A Look at What You Fought Groups It Heads Here It Has Play and Explore Which Has Xbox I'm Gonna Leave That Up For Right Now Because I Want to Explore That A Little Bit It Has Your Stock Options I'm Actually Going to Uninstall the Money for Now Uninstall the Money Room Music I Want Nothing to Do with However You Can't Uninstall It by Regular Options There Is a Tutorial Online on Reddit That You Can Uninstall It With I'll Put a Link to That in the Description Below But I Am Going to Unpin It From Start Because I Don't Want It Same Thing With Our Movies And TVs Think and Their News Thing and Solitaire I Will Put in a Separate Group and I Will Call This Group Games and That Will Actually Be Where Xbox Goes There We Go Store Will Be in My Pinned Items and Then I Don't Need Get Office Because I Have Office So Will Unpin That and Then We Can Start Dragging and Dropping Stuff So Now We Have Life at a Glance Over Here Which Is Actually Pretty Useful Because It Has My Photos Cortana Mail Calendar Microsoft's Web Browser the Weather App OneNote Phone Companion Etc Except With the Weather App I'm Going to Make It Bigger I'm Going to Right Click It and Go to Resize and We Can Go to Small Medium It's On Medium Right Now This Is Small Just Like in Windows 8 Where It's Literally Just an Icon Why It Is a Two Icon Which is Really Good for the Live Tiles I May Put This Back Up Here and See If it Can Even Be Centered or Large Which Makes it That Size So It's Starting to Function a Lot More like Android Which is Really Neat Now I Got to Open It Up Here So I Can Get the Live Tile Going Again and We're Gonna Put in Our Location and It's 87 Degrees Right Now It Is Hot So I'm Gonna Close That I'm Gonna Click Start and the Live Tiles Can Be Pretty Finicky I'm Gonna Go Ahead and Say That Now Since it's Obviously Not Working but You Can Also if you Don't Want Live Tiles Going you can right click and Turn that Off so for Like Xbox I Don't Need a Constantly Changing Icons So I'm Gonna Go Ahead and Turn That Live Icon Life Tile Off Because It Doesn't Do Me Any Good There We Go Weather is Updated Look at That Big Ol Weather Box That's Really Freaking Cool I'm Sorry but That Is Awesome I Get a Whole Five-Day Forecast Forecast as Long as the Current as Well as the Current Temperature and the Day and You Know Whether or Not it's Sunny That Is Awesome So you Should Totally Do That and Then of Course OneNote Will Function the Same as It Does in Windows 8 and Then As you Can See Down Here Where it Says all Apps it Does Tell You Whether or Not you Have New Apps Installed So We're Gonna Go Through and See What All It Has Installed for Us what The Heck is 3D Builder That's Not Something I Had Anything to Do With Oh Windows 10 comes with a 3d library this Is Probably to Function with Some of that Intel scanning Stuff that they Had so I'm Gonna Click This Yeah You Have a Whole 3d Modeller Here That's Pretty Neat I Don't Know if That Came with it or Installed It from the Store for Some Reason but I Don't Really Want It Right Now So I'm Gonna Right-Click and I'm Gonna Uninstall It cuz I Can Do that Let's Look at Other Things it Installed Angry Birds for Me I Don't Want Archery Master Alone it's All That I Don't Want All of It Basically it's Installing Everything that Was Installed on my Surface for Some Reason Like This Tetris Clone so I Got Ta do Is Just Right Click Them and Go to Uninstall unfortunately For a While at Least until You Reinstall Them or Something it's Going to Only Show Folder Icons for Your Windows Desktop Apps but That's Alright They Got a New Camera App So let's Take A look at that In Another Video so Make Sure you're Subscribed and Then you Can Just Keep Going Through and Anything you Don't Want Installed I Now Run Halo Spartan Assault through Steam I Don't Want Their Health and Fitness App You can Just Right Click and Uninstall It I Just Pinned it to the Taskbar it Said On it Selling it but Because You Don't derp Up Like I am and You're Pretty Much Good Go See just Keep Uninstalling Everything Save Me Some Solid-State Drive Space so That Is an Overview of how to Take Control of Your Windows 10 Start Menu I do Hope This Video has been Helpful and or Entertaining for you If It Has Be Sure to Leave a like and Subscribe to the Channel for More Upcoming Videos such as A look at that camera App and Leave a Comment Down Below and Otherwise I'll See You in the Next Video My name's Ben Adam Ori Pose Box
Windows 10 Start Menu Guide (Customization, Resizing, Uninstalling) _ Windows 10 Tips
