Hardware Canucks S7 Showdown: A Fun-Filled Adventure with the Samsung Galaxy S7

Hello everyone, I'm Dmitry with Hardware Canucks, and recently we got to participate in a fantastic collaboration featuring some of the tech tubers from Canada from the GTA Toronto area. This was so awesome, and I want to share my experience with you as an entertainment device for the new Samsung Galaxy S7 phone. With its fantastic elements of beautiful screen and water-resistant features, it's clear why this phone is going to be a hit.

Our adventure began inside the Telus store and Eaton Centre Toronto, where we were encouraged to bash on other contestants to create this competitive atmosphere. It was really awesome to see everyone in their element with creating this video. I have to admit, I was feeling a bit sore after the initial competition, but that's okay because it motivated me to come out on top. To prepare for the challenge, I like to think that I'm known for fighting wasting, integrate my cat into my reviews, and today we're here, I'm gonna crush these guys in our major competition.

I've been training my whole entire life for this day, and I was ready to take on anyone. The journey began with a slow walk through the streets of Toronto, taking out the S7s to shoot our experience on our walk. We were recording in slow motion and hyperlapse, trying to capture every moment. At one point during our walk, there was a beautiful view of the CN Tower, and I tried to reach for it while filming. Unfortunately, my phone got a little bit hot, and I had to take a break.

As we continued on our journey, we arrived at the headquarters of Telus, just a few blocks away from where we started. This is where things get a bit interesting, as we get to take out the S7s again to shoot more footage. One point during our walk was when I passed by Front Street and decided to record in slow motion while trying to reach for the CN Tower. It didn't quite go as planned, but it made for an entertaining moment.

Once we got inside the tower, we started the first challenge of the S7 showdown: navigating the oily with the S7. This was actually a lot of fun and required us to go through an obstacle course while being attacked by three other people with water guns. The track behind us was filled with oil, which made it difficult to navigate. I had to use my skills to make it through the ramp into the pit that would be our finish line.

After completing the first challenge, we headed to the 30th floor for another awesome view and took advantage of the S7's amazing auto-focus feature. This phone literally just snaps and focuses not just for pictures but also for video as well. The next challenge was to wear the Gear VR headset and play some creepy VR demos while walking through an obstacle course with desks that would change with every new run.

The experience was made even more enjoyable by having a friendly panda appear at the end of our journey. It was clear that everyone was having a great time, and I was motivated to keep pushing myself throughout the challenges.

After completing all the challenges, we headed out for an early morning workout bright and early at 7 am. We participated in an OCR (obstacle course racing) event, which tested our endurance and agility. The course had ropes, bars, and a lot of movement, but I was determined to give it my all.

As we completed the OCR event, it became clear that some of us were more prepared than others. Carl standing there, looking buff, seemed to be effortlessly navigating the course, while I was struggling to keep up. But despite the challenges, I was still determined to come out on top and make the most of this experience.

The S7 showdown came to an end with a fantastic giveaway that was a great way to finish off our adventure. We collaborated with Canadian content producers, and they contributed over 800,000 hours of community involvement and raised in excess of $40 million in contributions. The giveaway is a wonderful way for us to thank everyone who participated and made this experience possible.

To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is be subscribed to our channel, verify your subscription using Gleam, and make sure to watch every other participating channel's 7 showdown angle experience from their respective channels. You'll also get extra entry points for subscribing to all the contributors for this collaboration, doing some tweet stuff, etc.

