The scene unfolded with Mario taking his car out for a spin, accompanied by a Houston race cam. The camera captured the action as Mario navigated through the streets, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. However, things took a turn for the worse when Mario realized that his fuel pump was not available. He had recently purchased the entire stock of E85 fuel from a local supplier and was now struggling to find a source for his car.
Mario decided to take matters into his own hands and put up an ad on Craigslist to sell the remaining 55 gallons of E85 fuel at a discounted price of $100 per gallon. However, he soon realized that there wasn't much traction in the market, and potential buyers were scarce. Despite this, Mario was determined to find someone willing to buy the fuel from him.
As Mario continued to search for buyers, he encountered another issue - a driver who refused to let him pass on the highway. The situation escalated when Mario cut off the other driver, who had been stopped in the middle of the lane with his signal light on. The other driver honked at Mario through their window, and the police were called.
The authorities arrived quickly and began to investigate the incident. It was discovered that the driver who had been cut off by Mario was a trooper from the highway patrol. The trooper was not pleased about the situation and issued Mario a ticket for impeding traffic. However, things took a turn for the worse when the police tried to pull over Mario's car.
The trooper attempted to write out a ticket to Mario, but he refused to cooperate. The situation became increasingly heated, with both parties engaging in a verbal exchange. The police officer seemed to be getting more agitated by the minute, and it was clear that they were not happy about the encounter.
As the standoff continued, Mario realized that he needed to calm down and follow the instructions of the authorities. He eventually stepped out of his car, allowing the trooper to complete the ticketing process. The situation seemed to have been resolved, but it was clear that tensions between Mario and the police officer remained high.
The article goes on to reveal more about the incident, including details about the police officer's reaction to being honked at by Mario through their window. It also mentions that the police officer had been issued a warning for cutting off Mario's car in front of him earlier in the encounter.
As the situation unfolded, it became clear that there was a lot of tension between Mario and the police officer. The officer seemed to be frustrated with Mario's behavior, and it was clear that he was not happy about being cut off on the highway. The article concludes by noting that the driver who had been cut off by Mario will likely face charges for impeding traffic.
In another part of the article, a discussion emerges about the Canadian influence on the police officer's demeanor. It is mentioned that the officer seemed to be more aggressive than usual, and it was unclear whether this was due to any cultural or personal factors.
The article also touches on the issue of liability and how the situation could have been avoided if Mario had simply followed traffic laws. However, it is clear that Mario's behavior was not entirely to blame for the incident, as the police officer's reaction seemed to be disproportionate to the situation.
As the investigation continues, the driver who cut off Mario will likely face charges for impeding traffic. The article concludes by noting that the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following traffic laws and being respectful towards other drivers on the road.
In a surprising twist, it is revealed that the police officer involved in the incident has been issued with a warning for his own behavior. It seems that the trooper had cut off Mario's car earlier in the encounter, which led to Mario cutting him off in return. The article suggests that this may have contributed to the escalation of the situation and the eventual ticketing of Mario.
