Here is the rewritten text in a well-structured format suitable for a web page:
My glasses are just melting. (flame roaring) Yeah. I think there's an obvious wear between the two. I mean, we got some cracking of, like, I guess, the coating. Eyes pretty good. Pretty good. They... They still don't even look as smoked out as your did on the first round.
Now, let's talk about gas stations. (man laughing) They took on a bit of a new shape. They did. I wouldn't say that these would protect you from a blast of flame, straight to the eyes.
I went to a store this morning and bought a nail gun. So, I was thinking maybe we shoot some nails at these things. Oh, heck yeah. (nail gun shooting) Why don't they have sights on these? (men laughing)
So this thing has an automatic mode. Let's see what that does. Okay. Cool. Why not? (dramatic music) (nail gun shooting) (dramatic music) (nail gun shooting) (both laughing)
Okay. That's a few hits on each. Well, that deflected it. Perfect. No damage at all. Who would've thought safety glasses would be so safe? (nail gun shooting) (both laughing)
Uh. That's awesome. Direct hit there and there. No eyes have been put out. Safety glasses did their job. What if we just put the gun straight up to the glasses? Yeah. I wanna see what happens point blank.
Everybody good? Mm-hmm. (nail gun shooting) Oh. Yeah. Not much you can do about that. (man laughing)
Oh. Sorry, dude. Well, hey, those things aren't falling off anytime soon. I'm gonna be super impressed if any of these stop this. (nail gun shooting)
3, 2, 1. (nail gun shooting) Oh. Right through the pupil. Straight through. (nail gun shooting) Ah.
All right, gas station. (nail gun shooting) (both laughing) Shattered the lens. Shattered the lens and knocked the other one clean out. Jery laughed.
Jery, before we get into the safety glasses, let's go ahead and count these guys out. Yeah. If you are using sun sunglasses from a gas station... don't use 'em. Okay. Now let's get to the safety glasses.
For about a dollar a pair, we got the Bison Lifes. And I gotta say they did pretty dang good. They don't have gaskets. Yeah. But they still seal to the shape of the face pretty well. At about a buck piece, you get 'em in a pack of a dozen. Yeah. They're like disposable.
Question for me always has been whether or not they would actually protect my eyes in the event of something catastrophic. And now I know they will. Absolutely. And they're also basically free. Yeah. Pretty good. Pretty good.
Moving on to the 3Ms, we have the added face sealer here. Mm-hmm. Now, for me, these didn't fit my face at all. Sure. So, I wouldn't have picked these even if they were the best, but that's just because they didn't fit my face. Right.
Aside from that... It fit my face pretty well. And when it does fit your face, it not only is good to keep things out of your eyes, but it's more comfortable too. Now, these did terrible with the chemicals. But otherwise, they did pretty well. I mean, against the sparks, the grinder discs, the nails.
Personally... So far, what I'm thinking, you have a bunch of these around laying around, and then you have like one pair of these for when you're doing a bunch of grinding. Now, moving on up to the $150 mark. Honestly, I was ready to be impressed by them somehow or another, but they really didn't do anything better than the others.
Why not? They do a good job. Right. I just don't really see the value in that kind of money for something that I'm definitely gonna destroy. I would just buy a bunch of these. I'd have a couple in my truck. I'd have a couple in my toolbox, because how many times are you working on a car, and you're just like...
