It's a Stretch to Get Two Days Out of a Charge with More Average Days Out of a Charge with More Average Use
The rear camera is mostly unchanged, with the same 8 megapixel camera with 1080p video recording. There have been upgrades in the optics, but for the most part, it's the same quality from the iPhone 4S. One of the best smartphone cameras out there, but probably not for long with phones like the Nokia Lumia 920 on the horizon.
The front-facing camera has been upgraded to 1.2 megapixels and shoots in 720p. It's nothing on the rear camera, but for video chatting or recording a quick clip, it's really not bad. The iPhone 5 is a solid upgrade and easily the best one yet with LTE, bigger screen, improved battery life, and an outstanding design.
However, what it doesn't do is present a great case to switch from Android or Windows Phone while iOS is in serious need of an overhaul as it feels clunky and unresponsive much of the time. Put simply, the iPhone 5 is one of the best phones out there and an easy choice for a lot of people. But it's not the best phone for everyone.
The camera system on the iPhone 5 has been upgraded to support more features such as button panorama mode which is hardly groundbreaking but still useful. The bigger change however is with the front-facing camera, which has been upgraded to shoot in 720p. This new feature makes video chatting and recording a quick clip much easier and convenient.
A nice improvement on the iPhone 4S is that you can take pictures while recording video, and the camera will automatically focus on its own unless you tap to focus one by one. Focus mode may not be the most efficient way of taking multiple photos in quick succession but it's still a welcome feature for many users.
Another great feature on the iPhone 5 is autofocus, which allows for faster and more accurate focusing. However, this feature only works when you manually tap to focus, so it's up to the user to enable this mode.
Despite its improvements, the camera system on the iPhone 5 still has some limitations. The rear camera may not be as good as some other smartphones in terms of image quality, and there have been no significant upgrades to address these issues.
One of the biggest advantages of using an iPhone is the user interface, which is easy to use and navigate. However, this ease of use can sometimes feel clunky and unresponsive, especially when compared to other operating systems like Android or Windows Phone.
For many users, the iPhone 5 will be an easy choice due to its outstanding design and impressive features such as the larger screen and improved battery life. The addition of LTE also makes it a great option for those who need fast data speeds on the go.
In conclusion, the iPhone 5 is one of the best smartphones available in the market today, but it's not perfect and has some limitations. For most users, however, the benefits of using an iPhone far outweigh its drawbacks, making it a solid choice for anyone looking to upgrade their phone experience.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey Guys This Is Awesome from HotHey Guys This Is Awesome from HotHey Guys This Is Awesome from Hothardware and Today I'm Here with ahardware and Today I'm Here with ahardware and Today I'm Here with areview of the iPhone 5 with a Largerreview of the iPhone 5 with a Largerreview of the iPhone 5 with a Largerscreen LTE and some of the best hardwarescreen LTE and some of the best hardwarescreen LTE and some of the best hardwareperiod Is the New iPhone for you toperiod Is the New iPhone for you toperiod Is the New iPhone for you tostart with We have to go Over the designstart with We have to go Over the designstart with We have to go Over the designin pictures It looks just like thein pictures It looks just like thein pictures It looks just like theiPhone 4 and 4S but in person It's aiPhone 4 and 4S but in person It's aiPhone 4 and 4S but in person It's aHuge Change the first thing I noticedHuge Change the first thing I noticedHuge Change the first thing I noticedwas Just How Light It is even thoughwas Just How Light It is even thoughwas Just How Light It is even thoughIt's Larger it weighs 20% less BuildIt's Larger it weighs 20% less BuildIt's Larger it weighs 20% less Buildquality is also Absolutely top notchquality is also Absolutely top notchquality is also Absolutely top notchwith incredibly Fine toan And Morewith incredibly Fine toan And Morewith incredibly Fine toan And Moreimportantly an Excellent feel take theimportantly an Excellent feel take theimportantly an Excellent feel take therear For Example It's Now mostlyrear For Example It's Now mostlyrear For Example It's Now mostlyAluminum with Glass on top and BottomAluminum with Glass on top and BottomAluminum with Glass on top and BottomWhich Works really nicely in the hand onWhich Works really nicely in the hand onWhich Works really nicely in the hand onBottom You'll See The New Lightning PortBottom You'll See The New Lightning PortBottom You'll See The New Lightning PortWhich is much smaller and reversibleWhich is much smaller and reversibleWhich is much smaller and reversiblehowever If You've got 30 PIN docks andhowever If You've got 30 PIN docks andhowever If You've got 30 PIN docks andcables you're going to need adapters thecables you're going to need adapters thecables you're going to need adapters theheadphone