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Revving Up Your Engines: Understanding Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System

In theory, your tire pressure monitoring system on your car is simple when you're driving and the light comes on, indicating that one of your tires is low on air. All you need to do is get a tire pressure gauge to check the tire pressures. However, in reality, the system can be more complex than just turning on the light. The first step is to check all the tires, including the spare, because some of them have sensors that can provide incorrect readings.

The tire pressure monitoring system works by broadcasting the tire pressure to a computer module in your car. Each tire has a valve stem where you add air and check the pressure well inside that valve stem. The broadcast unit is responsible for transmitting this information to the computer module, which then checks the pressure and turns on the warning light if it detects any issues with tire pressure.

There are several potential reasons why the system may not be working properly. One of the most common causes is that the sensors themselves have failed or their batteries are running out. Think about it; each sensor has a broadcast unit, which means they all rely on batteries to function. These batteries last for many years but can eventually run out, causing the sensor to stop broadcasting and resulting in a faulty warning light.

The good news is that you don't necessarily need to replace the entire system if one of the sensors fails. However, it does require some effort to troubleshoot and fix the issue. The first step is to use a tire machine like the Autel TPMS machine to scan for any issues with your tires. This machine can help you identify which sensor is faulty and what might be causing the problem.

To test each tire, you simply push the trigger on the machine, and it will send a signal to the specific tire. For example, you might test the front-left tire first, followed by the right rear tire, then the left rear, and finally the trunk. If the system is working properly, you should receive a reading for each tire.

However, if the system is not working correctly, it's often due to a low air pressure in one of your tires. In this case, simply checking the spare tire can resolve the issue. When testing the system, move on to the trunk and test the tire again after inflating the spare with air.

For those who may be struggling with their tire pressure monitoring system, it's worth noting that there are many affordable solutions available. With a little research, you can find a simple device like a stick-on sensor that attaches directly to your valve stem, making installation easy and hassle-free. This type of device is often cheaper than buying a complete tire pressure monitoring system.

One of the most significant advantages of using these devices is their ease of use. Unlike traditional tire machines, which require taking apart tires and rebalancing them, stick-on sensors are straightforward to install. They simply screw onto your valve stem, eliminating the need for extensive maintenance or repair work.

Another benefit of these devices is that they allow you to easily replace the battery if it runs out. Most models are designed with a simple screw-on design, which makes it easy to swap in a new battery when needed. This eliminates the need for expensive mechanic services and saves you time and money in the long run.

In addition to their ease of use, these devices also offer many other benefits, including real-time readings, customizable settings, and alerts for specific pressure ranges. They can be placed anywhere on your car, making them a convenient solution for any driver who wants to ensure their tires are properly inflated at all times.

Overall, if you're experiencing problems with your tire pressure monitoring system, there's no need to call in a mechanic or spend hundreds of dollars on an expensive machine. By using a simple stick-on sensor and following the manufacturer's instructions, you can easily diagnose and fix any issues that may arise. With these affordable solutions available, it's never been easier to keep your tires properly inflated and maintain good driving performance.

Overcoming Common Problems with Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System

The most common problem with tire pressure monitoring systems is the failure of individual sensors or their batteries running out. When this happens, the system will turn on the warning light, but it can be difficult to determine which sensor is faulty or why the reading is incorrect. In these cases, using a tire machine like the Autel TPMS machine can help identify the issue.

One solution for overcoming common problems with your tire pressure monitoring system is to use a device that allows you to easily replace the battery if it runs out. Most of these devices have a simple screw-on design, which makes it easy to swap in a new battery when needed. This eliminates the need for expensive mechanic services and saves you time and money in the long run.

Another solution for overcoming common problems with your tire pressure monitoring system is to use a device that allows you to easily replace the battery if it runs out. Most of these devices have a simple screw-on design, which makes it easy to swap in a new battery when needed. This eliminates the need for expensive mechanic services and saves you time and money in the long run.

