Mechanic Jack: A Car Repair Hack That's Both Legit and Crazy
Mechanic Jack is a guy who does body repairs on cars by cutting off panels, hammering it, and then putting concrete and bricks together to fix the damage. He's been doing this for a while now, and his methods are quite unique.
So, how does he do it? Well, first, he puts the car on rotation and uses heat to slip off the wheel bearing. Then, he uses compressed air to spin the hub and heats up the wheel bearing with a torch. The idea is that the heat expands the metal, making it easier to remove.
But what really gets our attention is when he stacks bricks in place of panels to fix the damage. It looks so good that we can't help but think that this is some kind of joke. I mean, who does this?
As we watch Mechanic Jack at work, we can't help but laugh at his methods. He's using a frame machine to hammer away at the metal, and then he mixes cement and puts bricks in place to fix the damage. It looks like something out of a bad action movie.
But despite our initial skepticism, Mechanic Jack actually gets some pretty good results. The car ends up looking better than before, although we're not entirely sure how it got that way.
One thing's for sure - this is not your average car repair hack. If you're thinking of trying something like this on your own car, I'd say think twice. This guy's method is a bit unorthodox, and we're not convinced that it would work.
And then there's the fact that Mechanic Jack has a paint booth. Yeah, he can't buy anything, but he's got his own little setup at home. That's just awesome.
But what really gets our attention is when he stacks bricks in place of panels to fix the damage. It looks so good that we can't help but think that this is some kind of joke. I mean, who does this?
As we watch Mechanic Jack at work, we can't help but laugh at his methods. He's using a frame machine to hammer away at the metal, and then he mixes cement and puts bricks in place to fix the damage. It looks like something out of a bad action movie.
But despite our initial skepticism, Mechanic Jack actually gets some pretty good results. The car ends up looking better than before, although we're not entirely sure how it got that way.
We also have to ask - what's with the pizza oven in the back? Is this guy trying to start a new business or something?
In any case, Mechanic Jack is definitely doing his own thing when it comes to car repairs. We can't say whether it works or not, but we do know that it looks... interesting.
Overall, if you're looking for some unconventional car repair advice, then Mechanic Jack might be the guy for you. Just don't try this at home - unless you want to end up with a brick-filled car and a lot of headaches.
As we celebrate our 7 million subscribers on Donut Media, we want to thank you guys for your support. It means everything to us. And as a special treat, we're releasing some limited merchandise at Go check it out!
But before we go, let's just say that if Zach from ZachTools was around when this video was filmed, he'd probably be in big trouble. I mean, who does this? That's definitely not something you see every day.
So, to all our viewers out there, if you're looking for some real car repair advice, then follow the Donut Media Facebook page and ask your local mechanic for some tips. And if you do decide to try Mechanic Jack's method at home, well... just don't say we didn't warn you.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- If you thought TikTok was bad,I'm gonna show you thislittle thing called Facebook.- Today we hired a few realmechanics to watch throughsome of the best and worst- car repair advice Facebook has to offer.- Insanely dangerous.- Awesome advice.- You idiot.- That's impressive.- There's no way in hell I would do that.- Is there any truth to thesevideos or should we just go toMark Zuckerberg's house andarrest him at his doorstep?- This is Donut.- Welcome to Donut.- Let's go get Zucked.