Retro Tech - Teleportation

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Rewinding the Clock: The Future of Teleportation Technology

By Marques Brownlee

For decades, people have dreamed of technology that could transport them somewhere else – a teleporter machine that would beam them from point A to point B just like that. But will this technology ever actually exist? And if so, what would it look like?

I'm reviewing dope new tech, but on this show, I'm rewinding the clock to look at the tech of the past that we thought would be our future.


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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enFor decades,people have dreamedof technology that couldtransport them somewhere else--a teleporter machinethat would beam themfrom point A to point Bjust like that.But will this technologyever actually exist?And if so,what would it look like?I'm Marques Brownlee,and I review dope new tech.But on this show,I'm rewinding the clockto look at the techof the pastthat we thoughtwould be our future.This is \"Retro Tech:Teleportation.\"Hey, what's up?MKBHD here.So, I'm aboutto unbox something.Don't know what it is.There's clearlynot a teleporterunder this desk, right?Let's figure it out. Okay.Wow, that is a colorful box.Virtual Boy.This is a console.Interesting.Virtual Boy, teleporters--oh, is thisa virtual reality headset?This graphic isso incredibly '90s,it's hard to tellwhat's going on,but I feel likeI'm seeing a VR headset.And I guess if you're puttingtwo and two together,teleportation really is, uh,it's putting youin a different place.But in 1995,with a good enough VR headset,maybe that's the equivalentof putting youin a different place.All right,let's check this out.Classic '90s packaging here.Look at all those warnings.\"Carefully readthis whole thing.\"\"Don't put it on your faceif you're less than seven.\"\"May cause serious permanentdamage to their vision.\"\"May cause epilepsyor seizures.\"\"Repetitive strain injury.\"\"Before playing,consult a doctor.\"Wow. Yeah, that's a lot.That's a lot.But, hey, it's red and black.Not bad, Nintendo.The tennis game,I'm looking forward to that.Batteries go in here.Close it,snap it onto the back.Oh, man, I'd gone so longwithout messing something up.I remember exactlyhow I took it off,and it doesn't go back onthe same way.I'm blowing my own mindright now.It should just slide downthese rails.Okay, we got this.There you go.Looks like a four-inch display.All red, dot matrix.Mario versus Princess.Okay, I've got my backhand.Hit. I hit the ballback at 'em.The ball's coming back at me.Oh, I missed,and I am now losing.Wow, I'm-- I'm impressed.Now, I definitelydon't feel likethis is teleporting yet,but if today'svirtual reality is, like,the closest thingwe have to teleportation,then this isthe early version of that.But that'swhat we're here out,so let's get into it.First thingI'm gonna ask you to dois check underneathyour chair.Ooh, Oprah moment.All right.I don't knowwhat I'm holding right now.- I find it fascinating.- Uh, these would be--( plays \"Star Trek\"teleporter sound )Oh, it-- it works!I am holdinga miniaturized teleporter.- That's fantastic.- Beam me up.Marques:So, I guess, let's break downin its simplest terms,what exactly is teleportation?What is this concept?There's that famous expression,the quickest wayfrom point A to point Bis a straight line.And the idea ofteleportation is no line.Sherri:You're being beamedat one location,being beamed to another.Like, instantaneous.Speed of light.It's some sort of a devicethat you step into or step on,and then you arrivesomewhere else,on usually a matching device,where you rematerializeon that side.There are so many moviesthat have been builtaround the theoryof teleportation.Keith:You have \"Power Rangers.\"They're teleporting.But probablythe most iconic representationof teleportation--the transporterin \"Star Trek.\"Mr. Spock, prepareto beam Scotty on board.\"Star Trek\" drilled homethat this could be future tech.It's something that we wanted.Beaming up.Notify transporter room.Blake: Sort of aroundthe time of \"Star Trek,\"we had landed on the moon,We felt like we were beingvery ambitious as explorers.And the idea of being ableto get someplace fastis something thatwe're all obsessed with.As a viewer, you hearall of these science words.It seems like a thingthat might be possible.It uses trionic initiatorsin the warp core.Keith:So who am I, as a 10-year-oldwatching this show,not to think, \"Yeah, maybethey've got it figured out.