"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enSo We are returning after aSo We are returning after aSo We are returning after ashort break with usshort break with usshort break with usAlexander Titov and actually His reportAlexander Titov and actually His reportAlexander Titov and actually His reportSasha,Sasha,Sasha,thank you thank youthank you thank youthank you thank youeveryone Good afternoon, today we will starteveryone Good afternoon, today we will starteveryone Good afternoon, today we will starttalking about utilities,talking about utilities,talking about utilities,we will talk aboutnon-standard measurements, not measurements,non-standard measurements, not measurements,non-standard measurements, not measurements,technical changes, howtechnical changes, howtechnical changes, howmuch is there, and so on When wemuch is there, and so on When wemuch is there, and so on When wetalk about changing the measurement of worktalk about changing the measurement of worktalk about changing the measurement of workteamsteamsteamsmeasuringmeasuringmeasuringthe effectiveness of development and operationthe effectiveness of development and operationthe effectiveness of development and operationas a whole process My name is Alexanderas a whole process My name is Alexanderas a whole process My name is AlexanderTitov I am the Managing Partner and ITitov I am the Managing Partner and ITitov I am the Managing Partner and Ihave been thoroughly involved in for many, many years nowspeaker and conference organizerspeaker and conference organizerspeaker and conference organizerand so on I amand so on I amand so on I amproud thatproud thatproud thatI brought Diops to Russia with the DiopsI brought Diops to Russia with the DiopsI brought Diops to Russia with the Diopsmetaphor metafs debox Moscowmetaphor metafs debox Moscowmetaphor metafs debox Moscowbegan statistics on the use of the wordbegan statistics on the use of the wordbegan statistics on the use of the worddevops in our Russian segmentdevops in our Russian segmentdevops in our Russian segmentlike Googleactually let's start about measuringactually let's start about measuringactually let's start about measuringthe effectiveness of software development, inthe effectiveness of software development, inthe effectiveness of software development, infact, it's not the word efficiency I don'tfact, it's not the word efficiency I don'tfact, it's not the word efficiency I don'tlike, butlike, butlike, butI haven't found another one yetin principle, software development thein principle, software development thein principle, software development thework of teams there are manywork of teams there are manywork of teams there are manymany many teams and these teams theymany many teams and these teams theycarry within themselves aprocess that can be different,we believe that the work of a team as a wholewe believe that the work of a team as a wholewe believe that the work of a team as a wholeis impossible to measure a team, they areis impossible to measure a team, they areis impossible to measure a team, they areactually not like that, a sports teamactually not like that, a sports teamactually not like that, a sports teamis measured, there is a film A wonderfulis measured, there is a film A wonderfulis measured, there is a film A wonderfulartistic man who changedartistic man who changedartistic man who changedeverything about theeverything about theeverything about thecoach who measured thecoach who measured thecoach who measured theperformance of teams and actually now sports areperformance of teams and actually now sports areperformance of teams and actually now sports aresolid the trouble is, there’ssolid the trouble is, there’ssolid the trouble is, there’sa lot of everything, a bunch of statistics are taken and ina lot of everything, a bunch of statistics are taken and ina lot of everything, a bunch of statistics are taken and ingeneral, it’s like Engineering work is nogeneral, it’s like Engineering work is nogeneral, it’s like Engineering work is nodifferent and doesn’t in any way encourage thedifferent and doesn’t in any way encourage thedifferent and doesn’t in any way encourage thecreativity of thecreativity of thecreativity of theengineering qualities of people, and so on.engineering qualities of people, and so on.engineering qualities of people, and so on.That’sThat’sThat’swhy, in general, how to measure the work ofwhy, in general, how to measure the work ofwhy, in general, how to measure the work ofteams and the effectiveness of theteams and the effectiveness of theteams and the effectiveness of thedevelopment and delivery processes is asdevelopment and delivery processes is asdevelopment and delivery processes is asimportant as it should be firstly, becauseimportant as it should be firstly, becauseimportant as it should be firstly, becausebasically This is a subjective story, thatbasically This is a subjective story, thatbasically This is a subjective story, thatis, our team works well, youris, our team works well, youris, our team works well, yourteam works worse, finds out how theyteam works worse, finds out how theyteam works worse, finds out how theywork, it’s very difficult to trackwork, it’s very difficult to trackwork, it’s very difficult to trackchanges. Achanges. Achanges. Apractitioner in organizations, when a bunch of teamspractitioner in organizations, when a bunch of teamspractitioner in organizations, when a bunch of teamsinteract, it’sinteract, it’sinteract, it’sespecially difficult in terms ofespecially difficult in terms ofespecially difficult in terms ofcomparing commercial to commercialcomparing commercial to commercialcomparing commercial to commercialgoals. Well, that is, for example, agoals. Well, that is, for