(all laugh)Hold on. Let's talk aboutLincoln for a second.Think of all the stuff youcan actually buy for $5.Some cheap toilet paper, oat milk,maybe a lock of my hair if,you play your cards right.It's not much, but with today'sawesome sponsor, Shopify,this can do a whole lot more.With Shopify's $5 starter plan,you can create your ownsimple online store,and jump straight into sellingeven if your only device is a smart phone.So, across every major platformlike Facebook, Instagram,WhatsApp, TikTok, Spotify, Etsy,and anywhere else you mightwant to share your product.Plus, you'll get access to linkpopwhich is the easiest wayto turn your link and biointo a shopable experience in seconds.Create a page, link your products,and turn your followers andcustomers all for just $5.And as your business growsfrom first sale to full scale,you can easily upgrade thestarter plan to unlock even morepowerful features on Shopify.So whether you're new to selling,or you just have anidea you wanna try out,Shopify's starter planis the best way to getyour product out there.I mean, come on, for five bucksto start your own business.There's no better way to spend your money.Okay, I can think of one other way.For $5 you can join Donutand the millions of other merchantsby visiting just click the link below.- Thank you guys for having me back.I am an ASE master certified mechanic,and I am an automotive instructorat Riverside City College.- I got six years doingGerman, Autotech, 3.0 Audis.That's usually what I build.- I am the owner of LexTechand I've been a mechanicfor over 30 years.- And I put a coilover on today.- For our first hack,here is a clever way ofremoving a wheel bearing.- You neverhit it with a hammer.- Never.- I'm about to show youa trick that's gonna blow your mindon how to get these wheel bearings outwithout damaging them.You got your buddy inside,you put a socket right here.- Ahh.- Alright. Turn to the right.Turn to the left.- So what he's doing rightnow, is trying to push out the,the hub from the knucklewhile using steering force.Half the time that usually doesn't work.Usually, you got a pound or hammer outwheel bearings.- I would've beat it with a hammer.(all laugh)- Nice.Look at that.Heck yeah.- He didn't even pullthe wheel bearing out.He pulled out the axleas a matter of fact.The wheel bearing usuallyis harder to pull out.- If you saw someone inyour shop doing this,would you have any concerns or like?- Nope. I wouldn't. I mean,as long as they know whatthey're doing, right?- Yeah.- Okay, so is this legitor do we need to stormMark Zuckerberg's house?- I, I feel like it's legit.- Yeah, I think it's legit too.- I think it's a great hack.- Yeah, I'm gonna say legit hack on this.- Send his ass to jail.There's no need to do this.Get two pry bars. Get it done by yourself.- Maybe you could find a friendto do this hack with on Facebook.You can have a Facebook friend.All right, next clip.- Uh, what is that?- That looks like a potato peeler.- Is he shaving some tires?- Aah.This person is using a vegetable peelerto peel rubber off of a tire,to fit more aggressive wheels.- Does it work? Yeah.Do you want to do this?I wouldn't do that.I wouldn't take rubberoff a tire side wall.- You should probably justroll your fenders better.You are creating a weakspot in the side wallby removing rubber I'd imagine.- Michelin has put a lot ofmoney into their engineering.- Don't take a vegetable peelerthat's from Amazon obviously,and shave your tires off.- Let's arrest Mark Zuckerberg.- Okay, yeah, this isan arrestable offense.- Send 'em to jail.- I wanna send Mark Zuckerbergto jail on their behalf.- Definitely send him to jail.(both laugh)- Next clip. All right guys,we all know that we allhave five drain holes,and this is a reminder to check all fiveof your drain holes regularly.- I have two.- Huh?- I only have two.- Two drain holes?Well, you should get'em checked regularly.- Car has a lot of water in there.- That'd be a big leak.- In Florida where I'm from,like sunroof ones if youlike park under trees,they get all gunky andthen it rains a tonne.Those will clog up.- That builds upand it eventually leaks intosomewhere inside the car.- When all those floods were in Texas,we saw a lot of flood cars outhere. Just pouring for days.- That's crystal clean water.You know, first, he filled it for sure,but he is showing a point that you know,these drain things do getclogged up from time to time,and they're there for, you know, a reason.- So checking your drainholes? All five of them.Legit hack?- If there's five, it could be legit hack.Make, make sure to drainthem after some rain days.- Let's watch the next one.- What?- Get the (beep) outta here.- Get out of here.- That's on purpose.- Uh oh five minute crafts on the bottom.Weird crafts that seemingly have no point,but I think if you watch too many of 'em,like your brain melts into a Joey.- That tire had a tube in it?