**The Art of Brownie Mochi: A Delicious and Unconventional Treat**
Now I'm gonna take my spatula and cut these into little bite-size bits. I would say about an inch square. King Arthur Flour has never steered me wrong. Every single recipe I've tried of theirs has been delicious. So I don't see why their brownie recipe would be any different. I just cut up some squares there. That is 18 squares of brownie. Look at that. That's a beautiful chunk of brownie.
I used a combination of different types of chips. I used milk chocolate, semi-sweet and dark because. So here's the age old question: are you an edge brownie person or are you a center brownie person? I personally like a little bit of edge. I like a little bit of that kind of chewiness that happens. I don't like burnt. I like a little chew, you know? Like this. I mean, here we go. Before we do, yeah.
So good. Rich and buttery, which is essential in my opinion, to a brownie. Chock-full of chocolate chips. So you get that nice kind of crunch of chocolate chips. The brownie itself is chocolaty without being over fudgy or too cake-like. I feel like it's a perfect balance of cakey kind of fudginess.
On the edges, it's slightly chewy. Delicious. I think this is like the perfect portion of a brownie too. Like a one inch little cube. It's aesthetically pleasing because it's so symmetrical and square, but it also is just enough sweetness where you're like, okay, I got my fix.
Phenomenal. Cut like that, they look like little truffles of fudge or something, but they're delicious brownie bits. So now we're gonna take our brownie square and kind of round it out a little bit on the top because we want our mochi to be round, but we don't want to squish the brownie, right? Take a piece of our mochi. Dust off any excess potato starch, take my brownie and then pull the mochi around it.
So I think my mochi pieces are a little bit small. I'm gonna combine them together so that I have better coverage. That's my first one. You can still see the brownie beneath it a little bit. So I'm gonna combine two of these mochi pieces together. So now we're just gonna drop the sides around the brownie. Ah, yeah, that's better.
So for this batch of mochi, we're actually going to make about five of these rather than ten. Da-na! So stinking cute. Yay! My own homemade brownie mochis. Alrighty. I'm gonna continue making these and then we're gonna give these a little taste.
**Tasting the Brownie Mochi**
Alrighty, my lovelies. Here are my finished mochi brownies. Aren't they stinking cute? It's like Kirby, but mochi. So let's go ahead and taste one of these. (triumphant music) Look at that. Ah, that turned out great! I am so happy with how that turned out. Oops!
So cute. All surrounded in pink and squishy. Squishy, squishy, squishy, squishy. Alrighty, let's give this a taste. Itadakimasu! So great. You get the chewy mochi on the outside, which is simultaneously tender yet chewy and in the middle you've got that delightful buttery, rich chocolaty brownie in the middle.
So good. So besides tasting absolutely delicious, I think what this recipe really has got going for it is that contrast of textures. You've got that chewy yet supple exterior of mochi, and then inside, you've got that buttery rich brownie center. So stinking good. Mm. Mm, mm, mm!
An absolutely phenomenal non-traditional take on mochi. Mm! The brownies can be kept about five days at room temperature in a sealed container, but mochi really should be beating the day of making. They taste best fresh.
And I highly recommend you try them because this combination is stellar. Alrighty, my lovelies. Thanks so much for watching and big thanks to Bokksu for sponsoring this video. If you'd like to try Bokksu for yourself, click the link down below and use my code to receive $20 off your subscription. Thanks again for watching. I hope you enjoyed that one. I hope you learned something. Please share this video with your friends.
