How to Mix Modern and Vintage Decor _ Style Scientist _ HGTV Handmade

Mixing Modern and Vintage Pieces: A Guide to Creating a Unique Space

Hello everyone, and welcome back to StyleScientists! I'm Kiva, your host for today's episode where we'll be exploring the world of mixing modern and vintage pieces. As we all know, creating a unique space that reflects our personal style can be a daunting task, but with the right techniques and tips, you can achieve a look that is both eclectic and stylish.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when mixing modern and vintage pieces is that vintage doesn't have to mean 1600s. Vintage can mean anything from the 50s, the 60s, or even the 70s. When it comes to combining modern and vintage elements, you want to focus on creating a look that is cohesive and visually appealing. This means choosing pieces that share similar colors, patterns, or textures, and placing them in a way that creates visual interest.

To get started, let's talk about the importance of repeat. Repeat refers to repeating patterns, colors, and textures throughout your space. When you repeat these elements, it helps to create a sense of cohesion and continuity, which is essential for creating a unique look. For example, if you're using a vintage rug in one room, consider using similar rugs or patterns in other rooms to create a cohesive look.

Another key element to consider when mixing modern and vintage pieces is layering. Layering involves placing different elements on top of each other to create depth and visual interest. This can be done by stacking furniture, layering rugs, or even combining different textures and patterns. By layering these elements, you can create a space that is both visually appealing and uniquely yours.

One of the most effective ways to mix modern and vintage pieces is to start with a neutral base. A neutral base provides a foundation for your space and allows you to add pops of color and texture through furniture and accessories. When choosing a neutral base, consider factors such as color, material, and shape. For example, a neutral-colored sofa can provide a versatile backdrop for adding vintage pieces or modern accents.

When it comes to mixing modern and vintage furniture, there are many ways to do so. One approach is to pair vintage pieces with modern ones in a way that creates visual interest. For example, you could place a vintage armchair next to a sleek, modern coffee table. Alternatively, you could use a vintage sideboard as a base for your dining room and add modern lighting fixtures or furniture.

Layering patterns is another great way to mix modern and vintage pieces. By layering different patterns, textures, and colors, you can create a space that is both visually appealing and uniquely yours. For example, consider using a vintage rug with a bold pattern in one room, and then adding modern accent pillows or throws in complementary colors.

When it comes to decorating your space, it's essential to remember that the goal is to create a look that feels cohesive and unique. Avoid over-accessorizing or cluttering your space with too many pieces at once. Instead, focus on creating a few statement pieces that reflect your personal style.

In addition to these tips, there are many other ways to mix modern and vintage pieces in your space. One approach is to shop second-hand stores, thrift shops, or online marketplaces for unique vintage pieces. This not only adds character to your space but also provides an opportunity to find one-of-a-kind items that reflect your personal style.

Another great way to mix modern and vintage pieces is to repurpose old furniture. For example, consider turning an old dresser into a coffee table or using an old sideboard as a bookshelf. By repurposing these pieces, you can add unique character to your space while also reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Ultimately, mixing modern and vintage pieces in your space requires patience, creativity, and a willingness to experiment. Don't be afraid to try new things and see what works for you. With practice and experience, you'll develop the skills and confidence needed to create a unique space that reflects your personal style.

Embracing Imperfection: How to Make Your Space Feel More Personal

One of the most important things to remember when mixing modern and vintage pieces is that imperfections are what make spaces feel truly personal. When we strive for perfection, it can sometimes result in a space that feels sterile or lacking in character. By embracing imperfections and allowing your space to develop its own unique personality, you can create a home that feels truly yours.

To get started, let's talk about the importance of collecting items over time. Collecting is a great way to build a sense of ownership and connection to your space. When you collect items, you're not just accumulating stuff; you're building a story and creating memories. By incorporating vintage pieces into your collection, you can add depth and character to your space.

Another key element to consider when embracing imperfection is layering patterns and textures. By layering different patterns, colors, and textures, you can create a space that is both visually appealing and uniquely yours. For example, consider using a vintage rug with a bold pattern in one room, and then adding modern accent pillows or throws in complementary colors.

