Welcome to The YAWHG: A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to the YAWHG. Now, the YAWHG is a kind of choose your own adventure style game where anything is possible. I need to pick two characters and I'm gonna take them with me on an adventure through whatever the hell the YAWHG is because that's as far as I know.

SOO, I am gonna pick ohh! That guy with the beard! The mutton chops on that guy are just so cool and I'm gonna take Red Lady got it. I got a team, I'm good to go. I'm already ready you don't need to serenade me anymore; the YAWHG will be here in six weeks and no one expects it not even one of us we just keep on living our lives week by week unaware.

So, is the YAWHG a monstrous entity that's going to consume all of life as we know it? I don't know. But I think this guy needs to spend his time in the tavern... bartending! He seems like someone who should be spending their time serving drinks at the tavern instead of waiting for some sort of apocalypse. He'd fit right in, that's for sure.

He spends the weeks serving drinks at the tavern, earning one wealth in tips and gaining two charm points each day. It's a pretty slow-paced life, but hey, someone's gotta keep the tavern running. And who knows? Maybe he'll even get to play his music someday... unfortunately, his singing is horrible and is ruining the tavern's atmosphere. Well okay, you decide to do something about it.

This is where it gets interesting. The YAWHG has started to take on a life of its own, and the player must make choices that will determine the fate of their characters. It's like a choose your own adventure style game, but instead of just making decisions based on the story, you have to actually make choices about how your character behaves in different situations.

The next step is to decide what actions to take when the bard pulls out his lute and starts playing a tune in the bar. The atmosphere is ruined by his horrible singing, and it's up to the player to figure out what to do. Will they stand there and listen to him suffer through his off-key warbling? Or will they try to do something about it?

The choice is yours, and it's just one of many that you'll have to make throughout this game. The YAWHG is full of twists and turns, and the player must be ready for anything. Will you succeed in making your character a hero, or will you fall victim to the monstrous entity known as the YAWHG? Only time will tell.

