Selling My Toyota Celica for a Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo

The Corvette: A Timeless Classic that Won't Break Your Budget

If you're looking for a reliable and fun sports car that won't drain your bank account, consider taking a closer look at the classic Corvette. With its powerful V8 engine and sporty design, it's no wonder why this iconic car has been a favorite among driving enthusiasts for decades.

The modern Corvette is a far cry from its predecessors, with advancements in technology and engineering making it a more sophisticated and capable machine. While the older models may have struggled to keep up with the latest sports cars on the market, they still hold their own in terms of performance and reliability. In fact, many owners report that their Corvettes can easily keep up with newer models, thanks to the muscle and power of its V8 engine.

One of the things that sets the Corvette apart from other sports cars is its ability to provide a driving experience that's both thrilling and practical. With its five-speed transmission and rear-wheel drive layout, it's designed to put the driver in control, making it a joy to drive on twisty roads or at high speeds. And with its durable build quality and simple design, it's not uncommon for Corvettes to easily clock 150,000 miles without major issues.

Of course, no discussion of the Corvette would be complete without mentioning the mid-engine variants that have been gaining popularity in recent years. These cars offer a unique blend of performance, handling, and practicality, making them an attractive option for drivers who want it all. With their sleek design and advanced technology features, they're sure to turn heads on the road.

But what really sets the Corvette apart is its timeless appeal. Unlike some other sports cars that may be more flashy or high-tech, the Corvette has a classic look and feel that never goes out of style. Its swooping lines, bulging fenders, and aggressive stance all come together to create a car that's instantly recognizable as a Corvette.

And with values starting to rise for older models, now is a great time to consider adding one to your collection. Whether you're looking to restore a classic car or simply enjoy driving a reliable sports car on a budget, the Corvette is definitely worth considering.

But be warned: if you buy a Corvette and don't know how to drive it properly, you may end up in trouble. The Corvettes are real drivers' cars, with five-speed transmissions that require skill and finesse to handle effectively. So if you're new to driving or not comfortable behind the wheel, it's best to look elsewhere.

In contrast, the 300ZX Twin Turbo is a classic sports car that won't break your bank. With its powerful twin-turbo engine and rear-wheel drive layout, it's designed to deliver thrilling performance without draining your wallet. And with values starting to rise for older models, now may be a great time to consider adding one to your collection.

But beware: the 300ZX is not immune to problems. With some owners reporting issues with corrosion-prone systems and other components, it's essential to do your research and choose a model that's been well-maintained and serviced regularly. And if you're considering leasing one of these cars, be sure to read the fine print – it may save you money in the long run.

Finally, no discussion of classic sports cars would be complete without addressing the age-old question: how to flush out Dexcool from your cooling system. With its introduction decades ago, Dexcool was designed to provide a more reliable and longer-lasting cooling solution for car engines. However, many owners have reported issues with its effectiveness over time, particularly when combined with rust-prone systems.

In reality, the problem lies not with Dexcool itself but rather with the fact that it's an older technology. With advancements in cooling system design and materials, newer cars are now equipped with more reliable and efficient solutions that don't require flushing out old additives like Dexcool.

So what can you do if you're stuck with a car that still uses Dexcool? The good news is that newer formulations of the coolant have eliminated many of the problems associated with older models. In fact, most owners report no issues whatsoever when using the new stuff. However, if you want to flush your cooling system to ensure maximum performance and safety, it's best to consult a professional mechanic who has access to specialized equipment and knows how to do it right.

As for supercharging your 97 Firebird, Scotty says it's definitely doable – but it requires some careful consideration. With its powerful V8 engine, the Firebird is already a formidable performer on the road. But adding a supercharger can easily take things to the next level, providing an extra boost of power that's hard to match.