When it comes to decorating your space, it's essential to remember that the goal is to create a look that feels cohesive and personal. Avoid over-accessorizing or cluttering your space with too many pieces at once. Instead, focus on creating a few statement pieces that reflect your personal style.

In addition to these tips, there are many other ways to make your space feel more personal. One approach is to add meaningful objects and heirlooms to your space. For example, consider displaying family photos, antique vases, or heirloom jewelry in a way that feels meaningful to you.

Another great way to make your space feel more personal is to incorporate natural elements. Adding plants, flowers, or branches can not only purify the air but also add a touch of warmth and character to your space. By incorporating natural elements into your decor, you can create a space that feels inviting and nurturing.

Ultimately, embracing imperfection and allowing your space to develop its own unique personality is key to creating a home that truly feels like yours. By embracing imperfections and collecting items over time, you can add depth and character to your space while also reducing the pressure to achieve perfection.


Mixing modern and vintage pieces in your space requires patience, creativity, and a willingness to experiment. By repeating patterns, layering textures, and embracing imperfection, you can create a unique space that reflects your personal style. Remember, it's not about creating a perfect space; it's about creating a space that feels truly yours.

In our next episode, we'll be exploring the world of mixing modern and vintage furniture. From pairing vintage pieces with modern ones to repurposing old furniture, we'll cover all the essentials for creating a cohesive and stylish space.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello everyone, and welcome back to stylescientists.I'm Kiva Brent.In today's episode, we are going to chatabout mixing modern and vintage pieces.There has been a huge, huge upswing in thepurchasing of vintage furniture recently andI couldn't be more excited.I love this one, not only because it is goodfor the environment, but to vintage pieces.Add so much character and charm to a space,But something people worry about all the timeis how do you really mix modern and vintagepieces in the same space?Well, that's exactly what we're going totackle in today's episode of StyleScientists. One of the best ways to mixmodern and vintage pieces in a home is tojust use vintage art frames.You can find these art frames at pretty muchany thrift store or consignment store.They are just full of them and they tend tobe so affordable.When looking for a vintage or an antiqueframe, you want to look for some gilding andornate border or any type of rusting oroxidation.You just want to see some wear and tear onthat frame.When it comes to using these vintage artframes, you can do one of two things.One, you can use them as they are.You can keep the art that you got from thethrift store in them.But if you really want to create a sharpcontrast between the modern and the vintage,what you can do is put modern andcontemporary art pieces in those vintageframes. I absolutely love the way thislooks.That's exactly what they did in thisbedroom.They have a vibrant landscape that has bluesand purples in it, but they also use an olderframe. I just love the contrast that itcreates in this space.The next way to mix modern and vintagepieces in a space is to use lacquered andunlacquered brass.Now, the reason I'm saying stick to thoseand not chromes and pewters is think about areally contemporary space.Think about a New York City loft.You are always seeing the chrome and thepewter.Those are ultra, ultra contemporary, sousing those colors don't always make sensewhen you're trying to mix the modern andvintage.One of the really interesting things aboutUnlacquered brass is that there's noprotective coating on it, so it looks niceand shiny and whatever when you first get it,but over time it ages.So it really shows the age of a piece and Ilove it.It is so incredibly beautiful.Now, this is a really good example of howbrass really ages a space.So in this desk setup, it's definitelymodernized by this big black calendar on thewall. But these brass lamps just look justlike rustic candlesticks, which I love.You can see a little bit of age on them andit just looks old and antique and it reallyworks beautifully in this office space.Now, this tip is very simple, but it's alsoone worth saying only update what you haveto. A lot of the times we see people runinto these old properties and they'll guteverything, all the change, everything aboutit and get rid of all the charm unless thereis something that might cause damage to you.If there's like lead paint or something likethat, restore them if they need to berestored so that they work.But beyond that, allow yourself to enjoy theaging of the items.That is the beauty of vintage.And honestly, a lot of vintage pieces are somuch better made than pieces that are beingmade right now.Look at this bathroom.Everything in here screams old.They have the original door.They have this