Note: I've kept the original text intact and reorganized it to make it easier to read and understand.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(nail gun shooting)(men laughing)(saw buzzing)(model smashing)- Oh something lost a-(both exclaiming)- Whoo.(flame roaring)(spray can puffing)(men exclaiming)- We're testing safetyglasses today, Jobe.- Heck yeah.- We got $1 verse $20-- Versus-(bell chiming)$150 safety glasses.Do you really need tospend 150 times the moneyjust to protect your eyeballs?- Let's find out.(palm thumping)- Lets.(bird squeaking)(water flowing)- Thanks to eBay Motorsfor sponsoring today's video.- Hey Jobe, what you doing?- Oh, just grabbingthis eBay Motors bannerfrom the toolbox.You know, since they're sponsoringthis entire season of Tool Party,I just wanted to make surethat their banner was kept nice and safe.- Nice.Just like eBay Motors keepsthe shopping process safewith their money back guarantee.You get the tool, part,even car you ordered or your money back.It's that simple.- And speaking of simple,eBay Motors made it simple for youto buy the exact tools we use on this showby adding links below.Show eBay some love byclicking the descriptionto find tools and a whole lot more.All right, now let's hang this thing up.Pass me a wrench.(upbeat music)- Okay.- This is just someone's sandwichand a delicious cup of peaches.- Wait a minute.So if this is just somebody's lunch,then where are my tools?(tools clanging)- Jobe(music playing)- All right, JobeWhy would I need a pair of safety glasses?- Well, eyeballs arepretty soft and susceptibleto getting damaged by stuffcoming at 'em real quick.Working with chemicalsand getting sprayed,working with metal, throwingsparks, or sometimeslike we've seen on this show,stuff just blows up.(glass shattering)- You got me.- We've got a few different pairs here,and we're gonna test them out.- We have at the bottomend of the spectrum,a dollar pair of safety glasses.- Yeah. Made by Bison Life.Super cheap.That's a basic safety glass.- A buck,great.Toss 'em.Throw 'em in the bag.They get scratched up,you get a new pair, new pairs.- Yeah.- Next on this,we have a $20 pair of3M Solus 1000 series.- They sound cool.That's a cool name.They are ratedto the same safety standardsas the cheap glasses.Yeah, these are pretty nice.Pretty good seal around the face.Pretty comfy.- Next on our list,we have-- Oakley,$150 safety glasses.What the heck?- Wow.- Hey, come on.Let's be honest.That is a lot of money.- It's crazy.Especially for somethingyou intend to beat up.But at the same time,I've spent that money on sunglasses.That's sort of the same thing, right?But do you need to spend that much?I don't know.We also...We got a...We got a fourth contender here.He's got some cheapiesfrom the gas station.(whip lashing)This represents what a lot of peopleend up actually using in the garage,just whatever sunglassesthey have laying around.All right.So we're gonna put all theseglasses through the ringer.We're gonna do some A.N.S.I tests,which are official.- But then we're gonna put'em to the practical test.- Yeah.- Sometimes to test safety equipment,you gotta get a little dangerous.- And we don't wanna mess up our faces.- That's right.(drum rolling)- So-- We've been cloned.- This is you.- This is you.- Oh, Jerry.We've always wanted to do this.- So the first testwe're gonna be doing isthe ANSI drop test.So ANSI stands for AmericanNational Standards Institute.So one of their tests is a 500 gram spike.That is dropped directly ontothe the lens of the glassfrom a height of 50 inches.Are you ready, Jery?- I'm ready.- Are you ready, Jery?- Yes.- 3, 2, 1(spike thudding)(spike clanging)(men exclaiming)- Look at that.- Direct hit.- Just a little dimply dot.Can't even feel it from the backside.- That really saved my eyes.- Mm-hmm.- Thank you dollar pair of glasses.Now, we have the $20 pair.Gelatinous Jery.He doesn't even look scared.- Okay, bud.3, 2, 1.(spike thumping)(spike clanging)- Ooh.Glanced right off him.But, I mean, it waskind of a glancing blow.How about we try it one more time, Jobe,to see if we can get a direct hit.- Yep.- 3, 2, 1.(spike thumping)(spike clanging)- That was a good hit.I'd say less of a dimplethan the cheap ones.- All right.We have our $150 pair of Oakleys.- Uh-huh.(spike clanging)(spike thumping)(spike clanging)- Oh.- We got it with a bit of a glancing blow,kind of poked his cheek afterwards.Okay. Looking for adirect hit on the Oakleys.3, 2, 1.