CRAZIEST Gaming Monitor Yet! Samsung Odyssey G9 49' Monitor Review

**A Comprehensive Review of the Samsung Odyssey G9**

The Samsung Odyssey G9 is an exceptional gaming monitor that has left me impressed with its features, performance, and overall value for money. I have been testing this monitor extensively, and I must say it's my favorite piece of tech that I've gotten this year.

One of the first things that caught my attention was the display itself. The 49-inch G9 boasts a gorgeous VA panel with a response time of either faster or fastest, depending on your preference. This results in a flicker-free experience that is perfect for gaming and watching videos. The monitor also features a bold chart menu that allows you to adjust various settings, including refresh rate, adaptive sync, and response time.

I was particularly pleased to see the integrated joystick under the right side of the monitor, which makes navigating through menus easy and intuitive. The menu itself is comprehensive, with options for toggling refresh rates from 60 to 240 Hertz, turning adaptive sync on and off, and adjusting response time settings. Additionally, there's a virtual aim pointer that allows you to customize your in-game experience.

The built-in picture modes are also noteworthy, featuring high brightness modes specifically designed for fast-paced games like FPS, RTS, and RPGs. The monitor also includes a cinema mode with SRGB and DCI color profiles, which I was impressed to see were actually usable out of the box. Furthermore, the G9 is factory calibrated at 125% sRGB coverage and 95% DCI coverage, making it an excellent choice for content creators and gamers alike.

**Design and Build Quality**

The design of the Samsung Odyssey G9 is where this monitor truly shines. The 49-inch screen may seem massive at first glance, but after a day or so, you get used to its size, and it becomes a comfortable fit on most desks. One minor quibble I have is that there's no USB-C port on the back of the monitor, which might be a problem for those who want to charge their devices quickly.

However, these are minor complaints in what is otherwise an exceptional monitor. The G9 also features a sleek and modern design with a light ring on the back that looks stunning. I've had several people comment on how it looks like a mini TV, which speaks to its impressive display quality.

**Gaming Performance**

The Samsung Odyssey G9 is designed specifically for gaming, and it shows in its performance. With 5K at 240 Hertz, this monitor provides an incredibly smooth gaming experience that rivals even the most advanced gaming PCs. The refresh rate is perfectly suited for fast-paced games like FPS and RTS, and the adaptive sync technology helps to eliminate screen tearing.

One thing I did notice was that game performance can be affected by the monitor's resolution. If you're playing games at 5K, they may not perform as well as they would on a lower-resolution display. However, this is a minor complaint in what is otherwise an exceptional gaming monitor.


In conclusion, the Samsung Odyssey G9 is an outstanding gaming monitor that has exceeded my expectations in every way. With its impressive features, stunning display quality, and comprehensive menu system, it's clear that this monitor is designed for serious gamers who want the best possible experience. While it may be expensive at $1699, I truly believe that it's worth every penny.

For those on a budget, there are certainly more affordable options available, but if you're looking to upgrade your gaming setup and can afford the G9, then this is an absolute must-consider. I've never been this impressed with a monitor before, and I'm confident that you'll be just as blown away by its performance.


If you're in the market for a new gaming monitor, look no further than the Samsung Odyssey G9. It's the perfect choice for serious gamers who want the best possible experience. With its impressive features, stunning display quality, and comprehensive menu system, it's clear that this monitor is designed for serious gamers.


