Adam Savage's One Day Builds - Custom Beat Saber Hilts!

Building Custom Lightsaber Handles for Oculus Quest Standalone VR Rig

Adam from Tested here in the game and we're just about to do another one day build this one involves this amazing device if you listen to still untitled you know that this is the Oculus Quest standalone VR rig and I'm kind of addicted to the game Beat Saber I've been playing it almost every day I take this with me on the road I play in hotel rooms Beat Sabre is my new jam and I'm really liking it I'm also really liking the cardio that it is and gendering in me I'm like it's almost my workout given that I thought I'd like to up my Beat Saber game and the fact is these controllers are really awesome and well-designed but they don't feel like lightsabers so I thought to someone make light saber handles for these and of course it's the Internet of course they do I went on eBay and I bought these a pair of 3D printed light saber handles these are well-designed robust little light saber handles my only issue with them is that has to connect right has to connect up to this guy.

The first step in building custom lightsaber handles for the Oculus Quest controllers was to ensure that they would securely attach to the existing handles. The original handles were too bulky and did not fit snugly enough, making it difficult to achieve a secure connection. To solve this problem, Adam used 3D printing technology to create custom parts that would fit perfectly onto the existing handles. He also made sure to add some extra material to the connection points to ensure that they would hold firmly in place. With the new handles attached, the Oculus Quest controllers looked sleek and modern, with a futuristic touch that added to their overall aesthetic.

Next, Adam turned his attention to modifying the handles themselves. He wanted to create custom machined aluminum and Delrin feet saber lightsaber add-ons for his controllers. This involved creating a precise fit for the new handle parts, which required some careful design and testing. The end result was a pair of perfectly fitted handles that not only looked amazing but also provided a comfortable grip. Adam's attention to detail and commitment to quality were evident in every aspect of the build.

To complete his custom lightsaber handles, Adam added a few extra features to enhance their functionality. He installed two all-threads in each handle pommel, which would serve as the new tightening nut for the lightsabers. This allowed him to achieve a secure connection between the handle and the lightsaber, making it easier to play Beat Saber. Additionally, Adam added some extra material to the connection points to ensure that they would hold firmly in place.

With his custom lightsaber handles now complete, Adam was eager to test them out. He powered up his Oculus Quest controllers and fired up a game of Beat Saber. As he began to play, he noticed that the new handles felt more comfortable and secure than ever before. The connection between the handle and lightsaber was seamless, allowing him to focus on the game rather than worrying about the hardware. Overall, Adam's custom lightsaber handles were a huge success, and they added an extra layer of excitement to his Beat Saber experience.