However, be warned: supercharging your car can also come with significant risks. The added power can put additional stress on the engine, transmission, and other components – so if you're not careful, you could end up blowing them all out. It's essential to carefully research and plan your modifications, choosing stronger components and upgrading your engine management system to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

In conclusion, the Corvette is a timeless classic that offers both performance and practicality for drivers who want it all. With its powerful V8 engine, sporty design, and reliable build quality, it's an excellent choice for anyone looking to add a fun and capable sports car to their collection.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: entoday I'm gonna talk about a classicsports car this is a 1991 Nissan 300zxtwin turbo as you can see it's got quitea bit of wear that low front endit's whacking into speed bumps here inHouston all the time and you can seethis is a Nissan Fairlady Z Z one twinturbo with dual exhaustthough these twin turbos were only madefrom 1991 to 1996 now on their day theywere fast cars puts out 300 horsepowerfancied all up the Nissan twin turbo v6engine strong engine any owner'smodified it quite a bit it's got a howlracing aluminum radiator and these arefast becoming collectors cars the priceis starting to rise now originally thiswas about a $36,000 car which was a lotof money back in 1991so like any car their values got lowerover time only now they're starting togo higher it would not be a bad idea topick one of these up and restore thesethings now I can go zero to 60 betweenfive and six seconds which of courseisn't fast today the Corvette I had theother day did it in like 2.6 seconds soit's not comparable to a modern car andit has a top speed of 155 which islimited by electronic governors but asit stands as a classic car it's a verygood classic car that you might want topurchase because after all this is 1991it's probably one of the best years theyever made cars he's had the classicJapanese reliability and has a discs inthe back not gigantic but it wouldenough to stop itthat's all does this one is it's alittle bit worse for wear and even sidewhat do you expect you know it's aclassic two seater here this one's got anice strengthened the bar in the back tomake the frame tighter for corner anywaythe state-of-the-art transmission forthose days a five-speed standardtransmission that was virtuallyindestructible and for its day look iteven had sport and touring suspensionis a big deal back in 1991 well start itup starts right up just like any Japanese caryou can hear some turbo whinelet's take you for a spin and see whathe can do now let's see if thetwin-turbo still work yep they stillworkstill has pick up too it can hear thoseturbos whining down and man the AC stillworks typical Japanese car now whilewe're driving it around yeah it's alittle rough riding even with a fancysuspension it's kind of worn out on thiswhole thing but this is a fun littlereliable sports car even though it's a1991 great handling still nice and tighthandling not slapping even with all thisage you can hear those turbos whiningthey make more noise the older there yaknow compared to a modern sports car hey it's got enough dynamite or once it doeshave 300 horsepower but with its weightit's not super super fast in the statewas a real screamerbut it's Japanese reliability it's whenNissan was making reliable cars you canget these things and still not have todo that much work on them the body isthis one has one hundred and forty ninethousand miles it is on its secondengine the first engine whoo you pushany car eventually it's gonna blow theengine but you really get speed out ofthis thing you gotta push it pretty highrpms that's just how the engine is andas you can see the technology's beenoutdated we're talking about Auto metalpaint cassette sound system but it is aBose it still sounds goodand really the value on these older onesjust keeping them original you startputting a bunch of crap on them and thevalue goes down because they don't haveall the original equipment off thisparticular one the body parts are muchthe worse for wearwhat paint a few plastic parts begin tolook like new that's got the cool T topsyou can take them both off if you wantmake it kind of a convertible andthere's a lot of guys that keep themcoming as a rant car they won't do themover they'll keep them kind of readylooking to show what they are an oldclassic ready sports car and since thereare classic six-cylinder longitudinaldesign with rear-wheel drive these makegreat drifting cars parts are readilyavailable as are aftermarket add-ons to give youmore performance not all that expensiveeither after all that's how the Nissanthese series were nice sports cars funzippy to drive but they didn't breakdown and they weren't super expensivealthough at 36,000 dollars this thingwasn't cheap back in 1991 with thetwin-turbo setup this was Nissan's topof the line car at the time but they canbe fun and easy to maintain look here'sthe fuel filter yes right they're nothidden inside the gas tank right in