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everyone my name is anna-marie bells box and in this video we're going to be cleaning up the Windows 10 Start menu here just a little bit now keep in mind you do have two options with the Windows 10 Start menu if you're on a desktop you can either use it in normal desktop mode which is a bit only a bit more similar to the windows it is seven and previous versions Start menu or you can use it in full-screen mode by going to settings personalisation Start and then use full screen start and then when you click the start button it's going to pop it up in full-screen mode you can click this icon over here to bring up that normal Start menu and you have your Start menu mode ready to go I however will prefer the normal size so I'm going to turn off that then it has show most used apps show recently added apps show recently open items on the jump list and choose which folders appear so first we're gonna customize which folders appear File Explorer ya settings yeah but why does it have all these hidden we don't want those hidden so I'm gonna use documents mute downloads music pictures videos and network you can customize these to your heart's content those are the ones I wish then when we click start once it realizes what I'm doing it has all this pictures those folders there however it's getting rid of a lot of application shortcuts however look at this if I put my mouse over one of the edges I can make it taller so since I have a very high resolution display I can make my Start menu take up a heck of a lot of space because it's only ever going to be there to be used it's not going to be up all the time so when I hit Windows key it is right there so you can also customize the size which makes it really nice when you're adding a lot of crap to it like I am then you can tell it whether or not to show your recently added or most used apps and your most used items I think this looks pretty cool alright so we're going to close that personalization menu for a moment then we're gonna pull up our giant Start menu now and here you there's where it has the most used apps and there's where it has the most recently added apps let's go down here to all apps and see this view and see this pulls up a vertical list of all of your apps that you have installed think for a second and if there's something that you regularly use that you don't have on your taskbar but you would still like somewhere you can right-click it and go to pin to start now when you pull it up it's going to be over here in its own PIN section they do have various sections like Windows 8 did and so you can the name your group so I'm going to call this I'm just going to call this pinned items for now I'll customize it for myself later and then you can move where it goes so for example I want my pinned items at the top so I'm gonna put it at the top go over here to all apps scroll through find another app file hip-hop manager I make mention that in another video you also take a look at the other options you have you can still run it as administrator like previous versions of Windows you can open up where that shortcut is you can uninstall the program from this menu or you could even pin it to the taskbar I want to pin it to start and then drag it over here to my group Wow and you can even customize like how far apart the squares are which is pretty cool so let's take a look at what you fought groups it heads here it has play and explore which has Xbox I'm gonna leave that up for right now because I want to explore that a little bit it has your stock options I'm actually going to uninstall the money for now uninstall the money room music I want nothing to do with however you can't uninstall it by regular options there is a tutorial online on reddit that you can uninstall it with I'll put a link to that in the description below but I am going to unpin it from start because I don't want it same thing with our movies and TVs think and their news thing and solitaire I will put in a separate group and I will call this group games and that will actually be where Xbox goes there we go store will be in my pinned items and then I don't need get office because I have office so will unpin that and then we can start dragging and dropping stuff so now we have life at a glance over here which is actually pretty useful because it has my photos Cortana mail calendar Microsoft's web browser the weather app OneNote phone companion etc except with the weather app I'm going to make it bigger I'm going to right click it and go to resize and we can go to small medium it's on medium right now this is small just like in Windows 8 where it's literally just an icon why it is a two icon which is really good for the Live Tiles I may put this back up here and see it can even be centered or large which makes it that size so it's starting to function a lot more like Android which is really neat now I got to open it up here so I can get the live tile going again and we're gonna put in our location and it's 87 degrees right now it is hot so I'm gonna close that I'm gonna click start and the live tiles can be pretty finicky I'm gonna go ahead and say that now since it's obviously not working but you can also if you don't want live tiles going you can right click and turn that off so for like Xbox I don't need a constantly changing icons so I'm gonna go ahead and turn that live icon life tile off because it doesn't do me any good there we go weather is updated look at that big ol weather box that's really freaking cool I'm sorry but that is awesome I