beautiful flooring.They have the Antiqued Millwork.They just lean into the charm of thisbrownstone.And that's exactly what you want to do.Keep things as they are and enjoy the wearand tear.We want to embrace the imperfections when weare mixing these two design styles.Another great way to mix the old and the newis to repeat colors and textures, to create asense of harmony. Now, this is a piece ofadvice that I give you pretty much all thetime when it comes to mixing any differentdesign styles.And it isn't any different when it comes tomixing old and new pieces.When you look at this living room, you'llsee that they have the rustic beams in theceiling and you see the same wood tone inthe accent chairs and in the sideboard.All of these pieces are different ages, butthey all work together because they repeatedthis wood tone.Now in this bedroom, you can see that it isvery, very, very contemporary at the head ofthe bed. And then it gets a little bit morevintagey at the foot of the bed with thatchest. The reason why this works is thatthere is a repeat of the colors.We have this dark color with that accentwall and we also have a dark color in thatantique chest. If those colors were notpractically the same, the chest would stickout like a sore thumb because it would feelreally out of place with all of the othermodern elements in this room, something thatI see people struggle with all the time whenit comes to mixing. The modern and thevintage is they don't remember that vintagedoesn't have to mean 1600s.Vintage can mean the 50s, the 60s, the 70s.I mean, look at this space.This space is groovy.There's the orange, there's the red.It just screams 60s and 70s.And these are vintage pieces, just as piecesare that you're getting from the 1800s.Just. Keep in mind that vintage can mean alot of things, so you don't just have to lookfor Versailles style items to create acombination between the modern and thevintage in your space.Something also worth keeping in mind is thatwhen you're mixing modern and vintage, you'regoing for a collected look, not so much acurated look.When you're mixing these pieces, you arefinding vintage pieces over time.You're finding them from your travels bythrifting on the Internet and an estate sale.You find these things over time.You're not just going to the store andsaying, Hey, I'm buying this six set of art,and they all perfectly work together.It just isn't going to work that way.This is another case in point where we aregoing to embrace the imperfections in ourhome. Now, I just love love this darkacademia gallery wall.It is giving everything that it couldpossibly give.They're using color to really anchor thespace.But you'll also notice that the items in thegallery wall don't all perfectly go together.These are items that have been collected.So I say shop for things you enjoy.Think about a color palette, but youhonestly don't have to just find things youlike and realize that this design style isgoing to take some time to achieve.Now, these days, we don't have the sameneeds as people had before, right?So when we have pieces, we want to findnovel ways to use them.We don't want to bring things into our homethat do not have a function.So this is a great example.This person uses apothecary table in theirdining area, so it's still providing storagefor the items in their dining area and it isa great place for them to sit decor on topof. So they're using a vintage piece, butthey're using it in a novel way.Just keep in mind that we do not have thesame needs as people had 100 years ago, 200years ago, even 50 years ago.The last tip I want to share for mixingmodern and vintage pieces is to layer modernand vintage pieces on top of one another.Literally. Of course, we talk about layeringspaces all the time, but I really want you tostack one on top of the other.This is a great to mix them.Again, we're going to repeat patterns.We're going to repeat colors.You're like, okay, style scientists, you'reon repeat about this.Well, that's for a good reason, but we wantto repeat those colors and patterns, but weliterally want to stack them so that theywork together.For example, this vintage rug sitsunderneath two very contemporary accentchairs. And then there's vintage art on thewall.There is a layer of vintage, a layer ofmodern and then a layer of vintage.This is another example.We have a zebra print rug on the floor thathas a more contemporary flair, and then wehave a traditional sideboard and othertraditional elements.We kind of want to evenly balance the numberof modern pieces and the number of vintagepieces that we're using in a space.So again, that one of them does not stickout and seem like it's in a place where itdoes not belong.I gave you all of the tools and tricks youneed in today's video.That is how you mix modern and contemporaryitems in the same space.Are you going to start mixing modern andvintage pieces in your space?Let me know down in the comments.If you like today's video, please don'tforget to subscribe to HGTV Handmade so thatyou can catch more episodes of StyleScientists and all of the other incredibleseries here on HGTV Handmade.Thank you so much for watching, and I'll seeyou next time.\n"