch,they don't have to go andask for a purchase order.They can buy the whole factoryand it's completely fine.Meanwhile, Razer is justnot on that same level.I mean, they rely on Microsoftfor the software, being Windows.They need AMD or Intel orNvidia to make the chips.And while yes, a lot of timesthey do share some of thesame manufacturing companieslike Quantas or Foxconnthat Apple might use,it is on a completely different scale.And the simple truth is,Razer, as well as prettymuch everyone elsewho's not Apple in the PC industry,have basically the exactsame resources to work with.When Intel has that new chip,everyone's gonna get it at the same time.When Nvidia has a new embargo, guess what?Everyone's gonna launchit exactly at that embargobecause they just don't have the controlover the entire ecosystem thata company like Apple does.It's simply because Razer'snowhere near the same size.But, when you're trying to competeand you want your name tobe synonymous with gamingthe same way that the creativelife is all about being,you know, Apple this and Apple that,it's like bringing a knife to a gunfight,or a knife to a nuke fight, probably.- Or a Razer...- Oh God.(both laughing)This is really why I comeback to the real valuein Razer being the brand.With that same partsbin as everyone else,Razer really has investedin some of the thingsthat they can differentiate themselves in,which is really in the processesand the actual touch andfeel of the products.I mean, think about something likethe incredibly expensiveand time-consumingaluminum CNC milling and anodization,which is really what deliversone of the signaturefeatures of Razer laptops;the smooth, thin and sturdy chassis.While most competitorsare probably spending afew dollars per laptopon like some multi-pieceplastic and metal components.Instead, I know for afact that Apple spendsmany, many times thatfor every Blade laptopthat runs off the assembly line.Look, when you touchand hold a Razer laptop,it feels nice.Just the same way that whenyou touch and hold a MacBookit feels great.And nothing against the Zephyrus G14,which I think is an excellent laptop,one of the best gaming laptops out there,it doesn't quite have thatsame sort of feel in the hand.- It feels quality.- Yeah.- Whether or notyou think it performs thatwell, is another story.- And look, we've hadproblems in the past, right?Like Razer's always,even though their deviceshave always felt good.We've had Razer laptops die on us.We've had batteries die.We've had like straight boardsjust stop working and stuff.If you're at the storeand you look at the,sort of the look and feel of a product,it is hugely importantto that perceived quality of the product.Razer also doesn't dirtyup their designs with like,tons of extra stickers and like,full HD, 144 hertz orwhatever that you seeon most other brands.And yeah, this is a gaminglaptop, but outside of the logo,it's just a black, plain,very thin and simple looking device.- I mean, people want aMacBook on the Windows side,let's be real.- So, is Razer worth it?I mean... yeah?Razer's like the uppermiddle-class of gaming hardware.If you were looking for thebest bang for your buck,you should probably look elsewhere.And likewise, if you wantthe absolute best keyboardor gaming PC around,you're gonna want to buildthat yourself anyway.It's easy to forget as enthusiaststhat most people don't careabout the extremes, right?They just want somethingthat's nice and that just worksand that gives them some styleand gives them some performanceand for that market, Razer, I do believe,delivers pretty solid,slightly expensive productsthat are well-designed andthey work well together.Brands like Apple and Gucciare built on this ideathat when you buy their products,you're buying into the brand as well.And I think Razer's well onthe way to getting there,but it's not as easy, I think,because they have so muchcompetition out there.So, I'm very curious.Let me know in the comments below,is your next laptop going to be sportingthree green snakes on the lid?Or your next chair,or straw,or mask,or mouse pad,or headset,or toaster,or tablet,or phone case,or phone skinor monitor,- Speakers.- speakers?- Did we get 'em all?- We, no we went throughlike one of the categories.There's like seven more,- Ohhhh.- So.(everyone laughing)