get a whole five-day forecast forecast as long as the current as well as the current temperature and the day and you know whether or not it's sunny that is awesome so you should totally do that and then of course OneNote will function the same as it does in Windows 8 and then as you can see down here where it says all apps it does tell you whether or not you have new apps installed so we're gonna go through and see what all it has installed for us what the heck is 3d builder that's not something I had anything to do with Oh Windows 10 comes with a 3d library this is probably to function with some of that Intel scanning stuff that they had so I'm gonna click this yeah you have a whole 3d modeller here that's pretty neat I don't know if that came with it or installed it from the store for some reason but I don't really want it right now so I'm gonna right-click and I'm gonna uninstall it cuz I can do that let's look at other things it installed Angry Birds for me I don't want archery master alone it's all that I don't want all of it basically it's installing everything that was installed on my surface for some reason like this Tetris clone so I gotta do is just right click them and go to uninstall unfortunately for a while at least until you reinstall them or something it's going to only show folder icons for your Windows desktop apps but that's alright they got a new camera app so let's take a look at that actually we'll take a look at that in another video so make sure you're subscribed and then you can just keep going through and anything you don't want installed I now run halo Spartan assault through Steam I don't want their health and fitness app you can just right click and uninstall it I just pinned it to the taskbar it said on it selling it but because you don't derp up like I am and you're pretty much good go see just keep uninstalling everything save me some solid-state drive space so that is an overview of how to take control of your Windows 10 Start menu I do hope this video has been helpful and or entertaining for you if it has be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more upcoming videos such as a look at that camera app and leave a comment down below and otherwise I'll see you in the next video my name's Ben Adam Ori pose boxhello everyone my name is anna-marie bells box and in this video we're going to be cleaning up the Windows 10 Start menu here just a little bit now keep in mind you do have two options with the Windows 10 Start menu if you're on a desktop you can either use it in normal desktop mode which is a bit only a bit more similar to the windows it is seven and previous versions Start menu or you can use it in full-screen mode by going to settings personalisation Start and then use full screen start and then when you click the start button it's going to pop it up in full-screen mode you can click this icon over here to bring up that normal Start menu and you have your Start menu mode ready to go I however will prefer the normal size so I'm going to turn off that then it has show most used apps show recently added apps show recently open items on the jump list and choose which folders appear so first we're gonna customize which folders appear File Explorer ya settings yeah but why does it have all these hidden we don't want those hidden so I'm gonna use documents mute downloads music pictures videos and network you can customize these to your heart's content those are the ones I wish then when we click start once it realizes what I'm doing it has all this pictures those folders there however it's getting rid of a lot of application shortcuts however look at this if I put my mouse over one of the edges I can make it taller so since I have a very high resolution display I can make my Start menu take up a heck of a lot of space because it's only ever going to be there to be used it's not going to be up all the time so when I hit Windows key it is right there so you can also customize the size which makes it really nice when you're adding a lot of crap to it like I am then you can tell it whether or not to show your recently added or most used apps and your most used items I think this looks pretty cool alright so we're going to close that personalization menu for a moment then we're gonna pull up our giant Start menu now and here you there's where it has the most used apps and there's where it has the most recently added apps let's go down here to all apps and see this view and see this pulls up a vertical list of all of your apps that you have installed think for a second and if there's something that you regularly use that you don't have on your taskbar but you would still like somewhere you can right-click it and go to pin to start now when you pull it up it's going to be over here in its own PIN section they do have various sections like Windows 8 did and so you can the name your group so I'm going to call this I'm just going to call this pinned items for now I'll customize it for myself later and then you can move where it goes so for example I