The final part of the article discusses the emotional toll of the incident on Mario. Despite his frustration with the police officer's behavior, Mario seemed to be shaking hands with the trooper as a sign of respect. This unusual gesture has left many wondering about Mario's personality and how he handles difficult situations.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enand every single thing you're doing on film he's going to jail tonight hey guys doing good why is this so dark in here wake up what are you doing we're like in the corner of the building I think yeah we are Oh Las Vegas what's up you guys welcome back to today's vlog we will get it underway we have to get Alex out of bed he's complaining of being tired of a solution for that red bull I know some of you were thinking something else cuz we're in Vegas okay we'll stick with red bull well too late now yes well I'm sick I'm excited to take these guys over to royalty we got a slew of cars I'm sure to choose from I mean it's Monday it's typically the best day for me to come here and hang out with Houston because busy but it's not like it's the weekend you know cuz on the weekend dude it's just like when you stand in their showroom and it's insane they hustle that's why they're so successful what they do and dude Houston's the owner he wears a shirt that says royalty just like all the other employees he's running around talking to customers it's impressive you can see why the guy is successful at 30 years old yo where'd all these people come from it's Monday I thought everybody went home after the weekend it's like everybody just showed up yeah all right now let's go get our uber Lamborghinis doughnuts guys I get some doughnuts today today seems like a good day for doughnuts your answer is yes doughnuts definitely today I just don't think that kind like the lower-fat time this is looking like us a little row of modern-day Fast and the Furious right here so are we talking about you try it you're trying to get out of here without paying the $10 in parking $15 guys tons of money we'll see how this goes try to drive under the parking what you call the arm thing and yell armed will try to drive under it back in royalty exotics you guys and they have some new rides first off look what I parked beside how sick is that 517 - yes look at the speck on that white wood carbon and then all the orange detail and this thing's got to be like brand-new the wheels have no scuffs on them what do you think yeah they're cool 720 dude leave the lineup there's Houston what up buddy how you doing great little downtime with the family for days sitting at a pool and not moving nothing for real this is my good friend Alex above Alex euston that's Alex well my car sitting here by the way for transport please do not rent it these guys were joking they're like DVD rentals DVD rentals I was like no dude if a TD van comes in it says five grand he has no chance I'm definitely ready to get for sure I know you got some new cars that looks new cars last week yeah oh 14 seven twenty come in I'll show you some all right let's do it two new red four or five eighths Wow two of those one tan interior one blockers here okay got four hurrah cons for me yellow spider green coupe orange coupe and then a red spider two 650s is a black one a green one oh and a white 488 five seventy no more Bugattis white available in our teen cars but not a Bugatti yeah please enjoy laughing first time getting in he said he wanted to do a cooler intro than me I said what's a cooler interested in a car so I looked at Houston I said this is the only car and then Houston went up all of us and said turn it off here we'll watch Alex do his intro oh he closes the door oh that's how it's gonna be you just film him trying to figure out how to turn it on yes so here we go here we go he sees the keyhole he's thinking about it was always filming the key now 20 takes a little bit I hope he can start it because then I'll get the cold star that's a beautiful thing everyone Boston but today yeah we're gonna have some fun today yeah I want to love I want to officially show everybody the demons cars not that fast my goal today this oh yeah it's gonna be a fun day you better get your 85 because if I lose to his car you have to beat them our e85 is like e85 like it's really real but we can't get it all the gas stations well after we beat I beat both of you guys I'll tell you where to get it don't do okay guys listen we always come here Houston has a rental car business right so he oh he says crazy stories two weeks ago we had a guy come in he said he was a manager he's gonna rent a car for his artist and he know he was gonna just give him a good night on the town oh okay cool so the guys come in and they they have really good insurance suspicious but at the same time their insurance worked out and they rented the mp4-12c that I just recently got what dost know the extent of the crazy damage they look at the part but basically because we took it apart to see the real damage what happened was is he hit the other car with the door and the fender at the same time so he calls us like hey someone hit me all this stuff so we get there like five minutes happened right on the street he's not there there's blood