Reviewing Every iOS Version on iPhone

The Evolution of iOS: From iPhone OS 1 to iOS 15

When it comes to mobile operating systems, few have undergone as much evolution and change as Apple's iOS. From its humble beginnings as iPhone OS 1 to the latest version, iOS 15, each new iteration has brought with it a multitude of exciting features and changes that have transformed the way we interact with our iPhones.

One of the most notable changes in iOS 14 was the introduction of a "C" feature inside the Settings app. This feature allowed users to control whether apps could track their activity across other companies, apps, and websites. This was a significant stance on privacy, and it made headlines when Facebook lost revenue due to its reliance on this information.

For many users, the most viral feature in iOS 14 was undoubtedly Back Tap. This innovative feature allowed users to double tap the back of their iPhone, which could trigger various actions such as going to the home screen or opening a specific app. While it may seem like a small change, Back Tap was a game-changer for many iPhone users.

Now, let's take a look at some of the exciting features and changes in iOS 15. One of the most notable is the redesigned Safari browser. Gone are the days of the traditional address bar; instead, it has been moved to the bottom of the screen, allowing users to access it easily by tapping on the "A" key. This change is not only visually appealing but also improves the overall user experience.

But that's not all - iOS 15 also brings improved functionality to Safari with its introduction of Focus Modes. These modes allow users to only receive notifications from certain applications and specific people, helping them stay focused on their work or personal activities. Additionally, Share Play for FaceTime has been introduced, allowing friends to experience things together over FaceTime, such as TV shows, movies, or music.

Another exciting feature in iOS 15 is Live Text, which allows users to copy text from an image and paste it into a notes app in real-time. This feature is not only convenient but also incredibly useful for users who need to take notes quickly. And with Visual Lookup, users can identify certain animals, plants, or objects by swiping up on them, providing a wealth of information and knowledge at their fingertips.

But perhaps the most significant change in iOS 15 is its introduction of a Privacy Report feature. This feature allows users to see when an application or website has accessed their contacts, media library, microphone, camera, or any other invasive data. This transparency is a major step forward for Apple's commitment to user privacy and will undoubtedly make users feel more secure and in control.

Finally, iOS 15 also brings significant improvements to Spotlight Search. Gone are the days of manual searching - with iOS 15, you can now download and install applications directly from the spotlight search results. The feature has become much smarter, allowing it to search all over the web for information and show up relevant results right in the spotlight.

