Streamlabs Obs Cloudbot Timers And Commands - Chatbot Tutorial [2020]

**Streamlabs OBS Master Course: Enabling Custom Commands**

To enable custom commands on your Streamlabs OBS channel, follow these steps:

1. **Create a New Paste**: Go to Create New Paste and it will be created. Then copy your URL.

2. **Copy the URL**: Copy the URL and when people go to this URL, they will just see a list with all your commands.

**Step 1: Add Custom Commands**

* Open Streamlabs OBS and go to Custom.

* I already added exclamation mark commands so I will open the editor.

* Make a new command exclamation mark commands and then in response, you can add my commands are and then the link to your Pastebin file.

* Click Done.

**Step 2: Test the Commands**

* Go to your Twitch profile and in chat, let's type exclamation mark commands.

* We get a new private message from Streamlabs saying "thevideonerds my commands" and a link to my Pastebin.

* This way you can send people links without spamming them in chat for everyone.

**Step 3: Add Quotes**

* Another fun command to use in your stream is the exclamation mark quote command.

* In the default tab right here, you can see it triggers a random or specific quote.

* You can add quotes to your Cloudbot right here in quotes.

* For example, I stream Overwatch so I made a quote, "it's time for a whole hog and then die, die, die."

* These are two quotes used by heroes in Overwatch.

**Step 4: Add the Eight Ball Command**

* Another fun command is the eight ball command but you need to enable it because it's a little game.

* When we go in Streamlabs to modules, we can see eight ball right here, eight ball game.

* You can enable this and then in the preferences, you can add a list of answers but there is already a list of default answers.

**Step 5: Add Error Messages**

* The last thing for the commands that I need to explain is the setting step.

* These are actually error messages.

* For example, the cooldown message when you go to your commands and you edit them, you can see in the advanced step that you can add a global cooldown.