thefront these things are easy to work onand look at the fraud headlamps thisisn't plastic this is glass it doesn'tfade much nicer than that cheap plasticthey're using these daysand this particular one the body's stillin good shape the frame is goodunderneath I'm sure I can hear a littlebit of noise from the rear-enddifferentials a little bit want toexpect that when you have performanceproblems you can have it rebuilt you canbuy a remanufactured want or you cantake a trip to the junkyard and try aused one if you're the gambling typelet's think about getting one of thesethat's a toy you better hurry up becausethe prices are starting to get prettysky-high now people bought all the othercollectibles now look at these twinturbos z cars and strange it up for an oldsports car you can still use thesethings as daily drivers like my customerdoes just realize it's a period car backin 1991 the Corvette guys are scramblingto go 0-60 as fast as this thing did butas I said the modern Corvette would justblow this thing awayit does it between two and three secondsthis thing's much slower than yeahdon't compare it to more modern ones and this thing is now thirty years old let'ssee what those mid-engine Corvettes likejust started making are gonna be like in30 years if they've got 150,000 miles orso on them it's a fun dependable sportscar put a little money in one if you getone that's beat-up you can drive it foryears and like I say their values arestarting to go up so if you get them nowmix one up nice you might even makemoney on it if you sell it in five tenyears assuming you don't wrap it arounda tree this is an old car there's not anykind of collision avoidance systems andstuff on it you get one of these youbetter know how to drive if y'all buy itthis is a real driver's car five-speedshipped it yourself you know how todrive don't buy one of these so now youknow the truth about these nice300zx twin turbos the classic sports carthat won't break your budget and can bedriven every day and here's some bonusquestions and answers Estrada saysScotty I really like the Porsche SUVwhich one is best the best one is theone your neighbor owns cuz then you knowto pay for repairs cigs arounds us moneypets and realize that a lot of themthey're not really Porsches they gotVolkswagen engines and stuff in aVolkswagen by Porsche out ages agothey're overpriced money pits you know Imean if you really have to get one takemy advice lease one then you'll get itout of your system and you don't have topay for repairs you will actually losemore money if you buy one and then getrid of it later then you will justleasing it and then giving up when thelease is up that's how bad those carsare but if you really got to get onelease it or if your neighbor has oneborrowed from every once in a whilethat's a smarter move, hippie along sayshow to flush out dexcool I got oldvideo half flush your cooling system howyou can watch that now here's the thingthat's cool decades ago they made itwrong and it was rusting systems I hadcustomers with GM products that only had30,000 miles they said it lasted for 80or 90 and they go corroded system cuzthey didn't make it right in thebeginning but that was decades ago theyhave no problems anymore theyreformulated so you don't really need toget rid of Dexcool if you got in a jamvehicle you can continue using it thenew stuff he has no problems at all butif you want to flush any vehicle to doit right you basically have to take thethermostat out and then just get agarden hose and flush the whole thingthrough we used to flush them withchemicals but the chemicals polluted thewater and most of the flush chemicalsthese days are cramping they don't doanything anyways garden hose works justas good as just about anything else orif you really want to flush pay aprofessional mechanic who has a flushmachine that has chemicals that staywithin a system and then they dispose ofthem correctly when they done they justdon't flush them down the drain, Kellysays Scotty you're awesome and honest Iwant to put a supercharger and my 97Firebird what's your opinion I love thiscar you can do whatever you want it'syour money a supercharger is an easy wayto get power because a turbocharger yougot to change the exhaust systemsupercharged you just bolt right onwhat this is a gigantic button you'reprobably gonna blow the engine most guys what they do first is they will buildthe engine up rebuild it put in strongerpistons maybe forged pistons do thehands over then they'll put asupercharger because they know their newengine could take so if you just put asupercharger on your car now you'llprobably blow the engine but if youdon't careput it on get a bunch of speed now whenit blows you're gonna put another engineand go right ahead and you'll probablyfind out you let's put anothertransmission and soon after too cuz ifyou put a supercharger it might burn thetransmission out um you're gonna have toreplace that but if you don't mind tokeep replaced the parts go right aheadit's doable you just gotta keep puttingmore money and putting stronger parts onso if you never want to miss another oneof my new car repair videos, remember toring that Bell\n"