10 Strange Dollar Store Items!

I don't know what google means maybe it's a different artist I hadn't heard of strength and ability haha JumpingFrog games press the frog and by the jump into the pool draw a line to use the starting point so it's a game and who can get their frogs into the pool right this is it that is it so many teams children red blue whoa I don't even get off the ground bro I oh I didn't do why are you jumping so far the waves were out dude you're seeing it up many of you getting so frustrated because it's competitive and anytime you think of something that's what happened I hate this game sucked anyways back to offer yeah this is literally the thinnest cheapest plastic I've ever seen in my life mean while you can get donut pops for a sweet singing microphone while you do this sorry some things are worth dollars and some things are turning before we move on to the rest of the video the next couple products that we have made sure you subscribe different you get because we make videos Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 14 15 next item whoa that was allowed cloudy did was joking around I love the joking WindowCling the three of decoration is hidden day pass and minutes today apply to any service window claim unless they give us instructions on how to clean out your window that's clean too good dude too good of a window cling do you think we can get anyone doing with real don't even look remotely real yeah let's try it's see if anyone will be confused by this ain't never seen no shiny rock before you know I mean kind of rocket polish that someone's thrown through a window they're very conservative you know violent person like hey I'm gonna break your window but I'm going to do it with style like yeah you're going to look at present during the battle universe is doing a valueless video broke dude both the window do must know when I was opening up this first about my custom to fold it would be cool if we're here to just get out the edges maybe started as there is no good next item mm there what you know gourmet smoke hole choice turns you actually think I'm open this right now don't you you think I might get open air open yes I smell you got to throw second while smelling it from a distance trust me do it I smell so bad it's not like best are you oh why the red thing they're doing bleeding just remember those oh I got really think the author is going to either it's a small joint back no I'll get 31 I need this yes ok because it's not buy you lunch okay if one out of five people will try this for anyone no one tries it you buy me lunch we'll go to sterilize terrible odds are no one's gonna take this anymore than suppose they do that expensive that's like twelve dollars okay but I supposed to say think my pride okay fine fine fine fine you just punch it and I buy you all a full meal that's better let's go test it out you have the ability or the watch for the need to try this junk food almost spilled my gosh do the oil in it you're gonna have to ghost stop the wastage good can smoke no food no no alright dude that's out of three bro that's out of three more than most dogs dog it is most boisterous you don't have the right now no one loves him are you willing to try 20 going off you liked this boy stare that looks so bad but it's the least we can do is before yeah but not like this not like good you don't have to try that hand we are leaving this I would want to but I'm probably have you ever read this is rough with it off you lose Brian no one tried it that means he owes me chipotle chips whoo thank you know bro we'll talk later run guys make sure you click this video right there that was an Amazon 10 strange things we found at Amazon guys could see that little thing in a thumbnail it's not something we're dirty actually it is super weird but it's a parting pens click it's super hilarious and will help you over there right when you click it all right high five

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enOOH dude you're stinking it up, manHe's getting so frustrated Brian's so competitiveAnd any time he stinks at something- *Brian demonstrates**Laugh* That's what happensI hate this game it sucks anyways *Laugh*What's going on guys, I am Matthias and welcome to anotherten strange things we found at the dollar store.Brian went to the dollar store and picked outsome of the weirdest things he could find.I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna test someand tell you whether it's worth it, or to turd it.You know, throw it in that turd basketclick that bell icon to get notifiedwhen I upload videos because I also livestream occasionally 10 minutes before anew video goes live and then I hang outwith you for 30 minutes after the videoslike to comment back to all youbeautiful folks so you better click itso you don't miss food what the heckmicrofiber hair wraps here via in makerough idea for shadow news that lookslike a turban though doesn't itthe way it's wrapped I don't really knowit's irvin looks like that much driedhair faster than normal towels byabsorbing waterhow is this any different than a normalone just like a normal towel place hairon rap on the back of the head withelastic loop on top twits securely idon't know like I feel like it'd beeasier without this insert loop twistthrough ok IC to read this one me onneon orange dude did you probably getthe neon orange one courseok so here we go I do this rightI'm night wit securely and then I insertok ok insert i do this this is dollarproduct guys so I twist it like that andthen i take this little loop here righthere and i put it on the always back onthe house use how obviously if you havea city girl with a lot of herethis is small yo what up guys i just gotout of the shower need to dry my littlehairs offoh yeah microfiber washing instructionsdo not bleach do not use fabric softenerdo