Which commands will you use or will you set up for your stream? Let us know in the comments so everyone can get some inspiration for new commands for their stream. This was only one guide in the Streamlabs OBS master course, if you're interested in more Streamlabs OBS guides, click on this code to go to the playlist of the Streamlabs OBS master course and if you like the video, please like it and share it with someone who would be interested in the content, subscribe to my channel and don't forget to turn on the notification bell so I will see you in my next video, have a good day.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Setting up timers andcommands is really notthat difficult and thereare a few interesting thingsyou can do with it so let'sset them up right now.(upbeat music)What's up everyone, Jellehere with The Video Nerdand welcome to theStreamlabs OBS master course.If you haven't linked theStreamlabs OBS Cloudbotto your Twitch accountyet, go to Streamlabs,then go to Cloudbots.On this page, you can enable the Cloudbotand actually the only thing you need to dois give moderation rights to Streamlabs.So go to your chat andtype slash mod Streamlabsand then you get a messageyou have added Streamlabsas a moderator of this channel.So what are timers exactly?Timers are like scheduledmessages which you scheduleto be posted in yourstream every interval.Let's set up a Twittertimer as an example.So right here, you cango to the timer step.So let's add a new timer andcall it Twitterpromotion.So this is just a name foryour timer and that responseis what will be posted in chat.So follow me on Twitter,, then interval,this is how many minutesthe timer should wait to post it again.So let's say every 30 minutesand then an important thingthat not everyone understandsis the line minimum.Now what is this?Let's say that the timerposts a message right now,follow me on Twitch,then 30 minutes later,it will want to post itagain because we set it upto post every 30 minutes.Now before posting, itwill check how many linesof text have been posted in the chatsince the previous message.If you set the lineminimum to for example 15,then it will not post anext Twitter promotionunless there have been postedat least 15 lines of text.This is to make sure that yourchat doesn't look like this,promotion then someonesays hi, hey, good streamand then again, promotion andthen no one posts in the chatand 30 minutes later,there is a promotion again.So this is to make surethat your chat isn't filledwith promotion messages.Let's save the timer rightnow and then every 30 minutes,this message will beposted in your Twitch chatif there are 15 minimum lines of textsince the last promotion post.So this is very interestingbut what if someone wantsto follow you on Twitterand there is no linkin your Twitch description?He will probably use theexclamation mark Twitter commandbecause a lot of people use this.To set that up, let's go tocommands and then right here,you see that I already madeone but I will delete it.Confirm, okay and wewill make a new command.So click on Add Commandand then exclamation mark,Twitter then a response for example,this is my Twitter link,,okay, then you can choosewhere the reply should be.So chat then the bot will justpost a message in chat sayingthis line right here butyou can also choose whisperand then the person that uses the commandwill get a private messagewith this text in it.So let's take chats right now to test itand then you can give permissionto regular subscribers,moderators or to all of them.Let's click Done andthen check the command.So right here in chat,exclamation mark Twitterand Streamlab says this is my Twitter linkwith a link to my Twitter.To get inspiration for your own commands,you can first take alook at the default tabso under commands we arenow in the custom tab,here is a default tab.When we go to there, wecan see a list of commandsand these are the defaultcommands made by Streamlabs.So take a look at all ofthem and get some inspirationfor your own commands, youcan disable these commandsand you can also edit themand change the commands,the response and the failed response.So if you make a certaincommand and you make itonly available to subscribers and someonewho didn't subscribetries to use a command,he will get a failedresponse which you can set upfor example, you have norights to use this command.Another interesting thing you can dois adding multiple triggersto one certain command.So for example, right here,we have the exclamation markpermit command to give a viewerpermission to post a link.Let's say you want to addexclamation mark allow.You can do this by editing this command,going to Advanced and then youcan make an alias right here,I already made one, let's delete it,you just type exclamationmark allow, add aliasand then this is added so youcan now trigger this commandwith exclamation mark permitbut also with exclamation mark allow.Then in the variable step,you can find the variablesthat you can use in your command's output.Now some people think this is complicatedbut it really isn't so wellwe'll make a new commandwith you guys to show youhow this works exactly.Let's say we want to make anexclamation mark hello commandthat gives the viewer a personal answer.To do that, go to Custom,click Add Commandsand type exclamation mark hello.Now the response should be hello, commaand then we need to addthe name of the persontriggering the command.Now to do that, click Donefor now, go to variablesand then under customcommands, for example,you can find where is it?Okay, right, replaces variablewith the viewer's name.So when we copy this, Control+ C or Command + C on a Macand then we go back to customcommands to our hello command,we edit it and then righthere after the comma,we add exclamation mark, okay?We press Done and nowwhen we test the commandexclamation mark hello,it will say hello, thevideonerdyoutubebecause I am the onewho triggered the command.This is a very easy examplebut they all work the same,just take a look at thevariables and think aboutall the things you can do with it to makeyour own personalcommands for your stream.Now of course, once you'vemade all your commands,you want a way to tell the viewerwhich commands they can use.To do this, you should make a command listand an easy way to do thatis to do it with Pastebin.So open Google Chrome,go to, okay?And then right here, youcan make a new paste.So you add a list of all your commands,exclamation mark help,exclamation mark Twitterand you add what this does.So you make a completelist and then after that,you just press Create New Pasteand then it will be createdand right here, you can copy your URL.So copy it and then whenpeople go to this URL,they will just see a listwith all your commands.So go back to StreamlabsOBS and then go to Customand right here, I already added it,exclamation mark commandsso I will open the editor.So just make a new commandexclamation mark commandsand then in response, youcan add my commands areand then the link to your Pastebin file.Now right here, I addedto reply in a whisperso this is a good way to show you guys.So click Done and then Iwill go to my Twitch profileand then in chat, let's typeexclamation mark commandsand we get a new privatemessage from Streamlabs sayingthevideonerds my commandsand a link to my Pastebin.This way you can send peoplelinks without spamming themin chat for everyone.Another fun command to use in your streamis the exclamation mark quote command.So in the default tab righthere, you can see it triggersa random or specific quote.And you can add quotes to your Cloudbotright here in quotes.So for example, I streamOverwatch so I made a quote,it's time for a whole hogand then die, die, die.These are two quotes usedby heroes in Overwatch.So when we go to chat and wetype exclamation mark quote,it will give one ofthe quotes so right nowit was quote two, die, die, die, die.When I do it again,exclamation mark quote,okay, it blocks me fromsending too many messagesbut you get it, it's random.When you add 30 quotes, it willalways be a different quote.So that's really interestingfor your stream I think.Then another fun commandis the eight ball commandbut you need to enable itbecause it's a little game.So when we go in Streamlabs to modules,we can see eight ball righthere, eight ball game.So you can enable this andthen in the preferences,you can add a list ofanswers but there is alreadya list of default answers.So how does this work?People can ask the eight balla question, so in your chat,you can type exclamation mark eight balland then for example,am I a good youtuber?And then it will answer,hmmmm, I don't know,feels good man.So it will always be arandom answer of the listin the preferences.These are really good answersI think because they fitwith almost every question.So this is fun, let viewers knowthat you have the eightball, let them ask questions,laugh together, it's amazingfor interaction on your stream.Then the last thing for thecommands that I need to explainis the setting step.And these are actually error messages.For example, the cooldown messagewhen you go to yourcommands and you edit them,you can see in the advancedstep that you can adda global cooldown.So what this does if you make this five,then when one user uses thiscommand and another usertries to use it within fiveminutes, it will not workbecause it's on global cooldown.If you add a usercooldown, then of course,this only works for one userbut if you set a globalcooldown right here,I will delete it, let's sayyou set it to five minutes,two minutes later, someone uses it again,then right here in these settings,you can add a cooldown messageso when someone tries acommand that is still on globalor on user cooldown, hewill get this messageto tell him he can't use the command yet.Same with cost message,when someone uses a commandthat costs currency and he or shedoesn't have enough currency,it will post an error messageif you enable this and ofcourse, same with permission,if someone tries to use acommand that is only permittedto moderate it forexample, then of course,there will also be amessage if you enable this.There are many options when itcomes to timers and commandsso really, your imagination is the limit.Which commands will you useor will you set up for your stream?Let us know in the commentsso everyone can get some inspirationfor new commands for their stream.This was only one guide in theStreamlabs OBS master course,if you're interested inmore Streamlabs OBS guides,click on this,this code to go to the playlistof the Streamlabs OBS master courseand if you like the video,please like it and share itwith someone who would beinterested in the content,subscribe to my channel and don't forgetto turn on the notification bellso I will see you in mynext video, have a good day.