DIY Exhaust! - Is it Worth It?
The budget E36 rally car has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. It's a fun, durable, and reliable car that we can beat up off-road, and it seems to enjoy it. The problem is it doesn't sound anywhere near as much fun as it actually is.
I'm Zach, and this is [Content of the file]
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Our budget E36 rally carhas come a relatively long wayin a relatively short period of time.It's a fun, durable, reliable carthat we can beat up off-road,and it seems to enjoy it.The problem is it doesn'tsound anywhere near as funas it is.So today, I think it'stime to change that.I'm Zach, and this is "Money Pit."Let's make a little noise!(heavy hip-hop music)Big old thanks to eBay Motorsfor sponsoring today's video.What's that?You really think I'm gonna tell youhow trustworthy eBay Motors is?You really think I'm gonna sayhow they make it easy tobuy and sell cars and partsin a secure, online shopping environment?Yeah, okay. Okay.As if.As if I'm gonna stand here and tell youthat they have a VehicleProtection Programon cars that are purchased thatare less than 10 years old.As if I'm gonna tell you thatthat guarantees thatthe car that you boughtis the exact one that you're getting.I don't really gotta standhere and tell you all that.No way, not happenin'.Next thing, you know,you're gonna expect me to tell youto go shop with confidenceby hitting the link inthe description below.It's not happening. I'm not gonna say it.I'm not gonna tell you,so let's just get backto "Money Pit," okay?(mellow digital music)So yeah,we're gonna be putting anexhaust on the E36 today.Now of course, I could just gobuy an off the shelf exhaust,but that just seems too easy.And of course,we've already installed justan exhaust on the Miata.Get outta here.So today, we gotta step it up a notch.So I'm gonna try to makemy own exhaust for the E36.And I think it's gonna be pretty tricky,but before we get into all that,we gotta take the stock exhaust offand look at the thing thatwe're trying to replicate.(engine revving)(easygoing hip-hop music)Here she is, the stockcat-back from our E36.And by golly,there is absolutely nothingwrong with this thing.The only problem I have with itis that it makes thingsa little bit too quiet.I'm gonna try to replicate this thingwith some materials that I've purchasedso that it will basically do the same job,but do it just a little bit louder.So without any further ado,let's go look at allthe materials I bought,and what we have to try to replicate this.All right.Here's what we got.We got a Borla muffler, a Pro XS muffler,with dual 2 1/4-inch inlet and outlet,2 1/4-inch stainless steel.This is a 304 Classstainless steel tubing.And of course, we've gota couple exhaust tips.These were 50 bucks.This was 140,and these were 50 bucks apiece.With odds and ends,there's probably another 30 to $40in exhaust clamps and reducers.So let's call it 350 bucks.Now, that's all predicatedon having access to a welder,which I do have.So it's a big reason that I'm doing this.I mean, I spent the money on a welder,so I might as well try to save moneyon projects like making an exhaust.That's kinda why we're doing this.I think this is a really goodproject to hone a skill with.Shut the hell up.Tryin' to weld over here.All right, so now that weknow what materials we have,let's take a look at thetools we're gonna use,and how the heck do you use them?Here's our welder. I love this thing.I bought it because it does everything.It does MIG welding and TIG welding.What we're gonna be doingtoday is DC TIG welding,direct current for our stainless steel.First off, to control yourarc, you've got your TIG torch.This is the TIG torch.This is a pretty nice one.It's got a bendable head,which is very handy forgetting in certain spots,and sticking out of thefront of it is our electrode.This is made mostly out of tungsten.So this is our tungsten electrode.And this is what theelectricity travels through,and eventually, it makes an arcbetween the tip of thetungsten and your workpiece,whatever you're welding.So having this clean andsharp is very important.And then from there,our right hand is managingour torch distance,and our angle, and moving along.And our left hand is responsiblefor adding the fillermaterial into that weldas we move along.And then, you also gottause your right foot.It's like we're drumming.I wonder if drummers areinherently better TIG welders,'cause they're kind of already doin'...(glass shatters)See?Basically, when you crankthis thing full down,you'll be using as much amperageas you've got set on your machine.So there's a lot going on here.It's really not super easy,but as long as you start to understandwhat each thing is responsible for doing,I think we'll be able toget some decent welds,hopefully by the end of the day.(mellow hip-hop music)All right, so I've gotmy practice pieces cut,and now I'm about ready to weld 'em,but really important thingto gettin' a good weld,no matter what kind ofwelding you're doing,is to clean whateveryou're welding really well.So I'm gonna hose thisdown with brake cleaner,then I'm gonna hit it on the belt sander,and then we'll clean it up one last time.Okay, so I'm about readyto tack this thing up.I've got one side held bymy little pointy thing.And then the other side I'mjust gonna hold by hand.So basically what I'm gonna dois I'm gonna start the arc,say on this right piece,and I'll kinda walk itback and forth as I plow,pedal into it.So I'm gonna start out,basically pedal all the way down,and this should be really quick,and I'll start on one side,move to the other side,and probably back and forth acouple of times very slightlyjust to get the two sidesto melt, and melt together.