Jack has also been moved to theheadphone Jack has also been moved to theheadphone Jack has also been moved to thebottom of the iPhone 5 not a bigbottom of the iPhone 5 not a bigbottom of the iPhone 5 not a bigDeal to me but it's Something notDeal to me but it's Something notDeal to me but it's Something noteveryone is a fan of up front You'lleveryone is a fan of up front You'lleveryone is a fan of up front You'llfind a Larger 4in display with afind a Larger 4in display with afind a Larger 4in display with aresolution of 1136 by 640 andresolution of 1136 by 640 andresolution of 1136 by 640 andimmediately You'll notice it makes a bigimmediately You'll notice it makes a bigimmediately You'll notice it makes a bigdifference The added height gives Youdifference The added height gives Youdifference The added height gives YouMore screen Real Estate to work withMore screen Real Estate to work withMore screen Real Estate to work withWhich is Something the iPhone has beenWhich is Something the iPhone has beenWhich is Something the iPhone has beenneeding for quite a While It's Not Allneeding for quite a While It's Not Allneeding for quite a While It's Not AllPerfect however Apps need to be updatedPerfect however Apps need to be updatedPerfect however Apps need to be updatedto work with the iPhone 5 Larger screento work with the iPhone 5 Larger screento work with the iPhone 5 Larger screenIf not They revert to a smaller sizeIf not They revert to a smaller sizeIf not They revert to a smaller sizewith letter Boxing Something I foundwith letter Boxing Something I foundwith letter Boxing Something I foundStrange is that iOS really doesn't takeStrange is that iOS really doesn't takeStrange is that iOS really doesn't takeadvantage of the Larger screenadvantage of the Larger screenadvantage of the Larger screennotifications Still Cover Up the Top ofnotifications Still Cover Up the Top ofnotifications Still Cover Up the Top ofwhatever You're doing and the Experiencewhatever You're doing and the Experiencewhatever You're doing and the ExperienceFeels Like Apple Just stretched iOS toFeels Like Apple Just stretched iOS toFeels Like Apple Just stretched iOS tofit Rather than Taylor to really use Thefit Rather than Taylor to really use Thefit Rather than Taylor to really use TheLarger size iOS 6 Comes prein on theLarger size iOS 6 Comes prein on theLarger size iOS 6 Comes prein on theiPhone 5 and is honestly my biggestiPhone 5 and is honestly my biggestiPhone 5 and is honestly my biggestletdown technically It's Faster thanletdown technically It's Faster thanletdown technically It's Faster thanEver And There are numerous bits ofEver And There are numerous bits ofEver And There are numerous bits ofPolish ated but The improvements arePolish ated but The improvements arePolish ated but The improvements areMinor Google Maps and YouTube wereMinor Google Maps and YouTube wereMinor Google Maps and YouTube wereremoved in Exchange for Apple Maps Thereremoved in Exchange for Apple Maps Thereremoved in Exchange for Apple Maps Thereare a few improvements like Turn bytare a few improvements like Turn bytare a few improvements like Turn bytDirections and a new 3D View but for theDirections and a new 3D View but for theDirections and a new 3D View but for themost part It doesn't Match up withmost part It doesn't Match up withmost part It doesn't Match up withGoogle Maps Apps like passbook are meantGoogle Maps Apps like passbook are meantGoogle Maps Apps like passbook are meantTo Make it easy to use your iPhone forTo Make it easy to use your iPhone forTo Make it easy to use your iPhone forBoarding passes tickets And More butBoarding passes tickets And More butBoarding passes tickets And More butWithout NFC It's more of a noveltyWithout NFC It's more of a noveltyWithout NFC It's more of a noveltyinternally You'll find a new Apple A6internally You'll find a new Apple A6internally You'll find a new Apple A6dual core processor clocked at 1.2 ghzdual core processor clocked at 1.2 ghzdual core processor clocked at 1.2 ghzpaired with 1 Gab of RAM Here I have topaired with 1 Gab of RAM Here I have topaired with 1 Gab of RAM Here I have toSay I'm impressed This is the fastestSay I'm impressed This is the fastestSay I'm impressed This is the fastestSystem on a Chip You'll find in anySystem on a Chip You'll find in anySystem on a Chip You'll find in anyPhone or tablet out Right Now with a gpuPhone or tablet out Right Now with a gpuPhone or tablet out Right Now with a gpuon par with the iPad 3 Gaming ison par with the iPad 3 Gaming ison par with the iPad 3 Gaming isimpressive with enough horsepower to runimpressive with enough horsepower to runimpressive with enough horsepower to runeven the most demanding Games Withouteven the most demanding Games Withouteven the most demanding Games WithoutBreaking a sweat Once Games like RealBreaking a sweat Once Games like RealBreaking a sweat Once Games like RealRacing 3 come out you can expect nearRacing 3 come out you can expect nearRacing 3 come out you can expect nearconsole quality graphics on your phoneconsole quality graphics on your phoneconsole quality graphics on your phoneOne of the big additions is LTE WhichOne of the big additions is LTE WhichOne of the big additions is LTE Whichunlike on the iPhone 4S is true 4Gunlike on the iPhone 4S is true 4Gunlike on the iPhone 4S is true 4Gspeeds here are