For now, let's just say that I'm excited to see where this game takes us. And who knows? Maybe we'll even make it out alive.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello everybody my name is Markiplierand welcome to the YAWHG. Now the YAWHG isa kind of choose your own adventurestyle game where anything is possible.I need to pick two characters and I'mgonna take them with me on an adventurethrough whatever the hell the YAWHG isbecause that's as far as I know SOOI am gonna piiickohhI'm gonna pickoh that guy with the beard!The mutton chops on that guy ooh and I'm gonna take redlady got it I got a team i'm good to goI'm already ready you don't need toserenade me anymorethe YAWHG will be here in six weeks andno one expects itnot a one of us we just keep on livingour lives week by week unaware okay sois the YAWHG a monstrous entity that'sgoing to consume all of life as we know itooo whaaat ooh ooo physique finesse mindcharm magic and wealthI don't know I think this guy needs tospend his time in the tavern...bartending!he seems like oh! you spend the weekserving drinks at the tavern you earnone wealth in tips and gain two charmone day a bard pulls out his lutein the bar and starts playing a tuneunfortunately his singing is horrible andis ruining the tavern's atmospherewell okayyou decide to do something about itoh so this is where it's like a \"choose your ownadventure\" type dealAmy told me about this one and was reallyexcited about it. So, I could convincehim to leave but I could challengehim to a lute duel because apparently I -what are the odds I'm gonna be any worse?come on bring it onyou borrow the barowners lute and challenge the bard to amusical duelyou only just startedplaying the lute when you realize thatyou're even worse than the baaar-,...aww c'mon!the bard easily outplays youand motions for you to lay down your fluteso it's like a passive aggressive like hey c'mon nowI may not be a professional but you need tojust get the fuck out of here becausethis is horribleyou can tell there are a couple ofpeople snickering at you right nowembarrassing you lose one ch-well...well damn it! I'm off to a greatstart herealright so i guess lady red she seemslike she belongs in the palaceOh, attend the ball! Ah you spend a weekattending fancy gatheringsoh what a burdensome week oh how will Iget through it? You gain two charm andone finesse one day you decide to lean upagainst the wall just to take a breakit rotates as you apply pressure and youstumble down a set of stairs you entera large dusty room filled with barrelsYou've found the King's famous wine cellar host asecret party OH what better wayI'm sure the king will forgive me allyour friends show up and begin thedrinking when you come to you findyourself in a home you don't recognizein only your underwear your clothesare nowhere to be found and you seem to bethe only one homewhat happened?! ah, sounds like a funtime they say the last time it came theYAWHG devoured house whole. stole lives torefamilies and family members apart butthat was so very long agookay I'm a little bit more worried aboutthis YAWHG than I previously was werealright so the other thing that this guydoes is that he goes down Lumberjacks in the woodsall by hims- aw hell yea he chops woodspend the week cutting down trees for the villageyou gain two physique and earn yourself one wealthone day during your forestexcursions you stumble upon a swarmof rats at first you jump backwards in shockbut then you start hearing themconversing with one another they callyou overexcuse me sir one of them says in ahigh-pitched voice do you think youmight be able to help us out withsomething you see we are just trying toelect a new leader but it seems ourvotes are completely tiedwe're trying to decide between seedpawsthe vengeful and blighttooththe wiseseedpaws steps forward if you vote for methe rats will have a powerful leader onethat isn't afraid to take our fight tothe enemy proclaims Seedpaw. Blighttoothsteps up if you vote for me good siri will lead these rats to an age ofenlightenment says Blighttoothwhich rat do you choose?well I don't know maybe it's not aboutwhat I do but maybe if i take it from myfavorite movie ratatouille i'm gonnaassume that whenever talking ratsdecided to show themselves to me thatthey probably shouldn't be vindictiveand vengeful because that would probablylead to a lot of pain around the worldso I'm gonna go with Blighttooth. Half the rats roarwith tiny applause *markimoo giggles* I just thought of-I thought of that mouse,that howling mouse. *laughs* from thatdon't laugh video I did, oh geez, all right, anyway\"Seedpaw bows his head and walks backinto the mass of rats. Blighttoothclimbs on your shoulder andwhispers ancient secrets in your ear.\"that's thanks, thank you Blighttooth\"You gain one mind and one magic!\" Well thatbetter than last time to go to thegarden have a good time meditating spendthe weekend deep meditation- boy, boy, this ladyhas a rough time going through this weekpreparing for the YAWGH \"You gain onemagic and two mind. One day on your wayhome from the park you come across thegolden ring in the grass, Wear the ring\"it might be cha- enchanted or cursed.I'm gonna go with wearing it. \"Upon placingthe ring on your finger orange markingsaround the- *Mark malfunctions*The marking unravel themselves from the ring and swirlin front of you, they form into what appears to be afully armored ghost radiating a beautifulorange light the ghost turns to youand nods before walking away.The ring looks good on you!