Leather ping pong net w_ lasers, 3D printing, & Bob Clagett _ How to

I'll See You Guys in a Minute!

Evan and Katelyn were excited to start their new project, a leather ping pong net with adjustable 3D printed brackets. They were joined by Bob from "I Like to Make Stuff," who would be guiding them through the build process. Evan and Katelyn explained that they wanted a ping pong table with storage built underneath it and some LEDs embedded in it, but they realized that a regular old net wouldn't be able to handle their requirements.

The team decided to use these same brackets on any table, turning it into a ping pong table. Before starting the build, they conducted some tests to ensure they didn't burn down Bob's house. They would be cutting leather using a laser, which was a new experience for them. The main concern was that the rubber cement wouldn't catch on fire, as their design required perfectly lined-up holes in the net.

To start the project, Evan and Katelyn used old rubber cement to test its properties. However, they quickly realized they would need a new can of adhesive because the old one didn't seem to be working effectively. After applying the new adhesive, they applied it to the two surfaces they wanted to bond, let it dry, then pushed them together. Evan expressed his surprise at how well the cement worked, saying "It's solid!!"

Next, Evan and Katelyn decided to fold the leather over and add some creases to it. Bob instructed them to hammer the area gently to create a good crease. After applying more pressure, they found that the leather was taking shape nicely. The team was making great progress, but there were still challenges ahead.

The First Cut

Evan and Katelyn started their laser cutting experience by trying out the Bargecement, which is the adhesive used in the design. They wanted to see if it would catch on fire when applied to a surface. This was an unknown variable, as the design required perfectly lined-up holes in the net. However, after applying the adhesive and cutting through both layers at the same time, they successfully completed their first cut.

Testing the Leather

Evan and Katelyn were now ready to start working with the leather. They began by applying more adhesive and folding it over to test its properties. Bob joined in on the action, adding his expertise to the project. Evan expressed his surprise at how well the leather was taking shape, saying "It's solid!!" As they continued to work on the leather, they were confident that their design would come together nicely.

The Final Product

After conducting all their tests and working through the build process, Evan and Katelyn had successfully created a leather ping pong net with adjustable 3D printed brackets. They were excited to put it to the test and show off their finished product. Bob provided guidance throughout the project, sharing his expertise and tips along the way.

