Aerocool P7-C1 Case Review

The author recently purchased the Phanteks Eclipse P1 C1 Pro case, which is a mid-tower design that offers a good balance between aesthetics and functionality. The case features a 240mm AIO watercooling unit at the top, as well as two 120mm fans on either side, providing ample room for cable management. The motherboard is located below the front panel, and while there is no dust filter to remove dust from the intake vents, the fans are designed to be quiet and efficient.

One of the standout features of the C1 Pro case is its tempered glass front panel, which provides a clear view into the interior of the case. This feature is exclusive to the Pro model, making it a worthwhile upgrade for those who want a premium look and feel. The author notes that the tempered glass is only slightly tinted, providing a nice balance between visibility and aesthetics.

The C1 Pro also features full RGB control integration, thanks to the included Phanteks P7H hub. This allows for seamless control over the case's lighting and fan curves, making it easy to customize the appearance of the build. The author notes that this feature is particularly useful when building a custom loop arrangement, as it provides precise control over the lighting and cooling of the system.

In terms of value, the C1 Pro case is priced between $150 and $200, which is considered a sweet spot for its features and quality. The inclusion of the P7H hub, which is estimated to have a value of around $20-$30, adds significant value to the overall purchase price.

The author notes that one potential drawback of the C1 Pro case is the placement of the fourth fan at the rear, which can be quite loud and inefficient. However, this is not a major concern for most users, as it is easily overlooked in favor of more important aspects of the build.

In terms of custom loop possibilities, the author notes that the C1 Pro case is highly compatible with liquid cooling solutions. The case's mid-tower design provides ample space for custom radiators and fans, making it an excellent choice for those who want to build a unique and efficient system.

To finish off the build, the author plans to add a 360mm radiator combo to the top of the case, providing a sleek and compact solution for cooling. This will be followed by the installation of the CPU cooler and other components, which should complete the build in the near future.

In conclusion, the Phanteks Eclipse P1 C1 Pro case is an excellent choice for anyone looking to build a high-performance PC with a unique and customizable design. Its tempered glass front panel, RGB control integration, and ample space for custom loops make it an ideal choice for those who want to push the boundaries of what is possible in a mid-tower case.

The author notes that while there are some minor drawbacks to the C1 Pro case, including the placement of the fourth fan at the rear and the limited cable management options on the left side, these issues do not detract from the overall value and quality of the build. Overall, the C1 Pro case is a top-notch choice for anyone looking to build a premium PC with a unique and customizable design.

Finally, the author notes that they are excited to complete the build and showcase it in the near future. They plan to install the coffee lake 8700K CPU and Gigabyte Z370 Gaming Seven motherboard, which will be paired with a Phanteks C1 Pro case and other components. The finished build is expected to be a stunning example of what can be achieved with this mid-tower case and its various features.

In terms of specs, the Phanteks Eclipse P1 C1 Pro case features a sleek and modern design that provides ample space for custom loops and liquid cooling solutions. The case's dimensions are as follows: height: 445mm, width: 410mm, depth: 405mm. It also features six fan headers, including three 3-pin headers and two 4-pin headers.

The author notes that the Phanteks Eclipse P1 C1 Pro case is available in white and black, with a price point of around $150-$200. The included Phanteks P7H hub provides full RGB control integration, making it easy to customize the appearance and performance of the build.