not wash with other cotton productswhat airdrie this is I maintenanceproduct let me tell you it all more highmaintenance that it should be forsomething so simple as this moves jailyeahturness I don't want to return itoh you gotta watch here i'm confusedwhat the cruise out it's a mirror watchlook at my mouth on the screen all thegreat abilities i don't know if this isweird Brian light me out try meokay we've got literally like fourbuttons on this whoa that's actuallykind of in an intense light 40 watchthis is not as for you watcho people that play sports can attest tothis but a sporty wash should not havethings sticking out of itthese things that are going to catch onnubs these kinds of things will scratchother people when you're like playingsportsso you like you can't wear these thingsso it's not a sport watch it's not allof your watch is no more sportWashington my apple iwatch i watch thata long time which one do you like betterguys can the apple watch do with thishome that's pretty a sporty I mean thiswouldn't be a bad-looking watch if youput like a better band on don't misslike purple silicone band I think that'swhy they're going to for what becausesilicone I'm interested to see thecracks oh wow that's kinda cool the hourhandno yes we can burn it back into ananalog watch guys to work well that's acool-looking wash now tell me youwouldn't wear this one you see that nowah that's the coolest wash now that's asport watch when you actually want towinhi got the point no you didn't fuck guysbecause you're part of that notificationsquad you know you click that bell iconmake sure you give this video a likeright now let me know you up and he ohwhat the heck is this is a microphonelike a shower microphone and so does theshower you expose oh that is coolhold it like a spring in here it's likeinstant reverb dude real-time reverbhey yeah i'm just going to always talklike this from now on this is coolMike's going to actually really likethis unit this can be used as apractical effect in actual music videobecause this one that not music videostarted actual song i'm like in a showerright now with the shark at it like thathow we dissect this bad boy that's howthey made it that they attach theliterally the bottom of the cop or youknow the little things that you get itlike the Chinese restaurant to take homeso I thought you said literally whatthey did yeah quite literally actually acop and they just punctured a hole thatwas absolute gibberish I'm not literallymarking any culture that was gibberishlike different so cool about destroy itthat wasn't worth it dude a dollar forthat bro i paid five bucks for that allright I got to take this thing out 20frosted cookies and cream toast somepop-ups do they have audio versions ofpop-tarts they do have never had that Ifeel like this is gonna be good and I'mvery excited for thisunwrap this present i wanted to snipoh I wanted to aggressively snip likewell like I don't know I've never gottena poptart as need is this like all thepopular i ever get her like destroyed inthe thing host doing impressive themtoast them nowtoast them you got impressed with howmuch feeling you give me it's all aboutthat feeling for daddy super weirddollars work 3-pack you want buy itnice try you wouldn't dare not going toshare a little compassion when I waspoor I get these all the time IE nomoney when I'm and I just got married Iyou get the different i get is to getthe brown sugar cinnamon cookies and Iwas like damn unit just as good if notbetter than pocket but I've never had adream i was going to stop dude i'malways happy when I can find somethingto add weight to that double chin justlike not move on to the other productsproducts and just finished that box nothat's worth itdo we get home today time for dollarstore has unstuck me because I'm anatural perpetual state of shittinessJordache men are version of Joseon muskwhat can they do that allowed to do itlike you know it's a knockoffyeah I I have a confession to make mydad uses it seems like you get one smalldifference and maybe you can't honestlyyou probably can't because what is inCologneit's not anything that's worth fortydollars $1,500 it's just some dirt insome flour seasoning concerns whateversuper technical about itflower season guys he does always pickthe wrong man sorry dead wrongroasted lamb boasted Jordache is notconnected in any way of java and musthate but I don't like I like citrusright everybody got smells like the oldman of all timeno thank you we're back now maybe it'snot more than I mean not going to tryno you get out of here do don't open upagain in my office you will be destroyedthat is in turn it turn itif you want to see me goop on my familya bit more make sure you follow me oninstagram when I make fun of my familyand tweet some nasty things all the timelike roasting i wrote my family all thetime to go follow me on twittertwitter.com / size and/or that's what iam going to gowhat you started off in the driver yourtwitterok guys just follow me on instagram andtwitter ok but I've done our amplifies aalright links in the description thisitem reappears now it's called grab abubblethis is the only item reappearing andwhat do you mean what do you meanreappearing what do you mean reappearingdude here's what happened friday and ifilmed a dollar store episode and thefootage got ruined and it contained thisitemnone of the other items I've seen beforeI have that item so I'm being honestwith you guys i've seen ithowever i'm really really sad that thatfootage was ruined because we made themistake of using this product in thisoffice so the idea of this product watchswirl bubble storm it blows out a bubblestorm of bubbles right and there's tonsof bubbles we read the instructions likeusualit's this little warning ray here caneven zoom in up soon enough mainlyresidue or stain certain fabrics andservices that was the moment