In conclusion, each new iteration of iOS brings with it a multitude of exciting features and changes that transform the way we interact with our iPhones. From Back Tap to Spotlight Search, these innovations have revolutionized the mobile operating system experience, making it more convenient, secure, and enjoyable than ever before. Whether you're an iPhone enthusiast or just looking for the latest and greatest in tech, iOS 15 is definitely worth checking out.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's up guys, my name's Brandon,and today we have a big video.So we're going to be comparing every iOSversion from iOS one all the way to themost recent iOS 15.So this is going to give us a closerlook at how much Apple's mobile operatingsystem has improvedover the past 15 years.All right. So let's take a trip downmemory lane. So starting off with iOS one,which was released in 2007, thiswas Apple's first version of iOS,which is actually callediPhone OS when it was released.And this of course is onthe original iPhone two G.And you could see here it'spretty any bare bones. I mean,you could not change thewallpaper on the background.You could only change the lock screenwallpaper so you can see the lock screenhere. Of course we have theclassic slide to unlock,but you didn't really haveanything on the home screen.You could not move applications.We didn't have an app store.You could see YouTube was pre-installedright there. Very, very bare bones.Of course, we did have thecamera application though.And you can see the camera opensup right there. The quality,obviously not very great. You cansee when we take a picture there,we could do that. And it saves right tothe photos application, our camera roll.You could not shoot video,but you could shoot pictures andyou could see the other quality.Not very great, but back in2007, this was a big deal.This is what started everything.So the next year in 2008,apple released iPhone OS two.So this was the successorto iPhone OS one.And this introduced the appstore for the very first time.So this was a very big deal.You could see the first ever iconfor the app store, right there.There were about 500 hundred applicationsin the app store when it firstlaunched.And this gave people the opportunityto download apps to their phone for thefirst time, instead of having toside load them. And you can see here,we had the original layout. Ofcourse it doesn't work anymore,but this was the originallayout for the app store.And since we were able to installapplications on our phone,we were also able to move theicons around of the first time.So we could not do that in iPhone OS one,but you could hear with iPhone OHS two,we also got the podcast application.This was inside of theiPod app for the music.We could see podcasts right there.Those were available forthe first time as well.And then inside of the maps application,we also got walking andpublic transit directions.So this was before apple used theirown proprietary maps applications.So we used Google maps back then.And then in 2009, applereleased iPhone OS three.So this would be the last version ofiPhone OS before it would switch over toiOS.But we could see here that this actuallybrought a lot of pretty big features.So first off we had spotlightsearch from the home screen.So we can now swipe over tosearch for things on the iPhone.So this is obviously added since peoplewere installing applications for thefirst time,they wanted to be able to find them ifthey had a lot of apps on their homescreen. So that was big.We also got copy and paste forthe first time on the iPhone.So we were not able tocopy and paste before,but now if we type something we coulddouble tap right there and copy and pasteit. If we wanted to, we also got somebig changes and the camera application,we were able to shootvideo for the first time.And also we got the tap to focuswithin the camera application.And then we also got push notificationsfor third party applications.So now applications, thirdparty applications couldsend you push notifications.And you'll also notice a couple ofchanges with the default applications.So you could see that it used tobe text on iPhone OS one and two,but it changed two messagesin iPhone. Oh S three.And then also we get the addition ofthe voice memos application down thereAnd then came iOS four.So in 2010 apple renamediPhone OS to iOS andreleased iOS four here,which was a massive update.It brought FaceTime for the iPhonefour and later. So that was a big deal.Of course you could video other peoplewith iPhones and talk to them while,you know, on video, like aSkype call back in the day,that was a pretty big deal. Also,we were able to change our wallpaper onthe home screen for the very first time.And now that we were allinstalling applications,we were now to havefolders on the home screen,which is very convenient and very handywhen you have a lot of applications andit was great for organization back then,we also got the introduction of airplayand personal hotspot for the very firsttime not to mention probably thebiggest feature in iOS four wasmultitasking. So now if you doublepressed on the home button, you could,you could multitask between applications.You actually had a doc down here,so this is what we calledmultitasking back in the day.So obviously it's a much differentdefinition now, but back then,we were able to go down here and gointo each application rather quickly,whereas before we were not able to do thatAnd then came iOS five in 2011,and this was also a massive update.So this brought iCloud to the iPhonefor the first time and this actuallyallowed wireless activation.So now after iOS five,you would not have to plug in youriPhone and use iTunes to activate it.It would now activate wirelessly, whichwas extremely convenient. And also,as you could see here, thelittle one on these settings,this was also the introductionof over the air software updates.So from iOS five on, you would now getsoftware updates from the phone itself,instead