How to Add Stream Labels to OBS Studio - Recent Follow, Top Donator, Sub Train [2021]

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How to Set Up Stream Labels in OBS Studio for Recent Followers, Top Donators, and More

In this video, we will show you how to set up stream labels for OBS studio using the Stream labels program. We will also download it right now.

To start, go to your browser and visit Log in with your Twitch account on the left side of the screen. From there, click on all widgets and then select stream labels from the options.

We have downloaded stream labels for both Windows and Mac OS. Now that we have installed it, let's log in by clicking on "Connect to Twitch" and filling in the necessary details.

Once logged in, we need to choose our output directory. This is crucial because this is what Stream labels is all about. So, click on the option and then select a location for your stream labels.

In this location, we will create a bunch of files, such as recent followers, top donator, etc. Each of these files represents a label, so our folder will contain around 100 text files. Therefore, it is essential to choose a good location for you.

I usually save my stream labels in the C: drive and make a new map with a name like "Stream Labels". This makes it easier to find the directory whenever I need to access my stream labels.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enIn this video I will show youhow to set up stream labelsfor OBS studio for recent follower,top donator, follow trains, etc.What's up everyone Jellehere with another videoand welcome to the OBSstudio Master Course.Today we will be settingup a bunch of labelsusing the Stream labels program.And lets just download it right now.So go to your browserand go to Streamlabs.comand log in with your Twitch account.Then on the left youcan click on all widgetsand right here we see stream labelsso lets just click on it and here we candownload it for Windows Mac OS.So lets just click on Windowsto download the programand I will get back to youwhen its installed.Okay the installation is finishedand we have to log in solets just click on connectwith twitch then fill in the detailsand I will see you after.So we are logged in andnow we have to chooseour output directory.And this is very importantbecause this is whatstream labels is all about.So lets click on it andthen choose a directorynow in this directory wewill create a bunch of filesfor example recentfollowers, top donator, etcand each of those files represent a label.So it will be folder withlike 100 text files in itso choose a good location for you.I usually save it in my Cdrive and then I make a newmap and I call it "Stream labels" okayjust click on selectmap and then here we areon the home screen of theStream labels applicationnow before settinganything up I will show youthe folder which we just createdso I will go to my C driveand the not the Stream labelswhich is right here and yousee this is a folder witha bunch of text files.Now if you just searched for "Follow"then you see every labelabout followers and right herewe have most recent followerand lets double click ityou could already see preview but you seeits just a text file withmy most recent followerinside of it.Now every time that one of these labelsis changing this text fileright here will be updatedand the new recent followerwill appear in the text filethen OBS Studio is readingthose text files so it willalso change on OBS Studio.I will show you an example of that sogo to the stream labels applicationand then click on the settingsthen we get another windowand right here on top you can choosethe label which you want to set upso lets go to the recent followerright here most recent followerlets click on it and thenright here we have the options.So for now the messagetemplate is just the nameand we could see that in the text filebecause this name between parentheseswill output the name ofthe most recent follower.But lets say you want toadd recent follow like thisokay so now you can save itand just leave these settingsby waiting until the pop up disappearsand then clicking on the X right hereand then here you can clickon this icon to reloadthe stream labels session andthen maybe immediately thismost recent followertext file will be changedbut its not so you willhave to wait some timeso lets close the windowand re open the fileand when we re open itwe see that it is updatedaccording to our settings soright now how do we use thisin OBS Studio? Well lets go to OBS studioright here I have a cleanscene with one game captureso lets say you wantto add recent followerright here on top we cannow click on the plus iconand then choose text right hereokay lets call it "recentfollow" click on Okayand then we get this option screen butinstead of adding text ourselvesright here we will enableread from file so click on that okaythen we can choose a file right hereso lets click on browsethen go to the folderto which you saved thestream labels and then justsearch for recent followsso lets type followokay most recent followerlets double click itnow the file gets importedand right here we seeour text so now we can change the textwe can change the font right hereyou will probably knowhow to do this the colorthe background color opacitybasic settings lets click onokay and then right hereyou see it is in our screenand our recent followersadded and right now when I geta new follower this willbecome recent follow and thenthe name of the next follower.And there are a lot of optionswith this when you go tostream labels and to the settingsyou can add a follow trainetc.When we go back to the fileslets type follow and thensearch for the follow trainso okay right here followtrain clock you see by defaultits 0 and when I would get a new followit would start a countdownand that would count to 0again unless I go to new followerand then it would automatically be resetand the amount of timethat this which is dueonce we get a followerit can also be adjustedin the stream labels program.So right here lets click on scroll downand then you have to searchfor trains and combosso right here followtrain lets click on thatand here we have a bunch of settings fora few of the text files all at onceso right here show clockalways show 0 when inactiveyou can hide the clock wheninactive but right hereyou see timer duration soright now its 300 secondswhich is 5 minutes sowhen I get a new followerthe clock will startclicking down from 5 minutesand you can change theamount of time right here.Of course there are too manyoptions to go over all of them.If you have questions onany of these setting etcjust ask them in thew commentsor join our discord serverfrom the tvn communityand then you can ask questions right thereis you want one more guideabout streaming content creationpromoting yourself etcmake sure you click the subscribe buttonbecause this channel willbe just a perfect recoursefor you. Thank you so much for watchingand I will see you in mynext video, have a good day.