all over the car and we're like where'd he go yeah blood all over the car so he's not there so the cop comes and I show a picture of his driver's eyes and insurance it turns out that the guy he was supposed to be was in Virginia running a 5k race the whole time so he literally stole the guy's entire identity so I have to pay for all of this know everything that's the story part you have to pay phones yeah oh my god you can see this is part of the buffer that's stuck in the rim oh wow that's so gnarly bro I mean there's a couple of junk see this but this is the carbon fiber tub right here yeah this piece is like the actual tough but this is not supposed to have this space here I love you see that it pushed it so hard this way that it bent it and it boat it that way wow dude signals on I'm turning life's all good right you think it's all good looks okay from this angle hold on I'm missing a door I'm missing a door wait a minute I can see the wheel and this car has seen better days there you have it exotic car stories horror stories nightmares will grow up some fun now but that was last week's story and yeah what's gonna happen next week what's wrong you're low on oil yeah blowing oil you guys are you joking right No we gotta take you to the dealer get oil you or you're gonna go get oiled do your own oil let me go to Napa so it's a coolant tank right there I can see the cap how do you change corn you have to take the whole car apart how much of the tires people in my comment some of them think we're foolish bugatti tires are really $40,000 a peat or a set yeah I'll show you I got input now I'm trying to tell everybody that I don't run the stock Gatti wheels my rims on the car $160,000 they have a barcode once you glue them three times the four sets the last set that was the four set that's why they're still sitting over here right now I think just to be clear I get a small discount on the tires because I have a whole cell count all right so I painted slightly less here's the charge for the tires right here well this is basically the service for the tires here's the parks and everything at $36,000 okay remove wheels prep for shipping reinstall remove wheels clean all that stuff included in this price first world problems now we're going to now put a get oil for a Bugatti we're at NAPA Auto Parts about to buy oil for a Bugatti just one quart 1060 is one of the body takes a 1060 you put it in right on the side of the road I love it I could've did it without the one over no pressure no pressure no pressure fire at will Oh it's doing the ring adapting pull air break what's going on with that thing yeah you broke dude assume the winger death chasing down the 720 and the Bugatti we're off to find a t85 gas station so Alex can fill up look at you guys this is how royalty rolls and you can rent all these cars you can come and get any of these cars right here we got Mario doing this thing hey Houston race cam what race 287 we don't know I spent all my money on the car I don't know what's going on here there isn't first of all told you okay so there is hold on so look at this pump right here what does this say the 85 all right so hold on not available hahaha that wasn't here two weeks ago cuz I have a whole cellar connect with rebel and I just bought the entire stock left of the 85 so it's 55 gallons left of the 85 in the city so now I'm going to sell it to Alex for a hundred dollars again but do you really wanna know I bought the whole stock and I am actually going to put it on Craigslist for hundred oh yeah dillan yeah pounded barkbox didn't tell me we have no traction in Vegas no Jackson off to get the e85 from this garage secret dat by Staff he's since getting a talking-to from the Highway Patrol huh I wonder what he was saying well he cut him he Connery in front of him turned his lights on here's my driver's license now pulled to the right so we can write you some ticket for what please tell me what I'm not cutting you off by Blink ever saw so laughing yeah I'm not impeding traffic you are impeding traffic you're stopped right in the travel lane you want to go to jail today no I don't want to go to jail this is Christ I have an every single thing you're doing on film so writing is filming it so do I have it all dude he arrested Houston for like just putting his signal on and getting in front of him dude he had a turn signal on city was impeding traffic into that Lane like dude that was totally normally driving that's and that's insane now I'm requesting I Holloway attorney get him over here Wow bro have you ever seen anything like that like literally put it the handcuffs on him and like slammed him into the car we will okay at the end of the day we'll just do what he says because he's upset we got pulled over so we're in the furthest lane to the left so obviously there's a lot of traffic we're trying to get over he's not letting us get over so houston honks his horn at him and then then the cop got very pissed off because Houston honked his horn he's like you know what I am blah blah blah and Houston got heated at that time and then so he just stops in the middle of the highway that was super aggressive for like trying to signal into a light cuz he got pissed dude because he honked his horn at