want my pinned items at the top so I'm gonna put it at the top go over here to all apps scroll through find another app file hip-hop manager I make mention that in another video you also take a look at the other options you have you can still run it as administrator like previous versions of Windows you can open up where that shortcut is you can uninstall the program from this menu or you could even pin it to the taskbar I want to pin it to start and then drag it over here to my group Wow and you can even customize like how far apart the squares are which is pretty cool so let's take a look at what you fought groups it heads here it has play and explore which has Xbox I'm gonna leave that up for right now because I want to explore that a little bit it has your stock options I'm actually going to uninstall the money for now uninstall the money room music I want nothing to do with however you can't uninstall it by regular options there is a tutorial online on reddit that you can uninstall it with I'll put a link to that in the description below but I am going to unpin it from start because I don't want it same thing with our movies and TVs think and their news thing and solitaire I will put in a separate group and I will call this group games and that will actually be where Xbox goes there we go store will be in my pinned items and then I don't need get office because I have office so will unpin that and then we can start dragging and dropping stuff so now we have life at a glance over here which is actually pretty useful because it has my photos Cortana mail calendar Microsoft's web browser the weather app OneNote phone companion etc except with the weather app I'm going to make it bigger I'm going to right click it and go to resize and we can go to small medium it's on medium right now this is small just like in Windows 8 where it's literally just an icon why it is a two icon which is really good for the Live Tiles I may put this back up here and see it can even be centered or large which makes it that size so it's starting to function a lot more like Android which is really neat now I got to open it up here so I can get the live tile going again and we're gonna put in our location and it's 87 degrees right now it is hot so I'm gonna close that I'm gonna click start and the live tiles can be pretty finicky I'm gonna go ahead and say that now since it's obviously not working but you can also if you don't want live tiles going you can right click and turn that off so for like Xbox I don't need a constantly changing icons so I'm gonna go ahead and turn that live icon life tile off because it doesn't do me any good there we go weather is updated look at that big ol weather box that's really freaking cool I'm sorry but that is awesome I get a whole five-day forecast forecast as long as the current as well as the current temperature and the day and you know whether or not it's sunny that is awesome so you should totally do that and then of course OneNote will function the same as it does in Windows 8 and then as you can see down here where it says all apps it does tell you whether or not you have new apps installed so we're gonna go through and see what all it has installed for us what the heck is 3d builder that's not something I had anything to do with Oh Windows 10 comes with a 3d library this is probably to function with some of that Intel scanning stuff that they had so I'm gonna click this yeah you have a whole 3d modeller here that's pretty neat I don't know if that came with it or installed it from the store for some reason but I don't really want it right now so I'm gonna right-click and I'm gonna uninstall it cuz I can do that let's look at other things it installed Angry Birds for me I don't want archery master alone it's all that I don't want all of it basically it's installing everything that was installed on my surface for some reason like this Tetris clone so I gotta do is just right click them and go to uninstall unfortunately for a while at least until you reinstall them or something it's going to only show folder icons for your Windows desktop apps but that's alright they got a new camera app so let's take a look at that actually we'll take a look at that in another video so make sure you're subscribed and then you can just keep going through and anything you don't want installed I now run halo Spartan assault through Steam I don't want their health and fitness app you can just right click and uninstall it I just pinned it to the taskbar it said on it selling it but because you don't derp up like I am and you're pretty much good go see just keep uninstalling everything save me some solid-state drive space so that is an overview of how to take control of your Windows 10 Start menu I do hope this video has been helpful and or entertaining for you if it has be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more upcoming videos such as a look at that camera app and leave a comment down below and otherwise I'll see you in the next video my name's Ben Adam Ori pose box\n"