of having to plug it upinto iTunes to update your phone.We also got the introductionto iMessage in, in 2011,with iOS five and alsothe notification center.So now if we swipe down from this screenright here from the top of the screen,we would now get the notification center,which would show us different informationalong with our notifications that wehave not seen yet.And you may have also noticed down herein the doc that this was also the firsttime where apple named the musicapplication music instead of iPod,And then came iOS six,which also introduced quite a few bigfeatures that we still have today.So the first one is Siri. Soof course we all have a love,hate relationship with Siri,but this was introduced forthe first time in iOS six.It didn't really have too muchfunction back then, like it does now.It's still not the bestnow, but it was very,very bare bones back in 2012 with iOS six,we also got apple maps for the first time.So apple finally dropped Google appsand made their own proprietary appsapplication here withdirections and Google maps.Wasn't the only thing theapple dropped of Googles.We also got the removal ofthe YouTube application.So before on iOS one through iOS five,the YouTube app was installed by default,but that was removed with iOS six dueto competition between apple and Google.And since iOS five saw a lot ofsuccess with the FaceTime feature,iOS six added cellular support forFaceTime. So now you could call people,you know,video call people over acellular connection and youdidn't have to be on wifiAnd then came the infamousAOS seven updates in 2013.And so this brought a majordesign overhaul to the iPhone.The icons pretty much everything aboutthe iPhone looked completely differentthan it did on iOS six andprevious versions of iPhone oriOS. We had a lot of newfeatures in this update.A lot of 'em that were hidden as well,but one of my favorite ones that I useda all the time now is the swipe from theleft to go back. So this wasfirst introduced with iOS seven.You were not able to do thatbefore. That's one featureI used every single day.We also got the controlcenter for the first time.So if you swipe up from the bottom righthere, you would see the control center.So this is the very first iterationof the control center on the iPhone.You can see our togglesdown and up here as well,along with airplay andare now playing music.You were not able to customizethese toggles or, youknow, move anything around.It was just set like this, butthis was the introduction of that.This also brought these swipe downto search the spotlight search.We also got things like theairdrop feature activationlock was first introducedwith IUs seven. So nowpeople stole iPhones.It wasn't really easy to justwipe everything off and resell it.We had activation lock, whichhelped prevent that a little bit.We also got the introduction to CarPlay.So now you could hook your phoneup to your head unit, your car,and you would be able to access basicallyan iPhone on the display of your car.You guys know what CarPlay is now.This was when it was introduced backinto 2007, we also got FaceTime audio.So if you had FaceTime,you could now do a FaceTime audio callinstead of a video call for betterclarity and just bettersound on the phone call.This was also the first year whereyou got the option to install softwareupdates automatically.So you didn't have to manuallyinstall them after iOS seven.We also got major improvementsto multitasking with iOS seven.So if you double pressed onthe home button right here,you could see the multitasking looks alot better and a lot more like it doesnow. So iOS seven really setthe stage for almost, you know,a lot of things that we have now, evenon iOS 50 tune, but you can see here,we got a little preview of what was insideof those currently open applications.And we were able to close them by justsimply swiping up. Whereas on iOS six,we had a tap and hold right here.And that's how we closedout of the applications.And of course we didn'tget any previews, you know,a little preview of what was inside ofthat application that was currently open.And then we also got battery percentageand the status bar for the first time oniOS seven as well,Then came iOS eight in 2014.So this brought a ton of new featuresand functionality to the iPhone.Not quite as much as iOS seven did,especially on the design front,much changed year over year, butwe did get a lot of functionality.So we got for the first time we wereable to do what's called quick type.So this is just basically predictivetext where if you type something,it would predict what you wantedto type next. And of course,you guys know this all now, butthis was introduced with iOS eight.We also got apple pay and apple music.So we at the apple music service tocompete with Spotify back here in 2014,we also got handoff and continuity.So if you double pressed right here,you would be able to see, you know,you'd have continuity where you couldsee where you were running, you know,a certain application on another device,you would be able to pick up whereyou left off from that device.We also got widgets for the first time.So if you swipe down hereto the notification centerand then go all the way tothe bottom, if you tap on edit, youwere able to add or remove widgets.So this is what we calledwidgets back here on iOS eight.Obviously we have a muchdifferent definition of that now,but you were able to movethem around and add them.If you had any down here from thirdparty applications, if you wanted to,we also got things like audiomessages, location sharing,and improved video message, interface,better group messaging management,and a way to send multiple images andvideos at once inside of the messagesapplication,you were not able to send more thanone photo or video beforehand withiMessage. We also got things like homekit and iCloud drive and iOS eight.So after consecutive years of a lot ofchanges to the front end and a lot of newfeatures added in iOS iOS ninewas a little bit different.So