we realizethese were not normal bubblesok these bubbles don't pop straight updon't pop so I started getting realexcited and I just blow them well andblowing they're just going everywherestraight up bubbles form and I was likethis is accurate and they all settledand they just ate somewhere like oh mygosh it's just like 40 minutes to cleanit up bubbles everywhere itit ruined my pants it was like all overmy computers and we lost somebody to letyou know so we're gonna go test thisactually outside the actual outdoorsthis time not just the other parts ofthe office for your supposed to doevidently is take off this top and thenkind of goodthis oh and then just kind of spread itaround like that right as you can seethis is not a normal second elixir oflike bubbles right very weird and thenyou just blow with all my might but it'sthe bubble funthe bubbles are dissipating so quicklyso when we're in the office theywouldn't go anywhere they just hoverhook trash dude trashes lady gaga fordollars in singing toothbrushcome on buddy Oh little gold and weird ilisten nowno copyright claim stop Brian we've gotvideo taking down by gaga herself dudemy gosh dude this toothbrush is straightup something that you can get it like aBeverly Hills Hotel right now dude it'slike gold and black i feel like i shouldlike convert this into your car anddrive it around manit's like look at those things like goldand black it's like those we're rushingout peace shall have clean teeth so donewhere the real not and goal is to firstgold either little picture and gotherself on gotta hangover got sorrygooseI'm gonna lie to you I like to look atit it looks like a swanky toothbrushright now for a dollar you just removedgoggles space but staring at me tellingme like you ain't got good oral hygieneis a journalist because while god isgoodgood gaga i'm not a fan of gaga Luna isya little gapI don't know what google means maybeit's a different artist I hadn't heardof strength and ability haha JumpingFrog games press the frog and by thejump into the pool draw a line to usethe starting point so it's a game andwho can get their frogs into the poolright this is it that is it so manyteams childrenred blue whoa I don't even get off theground bro I oh I didn't dowhy are you jumping so far the waveswere out dude you're seeing it up manyou getting so frustrated brand socompetitive and anytime you think ofsomething that's what happenedI hate this game sucked anyways back youofferedyeah this is literally the thinnestcheapest plastic I've ever seen in mylifemeanwhile you can get don't pop tartsfor a sweet singing microphone while youdo thissorry some things are worth dollars andsome things are turning before we moveon to the rest of the video the nextcouple products that we have make sureyou subscribe different you get becausewe make video Tuesday Thursday andSaturday 14 15 next itemwhoa that was allowed cloudy did wasjoking around i love the joking WindowCling the three of decoration ithidden day pass and minutes today applyto any service window claim unless theygive us instructions on how to clean outyour window that's clean too good dudetoo good of a window cling do you thinkwe can get anyone doing with real don'teven look remotely real yeah let's trylet's see if anyone will be confused bythis ain't never seen no shiny rockbefore you know I mean kind of rocketspolish that someone's thrown through awindow they're very conservative youknow violent person like hey I'm gonnabreak your window but I'm going to do itwith style like yeah you're going tolook at present during the battleuniverse is doing a valueless videobroke dude both the window do must knowwhen I was opening up this first aboutmy custom to fold it would be cool ifwe're here to just get out the edgesmaybe started as there is no goodnext item mm there what you knowgourmet smoke hole choice turns youactually think i'm open this right nowdon't youyou think I might get open air open yestaste you know but if we can you loseyou think someone's going to beinterested in tryingyes I'm afraid if I open this up I'mgoing to vomit from the smellthis is a legitimate concern right nowokay you get to smell it first you gottathrow second while smell it from adistancetrust me do itI smell so bad it's not like best areyouoh why the red thing they're doingbleedingjust remember those oh I got reallythink the author is going to either ithink it's a small joint backno I'll get 31 I need thisyes ok because it's not buy you lunchokay if one out of five people will trythis for anyone no one tries it you buyme lunch we'll go to sterilize terribleodds are no one's gonna take thisanymore than suppose they do thatsexpensive that's like twelve dollarsokay but I supposed to say think mypride okay fine fine fine fine you justpunch it and I buy you all a full mealthat's betterlet's go test it out you have theability or the watch for the need to trythis junk food almost spilled my gosh dothe oil in it you're gonna have to gostop the wasters good can smoke no foodno no noalright dude that's out of three brothat's out of three more than most dogsdog it is most boisterous you don't havethe right nowno one loves him are you willing to try20 going off you liked this boy stirsthat looks so bad but it's the least wecan do is beforeyeah but not like this not like good youdon't have to try that hand we areleaving this I would want to but i'mprobably have you ever read this isrough with it off you lose Brian no onetried it that means he owes me chipotlechipswhoo thank you know bro we'll talk laterrun guys make sure you click this videoright there that was an Amazon 10strange things we found at amazon guyscould see that little thing in athumbnail it's not something we're dirtyactually it is super weird but it's aparting pens click it's super hilariousand will help you over there right whenyou click it all right high five\n"