example, agoals. Well, that is, for example, adeveloper candeveloper candeveloper candevelop software fordevelop software fordevelop software forthisthisthisbpm of some kind, or maybe developbpm of some kind, or maybe developbpm of some kind, or maybe developvideo streaming, this is essentially likevideo streaming, this is essentially likevideo streaming, this is essentially likedifferent Java developers, different teamsdifferent Java developers, different teamsdifferent Java developers, different teamsthat can do this, they havethat can do this, they havethat can do this, they havedifferent processes inside, different critical ones, as ifdifferent processes inside, different critical ones, as ifdifferent processes inside, different critical ones, as ifdifferent critical paths and If thisdifferent critical paths and If thisdifferent critical paths and If thisstory is not digitizedstory is not digitizedstory is not digitizedincomprehensible in generalincomprehensible in generalincomprehensible in generalAttack technology develops, how it isAttack technology develops, how it isAttack technology develops, how it iscapitalized and so on, there is no actualcapitalized and so on, there is no actualcapitalized and so on, there is no actualsystem benchmark for such things,system benchmark for such things,system benchmark for such things,and well, actuallyand well, actuallyand well, actuallythis is important for managers, this is important in orderthis is important for managers, this is important in orderthis is important for managers, this is important in orderto implement theto implement theto implement thetechnology strategy. So, intechnology strategy. So, intechnology strategy. So, inprinciple, this is animportant thing for the company, but I’llimportant thing for the company, but I’llimportant thing for the company, but I’llnow move on to typicalnow move on to typicalnow move on to typicalmisconceptions to what extent Icome up with a misconception in fact, whencome up with a misconception in fact, whencome up with a misconception in fact, whenmeasuring the effectiveness ofmeasuring the effectiveness ofmeasuring the effectiveness ofthe development of a team's work, it isthe development of a team's work, it isthe development of a team's work, it isthe developer who is needed because the way to grow is tothe developer who is needed because the way to grow is tothe developer who is needed because the way to grow is tocompete with each othercompete with each othercompete with each otherto compete in the market There and so onto compete in the market There and so onto compete in the market There and so onThat is, for example, Athletes do not growThat is, for example, Athletes do not growThat is, for example, Athletes do not growif they do not compete, the same thingif they do not compete, the same thingif they do not compete, the same thinghappens with engineershappens with engineershappens with engineersbut engineers don’t like it when they arebut engineers don’t like it when they arebut engineers don’t like it when they aredigitized becausedigitized becausedigitized becausepossibly unpleasant things are hidden there, and so on,possibly unpleasant things are hidden there, and so on,possibly unpleasant things are hidden there, and so on,sososoWell, plus there are actually theseWell, plus there are actually theseWell, plus there are actually thesemisconceptions, firstly, thatmisconceptions, firstly, thatmisconceptions, firstly, thatthe efficiency of work, the activity ofthe efficiency of work, the activity ofthe efficiency of work, the activity ofdevelopers is not at all the same, well, that is,developers is not at all the same, well, that is,developers is not at all the same, well, that is,as if Peter told his friends whatas if Peter told his friends whatas if Peter told his friends whatis not it’s worse to effectively go to theis not it’s worse to effectively go to theis not it’s worse to effectively go to theright goal when it’s exactly like exactlyright goal when it’s exactly like exactlyright goal when it’s exactly like exactlyexactly not about the number of wicketsexactly not about the number of wicketsexactly not about the number of wicketsyou make in the repositoryoften management uses when heoften management uses when heoften management uses when hesees metrics hesees metrics hesees metrics hecan find you and like let’scan find you and like let’scan find you and like let’sguysguysguysfaster what to do also doesn’t workmetrics and measurements changes inmetrics and measurements changes inmetrics and measurements changes inteamwork and provide onlyteamwork and provide onlyteamwork and provide onlyfood for thought what is wrong Whatfood for thought what is wrong Whatfood for thought what is wrong Whatcompetencies are missing What to add here is thecompetencies are missing What to add here is thecompetencies are missing What to add here is thenext misconception is that onenext misconception is that onenext misconception is that onedoor of metrics will tell us everything,door of metrics will tell us everything,door of metrics will tell us everything,again this is aagain this is aagain this is amanagerial story here No, you need a lot ofmanagerial story here No, you need a lot ofmanagerial story here No, you need a lot ofmetrics to understandmetrics to understandmetrics to understandwhat is the root problem, what do we need,what is the root problem, what do we need,what is the root problem, what do we need,what do we need to improve the work of thewhat do we need to improve the work of thewhat do we need to improve the work of theteam itself in order forteam itself in order forteam itself in order forengineering skills to grow?engineering skills to grow?engineering skills to grow?What I was