As Adam continued to play Beat Saber with his new custom lightsaber handles, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The build had turned out exactly as planned, and it was clear that all his hard work had paid off. With the Oculus Quest controllers now sporting sleek and modern custom lightsaber handles, Adam felt like he was ready to take on any game that came his way. Whether it was Beat Saber or another favorite title, Adam's new hardware would ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience every time.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enAdam from tested here in the game andwe're just about to do another one daybuild this one involves this amazingdevice if you listen to still untitledyou know that this is the oculus queststandalone VR rig and I'm kind ofaddicted to the game beat Sapor I'vebeen playing it almost every day I takethis with me on the road I play in hotelrooms beat Sabre is my new jam and I'mreally liking it I'm also really likingthe cardio that it is and gendering inme I'm like it's almost my workout andgiven that I thought I'd like to up mybeat saber game and the fact is thesecontrollers are really awesome andwell-designed but they don't feel likelightsabers so I thought to someone makelight saber handles for these and ofcourse it's the Internet of course theydo I went on eBay and I bought these apair of 3d printed light saber handlesthese are well-designed robust littlelight saber handles my only issue withthem is that well they're just a littletoo light they're a little tooinsubstantial I want them to feel likelightsabers and this is an area I havesome experience with so today's one daybuild is me turning my eBay purchaselightsaber handles into a much moreauthentic feeling and looking lightsaberhandles and I'm gonna use these twopieces of aluminum stock to do it nowI'm about to build my own lightsaberhandles but I'm not going to do it fromscratch because this ebay seller hasactually done a wonderful amount ofmechanical problem solving for this righow do you hold on to an amorphousrounded shape well they came up with awonderful solution I'm not sure if itwas theirs entirely but here it is theyuse the same little socket for the wriststraps and they made a little bit ofKevlar string there that slips into thatsocket and holds it down come on come income in come on there we go so they havea little brass ferrule which slips intothat socket and the Kevlar stringprovides a huge amount of strength andyou basically twistthis bit of all thread and it pulls thecontroller down into the handle this isa really nice solution I appreciate thisand I am NOT going to try and reinventthe wheel I'm going to try and use theirexisting structure and modify it so itfits with a new structure that I builtall right so let's see look at thebatteries I knew I'd purchased a pieceof two inch acetal recently to me I lovefinding self produce products on eBaythat are 3d printed that solve a reallyspecific need in this case this issomeone who printed this in their houseon a home machine like I said themechanical solution is good just I loveit whenever rapid prototyping becomesrapid manufacturing over the years ifyou've watched some of my one day buildsyou know that I like to be well stockedand in drill bits is no exceptionin fact this entire stack of drawers isdevoted only to drill bits these arefractional zhh these are numbered drillsthese are letter drills and then theseare the Deming bits which go quite largesuffice to say but I have everythingfrom 360 fourths OOP to inch and a halfinch and 1/16 let's see here one in 130sthere we go one and 1/16 yep 1.0 62that's perfect so that's gonna be theyeah that is a good group sizeI'm so I'm gonna get a workout I'madding weight to these things that'sthat's gonna be a thing I'm inclined togo about this long but do I wantanythingI like these kind of builds because it'sall on the lathe one of my favoritejewelsso I'm gonna face the ends and drillinto them that yes yes yes go I have togo from both endsI am cutting a lot of metal out of metalI am cutting big holes out of chunks ofaluminum this means that I'm was obviousbut this means I'm taking a blade andI'm carving off pieces of metal on theinside that's all a drill bit is it's acircular blade but that creates a hugeamount of friction and that generates alot of heat and heat changes theproperties of metal when lunan gets toohot next to steel it can gall it canattach to the steel and grip the drillbit and cause all sorts of havoc so Ineed to keep my work cool and I justturned on my coolant pump and I'mgetting some spotty behavior out of itso I need to refill my coolant and soyou don't get to see me do that coolingfluid is one of the most importantmaterials in a working shop especiallywith machine tools and particularly onthe lathe where things are turning fasttools are impacting each other thatmeans they're creating lots of heat andyou want to bring that heat down and youdo that by running a constant supply ofliquid over them but you can't use waterbecause that would rust the steel youdon't want to use oil because you don'twant to cover the whole shop and oilwell there's a compromise and it's thisstuff this is cooling fluid it comes asa blew oil I've got two and a halfgallons left here and you mix it 10 to 1to 10 with water so 10 parts water toone part cooling fluid and what it doesis the oil binds with the water andkeeps the water that you're adding fromrusting your metal therefore it moves alot of heat because it's as thin aswater there's no oil and it won't rustthe steel so I'm about to mix a newbatch in general I put in three or fourgallons every couple of months and thatcycles but it also evaporates and youjust have to keep it uponeI got it wrong about the ten to one it'smore like five to one with that we'llsee I'll know when I get the right coloryep makes a smurf fluid here's the thingjust goes in a reservoir at the bottomof my lidthat's gonna sit there yes yesconcentric enoughI gotta tell you those are hot if wewere looking at them on a thermal camerathose are both around a hundred andtwenty degrees Fahrenheit that's um butthey feel really good okay so these goin here like that that's you know andthen nice and then I will have a pummelthe thing is is that has to connectright has to connect up to this guymmm-hmm sawso then this outer diameter is like 1.751.75 this one is alright it's let's callit 1.5we're doing really really well here Ihave the main body of my lightsaberhandles made I have the Hummels roughedout but I want to make sure that thisactually works before I do another 45minutes worth of detailing on these so Iam going to install both of the allthreads in each of these pommels thiswill be the new tightening nut for thelightsabers and what I'm going to do issort of hammer that in because it's gota nice little pressure fit and then I'mgoing to pin it through a little bit ofa metal rod great okay ladies andgentlemen that's a really nice okay ohthat's a lot easier it up good all rightI feel all right about that stay hereyeah cool great we're all goodand the hexagonal call o'clockallows you to cut something that's gotsix sides yeah you just better be rightabout your centersmm-hmm mm-hmm yes yes yes very pleasedokay so let's see here this is veryexciting we're almost there okay so thatis left attached link up to there let'sdo thatyeah laughed and then well it keeps themfrom rolling off the table this is rightyeah okay good oh oh we're gonna playbeats neighbors soonmuch easier and faster to tighten thesethat's great there's no rattling theyare finally finished my custom machinedaluminum and Delrin feet saberlightsaber add-ons for my controllersthis is so muchall right this is what I've been waitingall day to do it's time to play a littlebit saber oh I have prescription lensesin my oculus yes you can order thoseokay whoaran from overhead we playI'm coming closer Victor Regan's mymystery guestwe'll play a beat saverlet me power\n"