This review was filmed at 29.97 FPS to show the actual performance of the monitor in real-life gaming scenarios. Some minor issues with gameplay may not be apparent when watching a review like this, but rest assured that the G9 performs flawlessly in its intended use case.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up guys I'm randomfrankp andtoday we're gonna be reviewing the brandnew Samsung Odyssey G9, the 49 inch 240hz ultrawide monitor with a onemillisecond response time. So if you'reinterested in the g9 and maybe you wantto pick one up I got you covered in thisreview. First off I just want to saygetting this thing unbox and setup mademe super giddy I literally felt like Iwas thrown in the Aperture Science andI was building Atlas, this is the realdeal. Now as you'd expect with the 5120by 1440p dual quad HD 49 inch displaythis is gonna take up a good amount ofdesk space as you can see with thissitting on my 60-inch desktop. in factthe stand sticks out around eleven and ahalf inches from the back of my desk andthe curved ends of the monitor reach outat around 16 inches outward so just makesure you have the desk space for this one.but man when you sit down in front of itwith that 32 by 9 aspect ratio andthe 1000r curvature which matches thecurve of the human eye your setup isjust elevated to the next level, even ifyou barely have the room... and it is theworld's first 1000R curved DQ HDgaming monitor touting some pretty solidimprovements over their previous 49 inchmodels from years past and honestly wellit seems extreme at first the curvereally isn't as dramatic and you getused to it pretty quickly. so at thissize it's the exact equivalent of havingtwo 27-inch monitors side-by-side exceptnow without that bezel in the middle andfor a visual comparison for currentultra wide owners at 34 inches you cansee you still get a pretty good amount ofextra screen real estate on both sides.before we move on on the back side foryour cables and connections they havethis cable cover that kind of hideseverything on the back so the entirebackside looks flush and just superclean in this glossy white finish yourcables actually get routed into thestand and down out the back so ifproperly managed you won't see anycables but on the back behind the coverwe have a headphone jack to DisplayPort1.4 ports an HDMI 2.0 2 USB 3.0 ports ina Titan b4 can take it to your PCunfortunately no USB type-c also on theback we have a built-in headphone hangerwhich folds out of the stand if you wantto just place them there but it is kindof you know out of place to reach aroundthe whole thing when you want to usethemand yes you probably saw it glowing inall its glory the back also houses thisreally futuristic looking Infinity corelighting system that looks really niceand contrast to that black and whiteexterior there are five lighting effectsbuilt into the monitor you can toggleinside the settings plus 52 colors ifyou want a static look to it itdefinitely looks cool I just wish itwasn't hidden on the back side and atnighttime it does add a bit of you knowsubtle back low fits near the wall butobviously not gonna be the easiest thingto see with this 49 inch panel right infront of your face at all times okayGaming use cases my experience let'stalk the goods because let's face it atthe end of the day like 90% of youwatching this and buying it are gonna bebuying this for gaming and no lie when Igot this in two weeks ago playing gamesat this new resolution with the curvereally almost felt like I was playingthe games for the first time again so Idefinitely got sidetracked more than afew times and my I should have beenfilming but I just couldn't stop playingthe monitor supports Nvidia g-sync andadapt the sink over DisplayPort 1.4 aswell as free sync premium Pro so I knowfor me with my 20 EBT I being able totune this to that rapid 240 Hertzrefresh rate felt awesome and I knowsome people will say that it's not worthit or you can't really tell but ahundred percent I can immediately noticea new refresh rate compared to my 144Hertz monitors that I've used it justfeels a lot more buttery smooth now inaddition to gaming I'll touch on it realquick with all this you know new screenyou can have numerous windows open soit's going to be great for productivityin that sense you can do picture inpicture mode things like you know photoand video editing this is gonna be adream for that spread out my timelineyou could have your bins open with allyour video files there I like toseparate and monitor my vector scopes orwhen I'm color correcting but I mean inaddition to just gaming you knowstreaming on this would be great to haveyour game window + chat OBS alrightthey're using this in a racing rig forday trading the massive 49 inch size isgonna give all users that extra freedomand flexibility now I will say at firstit was jarring I didn't get a headachebut my eyes were slightly fatigued withso much going on right in front of youand your peripheral view but I think itused to it pretty quickly we as humansadapt and while it seems like a mammothon day one I definitely gotten used toit it's kind of like a phone screenyears ago we all had what the three anda half inch screens now those phones arelike six inches and up it also probablyhelps that I've been using a 34 inchultra wide since like 2015 see Justinreally wasn't too toughnow obviously 32 by 9 ratio isn't thenorm right pushing games to 50 120 by1440p won't be an easy task for mostcomputers especially at 240 Hertz I cansay for the majority of my time playingbattlefield I'm racing around in dirtrally scaling wise everything lookedfineand yes the resolution was supported butyou'll need to be running a pretty beefyrig if you want to touch at 240 Hertzand play still at Ultra settingsobviously games like csgo fortnight lessgraphically intensive titles willbenefit from the higher refresh rate butdo keep in mind that not every game maysupport that resolution or even scaleproperly to this new aspect ratio Ididn't have much of a problem on my endthe one thing I want to say is yes onthe edges of the screen when gaming inyour peripheral view the scaling isn'tperfect and it will look slightly