\"Hey! All right then, I should mention thatthis is all randomly generated so theseoutcomes probably are sporadic or maybeit's not all randomly generated but youknow what i mean. \"It was on us in aheartbeat- or so the stories go.The earth shook, the air went still.\"Ok then, time fight in the arena!I'm gonna fight, not compete, or bet.\" You spend the week fighting brutes in the arena.You gain into two Physique and one Finesse.While wandering around the halls between matches,You spot your former lover Kelly.An awkward exchange happens, in which youwant to know how they're doing withoutseeming to care too much.After a few minutes, Jean, one of the mostpopular fighters in the arena,butts into the conversation.'Hey Kelly, sorry to interrupt ya babe, but we'vegotta leave right now if we want to makeyour mother's in time.'\" Ya know, to uuuh- not bangcause that'd be weird in front of your mom (yes it would)\"You say an awkward goodbye as they walk offholding hands.How do you feel?\" I feel happy, I'm happy for her.Hope her house burns down, but I'm happy.\"You feel It's good that both of you have moved on.This encounter, despite its awkwardness, was refreshing.You gain one Charm.\" Hell yeah.Oh yeah, I do.Hell yeah, I do. All right time to go tothe tavern and DRIIINK! \"You spend theentire week getting wasted. You gain two Charm andone Physique. There very first day ofthe week, when you walk through thetavern doors, everyone cheers. Apparentlyduring your last drunken outing, you werea party animal while you were blacked out.yeah oh yeah how I was legend spread ofyour party hard spirit game futureoh yeah man the lady can do no wrong andthen the world with howling fury chaosthe sound of all we knew being pulled inhalfwell that's dark and ominous alrightI'm it's man time to go to the slums andfight crime you spend a week outsmartingand feeding up criminals Gain one mindone physique one from this hell yeahone night a small child approach youwith his hand cupped out stretched out towards you.It's a trap beat him upyou don't say anything but looks up atyou with wide eyes waiting expectedlypunch the shit out of themand fine I'll do ityou taught them a sack of coins you loseone well He thanks you and walked awaythe next night you recognize him on thestreet spot a eating what looks like afresh loaf of bread he sees you andsmiles you feel good about yourselfOh. My muscles have grown. I can't believe it. that role you come to use itand 14 next one mind one charmwow I'm doing good whatever these thingsmean really i'm doing goodalright we're going to be alchemy towerthat's let's brew a potion and maybesome booze along with itit's been a week experimenting withdifferent potion brooze you get intomagical mind when they swarm of ratsinfests building. They are bitingeverything in the way everyone else inthe building please immediately so youWhat do we do? Blast them with magic.with is its litter possède pauses seedpawn his gang unruly after losing theelection- I'mma blast them. If you wave yourhands and produce bouquetof flowers. That wasn't the spell youmeant to cast. The rats spot your attempt toexterminate them to get fighting youhorribly- OW my physique managed to escapebut now there are rats all over thetowerwell that didn't go so well things weregoing well but oh well when it arrivesthis time how will be fair we want morerebuild move on be strongwho have we forgotten I don't know Idon't know I just don't knowok so they've got the palace to doadministrative work if that's the kindof guy he isyou spend a week doing paperwork to payto welcome Game one mind one day thecourt jester approaches you would youlike to learn to juggle ya excited meplease you haven't taken our first ofall calm baby he doesn't know how tojuggle maybe there's a trap sure why notspend the day with a gesture practicingyour juggling technique you improvedramatically you gain susan s another tothe head you happily favors afterservices you lose one well when I wasnot very girl things out of the hospitaltend to piecesyou spend the week diagnosing andtending to the sick you get into mineand then one well one day you hear em IQstrong and check out into the hospitalsoon afterwards the glowing blue ghostfloats down from the ceiling seems to bewondering how the agency howling outhorrible noise he doesn't have torealize that you freaking everyone hoand it threw up in my mouth a little bitbecause it was so spooky decide to dosomething about ittalk calmly to the ghost you approachthe spirit and try to explain how to herthe effect she is having on the sick sheseems to understand what you're tellingher and apologizes for botheringeverybody she walks through a wall andit's never seen from again a doctortosses you a sack of coins as a way ofsaying thanks. You gain 2 wealthHey! The YAWHG. it's almost herealmost almostooH! it's getting spoopy up in herealright man you gotta go let's go for a hunthot let's go for a good old hunt youspend the week hunting defenselesscreatures like the good person I amyou gain finesse and sell the peltsfor one