\"Part of the promiseof \"Star Trek\"is believing that we couldget there someday.But teleportationis one of those things that,it's so far off as a technologyto be able to achieve,and those things are possibleonly in science fiction.Marques:So, one of the most importantaspects of a teleporteris it has to completelydisassemble and reassemble youin the exact right placeevery single time.But what would it takeon a physics levelto build a machinewith that type of accuracy?To help me understandwhat's possible,I'm meeting up with Kevinfrom Vsauce2,who's known for breaking downsome of the world'sbiggest complexities.Kevin, welcometo \"Retro Tech.\"Thanks for having me.I love your place.What should we knowabout teleporters?What is actually possibleright now?Well, we're talkingabout teleporting, like,really, really,really small things,like a photon.That's possiblewith quantum entanglement,- which is crazy.- Fair.Yeah, I imaginea lot of what we'reseeing in the moviesis either an exaggerationof the little bitthat's possibleor just completely impossible.We can't exactly visualizewhat it would look likeif you were dematerializeddown into atoms,so let's just pretendthat you turned into light.- Marques: All right.- It's called the doubleslit experiment.It gets complicated.Try to stay with me here.Imagine our teleporter machinedematerializes youinto these light photons,and these two slits representthe atmosphere pathwaysyour beamed bodywill travel throughon your wayto your destination.I am ready to see this.Let's energize.- Huh. That is weird.- ( Kevin laughs )Somehow it turns intoa horizontal string of beads.This is calledan interference pattern.First of all, if you wereto get into a teleporter,we don't want you to bethat series of beads.It's not gonna bea great result for you.If you were a light beamtransported,you might end upin a scattered mess,which would be bad.But atoms actdifferently than light,so in theory your atomswill be less scatteredgoing through those pathwaysand easierto put back together.But when scientists didthe same experiment with atoms,the stuff youand I are made of,they found atomsweirdly behaved the same way.They weren't surewhy this was happening,so scientists triedto observe the atoms.But when they pointeda detector to track the atoms,they changedtheir coordinates,meaning atomscan act like both wavesand particles when in motion.To this day, scientists havestill no clue why,but just observingyour atoms in motioncan change their destination,which would bereally bad for you,the person teleporting.It's like whenyou're playing \"Mario Bros\"and you look at the Booand it stops,and then you turn aroundand it chases you.The observation of itdefinitely changes behavior.- Wow, that--- Yeah.That does hurtmy brain a little bit.So maybe we're stillvery far awayfrom actually beingable to teleport,but what if we could achievealmost the same experiencewithout evenleaving our homes?Narrator:By strapping on 3Dvisual display goggles,one can be immersedinto new worlds.The experienceof virtual realityis similar to teleportationin that your body,your consciousness,your awarenesswas somewhere else,+and instantaneouslyyou are in a completelydifferent environment.Marques:All right, let's talk aboutthe history of VR.How did this wholeVR thing start?You get into the '80s and '90sand you get the Eye Phone.No, not that iPhone.This was the \"eye,\"so, E-Y-E Phone.You had an individualnamed Jaron Lanierwho wanted to createa new type of instrument.These are the special glassescalled the Eye Phones.When you put them on,you're seeing insidean imaginary worldinstead of insidethe physical world.Greg:It was a giant headset.A huge computer had to run it.It cost a ton of money.But what you gotwas a virtual worldthat responded to your touchand what you saw.Blake:It was really the Eye Phonethat helped introducevirtual reality as a productthat you might have inyour lifetime to the masses.Throughout the '90s,video games became moreand more realistic,so that becamea great first frontierfor virtual reality to exist.In my mall, they had theseVR arcade experiences,like \"Dactyl Nightmare.\"Reporter:Truly cutting-edge technology,but to my eyes,these units still havea way to go.- But there was a problem.- It was making people sick.Headaches, nausea, sweats.- ( woman laughing )- Oh, my God!- I can see seagulls.- Okay, it's broken.Blake: All types of thingsthat are connectedto motion sickness.What early VR did have though,was that it looked futuristic.It looked super high tech.None of themactually did much,but they looked coolwhen your friends came over.Marques:So, despite the technologybeing far from perfect,virtual reality headsetspromised to immediatelytransport usto another world.So, today I'm joinedby Jake from Game Ranksand we're gonna test outsome of the retro VRand maybe get a little dizzyin the process.This is Dope Or Nope.