The team was thrilled to have completed their project and couldn't wait to share it with others. Evan and Katelyn explained that they would be posting a full build video on Bob's channel, where viewers could learn how to make their own ping pong table using these same brackets. The final product was a unique and functional piece of equipment that combined style and functionality.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI'll see you guys in a minute!You're gonna have to crouch down more.Ah there you go!Alright alright.Oh my gosh this is terrifying.Hahaha!Hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn!And I'm Bob at I Like to Make Stuff!And today we're making a leather ping pongnet with adjustable 3D printed brackets.I wanted a ping pong table that had some storagebuilt underneath it and some LEDs embeddedin it, and that just could not handle a regularold net, so these guys helped out.To see that build video head over to Bob'schannel, and if you don't have a ping pongtable or a Bob to build you one, then youcan take these same brackets and put themon any table, turning them into a ping pongtable.Let's go!Oh!I hit it!Look how much taller I am than this guy.haha this net is gonna be made of leather3d printed parts and and some hardware.were gonna focus on the leather first butbefore we do the full thing were gonna dosome tests so that we don't burn bob's housedown.So were gonna be cutting this on the laserwhich we have never used.the thing that were testing is that the Bargecement doesn't catch on fire that's the bigunknown.because our design required the holes in thenet to be perfectly lined up, we wanted tobe able to fold our leather in half with therubber cement and then cut through both layersat the same time.the inaugural first cut.go for it we started with old rubber cementbut quickly realized we would need a new can.So here is the old stuff that you can do thatwith.Haha, that doesn't seem right!It's solid!!AHH.Don't know what I expected!To use the adhesive we applied it to the twosurfaces that we wanted to bond, let it dry,then pushed them together.Ok, we're going to fold it over.Don't mind this ugly part, that was the oldstuff.Can I... can I hammer it?Yeah that actually give it a good crease!Hammer it again?Bob's gonna be like \"what are you guys hammering,I thought you were just folding a piece ofleather?\"Leather sandwich.Smells like contact cement.So, we just need to let this dry for a couplehours and then we can test it!It's time!Oh wait, we need to turn on the blower!Ahh turn on the blower now!Thank you!Oh yeah it's going.Those tiny flames are ok?Smash the glass!Bob, this wasn't expensive was it?The etch is looking really good!Yeah.Can I poke it?Oh it didn't go through!Well, we'll test it again.So success, and failure.Success because it didn't catch on fire.Failure because it did not cut through allthe way.We can swap between speed and power, it'sjust a balance of more passes with low power,slower with higher power, or any combination.So we're going to try and run it one moretime on a higher power.But the etching worked well!Yeah the etching worked great, that's awesome!Ooh, get it get it!Ahhh!Moment of truth!Take 2.Oop, ahhh nooo dang it still didn't cut though.Man!Full full full power at 125 speed.Ookay!It definitely did not work.Ahh dangit.I thought this would be the easy part.Hello there.We're going to talk about net designs andwhy ours didn't work.Keep on going!The first design relied on us cutting throughboth layers of leather at the same time becauseit had to be aligned perfectly, that didn'twork, so Bob came up with an idea that allowedus more wiggle room and didn't have to bealigned exactly.So you end up like this and they end up crossing,making a pattern.Is that right?We could maybe do a block of diagonal andthen like a break and then a block of diagonalsand then a break every 12 inches or so.So then we would not have to align them perfectly.Or we could just fill the net with crazy faces.Not a bad idea.That is true, we do have that as a vector!So that is what we've designed here.We tested the design on another scrap pieceto see if it would work.It should theoretically line up.One thing to think about here is that if wecover the entire back surface with barge thiswill be covered in barge.It will kinda look like a dog slobbered onit and it dried.Haha, is that the look you want?I mean it will look gross at first but thenafter that it will probably be fine.We could test that too, on a little scrappiece and see if like.Test it on this one.Yeah.Oh, this has been sinking.Next we moved on to printing the clamps thatwill hold the net on to the table.Ready to go?What will I be saying?We need to say like...This is future Evan here with a working clamp.I'm going to explain how it works so thatthe stuff we're doing in the coming scenemakes sense.That was good!This is what we're going to be making throughoutthis montage of videos that hopefully willmake sense.We have the main body right here we have thesupport right here we have this plate herewhich swivels and applies clamping force tothe ping pong table and you slide your netdown right here and put this little cap ontop and then you tighten this nut right hereto hold it in place.If you need to tension your net you can pullit back a little bit, tension it, tightenthe bottom thumb nut and it's good to go!OMG you're so smart you thought of everything.I think you're cute!We used the MOARstruder to print most of ourparts.It extrudes a lot more filament than the usualprint head so it's faster and stronger.Nice.This is weighty!I'm not sure if it's fully beefy.But its definitely weighty.Supports right here, I kinda just want todo all of them but I also want to get a goodvideo of it.Is this a good video time?Mmm probably not.So we want to have a thread in here so thatwe can lock this against the table so we'regoing to embed this brass threaded insertand its heat set so I have this solderingiron and I'm very carefully going to put thison and when you insert this in it starts meltingeverything and you see this part right herethat has knurl?When it cools, the plastic hardens aroundthe knurl and it really locks it in and preventsit from rotating or anything.We've not done this before.I've done this before.Oh, you've done this before?Yeah, for work!The heck.The heck, I did this without you!You did it without me!Whoa!There it goes!It's sinking!Thats so cool!And then, ha, oh my gosh that's so cool!We test fit our hex bolt into it and it works!So