talking about is what is needed,What I was talking about is what is needed,What I was talking about is what is needed,this is what gives you an understanding of how coolthis is what gives you an understanding of how coolthis is what gives you an understanding of how coolyou are, how cool you are,you are, how cool you are,you are, how cool you are,this is the mainthis is the mainthis is the mainmeasurement of metricsfrom quantitative to deployment stopsfrom quantitative to deployment stopsfrom quantitative to deployment stopsdelivery and quality,delivery and quality,delivery and quality,recovery time after a failure and the number ofrecovery time after a failure and the number ofrecovery time after a failure and the number ofunsuccessfulunsuccessfulunsuccessfulchanges, the number of unsuccessful changes.changes, the number of unsuccessful changes.changes, the number of unsuccessful changes.This time we are 42 We are approaching the fact thatThis time we are 42 We are approaching the fact thatThis time we are 42 We are approaching the fact thatwe can trust these metrics not only inwe can trust these metrics not only inwe can trust these metrics not only inproduction, but at each stage of developmentproduction, but at each stage of developmentproduction, but at each stage of developmentby how we understandby how we understandby how we understandhow thevery beginning of the process and whatvery beginning of the process and whatvery beginning of the process and whatprocesses what practices what approaches atprocesses what practices what approaches atprocesses what practices what approaches atwhat stage of block development theywhat stage of block development theywhat stage of block development theywork they don’t work in this wholework they don’t work in this wholework they don’t work in this wholestory we are looking at thestory we are looking at thestory we are looking at thewhole complex together this is our differencewhole complex together this is our differencewhole complex together this is our differencegreat story this sitegreat story this sitegreat story this siteactuallyactuallyactuallyshows the dependence of the teams that are there 1stshows the dependence of the teams that are there 1stshows the dependence of the teams that are there 1stleague second league 3 4league second league 3 4league second league 3 4Lol dependence of like these metrics inLol dependence of like these metrics inLol dependence of like these metrics inthis way, you can roughly benchmark yourself.this way, you can roughly benchmark yourself.this way, you can roughly benchmark yourself.But these metrics are like theBut these metrics are like theBut these metrics are like theaverage temperature in the hospital.average temperature in the hospital.average temperature in the hospital.We look at these metricsWe look at these metricsWe look at these metricsdeeper, like deep stories, notdeeper, like deep stories, notdeeper, like deep stories, notonly do we look at each stage of the bidline,only do we look at each stage of the bidline,only do we look at each stage of the bidline,we also look, for example,how long does the Build take along withhow long does the Build take along withhow long does the Build take along withtests There and so ontests There and so ontests There and so onwe look at How long it takes for non-we look at How long it takes for non-we look at How long it takes for non-productproductproductdiplomants we look at How long itdiplomants we look at How long itdiplomants we look at How long ittakes for product diplomantstakes for product diplomantstakes for product diplomantsWhich onesWhich onesWhich oneswe look at How long it takes towe look at How long it takes towe look at How long it takes tocreate a feature up tomaybe less Quest in the repository thatmaybe less Quest in the repository thatmaybe less Quest in the repository thatis, we look at the effectiveis, we look at the effectiveis, we look at the effectiveactions of a team withinactions of a team withinactions of a team withinthe process of the development process whatthe process of the development process whatthe process of the development process whatmoves us to the result themoves us to the result themoves us to the result thefinal value As a result, thefinal value As a result, thefinal value As a result, theclient will have and we, observing a lot,client will have and we, observing a lot,client will have and we, observing a lot,collectcollectcollectabout 30 40 here is anapproximate list provided Soapproximate list provided Soapproximate list provided Somonitoring itself allows you tomonitoring itself allows you tomonitoring itself allows you toevaluate extreme changes. If youevaluate extreme changes. If youevaluate extreme changes. If youchanged something in the processes, you canchanged something in the processes, you canchanged something in the processes, you cansee what Impact allows you tosee what Impact allows you tosee what Impact allows you toscale engineering practices, thatscale engineering practices, thatscale engineering practices, thatis, what -the teamis, what -the teamis, what -the teamhas become a champion in something, this can behas become a champion in something, this can behas become a champion in something, this can bemeasured and passed on to another team,measured and passed on to another team,measured and passed on to another team,including by introducing new metrics, closeincluding by introducing new metrics, closeincluding by introducing new metrics, closethis thing,this thing,this thing,that is, this is the mythical culture thatthat is, this is the mythical culture thatthat is, this is the mythical culture thatshould exist for the interaction ofshould exist for the interaction ofshould exist for the interaction