Overall, the Phanteks Eclipse P1 C1 Pro case is an excellent choice for anyone looking to build a high-performance PC with a unique and customizable design. Its features, value, and quality make it an ideal choice for those who want to push the boundaries of what is possible in a mid-tower case.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enyou might recall a company called arrowcool that sponsored us tearing our copytext 2017 coverage there are a casepower supply and peripheral companystationed out of Taiwan and what I havetoday is something we showcased while wewere there a large mid tower PC casewith integrated RGB lighting a temperedglass side panel and excellentventilation so I'll be completely honestthere is a lot more to this case thanmeets the eye and once you do realizehow many things there are two kind oftinker with and get right it can be abit overwhelming there are also severalvariants to choose from including nonpro versions of both white and black c1variants this here is the white p7 c1pro model to be found in the video'sdescription and it comes well equippedwith tempered glass and a solid steelframe aesthetically speaking this casehas a lot going for it now at firstglance this might appear to be a fullsized tower it is not by definition itis simply a mid tower it only has 7 PCIslots at the rear this also onlysupports ATX motherboards knotty ATXthanks to the indention on the rightside of the case which is useful forcable management at the rear to largespeed span the length of the case andalso looked at a good bit off the groundfor adequate PSU breathing room behindthe glass you'll find a basementspanning the same distance all the wayup to the front of the chassis where youcan store up to 3 120 millimeter fans orradiator combos a large dust filter isalso included and the removable frontpanel welcomes air with its manyperforations glad to see this in a casethis sizespeaking of which yes this case is a bitunorthodox in the sense that it's only amid Tower and it's pretty dang tallprobably one of the tallest mid towersaround and I thought that at first itwould not have enough room to storecables in the back panel because itdoesn't look very wide it actually ispretty wide it just doesn't look widebecause it's so tall so you'll findplenty of cable storage space at therear there aren't any tie straps I wishthat they had included some of those youhave a few points in which to use sometie straps too and a secure cables inplace but no what am I looking forvelcro straps that's the word so none ofthose are included but I don't thinkyou're gonna need to really take thetime to write your cables there is somuch space in the back of this case Ithink you'll be plenty happy with whatyou have do keep in mind though on theleft side of the case where you'll bebuilding your PC primarily there is notmuch space for a large CPU cooler so upto 160five millimeters I believe is themaximum CPU cooler height anythingbeyond that and you will be hitting thattempered glass at the back of the caseyou'll find a cutout for motherboardrear i/o a 120 millimeter fan or radmount seven PCI slots as mentionedearlier and a PSU cutout at the base Ilike here how arrow cools included a PCIbracket cover similar to how fantex andothers keep a nice clean and concealedlook just two thumb screws are notcaptive but they're still there we'llhold this in place remove it first toinstall a graphics card or two then swapit back on for that nice finish as forstorage you'll find four two and a halfinch drive bays as well as two three anda half inch ones the two three and ahalf inch ones are actually mounted tothe PSU from underneath they're notmounted to the bottom of the case whichis an interesting approach also you'llfind two of the four two and a half inchdrive bays are on top of the powersupply shroud which is nice it's kind oflike an NZXT s340 vibe here there is onelarge cutout for cable management if youwant to plug in HD audio though or usethat far-left SSD tray then you're gonnahave to kind of let your cables justspread out over the basement a bitbecause there's only that one largecutout in the center I wish they'd addeda second one probably one of the onlymajor changes that I would have made tothis case up top you will find a verynice array of features including astandard USB 3.0 and 2.0 layoutpower and reset buttons microphone andheadphone jacks and also an SD card wedirectors two of a1 microSD and onestandard SD useful especially forsituations like my own where I'mconstantly swapping data to and from mycamera they're not the fastest cardreaders on the planet I believe they'reusing the USB 2.0 interface but it'sstill nice to have them there in factthe card reader I use right now is USB2.0 face I just haven't bit the bulletyet and purchased a USB 3.0 card readerso I actually might be using thisinstead further back on the top panelyou'll find a few grill slits for activeventilation actually of a 240 millimetera IO up top and I was also able tosqueeze two 120mm fans and so of plentyof room for cable management with themotherboard below they do a decent joband aren't too restrictive and whilethere is no dust filter to remove uphere fans shouldn't really be said tointake anyway this will be an exhaustarray now one of the selling points forthe c1 Pro not just the regular c1 thepro model apart from the tempered glasswhich is a deviation which I like andit's slightly tinted it's not too tintedto where I'd feel just like I can'tanything in there but it's nice to havetempered glass in general the secondperk of going with the pro model is thatyou have full RGB control integrationalso full fan control with the includedhub Eric who calls this the p7h one andit does allow for multiple RGB LEDstrips case integration and fan RGBintegration all to be supported andcontrolled by a single hub here you justplug it into a USB port on yourmotherboard also it acts as a fan hub sothe three front fans included with thep7c when these are all RGB cables so aseparate wire for each of these fansplugs into the hub for RGB control andof course you also have your three pinfan headers to plug into the hub andcontrol the fan curves there is a fourthfan included with the p7 c1 pro at therear but it's pretty trashy honestly youwant to get rid of that one it's it'svery loud it doesn't do that great a jobat staying quiet so it's really nicethat air-cool includes the hub with thepurchase of the c7p one this case isgonna run you anywhere between 150 and200 bucks which isn't too bad I wouldsay a sweet spot for this case would becloser towards 150 dollars think $200 iscutting it that's the upper end therebut do take into account the fact thatyou do get the hub which is in itselfmaybe a twenty thirty dollar value youget for fans three of which I suggestyou keep these are all RGB controllablethey all have separate cables forcontrolling RGB functionality with thehub not and the case also has integratedRGB lighting so what I've done here Ireally like this case I like how muchroom it has being that it's only a midTower I can still manage to fill up mostof this space with a custom loop andthat's why I threw one in here now it'snot finished the PDG tubing is gonna bethe last part of this project and that'sthat's a whole project in itself butthat's what I'll tackle at a future dateI just wanted to show you what it wouldlook like if you wanted to do a customloop arrangement in here of course youdon't need that though you could stick a360 mil radiator combo up front or uptop and it actually be pretty hidden tooyou can see you can barely even tellthat there's a radiator up there withtwo fans because there's so much spaceup top which is really nice very customloop friendly case being that it's onlya mid tower arrangement and I'm lookingforward to finishing this I think it'sgonna be really cool by the way this isa coffee lake 8700 K CPU in here withthe gigabyte c-- 370 gaming seven motheras always you can find the p7 c1 inwhite and black link in the videodescription along with their non Procounterparts if you want to spend around100 or so US bucks and you're notgetting the tempered-glass front panelnor the hub I believe a few other thingsthat you'll just have to look at specwise but the cases are going to bepretty much the same form factor wiseand that's what you got to keep inconsideration here this is a case thatis really bringing a lot to the tableit's not going to be the most friendlycase to build in there are a few thingsI would change like I said the cutout inthe basement needs to be added the oneon the left side I don't really like howthe cables are kind of just supposed togo through the small little openingbetween the left and right sides of thisback panelI would prefer rubber grommets that'sjust me personally but everything elseabout this case looks really good and Ican't wait to turn this thing on andshow you guys what it looks like whatit's all powered up so stay tuned forthat let me know what you think aboutthis case in the comments below and giveus my thumbs up if you're lookingforward to what this pcs gonna look likewhen it's all said and done this isscience studio thanks for learning withus\n"