By using one of these affordable solutions, you can ensure that your tire pressure monitoring system is functioning correctly at all times.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines today I'm going toteach you everything you need to knowabout your tire pressure monitoringsystem on your car now in theory thetire pressure monitoring system of yourcar is simple when you're driving yourcar and the light comes on like thisthat means that theoretically one ofyour tires is low on air so of courseget a tire pressure gauge to check thetire pressures could easily just be atire that's low on air I checked themall and be sure to check the spare toobecause some of them have sensors in thespare and to understand what could bewrong here's how the systems work eachtire has a vowel stem where you add theair and check the air well inside thatvalve stem there is a broadcast unit andit is broadcasting the tire pressure toa computer module in your car and whenit sees that one or more tires areeither too low or too high in pressureit turns that warning light on tellingyou got a problem with tire pressure nowthis is a wireless system so guess whata lot of stuff can go wrong normallyit's the sensors because think about iteach one is a broadcast unit well theyhave batteries and the batteries go badover time they last so many years theygo up they don't broadcast you don't geta signal down to puts the warning lighton but the only way you can tell that iswith a fancy machine like this autel TPMSmachine even if you find out what'swrong the battery is inside the valvestem here on the tire right inside yourtire and since the batteries one on mostof them are non replaceable you got tobuy the whole valve stem assembly withthe battery in a sensor in it you stillhave to take the tire off of the rimtake the assembly apart put a batter input it back together again like I saidnormally you can't even do that you justhave to take the old one apart thenthrow it away and then buy a new one andstick it in and that can cost a lot ofmoney and guess what you got four tiresthere's a sensor in each one they allwork the same way with batteries soeventually they're all gonna go outlet's say you had to replace all four ofthem generally they're around 100 bucksapiecethen you got to pay the labor to takethe tires apart each and put them backon again so you're gonna spend six toeight hundred dollars replacing them alleven if you had a tire machineyou'd still like to buy one of thesemachines because once you put the newsensors in they have to be calibrated towork with the system which this machinecan do yes but you're gonna go on by oneof these things this particular oneworks pretty good it's about a threehundred and thirty dollar machine nowsnap-on makes a fifteen hundred dollarone that works a little bit better buteither way you're looking at a ton ofmoney so you're gonna end up payingsomebody else to do the jobnow just for kicks for testing a systemI'm testing the front-left one with thismachine you can see it shows thepressure now we can test each one ofthem we push the trigger now they'retested right rear that sends a signalthen we test the left rear we send thesignal and go to the wheel got thesignal they're all okay but now it'sgonna check the trunk the trunk failedso the reason the system isn't workingit's because the spare tires low on airthis is a cheap fixoh we move all the crap out of the wayand put air in a spare tire the leg cameon because the spare tire sensorsshowing its long remember to check eventhe spare when you got a late-model carlike this but let's say you're bad newsgo dad and eventually all four will gobad as you keep the car long enough youcan get an entire system like this forless than 100 bucks that you can easilyinstall yourself and not at the messtaking the tires apart paying a mechanicto set it all up again comes with foursensors you can see they're labeled butnot only are they labeled here when youtake it out it even says on it frontright so you can't get confused all youhave to do is take off your valve stemcover that comes off and then you screwthis cap on that's it and of course youuse all four stick on the all the tiresnow this particular one the Zus is anapp that works on your phone by the newgeneration one the early generationwants from a year or two ago they hadbad sensors that would either leak orthey go bad after a quick period of timeyou need to get the new version orrealize there are hundreds of Chinesecompanies that make similar ones somework on an app some you get a littlescreen that you can put anywhere thatgives the readoutsthere's lots of them out there do research use whichever one you wantthey all work the same way and they'rebig advantages these babies have a lotbetter inside you can on scrool you canreplace the battery so not only is iteasy to install you don't have to takethe stupid tire apart it just screws onif the battery goes bad you just thoughtscrew it and put a new battery in italmost all the models are made that wayso you can easily replace the batterywhen it goes bad instead of paying amechanic maybe a thousand bucks toreplace them all take all your tiresapart and then rebalance them then youcan read all the pressures you can getwarnings you can set it up any pressureyou want for the maximum high themaximum low the maximum differentialbeing a computer it's got all kinds ofstuff on but like I said there are azillion of these tire monitoring systemyou can buy they're very handy devicesand since they cost so littleyou're better off it's filled with oneof these then you are putting on foursensors and the labor and then knowingeventually if you keep your car longenough those batteries will go bad thenyou got to go all over again why notjust override the system with these verysimple devices that you can easily doyourself you don't need a mechanic youdon't need the computer to reset itbecause you reset it yourself on yourphone or in the dash unit that it comeswith you don't have to buy that 320 to$1500 machine and best of all you don'thave to take your tires apart with thetire machine change all the parts onthen put them together and have thetires rebalance you don't have to doanything except unscrew the cap andscrew these on so if you're havingproblems with your tire pressuremonitoring system on your car now youknow what you can actually do about ityourself, so if you never want to missanother one of my new car repair videosremember to ring that Bell\n"