Follow me on social media, like this video, subscribe, and I shall see you in the next one. Toodaloo, take care. By the way, every day should be mochi day!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(light upbeat music)- Greetings, my beautiful lovelies.It's Emmy.How are you?It's great to see you andwelcome back to my kitchen.Today's video is sponsored by a Bokksu.Bokksu is a monthly subscription servicethat brings premiumJapanese snacks and teasright to your doorstep.It's a wonderful way tolearn about Japanese culture,particularly during these timeswhen we're not doing a lot of traveling,a little bit of Japan comesright to your doorstep.So Bokksu is the onlycompany that partnerswith hundred-plus-year-oldfamily-run companiesthat make snacks so thatyou can get a reallygenuine and authentic experience.So each Bokksu features a new themeand a gourmet journey through Japan.So this is an example ofthe Seasons of Japan Bokksu.So it gives you a littlebit of cultural backgroundalong with the accompaniedseasonal snacks.So it's understood whenyou travel in Japan,you bring back omiyage,which are little souvenirs,little gifts or snacks or treatsthat you give yourcoworkers, your friends,your family of the area you just visited.It's to say that youwere thinking of them,but it's also this kind of obligation,but it's a wonderful wayalso to learn and tasteabout the hyper regionaltreats of an area.So here's examples of some treats.Strawberries.Yuzu Sake candy.A little bit of green tea.These were our favorites.These are the uni senbei.They have a wonderfulbriny marine flavor to themwithout being overly fishy.Absolutely scrumptious.So many treats.Here are some soybean senbei.Hanami dango.Bokksu also reminds me a lotof the country tasting videosI used to do when loveliesused to send me treatsfrom all over around the world.It's just a joy to unbox everythingand then to get a little tasteof all these special treats.So much fun, and it wouldmake the perfect holiday gift.So Bokksu is hosting a giveawaycalled Tickets to Japanand anyone subscribed before December 31stis automatically entered.So if you purchase this as a gift,the gift receiver isautomatically entered.Yay!So if you'd like to tryBokksu for yourself,click the link down below and use my codeto receive $20 off your subscription.Big thanks to Bokksu forsponsoring this video.So today I'm attempting tomake something that I hadfor the first time when I wentto Hawaii three years ago.And I've been thinkingabout it ever since.I am going to be making mochi brownies.So traditionally, mochiis made from glutenousor sticky rice that is steamed,and then pounded into thisreally stretchy pliant dough.It can be served plain,it can be added to soups,or it can be filled with something sweet.We are gonna be doing anon-traditional version of mochiby filling it with brownies.Now, the one that I tastedat Two Ladies Kitchenhas a beautiful, hot pink mochi exteriorwith a beautiful chocolatebrownie in the center.Sounds perfect, right?Let's go ahead and get started.The first thing we're goingto need are some browniesand I love me a good brownieand I like trying new recipes.So I tried King ArthurFlours brownie recipebecause it got rave reviewsand it came together very quickly.It wasn't really fussyin its instructions.And when you're baking at 10o'clock at night, I like that.So I will put a link downbelow to the original recipe.So to make the brownies, in a large bowl,you're gonna combineyour eggs, cocoa powder,your salt, baking powder, espresso powder.You can skip this if you like,but I really recommend it.I feel like it makes chocolaty-erthings taste chocolaty-er.I know it's kind ofcounterintuitive, but it's true.Then you're gonna add your vanillaand beat that all together on medium speedfor about a minute or until everythingis nicely incorporated.In a small sauce pan,you're gonna combine yourbutter and your sugar.And you're going to putthis on a medium low heatuntil your butter is completely melted.Really stir this together.We want to melt the sugar into the butterand the recipe recommends getting it upto about 110 degrees Fahrenheit.Once your butter is meltedand the sugar is combined,we're gonna add this tothe chocolate egg mixture.Next we're gonna add our flourand then fold in our chocolate chips.Then pour this into abuttered nine by 13 inch panand bake at 350 degreesfor about 28 to 32 minutes.The way you check and seeif the brownies are doneis you take a toothpick andkind of flick up the top layerand see if you can see any crumbs.If it's fudgy and rawlooking, continue baking it.You don't wanna over-bake your brownies.Once your brownies are done,take them out of theoven and immediately takea butter knife and go aroundthe perimeter of the brownie.The recipe recommendsdoing this so we can avoida big slump in the middle of our brownies.So allow them to coola bit before serving.I did this last night becauseit's important to havea fully cooled brownie before we attemptto wrap the mochi around them.Now we're ready to make the mochi portion.By the way, this recipe isthe same recipe that I usedin my mochi brownie recipe,and it was inspired by Cooking with Dog.Again, I'll put links down below.First, we're gonna add ourmochiko, or our mochi flour.This is sweet glutenous rice flour,specifically for mochi making.I like Koda Farms.Again, I'll put links down below.Next, we're gonna add some sugar.Whisk that together.And now we're gonna add water.So we're gonna mix thisbefore we even cook it.Now I'm going to be cookingthis in the microwave.If you don't have a microwave,you can also do this overa pot of steaming water.So this is kind of a shortcut methodbecause we're using rice flour.Traditionally, you would makethis using cooked sticky ricethat would be mashed and pounded.And if you haven't seen how that's done,I'll put a link downbelow to my mochi maker,which is pretty amazing.It steams the rice and