- First of all,Jake, welcome back.- Hey, thanks for having me.Season two.Love when we have people back.We got this first thingcoming to us from the year 1993.I'm ready toget jacked in, so...For sure.Let's plug ourselves in.Stuntmaster Virtual Reality.I already feel,uh, young, because whatdoes that phrase mean?The first phrasein the marketing copy.\"Race the car. Fly the jet.Wear that shirt.Confront. Engage. Fire.\"- Wait a second, okay.- Yeah, this is a lot.Race the car?I would like to.- Cool.- Sounds exciting.Fly the jet?Again, probably wouldn't beable to do that in real life.Wear the shirt?That seems like a big step down.- Maybe that's a metaphor?\"Wear that shirt.\"- Wow, okay.- All right.- Whatever it is, we needto be in a mainframe.Yeah, let's-- let's see it.Let's get the actualStuntmaster headset going.\"Attach the clipto the shoulder areaof the shirt.\"- Wear that shirt!That's what it means.- Oh.All right,I'm just gonna put it on.You went for it.Are you ready?- I am ready.- Welcome to the real world.Oh, I heard something.Super Mario World.Is it actually 3-Dor is it just a screenin your face?It's not 3-D at all.It's honestly just a worseversion of playing on a TV.This is like the worstGameboy in my face.- Oh, my face hurts so bad.- Oh, man.That might be the heaviestVR headset I've ever worn.Everything about it is pain.And so for that reason,I'm out.- Kevin: A big nope.- Yeah.- Yes!- Oh, wow.- SegaScope 3-D System.- Look at the dad.He's like, \"Yeah, son.Do that violence. Good work.\"Marques: You can'tsee the 3D part, Dad.Why are you cheering?Here is the phaser.Does it make a cool clicklike the Nintendo gun?No-- ooh.- Not satisfying at all.- Huh.- Now, the console itself.- The console itself.Look at that unit.It is '80s as hell.It looks like a car stereo.Oh, and you plug thisinto your TV.This is very big.Why do you have this?It's retro tech.You gotta have a TV.Start the gamewith the gun maybe.Magic. Oh, wow.Do they feel likethey're flying towards you?Marques: It's nota very impressive depth.'Cause they look like it here,just in a flickering,crappy way.- You did it. Good job.- I saved the city.Jake: That's actuallykind of impressive,if not for the rampantflickering that I knowis making me sick.Low-key,a little bit overpromising?Jake: I think it wouldget old pretty fast.I think it'stoo much hassle,too much setup.SegaScope 3-D, that's a nope.Jake:That's a big nope.This guy.Virtual Reality WorldV.R. Ninja.It's a VR headset,and you are fightinganother ninjabased on your own moves.Do you want to check outwhat kind of sensorthey have in here?Yeah, a little mot--that's a big sensor.- ( rattles )- You know whatthat's telling me?That's telling meit's a capacitiveclosed-circuit typemotion sensor.It's just a littlemetal ball insidehitting the metaloutside of the thing.And if it touches, you moved,It touches the other side,you moved.Pretty simple.It's not an accelerometer.- You're so smart.- I was hoping foran accelerometer.So, to me, this is the closestto modern-day VR so far.I need your guidance.Do you know how to fight?Uh, barely.Like, I was a yellow beltin Tae Kwon Do.Nice. All right, cool.- There you go.- I feel cool now.- That fits surprisingly well.- Do you mind?I got to look for the--yeah, power.All right. I see-- it justlooks like a calculator screen.- Does it--- Not a good sign.Also, do you hear?It's pushing down on my noseand I'm talking like Squidward.Dude, it looks like about30 pounds on your face.There's a time counting downand there's ninjas. Okay.That soundslike it's working.So, unfortunately,it relies on sound.That's the only wayI can know if I get a hit.- Oh, sorry.Where are you?- I'm good. We're good.Nothing's happeningwhen I punch the men.I think I hate it.Oh, my God.- Good luck putting that on.- Let's get in the game.Oh, my God, that is sharp.It's stabbing me in the face.I don't see anything right now.You're about to see...everything.- Oh!- Good stance.You're getting hit.Do it.- Oh! Oh!- That's a hit.Yeah, that's a hit.There-- wow!All right, wow, okay.- ( laughs )- I lost.VR-wise, this isthe worst VR version.It absolutely does not reactto the orientationof your head or anything.- Nothing.- It is the bestlooking one, though.- It is, yeah.- Verdict?It wasn't very goodand it stabbed me in the face.- Yeah.- So, I still haveto give it a nope.- That is a nope.