- That had a tube in it, yeah.- What? When's the last timeyou seen a tubed car tire?I don't think I've ever seen one.- Not on cars. Yeah, on bikes.- No, Dude.- You can't fix this.- You know how round...- It's too square.- You know how roundthese are supposed to be?- He's doing a full wheel repair.How, for, I want, I have questions.- What I don't get is howhis wheel got so square.(both laugh)- I've never even seena wheel get that square.I have no idea what heeven did to do that.- This is a solve for aproblem that doesn't exist.- For a $40 wheel, I wouldn'tspend. That's gotta be hours,even though it's time lapse, but.- Oh, it would take forever, right.- Yeah, yeah, it would take forever.- Oh, then perhaps it'snot the same wheel.- It's not the same wheelwhen they're done? Oh yeah.- I don't think it's the same wheel.- It's not the same wheel.- Also, isn't the metal compromised?Like the integrity of this metalis compromised at this point?- Yeah, for sure.- It's not as strong as itwas when it was first pressed.- There is a point wherea wheel is too far gone,but I think they're justbragging about their skills of,of how good they can fixstuff, but clearly they can't'cause they switch out the wheel, so.- Yeah, they lied about it.- This is advertisement for surefor this wheel repair company.- This is not a thing.- No.- If your wheel looks likethat, go buy a new wheel.Also, maybe just invest in likea public transportation passbecause if you did thiswhile you're driving,you shouldn't be on the road.- This is why old people can't be trustedwith anything they learn onFacebook because of this (beep).(both laugh)- Zuckerberg we're coming to arrest you.- Video's fake.- You're going to jail, Mark.- Send 'em to jail.- All right, now let'sgo to our next video.- So if youdon't wanna make a mess,you just take it off witha cup over it like this.- Interesting, um,I suppose it dependson how much oil's gonnacome out of that thing.It looks like he's sideways,but I think it's actuallylike straight down.That's what I was wondering myself.- Oh my god. Filter on one of my trucks.It's on the side. I'm an idiot.I'm sitting here thinking like,how's it going in on the side?- If it's sideways, there's no waythat oil filter's picking all that oil up.If it's straight up and down,yeah, this is legit.- It's straight up and down.- It's straight up and down?- You can see on the wheel.- Oh gee, this is a great idea.I mean I never even thoughtabout it, but it's a great idea,and then hell, he doesn'teven get it on his hands.- How have we never thought of this?I don't usually work on a lift like this.I'll just usually just putthe oil pan right under the,- Of course.- Yeah.I do it like this. (glugging sound effect)- Uh, so I mean, cold makes things shrink,heat makes things expand,and so he's shrinking that thingto make it fit in the hole.- So he is putting hissleeve in the engine.- Wow.- And he's,- Okay.- Dang, that's super cool.- No, no, no, no. Hold on here.That's, that sleeve hasan interference fit,cause you don't want thatsleeve going anywhere during,you know, your, yourwhole four stroke cycle.Most shops will take a cylinderand they will put it in the refrigeratorfor a few hours to shrink the metal down,but it still requires a big asshammer to usually pound thatcylinder into place.You should not be able to do it by hand.- Is this the right way tosleeve a motor? Probably not.Probably don't wanna just bespraying it with compressed airand then just shove it there.- Interesting technique.- That's a great idea.You have nothing else.- I think I, it's obviously workingwhether or not that sleeveis gonna have a a long lifeor that engine's gonna have a long lifeis, you know, debatable.- Is it legit?Yeah, it's legit.- Legit science.- I would never do thisif I was putting a sleeve in an engine.- Well that sure was an icy hack.Let's see how the next one stacks up.- No need for a ball joint press.- No need to press a ball joint out.- Uh, um...- What's he doing?- So what he is doing isjust basically knocking outa ball joint from the top side,and just pushing it,hammering down on the knuckleto push down onto theball joint to sit itself.Is this legit? It is legit.Is this what you want to be doing?Probably not.You don't want to behammering on your knuckle.- I think he's puttingan awful lot of pressureon the stud of the ball joint.So for a brand new ball joint,you're now beating the crapout of the inside of that, that joint.And am I allowed to do this?