him literally that's what it was an authority thing oh yeah dude this is crazy do they gotta let him go for this like what are they really gonna arrest him for I mean I'm serious like they gotta let him go in the car Thank You barb there car that yelling it Alex he's putting his gloves on demon hey all right I'm not shaking hands demon oh sorry I don't do this okay yeah fair enough all right just be friendly it's a Canadian thing because right now I need all the rest of these cars to leave the scene okay long as I have one licensed driver for this vehicle okay all right Daniel if I ask you to step out of this vehicle can you make that happen right now yes sir please do so thank you all right and then there were two all right guys you guys are good to go okay the Perth trooper that's involved with this okay said you guys good to go yeah he's going to jail tonight okay he's going to click on any time senator okay it's down a fourth actually first and off Richard damn bro he's Singh went to jail for just signalling and apparently like pulling in front of a police officer and literally bumper-to-bumper traffic how is that how is that legal I'm sure he's got a good lawyer we'll be making sure he or she is on this ASAP that absolutely blew my mind not just all the way down the way it did but straight up he got arrested they're taking up to a detention center and not the circumstances that I wanted to get behind the wheel of his beautiful car that was wild see those guys yelling at each other interesting shifter like the way you have to do all the stuff yeah reverses tap once and then over the left and hold down I'm not even kidding bro and park is push this button and there's stuff like neutrals once to the right and then the gear down is pull down straight okay guys look to be continued I guess we're gonna have to wait we're gonna have to bail out Houston so smash that subscribe button so you can find out what happens we'll see you guys in the next video today got cut a little short pieceand every single thing you're doing on film he's going to jail tonight hey guys doing good why is this so dark in here wake up what are you doing we're like in the corner of the building I think yeah we are Oh Las Vegas what's up you guys welcome back to today's vlog we will get it underway we have to get Alex out of bed he's complaining of being tired of a solution for that red bull I know some of you were thinking something else cuz we're in Vegas okay we'll stick with red bull well too late now yes well I'm sick I'm excited to take these guys over to royalty we got a slew of cars I'm sure to choose from I mean it's Monday it's typically the best day for me to come here and hang out with Houston because busy but it's not like it's the weekend you know cuz on the weekend dude it's just like when you stand in their showroom and it's insane they hustle that's why they're so successful what they do and dude Houston's the owner he wears a shirt that says royalty just like all the other employees he's running around talking to customers it's impressive you can see why the guy is successful at 30 years old yo where'd all these people come from it's Monday I thought everybody went home after the weekend it's like everybody just showed up yeah all right now let's go get our uber Lamborghinis doughnuts guys I get some doughnuts today today seems like a good day for doughnuts your answer is yes doughnuts definitely today I just don't think that kind like the lower-fat time this is looking like us a little row of modern-day Fast and the Furious right here so are we talking about you try it you're trying to get out of here without paying the $10 in parking $15 guys tons of money we'll see how this goes try to drive under the parking what you call the arm thing and yell armed will try to drive under it back in royalty exotics you guys and they have some new rides first off look what I parked beside how sick is that 517 - yes look at the speck on that white wood carbon and then all the orange detail and this thing's got to be like brand-new the wheels have no scuffs on them what do you think yeah they're cool 720 dude leave the lineup there's Houston what up buddy how you doing great little downtime with the family for days sitting at a pool and not moving nothing for real this is my good friend Alex above Alex euston that's Alex well my car sitting here by the way for transport please do not rent it these guys were joking they're like DVD rentals DVD rentals I was like no dude if a TD van comes in it says five grand he has no chance I'm definitely ready to get for sure I know you got some new cars that looks new cars last week yeah oh 14 seven twenty come in I'll show you some all right let's do it two new red four or five eighths Wow two of those one tan interior one blockers here okay got four hurrah cons for me yellow spider green coupe orange coupe and then a red spider two 650s is a black one a green one oh and a white 488 five seventy no more Bugattis white available in our teen cars but not a Bugatti yeah please enjoy laughing first time getting in he said he wanted to do a cooler intro than me I said what's a cooler interested in a car so I looked at Houston I said this is the only car and then Houston went up all