(mellow hip-hop music)And there we've got a nice little tack,took no time at all, justa quick start the arcand then cross the bridge,and we're tacked up.So now I can rotate this thing,get it tacked all the way around,and then we can really go to townwith some welding and filler rod.I'm basically gonna be working like this.I'll start a puddle, justlike I did that tack,maybe get a little bit bigger,and then dab my fillerrod, and move right along.Puddle, dab, puddle, dab,puddle, dab, and ideally,you want to move as fast as you canwith as much heat as possible.What you're supposed to do,if you're welding somethinghollow like tubing,like an exhaust, and youreally want good weldsis to back purge.So basically, you'll cap off the endsof whatever you'rewelding with rubber plugs.And then you'll run a line of gasfrom a separate tank ofgas inside of the tubingso that everything inhere is filled with argon,and that'll make your welds really nice.And you know what?I should have those, andI'll get 'em someday.But today I don't have 'em.And for this exhaust, I thinkthat's just gonna be fine.The insides may look a little gross.Don't look at the insides.Cue the practice montage, baby.Yeah, this is where I get mysix pack abs in the movie.(funky electronic music)Well, practice complete.I got two pieces of metal stuck together.Are these welds great? No.Overall, not a fantastic weld,but that is two piecesof metal stuck together,and those welds will be goodenough to make an exhaust.And hopefully by the end of the exhaust,my welds will look noticeably better.So now it's time to actually go to the carand start wrapping my headaround what we're gonna do here.Well, by golly,I think we're gonna gowith straight pipes.Not only is this mufflerdefinitely on the limitof how big it could possibly beand still sorta fit in here,without having the bend thatthe factory muffler has,I can't get both ends togo where I want 'em to go.So we're just gonna gowith straight pipes.And I think that's fine. It's a race car.It'll sound cool.(heavy hip-hop music)All right, we've reachedthe point of no return.I'm gonna cut up our stock exhaustso that I can reuse these flanges.Then I will weld onto thisend my own new tubing.So without further ado, let'smake a little cut or two.Ready?(groovy indie music)Square 'em up on the sander,and then these are ready to get welded to.(funky indie music)So this will bolt up to thecar as it did originally.And it used to have a mufflerhanging off of this back end,but we cut that off.So then it'll go to this toadapt up to my new 2 1/4 pipe,and then straight pipe allthe way back with this stuff,all the way to the tips.So we gotta get this onhere to make that adaption.Then we can stick these back in the carand determine what we needto do next with our 2 1/4.We're off to the races.(funky hip-hop music)Okay, so now the momentof truth is upon us.I have to weld this tothat with this, and this,and my foot.But we practiced once.So let's just go ahead andkeep our expectations very low.(funky hip-hop music)Well, by golly, we did some TIG welding,and it doesn't look that bad.I mean, I could stand to getbetter in a lot of areas,but better than I was expecting.And that is a win in my opinion.Now we gotta put these back on the carand make some decisionson how far we need to bring piping out,what kind of bends we'regonna need to make.(rhythmic indie music)And we're back, and we got a new shirt.(man whistles)- New shirt alert.(laughs) That's stupid.(lively '80s music)♪ Give it the beans ♪♪ At Bean's Beans ♪- You guys can't getenough of our catchphrase,and we can't get enough designing clothes.That's why we came out with athird Give it the Beans shirt.This one's with a can.On the front, you got yourGive it the Beans can.And on the rear, you got agaggle of cans on the backin all different modern styles.That's a little art history joke for you.Very sleek, very street wear, very hip.Get your Give it the Beans can shirton, only 29.98.Give it the beans, and get one today.- All right, so we need togo from here to back there,and it shouldn't be too hard.I do think I want to takea little angle off of thesejust to make sure weclear the control arm.I've got my digital angle finder.We'll call it eight degrees, I suppose.So I need to make a littleeight degree turn here,and I think it should be pretty easy.We'll make some cuts with the band saw,put some things together,and we should be able to makejust a slight little turn here.Let's head over to the band saw.Okay, so we need to makean eight degree turnon our exhaust.I'm gonna make a four degree cut,and then I'll use thetwo pieces that I cutto make an eight degree turn.It might sound a little bit confusing,but as we go, I thinkit'll make a lot of sense.So we've got our degree markers here.We want an eight degree turn,so I'm gonna make a four degree cut.