The Newborn 250: A Game-Changing Gun for Urethanized Sealants
When it comes to working with urethanized sealants, finding a reliable and efficient gun can be a challenge. However, after testing several models, I'm excited to share my findings on the Newborn 250, which has impressed me with its performance.
The Newborn 250 is designed for use with WEDI joint sealant, which is about a half-inch bead of product. One of the key benefits of this gun is that it doesn't require excessive pressure to get the material out. In fact, as I demonstrated in my test, you can apply consistent pressure without getting too much product out at once. This helps prevent messes and makes it easier to work with the sealant.
To demonstrate its capabilities, I tested the Newborn 250 with WEDI joint sealant, which is a urethanized product. I squeezed out a bead of the sealant onto a surface and observed how much product came out when I released the trigger. To my surprise, not too much product came out at once, but still enough to coat the area adequately.
Next, I tested the Newborn 250 with DAP Kwik Seal Ultra, a siliconized product. Again, I applied a consistent bead of silicone onto a surface and observed how much product came out when I released the trigger. What impressed me was that not even a single drop of silicone dripped out when I took my hand off the trigger. This is a testament to the gun's ability to dispense products consistently and without mess.
I also tested the Newborn 250 with the Newborn 930, which is designed for use with silicone or siliconized acrylic products. The results were equally impressive, with no drips or messy spills when I applied consistent pressure and released the trigger.
One thing to note is that the test tube may have been slightly old and had sealant inside, which contributed to a small blowout on the back of the gun. However, this was not an issue with the 212-HTD model, which did not exhibit any blowouts during testing.
The Newborn Model 250 is definitely worth considering if you're working with urethanized sealants or other products that require consistent dispensing. Its ease of use and lack of messiness make it a great option for professionals and DIYers alike. If you're looking to upgrade your sealant gun, I highly recommend checking out the Newborn 250.
In addition to the Newborn 250, the Newborn 930 is another excellent model that's worth considering if you're working with silicone or siliconized acrylic products. The 212-HTD is also a great option for those who require consistent dispensing of these types of products. All three models can be found on or directly on the Newborn website.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the performance of the Newborn 250 and recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient sealant gun. Whether you're a professional or just starting out, this gun is sure to make your job easier and more efficient.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enSo here’s the big problem with caulkingguns: either they work really well, or they’reterrible. And the last thing that you wantto do is blow out the bottom of a tube ofsealant and that just go everywhere, or itdrips all over the place and creates a hugemess. That’s not what we want, right? So,choosing the right gun is imperative.Today we’re going to be taking a look atthree Newborn guns that could really helpyou out with your project. They sell the numberone caulking gun over on; we’regoing to be taking a look at that. We’realso going to discuss which gun you want touse for which sealant.Typically on our projects, we’re using avariety of different sealants. For example,we’ve got the WEDI sealant. This is a polyurethanesealant that we use to seal backer boardsin a shower, specifically the WEDI backerboards. This is Kwik Seal Ultra. It’s a100% silicone that you would use in a shower.So this is a different consistency versusthe WEDI. And then you have the siliconizedacrylic from Sherman Williams. This is 950A.You would use this between, let’s say, yourtile and your ceiling. So you’ve got evenin just a short sampling of tubes here—yougot three different applications with threedifferent types of material that have alldifferent types of viscosity. And so that’swhy choosing the right type of caulking gunis so important.These are the three guns that we’re goingto be taking a look at.This is Newborn’s Model 250. This is a gunthat you would use for a urethanized sealant.It has an 18:1 thrust ratio. The higher thethrust ratio, the more viscous the materialshould be, for example, WEDI joint sealant.There’s a tube cover on the side, so youjust need to engage the handle to cut yourtube. The puncture tool is on the side ofthe 250, and it’s long enough to puncturemost tubes, which is great. Because sometimes,these are too short. So the other thing isthe barrel turns 360°. The only bad thingwith a high thrust ratio like with the 250is you run the risk of the back of the sealantblowing out because this has so much powerbehind it. So if you’re concerned aboutthat, maybe you want to go to a lower thrustratio, which brings us to the other guns.This is Newborn’s 930. This is their numberone, best-selling gun over on bottom line for this gun is it has a 10:1thrust ratio which is lower than the 250 thatI just showed you, and this gun is perfectfor silicone sealants with a lower