iOS 12.1.3 Beta 4 - Follow up

**iPhone Battery Life and Performance: The Beta Experience**

The latest iPhone beta has been making waves among users, with many reporting improved battery life and performance. While some have expressed concerns about the battery health of their devices, it appears that the new update is addressing these issues.

According to several users, including those who have experienced issues with their previous iPhones, the battery life on their devices has significantly improved. For example, one user reported getting six and six hours and 34 minutes of average screen time on their iPhone XR, while another user experienced a similar improvement on their iPhone 6s plus.

However, not all users are experiencing the same level of improvement. Some have reported issues with battery drain, particularly when using certain apps or features. For instance, one user noted that their iPhone XS's battery was getting used up quickly, even after a full charge. Similarly, another user experienced issues with their iPhone 7 plus, which took almost three hours to fully charge on the 12V adapter.

Despite these issues, many users are overall satisfied with the performance of the latest iPhone beta. For example, one user reported that the battery life on their XS Max was "decent" and that they were able to get six and a half hours of screen time without any issues. Similarly, another user noted that their iPhone XR had improved battery life, but still experienced some minor issues with app crashes.

**The Impact of iOS 12.1.3**

The latest iPhone beta is running on iOS 12.1.3, which has been praised for its smooth performance and fast charging capabilities. According to several users, the update has significantly improved the speed of their devices, making them feel more responsive and efficient.

However, some users have reported issues with the Settings app, which takes a long time to respond. This issue seems to be specific to certain iPhone models, including the XS Max and 6s plus. Despite this, many users are overall satisfied with the performance of the latest iPhone beta, particularly when it comes to speed and smoothness.

**The Role of Battery Health**

One question on everyone's mind is how the battery health of their devices will be affected by the new update. While some have expressed concerns about the potential impact of the update on battery life, it appears that this may not be a major issue for most users.

In fact, many users have reported no significant changes in their battery health, despite experiencing improved performance and faster charging capabilities. According to Apple, batteries do degrade over time due to normal use, but there is nothing that can be done to prevent this from happening.

**The Best iPhone Betas So Far**

Overall, the latest iPhone beta has been a mixed bag for users. While some have experienced issues with battery drain or app crashes, many others are overall satisfied with the performance of their devices. If you're considering upgrading to the latest iPhone betas, here's what you can expect:

* The best iPhone betas so far have been iPhone XR and XS Max, which have reported improved battery life and performance.

* iPhone 7 plus has also seen improvements in performance, but still experiences issues with battery drain.

* iPhone 6s plus is another device that has benefited from the latest beta, with many users reporting improved performance and faster charging capabilities.

**Tips for Using Your New iPhone**

If you're considering upgrading to the latest iPhone betas, here are some tips for using your new device:

* Make sure to charge your battery regularly to avoid any potential issues with battery health.

* Avoid using certain apps or features that may drain your battery quickly.

* Consider investing in a fast charger or power bank to keep your device charged on the go.