this is the main body of our net clampbut we're going to reinforce it with somemetal rod.We probably don't have to because the MOARstruderis pretty beefy but just to be safe... andto cut some metal.I just realized that when I was measuringhow much metal we needed I measured for one.We have this much left over.How do you feel about a sub par product Bob?Some sweet moves!I don't know.Whether or not it's going to break?Yeah.3D prints are often not quite as accurateas your model so the holes for our metal rodwere a little too tight.We first tried drilling them out but the drillwas not long enough to reach the middle.Yeah thats going to split.It's going to split in the middle?It didn't drill all the way thought.I wanna try it.It's totally going to split.Oh no, pop.You're going to have to break it.Go ahead and smack it though and it's goingto split the part apart.Oh wow.Or did we is it in there now?It's in there, there is some slight layerseparation right here.There is a slight bulge.That's actually not too bad though.It's so heavy!I know.You could leave a gap in it.Oh right there.In that section.Because this can reach.So there would just be a slight gap rightthere.OR we could drill it and then in the centerwhere it's hidden we could have the hole bebigger.Yeah I mean really the hole only needs tobe tight on the outside yeah just to holdit in for a press fit yeah.I think that might do it.We tried test fitting some more pieces but...nope ooh boy that's quite broken.So we have test fit all of these parts andlearned a lot and we're going to have to reprintalmost every single one of them.These two were too snug of a fir because theMOARstruder puts out so much filament it messeswith the tight tolerances I had.This guy right here, I'm going to make hima little bit longer just in case over timethe net sags, it can be stretched out a littlebit more and pulled nice and taut.This guy right here I just messed up the height.I just made it the wrong height.I have no excuses!But other than that I mean this guy is good.We got our new pieces printing and turnedour attention back to the leather.Ready?First up was cutting it into a long rectanglethat was twice the height we needed for thenet.Yayy great job ooo ooo.So here is the piece of leather and we'regoing to have one two three patterns cut right?Yup.So we're going to cut this, move it in, cutthat.If we use painters tape around this we alignthe laser with that box, it should cut rightwhere we want.Ooky dooky so be very careful because thistape is not the stickiest.Ahhh there is a tripod in the way.Ok so you may be wondering how we're goingto fit this into the glowforge.We set up all these registration marks andwe're going to use those to feed it throughand do one block of pattern at a time.You ready for this jelly?I'm going to re-straighten this a bit butthat's ok.Hey.Bleeeh.We made some wood guides to keep the leatherstraight because if we messed up these cuts,we'd be like: well i guess we're making anet out of wood.we've got EVA foam, we've got saran wrap.saran wrap net!now lets load up the design file and crossour fingers ok you ready it's button pushingtime.yeah push the button!you ready?do it!oh ventilation!ventilation!run!let's see how well this did.nice!like little pieces of bacon.bacon strips bacon strips lets um scooch itback and do another.this board right here this is gonna help usfeed this through k i've got a hold on theleather alright i think we're good right herealright we are ready for roundthis is it last piece nice it's gonna be areal net do we wanna do a preview of the fold?no, it's not time.goodnight hahaha.one, two, first we removed all the tape fromthe leather.it seems like sometimes they're playing likea stomping game all children their entirelives are playing a stomping game the tapeleft the leather looking a little rustic leatherwas taken from indiana jones journal so authenticbut luckily we could rub the marks away oooooomaybe if we kind of pre-crease it that willwill help a little bit it was kind of nervewracking knowing we had one shot to get thisglue up right i just don't wanna like i knowget to a point and be like oh no ahhh scrapit we're going back to saran wrap net justadds a little bit of character character,that's what we were going for with our precisionlaser cutting haha it's like a marketing termwhen the machine didn't work.built in character generator!yeah those look really cool well we kindahave like a crease which should give us likea starting point.flip.shall we barge let's barge hahaha want meto do it yes engage nervous laughter modeoooo it's like cheese i don't know what kindof cheese booger cheese yeah I think likesinus infection a thin coat of boogers lookat you getting fancy!oh jeez oh no katelyn get that fix that ohjeez oh cheesus!i have minutes worth of experience doing this.minutes!we're pretty well covered yeah I think sotoo oh my gosh boogers in your hair ahh hahahanow we wait two coats we were thinking aboutit so we were testing this piece right hereso go ahead and pull that apart errrr yeahyeah you're good and I already ripped thatpiece no you didn't I totally ripped thisI loosened it for you yeah so I think we shouldbe ok we did hammer that one pretty well soi'll start in the center we can kind of likehold it in an almost touching state here andthere ok it has begun ahh this is going okhahaha everything's worked so far ooo ooolook at this it's like we knew what we weredoing can you get that spot right there thatthat little little oh right here yeah thatlooks really cool i know it looks awesomethat was way more not bad than i feared i'vebeen stressing about this cause it's one pieceof leather that little roller is nice hehheh heh heh ahhh this is awesome let's trythis cool beans hammer ooo it is getting flatteryeah look at that i feel like a leather smiththat is a nice edgewith our net drying we went to help Bob withthe ping pong table good job Bob you haveto go check out his video the table is awesomeand has built in storage, LEDs and it's reallyfancy because it's all made of wood.we had so much fun working on it togetherand we'll have a link below so you can checkit out does Bob always make you do the dirtywork? heh heh heh he offered.so smooth.our new prints had a space in the middle ofthe long run where we needed to drill ourclearance for our metal rods.we didn't try to mess with the inner diameterbecause it was better for it to be a littlebit small than a little bit too big.ah yay oh jeez that is rigid with a capitalR