pounds it.So now I'm gonna take somewater on a pastry brush,and I'm gonna wash downthe sides of the bowlso that I don't haveany flour on the sides.Now we're gonna take some plasticwrap and lightly cover it.Not too tight.Alrighty, so now we're gonna pop thisinto a 600 watt microwave for two minutes.If the wattage of yourmicrowave is higher,then reduce the power accordingly.Now I had a bit of a brainfart and I forgot to adda little bit of pink food coloring.We want to make this nice and hot pink,but I think I can stilladd it at this step.deep pink, one little squirtand see how that goes.So this is actually notsolidified, so I think I'm okay.This should be a lot more solid.So I am going to microwave this again.So I'm back and I putthe power level at sevenfor one minute.Let's see how it looks.All right.That looks much better.See how it's like a dough?That's what we're looking for.Alrighty, so give this a stir.But it's still a little bit opaque.Do you see that?So we need to cook it a little bit longer,but give it a good mash andmix to incorporate the partsthat are cooked withthe parts that are not.We're gonna cover itagain and microwave itfor one more minute.Now we're going to use a wooden spatulathat's been dampened with some water.Oh yeah.Look how bouncy that is.Look how delightful that is.It's like pink bubblegum.We're gonna mush this around to build upthe kind of elastic-ness.I've got a rimmed bakingtray that is dustedwith a bunch of potato starch.And I'm gonna dump oursticky mochi right onto that.Kind of form this into a log.And we're gonna cut this into nine pieces.Can shape each mochi into a little ball.Look at that.Look how stinking cute!Here are my finished brownies.And I thought it wouldbe a good idea to line itwith some parchment paperso that I could removethe brownies very easily like this.But what I noticed while baking,my brownie paper inadvertently foldedonto my finished brownies, andthen I had to peel it back.So this part of my brownie doesn't havethat beautiful flaky crustytop that is a signature,in my opinion, to a good brownie.Now I'm gonna take myspatula and cut theseinto little bite-size bits.I would say about an inch square.King Arthur Flour hasnever steered me wrong.Every single recipe I've triedof theirs has been delicious.So I don't see why their brownie recipewould be any different.I just cut up some squares there.That is 18 squares of brownie.Look at that.That's a beautiful chunk of brownie.I used a combination ofdifferent types of chips.I used milk chocolate,semi-sweet and dark because.So here's the age old question.Are you an edge brownie personor are you a center brownie person?I personally like a little bit of edge.I like a little bit of thatkind of chewiness that happens.I don't like burnt.I like a little chew, you know?Like this.I mean, here we go.Before we do, yeah.Mm.So good.Rich and buttery, which isessential in my opinion,to a brownie.Chock-full of chocolate chips.So you get that nice kind ofcrunch of chocolate chips.The brownie itself is chocolatywithout being over fudgyor too cake-like.I feel like it's aperfect balance of cakeykind of fudginess.On the edges, it's slightly chewy.Delicious.I think this is like the perfectportion of a brownie too.Like a one inch little cube.It's aesthetically pleasingbecause it's so symmetrical and square,but it also is just enoughsweetness where you're like,okay, I got my fix.Phenomenal.Cut like that,they look like little trufflesof fudge or something,but they're delicious brownie bits.So now we're gonna take our brownie squareand kind of round it outa little bit on the topbecause we want our mochi to be round,but we don't want tosquish the brownie, right?Take a piece of our mochi.Dust off any excess potato starch,take my brownie and thenpull the mochi around it.So I think my mochi piecesare a little bit small.I'm gonna combine them togetherso that I have better coverage.That's my first one.You can still see the browniebeneath it a little bit.So I'm gonna combine two ofthese mochi pieces together.So now we're just gonna dropthe sides around the brownie.Ah, yeah, that's better.So for this batch of mochi,we're actually gonnamake about five of theserather than 10.Da-na!So stinking cute.Yay!My own homemade brownie mochis.Alrighty.I'm gonna continue making theseand then we're gonna givethese a little taste.(light upbeat music)Alrighty, my lovelies.Here are my finished mochi brownies.Aren't they stinking cute?It's like Kirby, but mochi. (giggles)So let's go ahead and taste one of these.(triumphant music)Look at that.Ah, that turned out great!I am so happy with how that turned out.Oops!So cute.All surrounded in pink and squishy.Squishy, squishy, squishy, squishy.Alrighty, let's give this a taste.Itadakimasu!So great.You get the chewy mochi on the outside,which is simultaneously tender yet chewyand in the middle you'vegot that delightful buttery,rich chocolaty brownie in the middle.So good.So besides tasting absolutely delicious,I think what this recipereally has got going for itis that contrast of textures.You've got that chewy yetsupple exterior of mochi,and then inside,you've got that butteryrich brownie center.So stinking good.Mm.Mm, mm, mm!An absolutely phenomenalnon-traditional take on mochi.Mm!The brownies can be kept aboutfive days at room temperaturein a sealed container,but mochi really should beeating the day of making.They taste best fresh.And I highly recommend you try thembecause this combination is stellar.Alrighty, my lovelies.Thanks so much for watchingand big thanks to Bokksufor sponsoring this video.If you'd like to try Bokksu for yourself,click the link down below anduse my code to receive $20 offyour subscription.Thanks again for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media,like this video, subscribe.And I shall see you in the next one.Toodaloo, take care.Bye!!(light upbeat music)Every day should be mochi day.\n"