Make sure to check out the main finished product with the Telus video as well, which is definitely worth watching. And finally, good luck with the giveaway, and we'll see you in the next video!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everyone i'm Dmitry with Hardware Canucks and recently we got ourparticipate in a fantastic collaborationfeaturing some of the tech tubers fromcanada from the GTA toronto area whichwas so awesome and tell us to experiencethe new Samsung Galaxy s7 phone as anentertainment device given it's toofantastic elements of beautiful screenand it's water resistant features somake sure to stay until the end of thevideo to learn how you can win a brandnew Galaxy s7 and so we get to hang outwith Carl coonrod Matt Moniz can nuptseand Patrick from mobile syrup and justthe you're there an awesome bunch andEva was there and with me to participatein the s7 showdown and capture our angleof the entire adventure and so we werefirst inside the telus store and EatonCentre Toronto to shoot the introductionfor the main video where all of us wereencouraged to bash on other contestantsto create this competitive atmosphereand it was really awesome to seeeveryone in their element with creatingthis video I do not win today'schallenge Ivan be sorely disappointedwith myself everyone's looking prettysoft so I better come out on top I'dneed breakfast I normally don't eatbreakfast so what I do and I like tothink that I'm known for fightingwasting integrate my cat into my reviewstoday we're here I'm gonna crush theseguys in our major competition I've beentraining my whole entire life for thisday he jumps I'm going down and so afterwe were done inside the telus store inToronto it was time to hit the streetsand then over to the headquarters oftellus which was just a few a few blocksaway and this is where things get a bitinteresting where we get to take out thes7s shoot our journey on our walkexperience slow-mo and hyperlapseand at one point during our walk therewas a beautiful view of the CN Towerwe're just passing by was Front Streetand I started recording in slow motiontrying to reach for the CN Tower andthis is what happenedto this batch is a little bit hot thereyou see it yeah yeah and then right overhere as a scuff so once we get insidethe tower this is where the elevator ofyoutubers looks like close walk overthere is also me around hiding beforetalking to a camera so you just praythat up in this video now so the firstchallenge but the s7 showdown isnavigating the oily with the s7 whichwas actually a lot of fun and you haveto go through an obstacle course as youget water gun by three other people sowe were outside of this challenge whichproved to test our Canadian businessbecause it was cold and we wereeventually about to get wet but that isthe track behind this I'm going to tryto use the oly is the finish line whichis right behind me here remember thosethe fastest get the oldlook he is wet so now I'm wet but I'mthe only one that got it through thatramp into the pit that's right so afterwe were done there we went up to the30th for which had such an awesome viewand holy crap the auto focus on the s7is absolutely amazing it literally justsnaps and focus not just for picturesbut for video as well so the nextchallenge for us is to wear the gear VRplay some creepy VR demo walk throughthis little obstacle course with thedesks as our teammates helped out withdirections on where to move and how tonavigate across these tables which willbe changed for with every new run and inthe very end look what we got we got anice friendly panda you can give it ahug whatever elsevillaand so that is a wrap until tomorrowmorning and so after we're finished withthe first two challenges the nextmorning we got to do a little bit ofwork out bright and early 7am we want topursuit OCR which is a fantastic adultobstacle course so there's a bunch ofropes lots of bars you can climb on andeverything and a really good way to testout to see if you know you think you'reout of shape which I thought I wasn'tbut it turns out I am you know maybeperhaps it's because Carl standing thereand just looking really buff and youknow maybe me standing right next toCarl may not be so good for consonantsso much movement yeah but you look goodyou've got a good shoes and a nice shirtyes and so after we completed all of ourruns I came in third which is not badyou know right in the middle there I'mthe median in this group but it wasawesome for tells to encourage this typeof athletic involvement and throw alittle bit physical reality into my facewhich was needed who's definitely neededand to wrap up this entire experiencewith the giveaway is a fantastic way tofinish off the s7 showdown it's beengreat collaborating with our Canadiancontent producers and tell us and tellus awesome involvement from you guys in2015 tell us employees across Canadacontributed to over 800,000 of hours ofcommunity involvement and raised in over40 million in contributions and onceagain all the give away information isin the description below but all youhave to do is be subscribed to thischannel we are using gleam to collectthose entries so make sure to go thereand verify your subscription to thechannel it's also the best way for us tocontact the winner once that's selectedand you get extra entry points forsubscribing to all other you knowcontributors for this collaborationdoing some tweet stuff and etc but makesure to watch everybody else's you knows7 showdown angle experience from allother participating channels and if youwant to see the main finished productwith the telus video definitelydefinitely check that out as well butyeah i'm Dmitry with Hardware Canucksgood luck with the giveaway and we'llsee you in the next video\n"