The latest iPhone beta has been a mixed bag for users, but overall, it appears that most devices have seen improvements in performance and battery life. While some issues remain, many users are overall satisfied with their new devices. As always, we'll be keeping an eye on this story and providing updates as more information becomes available.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS 12.1.3 Beta 4 has been out fora few days and I haven't installed onall of these devices and have been usingit primarily on my iPhone XS Max thatI have here and the beta has actuallybeen pretty good compared to the otherones now Apple released this only a fewdays after beta 3 so I had to runanother YouTube community poll to seehow this one is so that's why you mayhave seen two that we're similar butwe'll talk more about the community pollin a moment now as far as speed speedhas been pretty good things are nice andsmooth scrolling things like that noproblems here anything that you have tojust scroll through seems to me nice andsmooth and fast 3d touch is working finebut settings keeps locking up on me somaybe you're in settings you go togeneral then it will freeze like it didbefore and I thought they fixed thatproblem but apparently they didn't and afew of you said that you had that issuein the community poll as well so it'snot just me I know that it seems to be aproblem that apparently reappeared afterthey fixed it with the previous updateso that's kind of a pain but it's not aslong as it used to be so there'ssomething there that they need toresolve now also the modem update thatthey did under general and then aboutthey did a modem change with some of theupdates in the background and it seemedto be primarily AT&T but some peoplehave said that LTE has improved and notlocked up I actually didn't have thisissue with LTE or Wi-Fi and I know someof you are quite a few of you did andmany of you are saying that it's beenresolved some are saying it's not soit's hard to say exactly if people arestill having the issue but it seems tobe an issue only for some people thistime aroundnow battery life battery has been prettygood for me a lot of you also said thatit was quite good battery health isstill a hundred percent on my iPhoneTenace max and if we take a look overthe last 10 days here's where I got someof the most usage seven hours and nineminutes which is phenomenal screen offtime of one hour and three minutes and Iwas in CES where there were over ahundred and fifty thousand people withinprobably a three mile radius all tryingto get on LTE so it was the battery wasgetting very heavily used in those timestaking photos and videoI kind of just went to to take a look atthings I'm not sure if I'll do a videoon that or not but I did just take alook at things just to see what it ismake some contacts but you'll seeoverall it looks pretty good battery hasbeen the same or better for me with thisparticular beta update so it's fairlystable and I'm surprised that it's notout today to the public quite honestly Ithought would be out today but maybethey'll push it till tomorrow and theniOS 12.2 now maybe we'll see it nextweek I don't know I don't know ifthey're keeping the features for nextweek or maybe June when they usuallyhave WWDC in the first few weeks wherewe have a whole new version of iOS soI'm not sure if we're going to seeanything major until then but it's hardto say now before we talk about theYouTube community poll want to talkabout these devices and now I do haveother iPhones but I tend to rundifferent updates on different devicesso you'll see this particular one on theiPad I've had no issues on the iPadwhatsoever this is the 10.5-inch iPadpro and this one has been rock-solid noissues herenothing to complain of if you're runningthe beta you'll be happy with it the 5swe did show that it took a little bitlonger to load things like Minecraft butoverall the experience was quite goodyou'll see it's not going to be as fastas the new phones loading things andthere was a little bit of a hiccup therebut overall it's pretty good and niceand fast that carries through to the 6sPlus that I have here of course this oneis nice and fast as well and they'vereally refined this since they sort ofgot caught last year with the wholebattery thing and throttling the CPUeverything seems to be nice and smoothand fast since thenlandscape on the plus models is workingjust what just fine and then on the 8plus because this is fairly new anywayof course it's going to work well alsoin quite a few of you always ask me howdo you do landscape it only works on theplus model 6s plus 7 and 7 plus 8 plusnot the XS Max for some reason sooverall it's great on all of thesedevices now let's take a look at theyoutube community Paul quite a few ofyou voted 8.6K or 8600 andthat is quite a few compared to othertimes so I really appreciate that sincewe had a poll just a few days beforethis on beta 3 and quite a few of yourespondent there as well that's greathave this kind of feedback to help usall see how it is for everyone now youcan see 18 percent said it was greatthree percent said terrible six percentsaid okay but some bug's fifty ninepercent are not using betas and I'd loveto hear what some of you think I shouldput in its place some people thought Ishouldn't have I don't use betas andthen 15 percent use Android I like tokind of include everybody just in thepoll just to get an idea of how manypeople are actually using this nowthere's a hundred and thirty commentsI've read every single one of themthere's quite a few quite a few reallygood ones and some of them I've alreadymentioned most people are saying there'sreally good battery life which is greatsign and you'll see some people are justsaying what device they're on successmax ten are you oh I'm not sure yeah Iguess or hi iPhone 7 plus waiting forthe final version so let's take a lookat some of the things people haveeverything like animations got fasterprobably because of the higher singlecore performance that's probably truedepending on the phone you have betasdrain your battery health no they don'tthey don't drain nothing really drainsyour battery health other than actuallyusing a phone over time batteriesdegradeit's just how batteries work and there'snot a whole lot you can do about ithonestly if you fast charge all the timethat may be something you should not doall the time best one yet for version 12point one point three very fast andsmooth good performance so far bestApple update I phone XR it's beendecent on my XS Max love the batterylife and again that's what I'm hearingthe most it's great on my tennis max theonly issue is the Settings app takesfive days seconds to respondsame thing I'm having like I saidbattery life is great on my iPhone 6splus and speed wise I'm really impressedhow smooth everything is and that's whyI updated to the beta batteries goodgetting six and six hours and 34 minutesaverage screen in on time screen offtime almost to our that's really good ona XR still rocking 6 plus bought ittwo years ago in the battery starting todie still don't have the baby yet if Ihave it we'll watch a video about it andsee I would suggest getting your batteryin place you'll have really great speedit's really terrible the best iOSversion is six point1.3 on iphone 5 well some people maydisagree with you I like to iOS 6 thoughI don't receive any Siri suggestions Iwill try to reset my iPhone to see ifthat's this is persist or not it couldbe a beta bug I haven't heard of thatone yet though I'm using a standardiPhone X I noticed it took longer tocharge and battery usage is even 100 -60 % slower so I've had a couple peoplecomment on this and charging from 0 to50 is going to be your fastest then it'sgonna slow down a little bit and thenfrom 90 or 95 to 100 it will be reallyslow that's to preserve your battery andmaybe they're tweaking some of that soit's it's hard to say but expect withthe standard charger or the iPad chargeryou're going to get two and a half tothree hours charge time it's just theway it is so battery is okay but it'sstill still on XS the bug of 10 secondsof inactivity where the closure of anapplic are studying improve performancebut still can improve on Apple I've readabout this I can't reproduce it on myiPhone XS I haven't been able toreproduce that at all I have no issueson my X or XS nothing whatsoever so Ican't reproduce that bug I've tried onmy XS as welliPhone se and the betas have been greatapart from a few apps crashing I have myTam and personally I think beta 3 madethe most difference instability babybeta 4 just did a little differencewhile beta 2 is glitchy the modem updatehas made a great improvement and I thinkthat's what most people were looking forthe performance is great on my iPhone 7however battery is getting used up a lotit is draining heavily my battery healthis at 100% however it's draining a lotit's the only issue I would say there'ssomething in the background doing thatsmooth and fast just bored of it I agreeJun hopefully will see a major revamp sothat'll be exciting great battery lifeon my tennis max and definitely improvedcellular signals so far it's been greatfor me and I'm a heavy user probably thebest battery life I've had on the XSMax is this beta how can you get thebeta if you're a or beta to apple.comif you're not a developer you can checkit out there and you have to sign upthat's the right way to get ityou ask this question the other day no Iasked the same question beta 3 and theniPhone 7 plus battery life is fine buttakes almost three hours to charge to100% on 12 on the 12v adapter that'swhat I was talking about beforethey're probably tweaking the chargespeeds to see if they can get the bestbattery life overallso that's really what there is with thisparticular beta hopefully it's workingout well for you and expect maybe thefinal tomorrow maybe we'll see a beta 5but I doubt it hopefully the finaltomorrow or later this week and be sureto check back if you're looking for moreupdates as always I'll post a link tothe wallpaper in the description belowif you haven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and like as always thanks forwatching this is Aaron I'll see you nexttime\n"