(all laugh)- If it doesn't go in completely straight,it's, it's gonna cock and you might damagethe control arm or the new ball joint.So one of the two you mightdamage, but in general, yeah,it's a great hack.- I think this is like,you gotta know yourself beforeyou try something like this.- Yeah, depends on what kindof skill level you have.- Would I ever do it?No. I'm not confident in myskill set to be able to do that.- Arrest. Mark Zuckerberg.- Mark Zuckerberg'sallowing someone to see thatand be like, hey, that'sthe way I'm gonna do it,instead of going to AutoZoneand renting the tool for free.Just go use the tool. (Beep)me, right? What do I know?(all laugh)- What's up?- So he's gotta studhe's trying to get out.- Oh, yeah.- Yeah.That is the correct way to do itwithout the correct tool at least.- So, I mean it's just the, the frictionfrom tightening it so much.A classic way to remove a studis what we call the old double nut.So you take one nut, andyou screw it onto the stud,and you take another nut,and you tighten it on that nut,and you will use that bottomnut now almost as a bull head.- Don't know if I would'veused a gun though.- Yeah, that seems risky.- Usually you don'twanna do with an impact.Usually you gotta havea wrench. Two wrenches,a ratchet possibly, but otherthan that, that's a legit.- I just wouldn't use the impact.I would've just used the wrench.- All right. That's legit.- Oh. Oh my god.- I've seen this.I've seen this before.- Yeah, don't do that.Don't do that. Don't do that.Like look at he's holdingit with his fingers.If his fingers were toget caught, they're gone.They're gonzo.- Yeah, you don't have to do that.- No.- Is it hard to put that on?- Just turn the car off and do it.- People like to show off and show like,oh I can change the beltwhile the engine is running.- It's a good hack,but there's no way in hell I would do it.And I can tell you from experience,I broke all four fingers doing that.I'd have some guy, you know,bump the engine just bump it one time.Just one bump and my fingergot stuck in between the beltand the pull.If the belt was tight,it would've cut 'em off.Yeah, it would've cutall four fingers off.The belt was too long, thank God.- Can you do this? Yes,but just because you can,doesn't mean you should.- Don't try this at home guys.- Uh, don't try this at, anywhere.(both laugh)Not just at home.- Yeah, don't do this kids.- Don't do this.- Yeah.- Jail.- Yeah, full jail, bread and water only.- Lube tech tries to unclog drain.This sounds like a porno.- It does.- All right. So this isa thing called a cheetah.It's like compressed air andyou put it between the bead ofa tire and a a wheel to mount a tire.- You know those fast tireinflaters, to set a bead?- Yeah. Oh.- (laughs)- Oh my God.- There's no way in hell I would do that.- This guy,is not a smart person.- Oh, that's so gross, dude.Imagine all that gunky,- Sploosh in his face.- Dude, yeah. I mean is thislegit? Yeah, this is legit,but this is gross.- I probably wouldn't use acheetah to unclog anything.He's wearing a face shield, umwhich gets knocked off in the process.- I think the guys at the shopwere messing with this guy.- I think they were messing with him.- You take the new guy, you tell him go,go put this thing downthe hole and blast it.- Here's our next clip.- So right now he's puttingon some drum breaks.No, he's got a chain.No, those are,they're little bungee cablesthat keep tension on the on thedrums to hold them in place.Okay, so he basicallyused a chain for leverageto pull on the other drum.- So they're use,whoa little camera...- I mean come on with this (beep).Why is it cutting away on the good part?- I know.- All of these are the one,I don't even know what's going on here.- Camera man.- Yeah, camera man.Total bull (beep). Total bull (beep).This is David Blaine magician.- (laughing)This is David Blaine.- Magician hogwash crap.- That little flick awayfrom the drum like thatis suspect to me.- Oh, now I see it.So he's got, he's got thechain hooked onto the spring.Yeah, it comes and it connects it.Oh, that's cool.- But then,- I'm not really sure how that.- I don't know the end part,they don't want to show you that.- That part is suss.- He's pulling the chain real fast.- Yep.- And then it's pulling thespring down and then the chainfalls off cause it gets kicked,you know, over that pin.And then he pulls the chain out.