iOS 12.3.1 is Out! - What's New

**iOS 12.3.1 Update Released**

For everyone who has iOS 12.3 or any device that supports iOS, there is now an update available. This update is significant as it brings iOS 12.3 to version 12.3.1, which is the latest stable release for devices running this operating system.

The update comes in at approximately 77.9 megabytes on my iPhone X and will vary depending on the device you are using. It's essential to note that if you're currently running iOS 12.4 beta software and want to go back to version 12.3.1, you'll need to plug your device into a lightning cable and then connect it to iTunes to perform the downgrade. Without the IPSW file, you won't be able to downgrade, so patience is advised until the next beta or final version of iOS 12.4 is released.

The build number for this update is 16F203, which indicates that it's a point-one release addressing minor issues. The first issue it fixes is related to voice over LTE or multi connectivity on certain phones, where it wouldn't work properly. This should resolve the issue for users experiencing problems with these connections.

Another issue addressed by this update is in the Messages app. When filtering out unknown senders from the conversation list, messages from unknown senders would sometimes appear in the main text messaging window, even though they were supposed to be filtered out according to the settings. This has been fixed, ensuring that messages from unknown senders only appear in the junk section.

Furthermore, this update also fixes an issue related to the "Report Junk" feature in Messages. It had a tendency to not show up on certain devices, which should now be resolved with the latest version of iOS 12.3.1.

**Modem Updates for Newer Devices**

While there are no new security updates available for this release, modem updates have been released for newer devices such as the iPhone 8, X, XS, XS Max, and XR. These updates aim to fix issues on these devices, so they should now work more efficiently than before.

**Battery Life**

iOS 12.3's battery life was reported by the author of this article to be relatively good, with approximately five and a half to six hours of screen time on their device prior to testing iOS 12.3.1. However, since it has only been out for about an hour or more when this video was recorded, actual results may vary.

When putting the newer iOS 12.3.1 through its paces on the author's XR, it showed a battery life of 4 hours and 32 minutes with one hour and 22 minutes of screen off time. When compared to the original iOS 12.3, there was a noticeable difference in terms of actual battery performance.

**Geekbench Scores**

To get an idea of the overall performance of these devices running iOS 12.3.1, some Geekbench scores were taken. The iPhone X scored 4246 for single-core and 10,066 for multi-core, indicating its relative performance capabilities. The iPad Pro 12.9, which also ran this update, showed much higher scores in the multi-core tests, at 17,535.

The older devices, such as the iPhone X and 8 Plus, should perform similarly or just as well as these newer versions, given that this is more of a maintenance update with bug fixes rather than any significant performance enhancements.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS twelve point three point one is outfor everyone that has iOS 12.3 or any device that supports iOStwelve so the iPhone 5s are newer andall of the same iPads and iPod touchesthat are supported now this came in atseventy seven point nine megabytes on myiPhone X and it will come in aroundseventy seven to a hundred and tenmegabytes depending on the device you'reon now if you are on iOS twelve pointfour beta software and you want to goback to twelve point three point oneyou'll actually need to plug it in usinga lightning cable and then plug it intoiTunes to downgrade using the file to dothat the IPSW file otherwise you won'tbe able to downgrade so you'll just haveto wait for the next beta or the finalversion of twelve point four to come outnow let's take a look at the buildnumber the build number is sixteen m203and this particular build is out toaddress some issues anytime you have apoint one build it's very minor issuesand the first thing it fixes is if youhave a phone that you're using voiceover LTE on or multi depending on whatyou want to call it it fixes that issuewhere it wouldn't work on some phones sohopefully that's fixed also it fixes anissue in messages that could causemessages from unknown senders to appearin your conversations list even thoughthey're filtered in unknown senders onyour settings so if you go into settingsand then you scroll down to messages andyou scroll down to the bottom it saysfilter unknown senders and if you havethat turned on they should not show upin your main text messaging window theyshould go to the unknown part if we gointo messages you'll see we have SMS andjunk they should show up only in junknot in the main SMS area and then whenyou go into one of the messages herethis also fixes an issue that could haveprevented this little button here thatsays report junk from showing up so nowit will show up every time and that isreally all there is in this particularupdate however there are modem updatesto the devices so hopefully there's somefixes to the newer phones the eight plusthe X the XS and the XS Maxand the XR there are some modem updatesfor all of those different devices sothey did increment them one hopefully itfixes issues with them now the otherthing also is there's no new securityupdates so they did publish a link tothe security updates and then saidthere's no security update so thereisn't anything that they've publishedanyway and then also battery on iOS 12.3was actually ok on most of my devicesthat were running this prior I wasgetting about five and a half to sixhours of screen on time for me that'squite good but if you're running iOS 12point three point one it's going to takea few days to know what the battery lifewill actually be like since it's onlybeen out for about an hour or more bythe time I'm recording this video soyou'll see I haven't actually used thisdevice and I may go back and use the 8plus to see what battery life is likebut if we take a look at my XR hereis the battery life on iOS 12.3 soyou'll see 4 hours and 32 minutes 1 hourand 22 minutes of screen off time and Ihad about 20 to 30% battery life left atthe end of the day when I had thesenumbers so I do have a lot of backgroundinformation going on so that's probablythe cause of that and I would expect 6hours or so with normal use maybe even 7just depends I've seen it as high as 9for some now I did do a Geekbench in allof these just for a reference so this isthe iPhone X let's take a look at ithere and you'll see I have 4246 forsingle core ten thousand six hundred andsixty nine for multi core let's take alook at the other devices I have here aswell so my iPad pro twelve point nineyou can see has great scores onmulti-core seventeen thousand fivehundred and thirty five and then myiPhone X and 8 plus now the olderdevices should be just as fast this isjust a maintenance update with a couplebug fixes so I wouldn't expect anythingto be slower on any of the devicesrotate to landscape on the eight plusworks fine things like 3d touch they'llwork fine and the overall speed seems tobe pretty good in general that's allthere really is with this particularupdate so I'll link this wallpaper inthe description as I always do and ifyou haven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and like if you enjoyed thevideo as always thanks for watching thisis Aaron I'll see you next time\n"