this was the first year the appleopened up the public beta program.So you no longer had to pay totest out the betas on your iPhone.You could just sign up tothe public beta program,but we also got a lot ofchanges to basically AI.So apple introduced seriessuggestions, and on the back end,apple would try to guess, you know,which applications are gonna open upbased on the time of day and what you'redoing on your phone. We alsogot things like low power modes.If we go into our settings andthen go to battery low power mode,this was first introducedhere with iOS nine in 2015.We also got things like nightshift and a lot of other features.We got the ability to searchinside of settings here.And then if we go back to the home screen,you could see we got the newsapplication for the a first time.And this update overall was justa really big optimization update.So apple trimmed down the size of alot of the built-in applications andapplications in the app store,the battery life improved.A lot of people were justreally satisfied with iOS nine,despite the fact that it didn't reallyhave a ton of forward facing featuresAnd then came iOS 10 and 2016.So this gave us the option to deletedefault applications. You could see there.This was the first time we were ableto delete applications that camepre-installed on our device.We got iMessage applications.So now in an iMessage, we go to the appstore here. You were able to, you know,use these applic and play gameswith other people with iPhones.Siri also integrated with third partyapplications with iOS tens who were ableto call a Lyft call an Uber, you know,different things straight from Siri,straight from using Siri,which was something brand new becausedevelopers just got access to this for thefirst time with iOS 10,we finally got lyrics for applemusic inside of the application.We also got the voicemail transcription.So you guys know when you get a voicemail,it shows it kind of just puts in textwhat was said in that voicemail that wasfirst introduced with iOS 10, themaps application was much improved.And we also got the new home application,which would be the way that weaccess all of our home kit devicesAnd then came iOS 11 and 2017.So this was a big update for the iPadbecause you got drag drop support,split screen application,the files, application,and support for handwritingwith the apple pencil.But it was also a pretty big updatefor iOS 11 as well for the iPhone,because we got things like airplay too.The control center was completelyredesigned, so you could see,it looks more reminiscent to whatit looks like now in present day,this was first introduced with iOS11, same with the notification center.If we swiped out,you could see the notification centeris also more reminiscent of what we haveright now. It switched overfrom the iOS 10 design.The app store gotcompletely rework in iOS 11.So you can see this also looks avery reminiscent to what we have now.So iOS 11 really set the stage for,you know, iOS 11 through iOS 15,because a lot of things look very similar,but this was a big switch at thetime, even on the lock screen as well,we have some changes.So if we lock the phone and goto the lock screen right here,there are some changes hereon the lock screen as well,because now just show upright here instead of havingto swipe down while on thelock screen, like you had to, with iOS 10,we got the files applicationfor the first time.And then also a pretty big featurein iOS 11 is inside of our settings.If we go down to safariright here and then go down,you can see that we got the preventcross site tracking feature for the firsttime on the iPhone. So thiswould prevent, you know,sites from tracking you across yourphone and onto different websites.So this is a pretty big featurewhen it came out for your privacyAnd then came iOS 12 and 2018.And this was mainly a refinementupdate with a focus on stability andperformance.So apple really toted this update asbeing a big improvement over iOS 11in terms of performance. Andit actually lived up to that.It was very solid in terms of performance,but we also got some newfeatures on this update as,and one of the big ones was theaddition of the shortcuts application.So you guys might remember onmy channel, if you're an OG,I made videos on shortcuts,right? When it came out on iOS 12,it was very bare bones at first,you really couldn't do a ton,but it's gotten a lot better over time,but that was first introduced right here.We also got grouped notificationsfor the first time and the center.We got the screen timefeature for the first time,which would allow us to track where wewere spending the most time on our phoneand also block certain websites andalso set limits for applications.We got group FaceTime,which would allow you to FaceTimeup to 32 people at the time.We also got the introductionof MI emoji characters.So you could kind of put your mask onyour MI emoji character over your face onthe FaceTime call, which is pretty cool.The stocks application got a completeoverhaul and looked a lot better and a lotmore modern. We got thingslike ways support for CarPlay.So you could finally get ways orGoogle maps on your CarPlay device.And some minor changes inside of thephotos application, like the four U tab.So again, this was mainlya refinement update,but there were quite afew new features as well.And then we got iOS 13 and 2019.So this was a big update for alot of reasons. So first off,this was the introduction to iPad west.So this is the first year thatapple separated iOS and OS forthe iPad. So this was big.We also got the big update for dark mode.So dark mode finallywas a thing with iOS 13.So if we go into our settings here,you could also set this inside of controlcenter. If you customize the controls,we had a dark mode toggle right herewhere we could just simply put our deviceinto dark mode and it'll make all themenus dark, which is pretty neat. Also,if you went back to the displayand brightness section right here,you had the option toturn this to automatic,to