really impressive asspeeds here are really impressive asspeeds here are really impressive asthey're better than Most homethey're better than Most homethey're better than Most homeconnections and I can see LTE beingconnections and I can see LTE beingconnections and I can see LTE beingworth The upgrade Alone for a lot ofworth The upgrade Alone for a lot ofworth The upgrade Alone for a lot ofpeople with The Bigger screen Morepeople with The Bigger screen Morepeople with The Bigger screen Morepowerful specs And LTE Battery Life ispowerful specs And LTE Battery Life ispowerful specs And LTE Battery Life isactually quite a Bit Better even withactually quite a Bit Better even withactually quite a Bit Better even withfairly Heavy use including Callsfairly Heavy use including Callsfairly Heavy use including Callsshooting video and Gaming I was easilyshooting video and Gaming I was easilyshooting video and Gaming I was easilyable to get through a day and I don'table to get through a day and I don'table to get through a day and I don'tthink It's a stretch at all to get Twothink It's a stretch at all to get Twothink It's a stretch at all to get TwoDays out of a Charge with more averageDays out of a Charge with more averageDays out of a Charge with more averageuse The rear Camera is mostly unchangeduse The rear Camera is mostly unchangeduse The rear Camera is mostly unchangedwith the same 8 megapixel Camera withwith the same 8 megapixel Camera withwith the same 8 megapixel Camera with1080p video recording There have been1080p video recording There have been1080p video recording There have beenupgrades in the Optics but for the mostupgrades in the Optics but for the mostupgrades in the Optics but for the mostpart It's the same quality from thepart It's the same quality from thepart It's the same quality from theiPhone 4S It's One of the bestiPhone 4S It's One of the bestiPhone 4S It's One of the bestSmartphone cameras out there butSmartphone cameras out there butSmartphone cameras out there butprobably not for long with Phones likeprobably not for long with Phones likeprobably not for long with Phones likethe Nokia Lumia 920 on the horizon video isthe Nokia Lumia 920 on the horizon video isthe Nokia Lumia 920 on the horizon video isalso Still Solid but Nothingalso Still Solid but Nothingalso Still Solid but Nothingspectacular as it Still doesn'tspectacular as it Still doesn'tspectacular as it Still doesn'tautofocus on its Own unless you tap toautofocus on its Own unless you tap toautofocus on its Own unless you tap toFocus One nice improvement is that youFocus One nice improvement is that youFocus One nice improvement is that youyou can take pictures While recordingyou can take pictures While recordingyou can take pictures While recordingvideo and the Camera Will take picturesvideo and the Camera Will take picturesvideo and the Camera Will take picturesAbout as Fast as you can Hit The ShutterAbout as Fast as you can Hit The ShutterAbout as Fast as you can Hit The ShutterButton Panorama mode is also includedButton Panorama mode is also includedButton Panorama mode is also includedalthough It's hardly a groundbreakingalthough It's hardly a groundbreakingalthough It's hardly a groundbreakingfeature The Bigger change is with thefeature The Bigger change is with thefeature The Bigger change is with thefront facing Camera Which has beenfront facing Camera Which has beenfront facing Camera Which has beenupgraded to 1.2 megapixels and shoots inupgraded to 1.2 megapixels and shoots inupgraded to 1.2 megapixels and shoots in720p It's Nothing On The rear Camera but720p It's Nothing On The rear Camera but720p It's Nothing On The rear Camera butfor video chatting or recording a Quickfor video chatting or recording a Quickfor video chatting or recording a Quickclip it's really not bad the iPhone 5 isclip it's really not bad the iPhone 5 isclip it's really not bad the iPhone 5 isa Solid upgrade and easily the best Onea Solid upgrade and easily the best Onea Solid upgrade and easily the best Oneyet with LTE A bigger screen improvedyet with LTE A bigger screen improvedyet with LTE A bigger screen improvedBattery Life and an outstanding design IBattery Life and an outstanding design IBattery Life and an outstanding design Idon't have a problem recommending thisdon't have a problem recommending thisdon't have a problem recommending thisat all What It doesn't do is present Aat all What It doesn't do is present Aat all What It doesn't do is present Agreat Case to Switch from Android orgreat Case to Switch from Android orgreat Case to Switch from Android orWindows Phone While The hardware is topWindows Phone While The hardware is topWindows Phone While The hardware is topnotch iOS is in Serious Need of annotch iOS is in Serious Need of annotch iOS is in Serious Need of anoverhaul as It Feels clunky and unoverhaul as It Feels clunky and unoverhaul as It Feels clunky and unintuitive much of the Time Put Simplyintuitive much of the Time Put Simplyintuitive much of the Time Put Simplythe iPhone 5 is One of the best Phonesthe iPhone 5 is One of the best Phonesthe iPhone 5 is One of the best Phonesout there and an Easy Choice for a lotout there and an Easy Choice for a lotout there and an Easy Choice for a lotof People But It's not the best phoneof People But It's not the best phoneof People But It's not the best phoneForeveryone\n"