ofoperation development, in principle,operation development, in principle,operation development, in principle,this approach is famously transferred,this approach is famously transferred,this approach is famously transferred,and so, in fact,and so, in fact,and so, in fact,we use our tool forwe use our tool forwe use our tool forour clients,our clients,our clients,there are many other tools, there isthere are many other tools, there isthere are many other tools, there isgitlab performancegitlab performancegitlab performancedevelopmentdevelopmentdevelopmentmetrics, there aremetrics, there aremetrics, there aremany windows of their own stories thatmany windows of their own stories thatmany windows of their own stories thathad 4 metrics, as it were, the rest. Buthad 4 metrics, as it were, the rest. Buthad 4 metrics, as it were, the rest. Butwe have our own history, we simplywe have our own history, we simplywe have our own history, we simplycollect all the events, as if a systemcollect all the events, as if a systemcollect all the events, as if a systemaggregated on the basis of this,aggregated on the basis of this,aggregated on the basis of this,we build,we build changes here. thesewe build changes here. thesewe build changes here. theseintermediate meters, as it were, and assembly according tointermediate meters, as it were, and assembly according tointermediate meters, as it were, and assembly according tocommands of 4 key meters in ordercommands of 4 key meters in ordercommands of 4 key meters in orderto understandto understandto understandwhich places Which effectivewhich places Which effectivewhich places Which effectiveactions in engineering developmentactions in engineering developmentactions in engineering developmentlead to resultsfor me,for me,for me,I generallyI generallyI generallywent to bedwent to bedwent to bedfasterfasterfastershould have beenready to answer your questions, maybeready to answer your questions, maybeready to answer your questions, maybetell you in more detailand Yes Actually, I now suggest,and Yes Actually, I now suggest,and Yes Actually, I now suggest,comrades, to ask a few questionscomrades, to ask a few questionscomrades, to ask a few questionsin advance, you didn’t write them in advance, but sincein advance, you didn’t write them in advance, but sincein advance, you didn’t write them in advance, but sincewe have time left, we can sound inwe have time left, we can sound inwe have time left, we can sound intheir voice, so I, as the directortheir voice, so I, as the directortheir voice, so I, as the directorof the broadcast, urge you not to switch theof the broadcast, urge you not to switch theof the broadcast, urge you not to switch thespeaker’s presentationspeaker’s presentationspeaker’s presentationlike that.Well, colleagues, are there any questionsWell, colleagues, are there any questionsWell, colleagues, are there any questionsabout this report? Well, wellI don’t see any questions, inI don’t see any questions, inI don’t see any questions, inprinciple, the broadcast delay should alreadyprinciple, the broadcast delay should alreadyprinciple, the broadcast delay should alreadybe leveled out, which means I suggestbe leveled out, which means I suggestbe leveled out, which means I suggestgoing a little through the advertising block,going a little through the advertising block,going a little through the advertising block,thank you very much for the report, now I’llthank you very much for the report, now I’llthank you very much for the report, now I’llintercept you with screen sharing,intercept you with screen sharing,intercept you with screen sharing,and we actually advertised this same thingand we actually advertised this same thingand we actually advertised this same thingat the lastat the lastat the lastmonitoring school and the year before, this is the channelmonitoring school and the year before, this is the channelmonitoring school and the year before, this is the channelyou and slurm there they give out test access toyou and slurm there they give out test access toyou and slurm there they give out test access tocourses, in fact, most often on thiscourses, in fact, most often on thiscourses, in fact, most often on thischannel they are waiting for technical leads Team leadschannel they are waiting for technical leads Team leadschannel they are waiting for technical leads Team leadsabout HR I of course doubt it But youabout HR I of course doubt it But youabout HR I of course doubt it But younever know Anything can happen and charms in ournever know Anything can happen and charms in ournever know Anything can happen and charms in ourtime can be quitetime can be quitetime can be quiteprogressive to Understand how muchprogressive to Understand how muchprogressive to Understand how muchyou really need the course, youryou really need the course, youryou really need the course, yourteam is better off getting it in some kind ofteam is better off getting it in some kind ofteam is better off getting it in some kind ofbeta testing and by actuallybeta testing and by actuallybeta testing and by actuallyscanning thescanning thescanning theQR code you will go to Bot. Where youQR code you will go to Bot. Where youQR code you will go to Bot. Where youcan request this, or via acan request this, or via acan request this, or via alink from the chat where I actuallylink from the chat where I actuallylink from the chat where I actuallyduplicated the information now,duplicated the information now,duplicated the information now,and actually now we’ll move onand actually now we’ll move onand actually now we’ll move onfurther, Denis is speaking without afurther, Denis is speaking without afurther, Denis is speaking without aloaf and we’ll see you in a couple of minutes\n"