of us and said turn it off here we'll watch Alex do his intro oh he closes the door oh that's how it's gonna be you just film him trying to figure out how to turn it on yes so here we go here we go he sees the keyhole he's thinking about it was always filming the key now 20 takes a little bit I hope he can start it because then I'll get the cold star that's a beautiful thing everyone Boston but today yeah we're gonna have some fun today yeah I want to love I want to officially show everybody the demons cars not that fast my goal today this oh yeah it's gonna be a fun day you better get your 85 because if I lose to his car you have to beat them our e85 is like e85 like it's really real but we can't get it all the gas stations well after we beat I beat both of you guys I'll tell you where to get it don't do okay guys listen we always come here Houston has a rental car business right so he oh he says crazy stories two weeks ago we had a guy come in he said he was a manager he's gonna rent a car for his artist and he know he was gonna just give him a good night on the town oh okay cool so the guys come in and they they have really good insurance suspicious but at the same time their insurance worked out and they rented the mp4-12c that I just recently got what dost know the extent of the crazy damage they look at the part but basically because we took it apart to see the real damage what happened was is he hit the other car with the door and the fender at the same time so he calls us like hey someone hit me all this stuff so we get there like five minutes happened right on the street he's not there there's blood all over the car and we're like where'd he go yeah blood all over the car so he's not there so the cop comes and I show a picture of his driver's eyes and insurance it turns out that the guy he was supposed to be was in Virginia running a 5k race the whole time so he literally stole the guy's entire identity so I have to pay for all of this know everything that's the story part you have to pay phones yeah oh my god you can see this is part of the buffer that's stuck in the rim oh wow that's so gnarly bro I mean there's a couple of junk see this but this is the carbon fiber tub right here yeah this piece is like the actual tough but this is not supposed to have this space here I love you see that it pushed it so hard this way that it bent it and it boat it that way wow dude signals on I'm turning life's all good right you think it's all good looks okay from this angle hold on I'm missing a door I'm missing a door wait a minute I can see the wheel and this car has seen better days there you have it exotic car stories horror stories nightmares will grow up some fun now but that was last week's story and yeah what's gonna happen next week what's wrong you're low on oil yeah blowing oil you guys are you joking right No we gotta take you to the dealer get oil you or you're gonna go get oiled do your own oil let me go to Napa so it's a coolant tank right there I can see the cap how do you change corn you have to take the whole car apart how much of the tires people in my comment some of them think we're foolish bugatti tires are really $40,000 a peat or a set yeah I'll show you I got input now I'm trying to tell everybody that I don't run the stock Gatti wheels my rims on the car $160,000 they have a barcode once you glue them three times the four sets the last set that was the four set that's why they're still sitting over here right now I think just to be clear I get a small discount on the tires because I have a whole cell count all right so I painted slightly less here's the charge for the tires right here well this is basically the service for the tires here's the parks and everything at $36,000 okay remove wheels prep for shipping reinstall remove wheels clean all that stuff included in this price first world problems now we're going to now put a get oil for a Bugatti we're at NAPA Auto Parts about to buy oil for a Bugatti just one quart 1060 is one of the body takes a 1060 you put it in right on the side of the road I love it I could've did it without the one over no pressure no pressure no pressure fire at will Oh it's doing the ring adapting pull air break what's going on with that thing yeah you broke dude assume the winger death chasing down the 720 and the Bugatti we're off to find a t85 gas station so Alex can fill up look at you guys this is how royalty rolls and you can rent all these cars you can come and get any of these cars right here we got Mario doing this thing hey Houston race cam what race 287 we don't know I spent all my money on the car I don't know what's going on here there isn't first of all told you okay so there is hold on so look at this pump right here what does this say the 85 all right so hold on not available hahaha that wasn't here two weeks ago cuz I have a whole cellar connect with rebel and I just bought the entire stock left of the 85 so it's 55 gallons left of the 85 in the city so now I'm going to sell it to Alex for a hundred dollars again but do you really wanna know I bought the whole stock and I am actually going to put it on Craigslist for hundred oh yeah dillan yeah pounded barkbox didn't tell me we have no traction in Vegas no Jackson off to