(spike thumping)(spike clanging)- Direct.Maybe the least dimpling though.These might be a littleharder than the others,but we have one more test,gas station glasses.- You shouldn't be using these.This is just informational purposes only.(spike clanging)(spike clanging)(spike thumping)(spike clanging)- Oh, direct hit.Just ejected it right straight back up.Is that just the codingor is that the lens?I mean, that guy can still see.Four glasses.Three of them safety.No catastrophic failures.- Yep.- All doing pretty well.- Yeah. Not bad.- Well, like you mentioned earlier,one of the cautions you have to take iswhen you're spraying chemicals.when you're spraying chemicals.So we've rigged up ourgelatinous heads herewith some pH strips.So what we're gonna do iswe're gonna blast theseheads with chemical and see-- How much actually getson the actual eye portion.- Yeah.I'm gonna hit this guy with a 1, 2, 3.(spray puffing)Well, not too terribly bad.We got a little bit in his right eye.- We got peppering in there.- Yeah, that definitelyburns a little bit,but you're probably gonna be able to see.The dollar safety glassesdid a pretty good job.Now let's try the $20 pair,and see if they can completelyeradicate the eyeball spray.1, 2, 3.(spray puffing)Oh, just a little in the right eye.Probably came from up top.- I'm gonna put this on my face.- See the gap?- Yeah. I see it.- See, that's what happened.- And you can't make that gap go away?- And I can't make it go away.Like what am I supposed to do,walk around like this?- No. No.I'm...I'm with you.- Because now I can't work with my hands.I gotta loosen stuff with my tongue.- I understand.- Honestly, that's...To me, that's pretty much a tie.Sorry, Jery.(spray puffing)- Whoa.- Oh, okay. Okay.We got a little.Oh, it's bleeding.- Oh, it's bleeding.- Oh, you gotta wipe your eye.Wipe your eye, Jery.- Wipe your eye.- Wipe your eye.- The seal didn't really properly seal it.In a real life situation,you would've had time to wipe that away.I'm ready to call those the winner so far.But before we do that,But before we do that,let's go ahead and testthe gas station sunglasses.(spray puffing)- Oh.(Jery laughing)- She's wet.And I think that just comesfrom how poorly theseare shaped to the face.- So, I think Oakley, dollar, 3M,and then, obviously-- I'm with you.- sunglasses- So far, not unimpressed.But now I wanna seehow they handle a harsherchemical like brake cleaner.- Okay. We have somenon-chlorinated brake cleaners.What I'm gonna do isI'm gonna do one streamstraight to the fricking lens.(spray puffing)- Whoa.- Can we do one straightstream on the backside,see how the gaskets hold up?- Yeah.- All right.Now you might be wonderingwhy we even did that,like spraying the back of 'em?But the fact is most of the time,your safety glasses are on the bench.Sometimes,you be spraying somethingup with some brake cleanereven though you should maybebe wearing 'em and you're not.And you accidentally spray your glasses.Dollar units, crystal clear.No problem.Didn't care.Holy crap.Those did not like it.- Oh, it ate it.Can you see through 'em?- Not safely.The Oakleys-- Oh, we-That's the coating coming right off.It hasn't rendered them useless.You can wipe that right offand still see through 'em,which is nice.I would continue using 'em.- Sunglasses-- They didn't care at all.(dramatic music)- (indistinct) kidding me, bro.If anything, I look cooler now.- Whoa dude.The dollar safety glasses,fine with it.- Fine.3Ms destroyed.These are trash now.- Destroyed.- The Oakleys took a little damage.- Great.Still usable-- Which is another reasonthese obviously have no coating.They're just straight up plastic lenses,which is good-- Yeah.- for chemicals- Yeah.'cause you don't have acoating to react with.(bell dinging)(relaxing music)- This is probably one ofthe most common uses for mefor safety glassesis grinding, weld, doingstuff that's around sparks.I've gotten metal in my eyes a lot.We've gotta seeif these glasses protect our little eyes.- That's right.- (indistinct)We gotta see how many get inaround the sides and edges.(saw buzzing)- You got some sparks inyour eyes there, Jery.Your next blink is gonna be spicy.- But it definitely got, onthe, in the eye hole thing.- Yeah. Now, that was a lotof direct hits to the face.You know, you usually tryto avoid that a littlebit better in real life.But a lot of metal did get around those.So let's move up to the 3Ms-- Okay.