- Yes, yes- Okay.- No, this seems very legit.- Okay. All right.- Don't arrest.- I thought there wassome camera trickery.Why the guy moved so fast,he must have got scared.- He still gotscared. He got scared.- Yeah, but this looks legit. Yeah.- Yeah.- Have I ever tried this?No. Do I know if it works?I don't, but it lookslegit. I'm not gonna lie.- Maybe it's a, maybe a ticket.- A ticket. Yeah.Zuckerberg, you're getting a ticket.(sirens)(techno music)- So heating off a wheelbearing pretty simple.I mean, makes sense.I don't know if thatnecessarily makes sense.Putting it on rotation andjust using heat to slip it off.Usually heat itself won't slip it off.- It's using compressedair to like spin it, right?- Yeah, to spin the hub, he'susing the compressed air,and he's using the torch toheat up the wheel bearing.- So like I said earlier, heat expands.- You know, if it works, it works.- Yeah. Never tried it before, but yeah.- Yeah, that would be likesome last ditch effortkind of thing.- I don't know how often it's gonna work.It might not work every time.- It's, it's probably notthe safest thing to do,but it, that seems super legit.- Looks cool. Anythingwith flames is cool.- Legit hack.- This is our last clip thatwe're gonna be looking at.Ahh, it's a little crazy.- Check out Mechanic Jack.- Okay, here we go.- It looks like they'redoing a little body repair.Um.- Okay.- By cutting off some panels.- Hammered it.- He's using like a frame machine.- A frame machine,yeah, so why didn't hepull the whole thinginstead of making this?That's what I don't get.- Is that concrete?- (Andy laughs)- Now he's mixing cement.Putting bricks in there.- (Paul laughs)- And using the bricks and the concretetogether for someMechanic Jack body repair.- He's building a pizza oven in the back.- (Andy laughs)- Just imagine how much heavierthis side of a car is gonna be.Like you're gonna be likethis going down that road.- He's doing body work with the concrete.- Yeah.- I respect that.- Got a paint booth though.- Right?- I mean this guy's got a paint boothand he can't buy anything.- But here, it looks better than the door.(both laugh)- He's polishing it.- Wow, it looks great.Until it falls apart, right?- Yeah, until you get in another accident.- Not even an accident.It's just gonna fall apart.- When he stacks the bricks,there's one break that hejust shoves in the corner.Look.- Yeah, yeah, yeah.- (both laugh)- Yeah, it looks so good.- It looks better thanthe rest of the car.- I mean, it came outpretty freaking good.- It came out amazing.- I don't believe it.- This has gotta be a troll, man.- Go get your stuff quarterpanel and just fix it right.- Do it the right way or don't do it.- All right, so what do we think?Do we want to get tricked on this one?This will live on the internet forever,so this is important.- Zach's gotta be arrested for this one.- Straight to jail.- Yeah.- We just crossed 7 million subscribersfrom the bottom of our hearts,we just want to thank youguys uh for supporting us.Both the OG people who havebeen here from the beginning andthe people who are new, whojust learned about us recently,you guys are the only reason we do this.If you didn't watch our stuff,then we wouldn't getto make videos anymore.So, sincerely, sincerely,sincerely, thank you guys so much.I can't believe this is my job,um and I can't believe thatI've been able to do itfor almost seven years and get to do itwith some of my best friends.So again, thank you guysso much for your support.It means everything to us.Every time we see someone wear a shirt.Every time someone walksup to us, in public,it's just like amazing.So to celebrate this monumental event,we're releasing some limitedmerch stuff at get some if you want to tell peoplethat you were here whenwe cross 7 million.Here's two 7 million more.Again, I love you.Thank you guys so much.- Thank you.- Thank you- Thank you.- I crashed a car today.- Overall, if we were to cycle the tallyof arrest Zuck or not.I think, Zuck's in trouble.- We're coming for you.- He's doing 20 to life.- Some of them were good,some of them were bad.Pretty hilarious.- I don't know if Iwould do a lot of them.- Don't listen to social media.Go see a mechanic. Ask for some advice.- I think the only car advicethat they should allow onFacebook is donut media.So, follow the Donut Media Facebook page.- Thanks Andy and all of ourother mechanics for being here.- See you next time.- Boy.- Till next time.