oh it's a face look nice this is going reallywell we also printed larger thumb nuts foreasier clamp tightening.yeah nice yay next we cut the threaded rodfor the vertical post when it's first cutthe threads get all messed up but grindingdown the edge makes them usable again ah stilltoo tight this looks like a thing looks likea thing oh we need the thing ok so the thingis the new plate and spin nut we printed,the piece that pushes against the table whenclamping that's quite broken the one we brokeearlier seems like it really doesn't wannago in there lets see if we can persuade itooo i was too hopeful ooo aww come out wehad already tried printing like three of theseso it was time to try a different approachso i found a way to easily hey quiet downhahaha I just realized too that my idea won'twork this is too fat oh dang it haha waitwait there's another bit there's another bitmeow meow meow meow... let's see i think thatmight be it don't wanna jinx it but i feeldecent about this oh boy ooo it sounds crunchyooo it works thank goodness, this little guyhas been a little bit of a pain in the butt.so now we put this guy right here thread thisthrough here yay awesome so that raises upand clamps onto things pretend this is theside of a ping pong table yeah if that wasa ping pong table that would totally be clampedonto it hahaha it looks great oh wow thisis actually bob look try pulling the 3d printoff wow i know it's pretty good it's prettygood that's awesome so it is friday the fifthday of project making things are going prettywell we're about to reveal our net hopefullyeverything turns out good cause we only haveone piece of leather and if it doesn't wedon't really have a project so cool feelspretty strong still smells like barge stillsmells like barge it's not sticky anymoreit's not sticky but it's still kind of likeit like boogers up oh Bob's looks really goodthe Booger Master that's what they calledme in high school yeah it goes away cool sothe Barge dried a little bit shiny so we'rejust gonna scuff it up with a screwdriverthat actually looks really good haha i knowright cool ok we'll get started on the nextcuts good luck with the LEDs we waited tilthe ping pong table was ready to cut our netto its final dimensions alright i'm not sureif i'm in frame you're not we are going tofigure out where we need to cut this ok ihave a little over an inch right here thetension on my fingers so we measured the marksthat we made and it's sixty nine inches butwhen you measure the distance between theseposts it's seventy and a half so that's aninch and a half stretch so that's why we measuredit physically instead of just doing it theoretically.see if I got it in one go.now we'll get the long one dancing in thestreets such good dancing ok so just so thatwe cut this completely straight we're gonnameasure up 5 inches and then we will marka line and then we'll cut it with this.quick thanks to our patreon supporters!if you wanna check out our patreon perks likethe full hour long rough cut of this videogo to patreon dot com slash evan and katelyn.thanks!ooo alright that looks good we cut the netheight down to the five and a half incheswe had markedwe noticed the corners hit the post so wesnipped em down next we'll make a leatherloop on each side to attach the net to theposts we looped around some scrap leatherto get the right size wow it looks reallygood ultimately we're gonna hand stitch theleather but we wanted to reinforce it withsome more barge mark a line mark a line rightthere and then you put the tape on blue tapegot the blues we're running low on time sothe coats they will be light ooo that's prettyok yeah that will work i just think you'recute i think you're the cutest well i can'targue with you when you use that voice yougot booger strings thanks for getting my boogerstrings i'm always doing booger checks foryou cause i can see up your nose we peeledoff the tape before the glue got too dry after30 minutes it was basically dry enough toclamp together.it's like a leather sandwich which is kindof like burger which is a weird thing to sayfeels nice lets see if it fits it should it'squite snug snug is good is that one good toothis one's good too next was another firstfor us.hand stitching leather having a little leatherpoking device thing helped a lot first wejust used it to mark the places we wantedour stitching so glad you stayed miked soglad let's hammer this it's hammer time thenwe hammered it through the leather to makethe holes it helps to have some scrap woodto hammer intoa lesson in cross stitching leather we wantthis to be crisscrosses but on both sidesso what we're gonna do is go across the topand then skip every other one doing diagonallyall the way down one the bottom and then doit all the way back up the top that's howyou get x's on both sides.yay this is literally the final step y'allwe used a wax coated string cord string cordthat we got at Tandy leather and it felt reallysturdy hey bob can we borrow your thumbs realquick can we borrow your thumbs real quick?two one go thank you first test fit is gonice move back yeah hahaha am i in it?somebody get me some coffee please?hahaha don't mess up our net bob it's tooshort now there's tension that we can applyand now tighten the bottom nut uh oh thatpiece snap off yeah that little piece we'llbe right back ping pong drama ping pong dramashould be good enough take two alright shouldwe play a game lets play some ping pong tryingto get fancy!swing and a miss!take you one on two c'mon ok ok I'll see youguys in a minute thank you guys for watchinghope you like this video and if you haven'tsubscribed to bob's channel yet what are youdoing we've gotten so much inspiration fromhim and he really helped us figure out whatwe wanted to do on YouTube and we're gonnamake him do the aftershow with is which iswhere we talk about all the behind the scenesstuff that didn't make it into this videoso if you wanna check that out go to patreondot com slash evan and katelyn alright guysthanks for watching bye hahaha berp a derpa derp a derr ahh ah ow oh no did you turnyour mic on i did wow i'm not filming youare filming i need a picture you're filming!decent don't do that it's a little bit touchingin the middle shh no one was gonna say thatflatten myself like a hamster alrighty weare normal we are weird just set it here there'sthere's boogers can we make you a laser cutsign that says booger master it's kinda justlike going in cut it into leather and coverit with barge hahaha that's super gross\n"