viscosityversus urethanes. So if you’re using a siliconeor siliconized acrylic, like the Sherman Williams950A, which we use between tiles and the ceiling,you definitely want to check out the 930.So again, you can find this on’s very affordable.This also has a tube cutter on the side, andthe puncture tool is on the bottom. So here’sthe puncture tool.Now the last gun is the Hybrid Tech Drip-Free.This is the 212. You’ve got more plastic,but you have a metal frame to it, so it’svery solid. And again, you’re able to justpull back on the handle, and you can engagethe handle by hand as well.So let’s go ahead and test out these newguns and see how they work.And by the way, before I forget, the 10:1thrust ratio for this gun—so the 212-HTDand the prior one—it’s 10:1, and whatthat means is you don’t need to squeezethe trigger to get a lot of volume of siliconeapplied to your workspace. So just keep thatin mind. The 10:1 thrust ratio, you just needa little bit of squeezing of the trigger toget the volume that you need. So let’s goahead and test these out.Test #1. This is going to be Newborn 250 usingWEDI joint sealant. So WEDI joint sealantis a very viscous material. It also can getreally messy inside showers. It’s used towaterproof the WEDI backer boards. View #1,we’re just going to put a line of the WEDIjoint sealant on this piece of drywall, thenI’m going to give you view #2 to show youhow the trigger action is with the 250. Solet’s start this test.We’re just going to squeeze the triggergently here to get our WEDI joint sealant.So this is about like ½-inch bead of WEDIjoint sealant. Okay. And as you can see, therereally isn’t like a ton of oozing out ofthe product, which is good.Now, what you should focus on is the trigger.And so we’re going to go ahead and squeezeout this WEDI joint sealant. You can see thatyou don’t need like a ton of pressure onthe trigger to get the material out. But yetwhen you take your hand off the trigger, nota ton of the sealant comes out. And that’sexactly what you want whenever you’re usinga urethanized product like WEDI joint sealant.So again, let’s just go ahead and squeezethe trigger here. Take your hand off the trigger.And you still get some of the product thatgets out, but not like a ton. Also, that’sa function of the urethanized product, butit’s also a function of the gun. So if thegun is still pushing in on the tube, you’llget a big mess, and you don’t get that withthis Model 250.Test #2 is going to be with the Newborn 930.Just pull back on the handle. Put in yourtube. This is going to be DAP Kwik Seal Ultra.So this is a siliconized product. Just goingto push that handle in like so. Super easyto use. So we’re going to do an overheadshot here. What we’re checking to see isis this really a drip-free gun? So we’regoing to do the first overhead test here,and then we’ll focus on the handle afterthat. So let’s go ahead and apply a beadhere. I’m applying some constant pressure.We may have kicked the tube. I don’t thinkwe did kick the tube. It might just be stuck.Let’s see. Oh, there we go.You know what, I actually had to put a lotof pressure on this, and it still didn’tgo everywhere. So let’s see.So I’m going to apply more pressure. That’sa pretty big bead of silicone. I took my handoff the trigger, and nothing. That is awesome.Guys, that is freaking awesome. I’m superimpressed. Let’s take a look from a differentangle. I’m going to do another test.This is a different angle, but it’s stillthe 930. So let’s go ahead and apply someconsistent pressure. Watch the handle andhow much pressure is being applied. It’sa consistent pressure. I’m going to takemy hand off the handle, and then look. Nothing.No drips whatsoever. I’ve never seen thisin any of the guns that we’ve used.All right, let’s apply a lot of silicone.I’m going to squeeze this out as hard asI can. Still nothing. No dripping whatsoever.That’s amazing. This gun is awesome. Totallysold on it.Can’t say enough of this 930. Awesome gunfor silicone or siliconized acrylic. Almostcan’t believe that it didn’t drip everywherebecause that always happens with silicone.So let’s go ahead and try out the 212-HTD.Now, the other crazy thing with the test thatwe just did is there was a little bit of ablowout on the back, not because of the gunbut because this is a little bit of an oldertube. I haven’t used it in a week or two,so there is sealant all throughout the cylinderhere. So it’s going to go all over the 212-HTD.Just so you know, the 212-HTD did not do theblowout, so I’m going to have to clean upthis mess. All right, so let’s go aheadand test out the 212-HTD.Nice, thick bead of silicone. Again, nothing.No dripping whatsoever. So let’s do thatagain. Take my hand off the trigger, and nodripping whatsoever. So let’s take a differentperspective.Okay, so let’s go ahead and do this test.Take my hand off the trigger. And again, nodripping whatsoever. Again. No dripping. That’samazing. That’s awesome, really.Bottom line, if you’re working with a urethanizedsealant, check out the Newborn Model 250.This is a great gun. I can’t recommend enough,though, the other two models. These are Model930—this is for silicone or siliconizedacrylic—this is the 212-HTD for the sameproducts: the siliconized acrylic or silicone.These are awesome. You’ll find them overon or just go to Newborn’s website.Thanks for watching. We’ll see you in thenext video.\n"