(mellow hip-hop music)Okay, so we've made a couple of cutsto accomplish the eightdegree bend that we needed.And like I was saying before,we're gonna cut that eight degrees in halfand make a four degree cutin order to make our eight degree bend.So to show you what I meantby that, here's what we have.Basically, we had the square face here,and then we made this four degree cut,and then we made anothersquare cut back here.So four degree cut, you know,as it was when we cut it,it's still straight.But when you rotate these180 degrees to each other,those four degree cuts stack upand leave you with a totalof eight degrees of bend.So we got four degrees here,four degrees here, total of eight degrees.So this will weld toour adapter on the car,and then we can weldstraight tubing off thisas far as we can, untilwe get to our next bend.I made two of 'em.I'm gonna tack these togetherand then get 'em situated in the car,get 'em tacked in place, andthen we're really running.Okay, I'm just gonna draw aline from the bend with Sharpieonto the part that's bolted to the car,just to mark, you know,how I want to orient itonce I get it off the car.(easygoing R&B music)All right, so we've gotour adapters in placewith our eight degree bends,and things are looking pretty decent.So now I need to figure out how farI want to take the next pieceuntil we're gonna get to our next bend.So I'm just kinda holdingthis up, eyeballin' it.I got a tape measure out,and it looks like I'mgonna want to come outprobably to about here.And then we'll start turningup around the sway bar,and kinda up into thispocket just a little bit.And then we can turn again,and come straight out,about 13 inches.(easygoing R&B music)Oh, yeah.Oh, it looks like the piecesI just cut are gonna work out.So I'm gonna take theseoff, tack them in place,then probably put 'em back up,and work on the next bend.(heavy hip-hop music)(whip snapping)And we are back.I broke the band saw blade last night.Stainless is kind of hard on blades.So I got a new one this morning,and we're back in action.I needed two 30 degreebends, so I made 'em.I cut two 7 1/2 degree cuts,and flipped those around.So we've got 15 degrees here,15 degrees here, for a totalof 30, and I did it twice.So now I need to go takethese under the car,hold 'em in place, get'em just how I want 'em,and then mark thatso I can take things out ofthe car and tack 'em togetherand get 'em welded up.Fact is, there's just a lot of cutting,a lot of time consuming parts,but honestly, I kind of enjoy it.If we didn't have to get an episode done,it would be even more fun,because I could sit around in a shopand let a band saw run all day.I've been getting a lotof time on the TIG welder,and I'm feeling pretty good with it.So let's get these putin place, and move on.Like that.So next we do need two straightsthat are gonna come up here,and then they'll turn,we'll make another bend here,and then two more straights out the back.So what I need to figure out nowis how long my next straights need to be,and I'm thinking about 16 inches.I'm gonna start bycutting the inside at 16,and hold that up, get a look at it,and then we'll cut the next one.Okay, now we need two 35-ish degree bendsto turn the exhaust towardsthe exit of the bumper.We're getting close to the end.We've got most of the welding left,but only a few cuts left,and that's exciting.(funky electronic music)(groovy electronic music)Not bad.The most important part.We've gotta make these somewhat pretty.And I think we'll be able to do it.I've gotten a few that I'm notaltogether too unhappy with.Moment of truth.Well, golly, that's an exhaustcoming right out the back of the car.Now we just need to figureout how to hang it up.So I've made an exhaust hanger.This is gonna go right under here,and it's gonna use thestock exhaust hanger points.I'll bring the welder over here,and weld this straight to the pipesso two will become one.And then we'll probably addanother piece of stainlessjust to join them togetherand make it strong.(heavy electronic music)Well, hot dog.We got some straight pipes on an E36.It only took four full days, but I did it.I made it, and I would reallylike to hear it right now,but unfortunately it's kinda late.We've got neighbors.So we're gonna wait until tomorrow.It is tomorrow.The car's still in the air,but it's time to fire thisthing up for the first timeand see what this thing sounds like.Hopefully it sounds good.(lively hip-hop music)It's gonna be loud, though.(engine rumbling)(engine revving)(heavy hip-hop music)(metal slamming)(heavy hip-hop music)(engine revving)(Zach laughs)(funky R&B music)All right, well I'll bethe first one to admitthat it is maybe a little bit obnoxious,but it doesn't sound altogether too bad.(exhaust bleating)It's definitely rowdy,which, hell, for a race car,especially an off-roadrace car, I'm into it.Now, the question is whetheror not all this time and effortwas worth saving 4 or 5,600 bucks on an exhaust.I would say that it'sworth it, because to me,this wasn't about the exhaust.To me, this was aboutthe skill that we learnedmaking the exhaust.(groovy soul music)I think it was worth it,and I'm pretty pleasedwith how things turned out,and I hope you guys hada good time watching.I hope you learned a thingor two about TIG welding,at least the basics.You know, we'll revisitit again in the futureas we keep getting betterand better at this stuff.Go follow me on Instagram, @ZachJobe,and follow Donut, @DonutMediawhile you're over there.I'll see you guys next Wednesday.(engine revs)(Zach laughs)