get the e85 from this garage secret dat by Staff he's since getting a talking-to from the Highway Patrol huh I wonder what he was saying well he cut him he Connery in front of him turned his lights on here's my driver's license now pulled to the right so we can write you some ticket for what please tell me what I'm not cutting you off by Blink ever saw so laughing yeah I'm not impeding traffic you are impeding traffic you're stopped right in the travel lane you want to go to jail today no I don't want to go to jail this is Christ I have an every single thing you're doing on film so writing is filming it so do I have it all dude he arrested Houston for like just putting his signal on and getting in front of him dude he had a turn signal on city was impeding traffic into that Lane like dude that was totally normally driving that's and that's insane now I'm requesting I Holloway attorney get him over here Wow bro have you ever seen anything like that like literally put it the handcuffs on him and like slammed him into the car we will okay at the end of the day we'll just do what he says because he's upset we got pulled over so we're in the furthest lane to the left so obviously there's a lot of traffic we're trying to get over he's not letting us get over so houston honks his horn at him and then then the cop got very pissed off because Houston honked his horn he's like you know what I am blah blah blah and Houston got heated at that time and then so he just stops in the middle of the highway that was super aggressive for like trying to signal into a light cuz he got pissed dude because he honked his horn at him literally that's what it was an authority thing oh yeah dude this is crazy do they gotta let him go for this like what are they really gonna arrest him for I mean I'm serious like they gotta let him go in the car Thank You barb there car that yelling it Alex he's putting his gloves on demon hey all right I'm not shaking hands demon oh sorry I don't do this okay yeah fair enough all right just be friendly it's a Canadian thing because right now I need all the rest of these cars to leave the scene okay long as I have one licensed driver for this vehicle okay all right Daniel if I ask you to step out of this vehicle can you make that happen right now yes sir please do so thank you all right and then there were two all right guys you guys are good to go okay the Perth trooper that's involved with this okay said you guys good to go yeah he's going to jail tonight okay he's going to click on any time senator okay it's down a fourth actually first and off Richard damn bro he's Singh went to jail for just signalling and apparently like pulling in front of a police officer and literally bumper-to-bumper traffic how is that how is that legal I'm sure he's got a good lawyer we'll be making sure he or she is on this ASAP that absolutely blew my mind not just all the way down the way it did but straight up he got arrested they're taking up to a detention center and not the circumstances that I wanted to get behind the wheel of his beautiful car that was wild see those guys yelling at each other interesting shifter like the way you have to do all the stuff yeah reverses tap once and then over the left and hold down I'm not even kidding bro and park is push this button and there's stuff like neutrals once to the right and then the gear down is pull down straight okay guys look to be continued I guess we're gonna have to wait we're gonna have to bail out Houston so smash that subscribe button so you can find out what happens we'll see you guys in the next video today got cut a little short pieceand every single thing you're doing on film he's going to jail tonight hey guys doing good why is this so dark in here wake up what are you doing we're like in the corner of the building I think yeah we are Oh Las Vegas what's up you guys welcome back to today's vlog we will get it underway we have to get Alex out of bed he's complaining of being tired of a solution for that red bull I know some of you were thinking something else cuz we're in Vegas okay we'll stick with red bull well too late now yes well I'm sick I'm excited to take these guys over to royalty we got a slew of cars I'm sure to choose from I mean it's Monday it's typically the best day for me to come here and hang out with Houston because busy but it's not like it's the weekend you know cuz on the weekend dude it's just like when you stand in their showroom and it's insane they hustle that's why they're so successful what they do and dude Houston's the owner he wears a shirt that says royalty just like all the other employees he's running around talking to customers it's impressive you can see why the guy is successful at 30 years old yo where'd all these people come from it's Monday I thought everybody went home after the weekend it's like everybody just showed up yeah all right now let's go get our uber Lamborghinis doughnuts guys I get some doughnuts today today seems like a good day for doughnuts your answer is yes doughnuts definitely today I just don't think that kind like the lower-fat time this is looking like us a little row of modern-day Fast and the Furious right here so are we talking about you try it you're trying to get out of