wealth. one day you come across agroup of people in the woods from theexpression on their faces they appear tobe lost help them don't rob themyou confront the group and try to help themfind their way back into town. with easeyou need everyone back to town extremelygrateful the group gives you a smalltoken of appreciation. you gain two wealthWow for a guy that's been giving away hiswealth left and right he, he certainlyhas a lot of wealthalright lady, time to goit's the end of the world so what do youdo? get druuuunk!! hell yeeaaaahone day an impromptu drinking contestis heldoh that sounds like my kind of thing youdown pint after pint, drinking as if yourlife depends on end up blacking out again when youcome to you find yourself at home youdon't recognize. in only your underwearyour clothes are nowhere to be foundyou seem to be the only one home whathappened Oh another good time oo shitthe storm arrives in the night the morningand still rages two three full days thetempest puts us through a grinder drownsus crushes us ruins us but then itends we see the graveyard our home hasbecome our home does anything yetlive is itare we past savingoh shit whoa choose the role i don't evenknow what that means what does that mean i don'tknow i don't know but i think this guyis going to be the smelter hell yeah youvolunteer to smell your now-uselesscoins in the building materialsok with a modest amount of riches youhave you managed to provide asignificant amount of income you melt itall down with the smiths take it and workon various tools and building materialsit helps to survive effort a lot youlose three wealthalright then oh she's got a lot of charmshe should be the leaderI vote for uh government that letseveryone party and black out as much asthey want to without getting judged fortheir actions no such thing as past mistakesonly the future! vote for meyou take it upon yourselves to be the leader of thesurvivors you expertly delegatedprioritize tasks give motivatingspeeches act as an effective mediatorand disputes that helps the rebuildingeffort significantly I know I knowand so we set about our tasks once moreliving our lives this time in a way wemight have never expected or wantedbut in the end it was a struggle but astruggle we never abandoned though ourhome had been stripped part we did notlet it languish whether we succeed orfail we did our bestwho knows if the Yawhg will visit us againwho knows if we will ever be can ever beready for it. that was cool it was cool it wasreally coolwe rebuilt we did it through drinkingand partyingwe're good with the old tavern ownerdying in the Yawhg you decide to take onthe task before long the taverns busierthan ever filled with good music gamesand friendsyour taverns doing so great that every othertavern in the area is closed down youstart to change the taverns throughoutthe city to fill the demand each newtavern you make and open makes it moredifficult to manage them all. you beganacting policies that make it easier foryou to keep track of how many tavernsare being run the taverns all start tobecome bland and uninteresting places tobebut since you have a monopoly you're still makingridiculous amount of money that's...that'sboring. the Yawhg changed you probably for thebetter but the town being refilled youeventually decide to retake your role asa doctor and hospital there you makefriends with another doctor the two ofyou do everything together youreinseparableeventually you decide to get anapartment and live with each other thenyour friend gets marriedeverything changes the spouse has tomove away to a new town and yourfriend follows you try to keep in touch bymail but the letters start to come less andless frequently you tried to fraternizewith the other doctors while they're allnice people nothing can compare that'ssad. but thats sad! well i'm sad now I washappy about the rebuilding the both ofthose were kind of sad! the rebuildingwas optimistic but the people that weredoing itled sad lives on man how iscrazythat was like a short 15-minuteexperience that I really loved I feltattached to those people I felt a part ofthat how did i do that in 15 minutesI love that and I bet i'm willing to betevery playthroughs going to be a littlebit different I mean sure you can playto the point where you get every singlepossibility but i bet every playthroughsgoing to be different so I'm gonna leavethis one the way it isI'm gonna let my playthrough be what itis but this game is cool likelegitimately cool just kind of all thepossibilities that could happen and alsoseeing that how the decisions kind ofecho through because she lived lifeparty and doesn't remember stuff andthen she ends up being forgotten and theguy i don't know i only went to bartendone that was the first thing and so hewent back again i guess and made a lotof money but money wasn't what it wasall about anywayand became boring because of itits cool though and i love the music so either wayI'll end this here i'll stop blabberingabout my feelings about this and let meknow what you guys think down thecomments below I really want to hear youropinions about this if you played thisbefore how different how many ways arethere to go about this so anywaythank you everybody so much for watchingand as always I will see you... in the next videobye bye!\n"