- For the first time,we've given all nopes,and yet I still thinkwe see, like, they're onto something happening.Yeah, it just is a disaster.Marques:So, clearly early VR gamingwas not very good.The technology simplywasn't advanced enough yet,and most at this point hadgiven up on the VR industry.The year is 2012,not that long ago.But it was long ago enoughthat people thoughtvirtual reality was a joke,it was a punch line.We all thought it was done.It made you nauseous.But there were a few peoplethat still loved VR,and one of them was a teenagernamed Palmer Lucky.Virtual reality,people have been wanting itfor a really long time.We finally have the technologyto make it happen.It used gyroscopes,accelerometers, you know,sensors that we know very wellfrom the Eye Phone,and the latency was super low.Blake: The sensors,they're able to so quicklycalculate in real timewhat should be therewhen you look that way,and that's what reallytricked your braininto thinkingthat you're somewhere else.All of a sudden,we thought for a second,\"Hey, this might bea thing againbecause of head tracking.\"And it was this ideathat just by putting onthis pair of glasses,these goggles,you could be anywhere.Really bringing it backto teleportation.A lot of times with technology,we're not even conceivingof something that'sjust about to arrive.The day beforethe iPhone was announced,we didn't even conceivethat a phone was ableto do those things.So who knows?Maybe someone is workingon teleportation right nowand we're gonna havethe ability to teleport.Marques: So, back tothe original question.Is teleportation technologycloser than we think?Well, to find out, I'm gonnaspeak with astrophysicistand all-around great guyDr. Neil deGrasse Tyson,and hopefully he canshed some light on thisand tell us if we're any closerto actually beaming up.Neil deGrasse Tyson,thank you for joining me.Would it be, do you think,ever physically possibleto build this ideawe've imaginedof the teleportation machine?I think centralto the teleportation machineis the memoryof how all of your moleculesare configured.It's an informationprocessing challenge.I can turn you into energyand then move that energyto the other placeand then convert that energyback into particles.But I have to remember,I need the instruction setto reassemble you.Because onceit becomes energy,you've lost allof that information.So, have we ever convertedanything to energy?Yeah, we do that in particleaccelerators all the time.Like, you canreconstruct the same shapein a different place,but remembering where eachmolecule is inside that shape?So, let's go to a \"Star Trek\"style teleportation.So, it disassemblesyour molecules,turns you intoa beam of energy,reassembles iton the other side.All right,so is that still you?I have to say no.It is a copy of you.And basically you justdivided yourself into two--basically cloning.Now, how do we turnthat into you?What we'd need to do isnot simply copy the molecules,you have to copythe neurosynaptic memoriesthat you carryin your brain's molecules.All right, so, boom!It disappears here,shows up over there.It is there instantly,so that all your particleswill disappearsimultaneouslyand then show upin another place.I don't know howto teleport memoriesthat exist in the staticmolecules of your brain.If you could do that,then I'm convincedwe are moving youfrom one location to another.Do you think if virtual realitycan get good enoughthat maybe that's enoughto satisfy that partof our curiositywhere we want to transportjust to see cool things?We'll just sort of putthe headset on and be there.Yes, we've taken baby stepsin that direction.But if you could smell the airand feel the breezeand watch the birdsfly over it,maybe that's sufficient.You don't knowwhether you are lookingat an image or reality.At that point,I don't think it matterswhether you actually goto the Grand Canyon.And then you can just changewhere your location is.But does it matterthat it's real?That's a different question.The knowledge that it's realseems to matter to us.You know, what is real?I sound like Morpheus.( Neil imitating Morpheus )What is real?How do you define real?If your brain is everything,then traveling doesn't matter.We'll just inject it in you.That could come.Well, that's really deep.Thank you again.- I love your shirt.- Oh, thank you.Yeah, actually it's a vest.I've got about a half dozen.Ah, that's beautiful.All right,so after all that,it can feel easyto get pretty downon ever seeing,ever witnessingreal life teleportation,which I get.But I love this switchthat we flipped,where insteadof teleporting ourselvesfrom point A to point B,the tech that turns outmakes a lot more senseis bringing B to A instantly.It's powerful.And that is now the new futurethat I'm reallylooking forward to.Thanks for watching.Catch you guyson the next one.Peace.\n"