here without paying the $10 in parking $15 guys tons of money we'll see how this goes try to drive under the parking what you call the arm thing and yell armed will try to drive under it back in royalty exotics you guys and they have some new rides first off look what I parked beside how sick is that 517 - yes look at the speck on that white wood carbon and then all the orange detail and this thing's got to be like brand-new the wheels have no scuffs on them what do you think yeah they're cool 720 dude leave the lineup there's Houston what up buddy how you doing great little downtime with the family for days sitting at a pool and not moving nothing for real this is my good friend Alex above Alex euston that's Alex well my car sitting here by the way for transport please do not rent it these guys were joking they're like DVD rentals DVD rentals I was like no dude if a TD van comes in it says five grand he has no chance I'm definitely ready to get for sure I know you got some new cars that looks new cars last week yeah oh 14 seven twenty come in I'll show you some all right let's do it two new red four or five eighths Wow two of those one tan interior one blockers here okay got four hurrah cons for me yellow spider green coupe orange coupe and then a red spider two 650s is a black one a green one oh and a white 488 five seventy no more Bugattis white available in our teen cars but not a Bugatti yeah please enjoy laughing first time getting in he said he wanted to do a cooler intro than me I said what's a cooler interested in a car so I looked at Houston I said this is the only car and then Houston went up all of us and said turn it off here we'll watch Alex do his intro oh he closes the door oh that's how it's gonna be you just film him trying to figure out how to turn it on yes so here we go here we go he sees the keyhole he's thinking about it was always filming the key now 20 takes a little bit I hope he can start it because then I'll get the cold star that's a beautiful thing everyone Boston but today yeah we're gonna have some fun today yeah I want to love I want to officially show everybody the demons cars not that fast my goal today this oh yeah it's gonna be a fun day you better get your 85 because if I lose to his car you have to beat them our e85 is like e85 like it's really real but we can't get it all the gas stations well after we beat I beat both of you guys I'll tell you where to get it don't do okay guys listen we always come here Houston has a rental car business right so he oh he says crazy stories two weeks ago we had a guy come in he said he was a manager he's gonna rent a car for his artist and he know he was gonna just give him a good night on the town oh okay cool so the guys come in and they they have really good insurance suspicious but at the same time their insurance worked out and they rented the mp4-12c that I just recently got what dost know the extent of the crazy damage they look at the part but basically because we took it apart to see the real damage what happened was is he hit the other car with the door and the fender at the same time so he calls us like hey someone hit me all this stuff so we get there like five minutes happened right on the street he's not there there's blood all over the car and we're like where'd he go yeah blood all over the car so he's not there so the cop comes and I show a picture of his driver's eyes and insurance it turns out that the guy he was supposed to be was in Virginia running a 5k race the whole time so he literally stole the guy's entire identity so I have to pay for all of this know everything that's the story part you have to pay phones yeah oh my god you can see this is part of the buffer that's stuck in the rim oh wow that's so gnarly bro I mean there's a couple of junk see this but this is the carbon fiber tub right here yeah this piece is like the actual tough but this is not supposed to have this space here I love you see that it pushed it so hard this way that it bent it and it boat it that way wow dude signals on I'm turning life's all good right you think it's all good looks okay from this angle hold on I'm missing a door I'm missing a door wait a minute I can see the wheel and this car has seen better days there you have it exotic car stories horror stories nightmares will grow up some fun now but that was last week's story and yeah what's gonna happen next week what's wrong you're low on oil yeah blowing oil you guys are you joking right No we gotta take you to the dealer get oil you or you're gonna go get oiled do your own oil let me go to Napa so it's a coolant tank right there I can see the cap how do you change corn you have to take the whole car apart how much of the tires people in my comment some of them think we're foolish bugatti tires are really $40,000 a peat or a set yeah I'll show you I got input now I'm trying to tell everybody that I don't run the stock Gatti wheels my rims on the car $160,000 they have a barcode once you glue them three times the four sets the last set that was the four set that's why they're still sitting over here right now I think just to be clear I get a small discount on the tires because I have a whole cell count all right so I painted slightly less here's the charge for