- $20 pair.- Yeah.(saw buzzing)(saw buzzing)(hiphop music)- Wow.- It did better.- It did amazing- Way better.- That's pretty good.- I could blink that out.(saw buzzing)- Wow. Pretty good.- (indistinct)- There's hardly any in there.- Yeah. There's hardly any.Couple specs in there.- If not for the safety glasses,it would look like that.- So far, you're paying for performance.But we still have one more.- Yeah.- (indistinct) is looking cool, man.- (indistinct) is looking cool.- Whoa.- Actually pretty dang good.- This isn't supposed to happen this way.- Again,don't use sunglasses-- Unless you want good spark protection.- Right. Oh, don't say that either.- I think most people have seenthe picture of a cuttingdisc that broke off.- 'Cause, I mean,that's really what you're thinking aboutwhen you're using a cutoff wheel.This thing comes apart,your eyeball can't heal.So we have rigged up a sick little rigthat is going to chuck shardsdirectly into the face of our jelly boys.- We've got this disc on the grinderthat is pre-cut, ready to come apart.So, we've got a bunch of hardware,random hardware in this bucket.Some of that is gonna go through this tubeby way of compressed airinto this fractured disccausing it to explode into my face.Definitely, don't try this at homeeven though it looks super fun.- Here we go.Gonna turn this onin 3, 2, 1.(grinder buzzing)(shards clanging)- I thought that might happen.- All right.Shut her off.I didn't even have to do anything.- I thought you shot it.- No.Wow.And whoever put that oneon didn't tighten her.That's about as dangerous as it comes.No face contact whatsoever.Part of this is gonnabe a little bit luck,luck that we actually hit the-- We get a strike.Take two.(grinder buzzing)(shards clanging)- And another no hit.- Another no hit.- Third time's a charm.(grinder revving)(shards clanging)- That seemed like a hit.- Ah.- Ah.- That was straight to the mouth.Keep going.We gotta get a direct hit.(shards clanging)- We definitely got a face hit there.- The glasses look good.- Glasses look great.- Well, we are trying tochange the strategy a bit.Six discs and we had no direct strikes.So, more glasses.(shards clanging)- Whoa.- That's a hit.Skipped right off of it.- Yeah. No big deal.All right. We have the$20 3M safety glasses.Jobe, you ready?- Oh yeah.(shards clanging)- Whoa.- Yeah.- Something lost a lens,and it's that gas station boy's.- It's the gas station.- That's great.Protected your eyeball.- Yep. Same (indistinct)- And after that-- That was a solid hit.(shards clanging)- Oh.(shards clanging)- Oh.- This thing just can'tkeep the the important part in.No hit on the Oakleys.Let's explode another.(shards clanging)- Oh, we got a direct hit to the Oakleys.I mean that's as solid ahit as we could ask for.(shard clanging)Okay. Well, I would giveall these a successful pass.You just wanna make surethey save your eyes,and all the safeties did save your eyes.(upbeat music)What if you caught on fire?I mean, what's theworst that could happen?(Jery laughing)All right, Jery.Let's see how they do,the $1 safety glasses, the Bison Lifes.(flame roaring)(man laughing)- I'm melting.I'm melting.- Oh man.Melted my nose.I mean, look at my eyes though.- Yeah.I don't know.Yours are smoked out way more than mine.Mine are still white as hell.Yours...Look like you've been on fire-- (indistinct)- but dang.- You clean these up,and those things are fine.- For me, right now-(bell dinging)these are winning.Up third and fourth,we've got the Oakleys at 150 bucks,and then the gas station junkers.(flame roaring)- Woo.(both laughing)- My glasses are just melting.(flame roaring)- Yeah. I think there's an obvious wearbetween the two.I mean, we gotsome cracking of, like,I guess, the coating.Eyes pretty good.- Pretty good eyes.- They...They still don't even look as smoked outas your did on the first round.Now, the gas stations.(man laughing)They took on a bit of a new shape.- They did.I wouldn't say thatthese would protect youfrom a blast of flame, straight to the,straight to the eyes.(electric guitar music)(relaxing music)- I went to a store thismorning and bought a nail gun.So, I was thinkingmaybe we shoot some nails at these things.- Oh, heck yeah.- I bought the biggest one.(man laughing)We're gonna be fine.(nail gun shooting)- Why don't they have sights on these?(men laughing)So this thing has a automatic mode.So let's see what that does.- Okay. Cool.Why not?