make it dark until sunrise orvice versa. Like until sunsets,we got a complete overhaul to applicationslike reminders, notes, safari,and mail.So lots of big changes to some of thedefault applications and also apps justopened a faster and face IDunlock a lot faster with iOS 13.So really back to back refinementupdates with iOS 12 and 13,but 13 did add dark mode,which was something that we hadbeen requesting for a very long timeAnd then came iOS 14 in 2020,which introduced a ton of massivechanges to the iPhone. So first off,as you can see right here,we got home screen widgets.We also got the app library. So if wego down here all the way to the right,we got the app library, weed search,different applicationsby alphabetical order,or just search for themright up there up top.We also got things like theability to hide applications.So if I wanted to hide TikTok,I could just go to remove applicationand just remove from home screen.And it would just hide thatapplication from the home screen.We also finally got picture andpicture for video or FaceTime calls.We got a new incoming call.You UI that didn't take up the full screenalong with a new sir UI that also didnot take up the full screen.It was just this little circle down atthe bottom of the home screen or whateverapplication you were in.We got a lot of changes insideof the messages application.This was the first time you wereable to reply to certain messages.If you tapped on, youcould do the reactions.And of course you could replyin line right there as well,which is very Andy for group chats.You could also pin conversations tothe top of your messages application.You could also search foremojis for the first time.So if you wanted to searchfor like the vomit emoji,you could search for it right there.We got the translate application.We got spatial and lossless audiofor the AirPods and AirPods pro.And we also got a pretty big featureinside of settings here, a C feature.So if we go to settings privacy, andthen down to tracking, you can see,we finally got the option toallow apps, to request to track.So this was a big feature. Ofcourse, this made Facebook go crazy.They lost a lot of revenue because ofthis, but you can see here, it says,allow apps to apps to track youractivity across other companies,apps and websites.So this prevent other applications fromseeing what you do on your phone whenyou go to other applicationsor other websites.So this was a huge stance fromapple in terms of privacy.And it did make a big rumble, youknow, in the space of, you know,other applications that relied on thisinformation to make money like Facebook.So this is a massive, massive see feature.And then also to go tolocation services here,and we went to any typeof application here,you have the option to turn onor off your precise location. Oh,and how can I forget about one ofthe most viral features in iOS 14,and that is back tap,which would allow you to have whatpeople on TikTok would call and,and visible button or a, youknow, and button on your iPhone.So if you double tap the back ofyour iPhone, you can see here,it will go to the home screen. That isthe back tap feature. It's pretty cool.Of course we know about it now, but thatwas new and really cool with iOS 14.And now to present time, dependingon when you're watching this IO 15.So iOS 15 also brings a lot of bignew features and changes to theiPhone.Pretty much the biggest one that everybodynoticed right away is the redesignedsafari. So safari, the address bar isnow down at the bottom here in safari,you can change that. Youtap on these A's right here.You could change it back to thetop. So this is a pretty cool,pretty bold change byapple. I really like it.You can see how it kind ofdisappears into the webpage as well.So safari is much improved in iOS 15,we got the introduction to focus modesinside of the control center that wouldallow you to only receive notificationsfrom certain applications and certainpeople. When you go into these focusmodes, we got share play for FaceTime,which would allow you to experiencethings with friends over FaceTime,like TV shows, movies, or music.We got the live text feature,which would allow us to copytext from an image and real time,or from one that was already taken.You could just copy and paste the textfrom there and paste it into a notes.Of course, we did also get visual lookup,which would allow us toidentify certain animals.If we swipe up right here orplants or just different objects.And it would tell you what breed ofdog it is or what kind of cat it is,which is pretty neat.We also get another really bigprivacy change inside of iOS 15.So if we go to privacy and then downto the bottom two at privacy report,this let us know when an applicationor a website accesses our contacts,our media library, our microphone, ourcamera, anything that would, you know,be invasive or get accessto any of our data,you'll know about it righthere in the app privacy report.So this is also another really big featurein iOS 15 and a really big stance towords privacy. Oh,and not to mention the spotlight searchhas also gotten a lot smarter here withiOS 15 as well. So if I search forsomething like crash, Bandi Kote,for example, if I search crash, Bandi Ko,I will be able to actually download andinstall the application straight fromthe spotlight search. It also will searchall over the web for crash. Bandi Ko.You can see web images and everythinghere from the actual internet.It shows up right here inside of thespotlight search without having to go intosafari. So spotlight search is somuch more improved here in iOS 15.And as you're see in this video, it'sreally come a long way. But anyways, guys,there, you have it. That is the evolutionof iOS from iPhone OS one to iOS 15.So hope you guys enjoythis video if you did.I would appreciate if you gaveit a thumbs up and of course,make sure to subscribe fora lot more videos coming,comparing all of the iOSversions. But anyways, guys,thanks again for watchingand I'll see you soon.\n"