the tires right here well this is basically the service for the tires here's the parks and everything at $36,000 okay remove wheels prep for shipping reinstall remove wheels clean all that stuff included in this price first world problems now we're going to now put a get oil for a Bugatti we're at NAPA Auto Parts about to buy oil for a Bugatti just one quart 1060 is one of the body takes a 1060 you put it in right on the side of the road I love it I could've did it without the one over no pressure no pressure no pressure fire at will Oh it's doing the ring adapting pull air break what's going on with that thing yeah you broke dude assume the winger death chasing down the 720 and the Bugatti we're off to find a t85 gas station so Alex can fill up look at you guys this is how royalty rolls and you can rent all these cars you can come and get any of these cars right here we got Mario doing this thing hey Houston race cam what race 287 we don't know I spent all my money on the car I don't know what's going on here there isn't first of all told you okay so there is hold on so look at this pump right here what does this say the 85 all right so hold on not available hahaha that wasn't here two weeks ago cuz I have a whole cellar connect with rebel and I just bought the entire stock left of the 85 so it's 55 gallons left of the 85 in the city so now I'm going to sell it to Alex for a hundred dollars again but do you really wanna know I bought the whole stock and I am actually going to put it on Craigslist for hundred oh yeah dillan yeah pounded barkbox didn't tell me we have no traction in Vegas no Jackson off to get the e85 from this garage secret dat by Staff he's since getting a talking-to from the Highway Patrol huh I wonder what he was saying well he cut him he Connery in front of him turned his lights on here's my driver's license now pulled to the right so we can write you some ticket for what please tell me what I'm not cutting you off by Blink ever saw so laughing yeah I'm not impeding traffic you are impeding traffic you're stopped right in the travel lane you want to go to jail today no I don't want to go to jail this is Christ I have an every single thing you're doing on film so writing is filming it so do I have it all dude he arrested Houston for like just putting his signal on and getting in front of him dude he had a turn signal on city was impeding traffic into that Lane like dude that was totally normally driving that's and that's insane now I'm requesting I Holloway attorney get him over here Wow bro have you ever seen anything like that like literally put it the handcuffs on him and like slammed him into the car we will okay at the end of the day we'll just do what he says because he's upset we got pulled over so we're in the furthest lane to the left so obviously there's a lot of traffic we're trying to get over he's not letting us get over so houston honks his horn at him and then then the cop got very pissed off because Houston honked his horn he's like you know what I am blah blah blah and Houston got heated at that time and then so he just stops in the middle of the highway that was super aggressive for like trying to signal into a light cuz he got pissed dude because he honked his horn at him literally that's what it was an authority thing oh yeah dude this is crazy do they gotta let him go for this like what are they really gonna arrest him for I mean I'm serious like they gotta let him go in the car Thank You barb there car that yelling it Alex he's putting his gloves on demon hey all right I'm not shaking hands demon oh sorry I don't do this okay yeah fair enough all right just be friendly it's a Canadian thing because right now I need all the rest of these cars to leave the scene okay long as I have one licensed driver for this vehicle okay all right Daniel if I ask you to step out of this vehicle can you make that happen right now yes sir please do so thank you all right and then there were two all right guys you guys are good to go okay the Perth trooper that's involved with this okay said you guys good to go yeah he's going to jail tonight okay he's going to click on any time senator okay it's down a fourth actually first and off Richard damn bro he's Singh went to jail for just signalling and apparently like pulling in front of a police officer and literally bumper-to-bumper traffic how is that how is that legal I'm sure he's got a good lawyer we'll be making sure he or she is on this ASAP that absolutely blew my mind not just all the way down the way it did but straight up he got arrested they're taking up to a detention center and not the circumstances that I wanted to get behind the wheel of his beautiful car that was wild see those guys yelling at each other interesting shifter like the way you have to do all the stuff yeah reverses tap once and then over the left and hold down I'm not even kidding bro and park is push this button and there's stuff like neutrals once to the right and then the gear down is pull down straight okay guys look to be continued I guess we're gonna have to wait we're gonna have to bail out Houston so smash that subscribe button so you can find out what happens we'll see you guys in the next video today got cut a little short piece\n"