(dramatic music)(nail gun shooting)(dramatic music)(nail gun shooting)(both laughing)- Okay. That's a few hits on each.- Well that deflected it.Perfect. No damage at all.- Who would've thought safetyglasses would be so safe.(nail gun shooting)(both laughing)- Uh. That's awesome.(both laughing)- Direct hit there and there.No eyes have been put out.Safety glasses did their job.What if we just put the gunstraight up to the glasses?- Yeah. I wanna see whathappens point blank.Everybody good?- Mm-hmm.(nail gun shooting)(upbeat music)- Oh.- Yeah.Not much you can do about that.(man laughing)(nail gun shooting)- Oh.- Sorry, dude.Well, hey, those things aren'tfalling off anytime soon.I'm gonna be super impressedif any of these stop this.(nail gun shooting)- Oh.- 3, 2, 1.(nail gun shooting)(man laughing)- Oh.- Right through the pupil.(nail gun shooting)- Oh.Straight through.(nail gun shooting)- Ah.- (indistinct)- All right, gas station.(nail gun shooting)(both laughing)- Shattered the lens.- Shattered the lensand knocked the other one clean out-(Jery laughing)- in the process.Basically,short story is don't takea spike gun to the eye.- All right, Jery,before we get into the safety glasses,let's go ahead and count these guys out.- Yeah.If you are using sun sunglassesfrom a gas station-(glass shattering)don't use 'em.- Yeah.Okay. Now let's get to the safety glasses.For about a dollar a pair,we got the Bison Lifes.And I gotta say they did pretty dang good.They don't have gaskets.- Yeah.- But they still sealto the shape of the facepretty well.At about a bucket piece,you get 'em in a pack of a dozen.Yeah. They're like disposable.Question for me always has beenwhether or not they wouldactually protect my eyesin the event of something catastrophic.And now I know they will.- Absolutely.- And they're also basically free.- Yeah.- Pretty good.- Pretty good.- Moving on to the 3Ms,we have the added face sealer here.- Mm-hmm.- Now, for me,these didn't fit my face at all.- Sure.- So, I wouldn't have picked theseeven if they were the best,but that's just becausethey didn't fit my face.- Right.- Aside from that-- It fit my face pretty well.And when it does fit your face,it not only is good to try tokeep things outta your eyes,but it's more comfortable too.Now, these did terriblewith the chemicals.But otherwise, they did pretty well,I mean, against the sparks,the grinder discs, the nails.Personally,so far, what I'm thinking,you have a bunch of thesearound, laying around,and then you have like one pair of thesefor when you're doing a bunch of grinding.Now, moving on up to the $150 mark.Honestly, I was readyto be impressed by themsomehow or another,but they really didn't doanything better than the others.- Why not?- They do a good job.- Right.- I just don't really see the valuein that kind of moneyfor something that I'mdefinitely gonna destroy.- I would just buy a bunch of these.I'd have a couple in my truck.I'd have a couple in my toolbox,because how many timesare you working on a car,and you're just like, "Oh-- "I'm already here."- "I'm fine.I'm fine.- Yeah.I'm not gonna-"- "I'll just do the squint."- "I'll do the squint."- I'm pretty much in agreement with you.I would definitely have a lot of these,but then I think I wouldhave a pair of theselaying around for when Ineed something with a gasket.- Yeah.- To me, these are the winner.- I agree.(upbeat music)(rock music)- We just gotour new Buffhorses club teesand they're super high qualityand a hundred percent cotton.Jeremiah already pulled anentire motorcycle enginewearing it,so you know it's been tested.Go get yours today music)(whip lashing)(upbeat music)- This was fun.- This was fun.- I hope you guys had fun too.- Thanks for being partof Tool Party with us.- Yep.- If you wanna see any other tools,or, you know, stuff for us to test-- Slam 'em in the comments.We'll do it- comment down below.Yeah, we'll do it.Follow us here on Instagram @donutmedia.Follow Zach @zachjobe.Follow me at @jeremiahburton.And until next week,see you later.- Be safe.(Jeremiah laughing)- If you actually want this hat,uh, join the Donut Underground.Go on the Discord.We'll sign this hat.We'll give it to you.And we'll give you 50 bucksfor you to use on donutmedia.comso you can buy a new one if you want.That hasn't been burnt.Right.My phone.4:50.(sprayer puffing)We've been at it for about 12 hours.This is what it takesto make YouTube videos.(sprayer puffing)