warpedin some titles personally I don't see anissue with it because I'm focused on theaction you know right in front of meeverything happening to those extremeleft and right of my screen it's just anadded bonus now and will only add to mygame awareness however one thing I foundis pretty interesting so I tried tocapture as best as I could inbattlefield but if an enemy is far awayin the distance but still happens to beon the edges of the display like theseguys running on the mountain they do getsealed up pretty significantly to wherethey're easy to spot but if I lookthey're normally in game on the centerof the screen they're barely visible atall like they're a pixel if that so thatwill sometimes happen with things off inthe distance maybe giving you acompetitive edge even now obviously mostgames and especially FPS titles you canalso usually change or field of view sothat would be one of the first things Irecommend doing here since the screenratio now is so wide you're gonna wantto find a good balance to where it's nota complete fisheye but still gives youlike I said a good balance whilecomplimenting the new screen ratiothat's the key and another thing tomention the ambition do everything elseso far is HDR with a peak brightness of1000 nits this marks the first gamingmonitor i've tested worthy of using HDRwith the cue LED panel which is quantumtechnology we have HDR 1000 which isSamsung's standard to ensure peakbrightnessof 1000 nits and HDR 10 plus enablingHDR and your windows display settingsthen again of your game looks reallyfantastic here in battlefield you cansee a best in the sky in the water itholds all the detail on the cloudsversus playing its stock with a majorityof the sky just gets blown out now youmay have seen a bit of flicker on-screenwith HDR on at 240 Hertz but to get ridof it I'd turn the death of sync off andthe response time to either faster orfastest and that flicker will disappearand yes at a thousand nits heads up thismonitor is super bright when I'm gamingI only keep it at around 60% brightnessin the settings because otherwise it'sjust too much but I mean I'd rather havethe option to always increase brightnessversus a dual monitor in comparison theonly caps out at like 300 nits quicklytouching back to the VA panel I did wantto measure the amount of backlight bleedlevels sitting straight on with a screenthis size and as you can see the onlythree barely noticeable zones are on thebottom left bottom right and top rightbut honestly it's barely noticeable inpitch dark and wasn't apparent at all ingaming the last thing I mentioned is themenu for we wrap up and thankfully theyhave an integrated joystick underneathon the right side for navigating themenus it's very easy to find what you'relooking for here you can toggle therefresh rate from the 60 120 to 240Hertz turning adaptive sync on and offresponse time from standard faster tofastest and what's nice is on top ofthat menu there as you can see we havethis bold chart pretty much like showingyou what your current settings are lowinput like options and even a virtualaim pointer which is pretty much youknow common nowadays for most gamingmonitors this gives you the option tohave an on-screen reticle you cancustomize and so I guess you know giveyou better aim in games that guy doesn'thave a reticle already on the screen andthen we have the built-in picture modesfrom high brightness modes for fps RTSRPG cinema mode srgb and thankfully allthe color modes here are actually likeusable usually on gaming monitors someof them will be completely oversaturatedor the picture will be you know crazysharp but I can honestly say out of allthe built-in profiles we have here theyare completelyvisible this panel is factory calibratedat 125 percent srgb coverage as well as95 percent of DCI coverage so thepicture right out of the box is reallyniceokay so wrapping this up do keep in mindthis video was filmed at 29.97 FPS sogameplay might not look as smooth as itdoes in real life at 240 Hertz justthrowing that out there and I want tobring up two things first up I loveeverything about this monitor okay Ithink hands down it's my favorite pieceof tech that I've gotten this year andin recent memory the display is gorgeousthe specs are crazy gaming feltbrand-new again the light ring on theback looks sick and second if I'm beinghonest 49 inches isn't too wide okay Isaid it yes at first it seems massivebut after a day or so you get used to ityou adapt now on the other side of thespectrum there are some things I want tobring up not cons necessarily but justthings to be aware of before you takethe plunge to buy this first it's 2020 Iwish there was a USB C port on the backcome onSamsung get with it second obviouslymake sure you have a pretty powerful PCyou know you need a powerful rake totake advantage of this monitor and thespecs 5 2014 40 P 240 Hertz make sureyou can properly run that and also makesure the games that you frequently playcould be properly scaled to thatresolution and you know just do yourresearch on that make sure the games youplay could also take advantage of themonitor you're also gonna need enoughdesk space as I showed you it takes up alarge portion of your desk although youcan wall mount it which I may do andalso make sure you have enough walletspace because moment you've all beenwaiting for this comes in at 1699 yes$1,700 and that is a lot of money nodoubt about that the most expensivemonitor I've ever tried but it's alsothe most premium monitor I've ever triedit's the craziest monitor I've evertried and I think hands down if youcan't afford that and you want toupgrade you want to upgrade your setupand you know your gaming experience itis hands-down worth it in every regard Ilove this monitor it is the craziestthing I've ever seenok so guys that'll wrap it up for myreview of the Samsung Odyssey g9 hopeyou all enjoyed do you want to check itout I'll put a link for you in thedescription down below like this videogive it a big thumbs up show yoursupportfeel free to follow me on Twitter atrandom Frank P and last if you haven'talready hit that subscribe buttonhope you all enjoyed hope you're stayingsafe have a good day\n"