Sega Dreamcast My 10 Favorite Games

**Retro Gaming Nostalgia: A Look Back at Power Stone and Sonic Adventure**

I'm still trying to find that one [Power Stone] actually, you know for a good price because it's a little more valuable than this one, but yeah this is a series that should definitely come back and should come back as a Sega exclusive on a new system or something no hints out there oh yeah number two Power Stone where did I put that number one thought in my head number one the number one Dreamcast game Oh Sonic Adventure of course how could my number one not be Sonic Adventure it was a great game it brought Sonic back it made Sonic most coolest blue guy again it revitalized the whole entire franchise in my opinion Sonic Adventure is probably one of the best and probably my probably my favorite Sonic game out of all all the games that were ever produced never played my sonic manias yet so let's try that against it but just a great game.

**My Love for Power Stone**

I got this [Power Stone] late in the Dreamcast, the Dreamcast I think was already discontinued for sure by the time I got this and I think I may have gotten it as a rental copy because maybe a blockbuster or something sold it to me but the funny part about that is I have no blockbuster sticker on the inside so I have no idea I can't really remember when I bought this but great game this is a game I wish they would bring back Power Stone - I'm still trying to find that one actually you know for a good price because it's a little more valuable than this one.

**Sonic Adventure: My Favorite Dreamcast Game**

My favorite game of all time on the Dreamcast would have to be Sonic Adventure is probably the one of the few games that I really had the joy of finishing and it was my first Dreamcast game so it's funny that my first Dreamcast purchase ever ended up being my most favorite game ever so number one Sonic Adventure okay guys thank you.

**Sonic Mania: A Game to Try**

Let's try [Sonic Mania] against it but just a great game so I went out when I bought my Dreamcast I bought two on the day one launched one is right here brand-new never been opened a few moves cornered my box a little but this is my new one that I bought day one and I have another one that I play and then a few others that I picked up just to have backups I can never be with other Dreamcast.

**Sonic All-Stars: A Cool Game**

When I started seeing that the Dreamcast was putting out all-star games I thought was kind of neat so I went out and I literally bought it again the cool part it actually has all stars right on the disk that's kind of neat and yeah so my favorite game of all time on the Dreamcast would have to be Sonic Adventure.

**A Big Shout-Out**

I want to say a big shout-out to everybody that has said two nice comments and everything after they've seen my crash video I put that up mainly I'm not looking for help or Handa or or sympathy it's awesome that you guys have said what you've said I just want people to know that if I didn't put a video out and I didn't put a video out that whole weekend and normally I put two to three videos out a weekend between let's say Wednesday to Sunday and I felt bad I felt like I was living people down so I put the video up to make sure people understood and and you know what was going on.

**A Giveaway**

We're at 150 subscribers right now or 50 subscribers away from the giveaway so as you guys all remember if everybody's watched all my videos at 200 subscribers I'm giving away a complete and box NES Super Mario Brothers 3 so I hope we can get to that soon because I really really really want to give it away my daughter is itching to help me with that draw and get this done so thank you guys I love everyone here please like and share the last game hunter til next time

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: entest number 342 and everybody last game hunter here past week's been pretty interesting I been trying to get a video together for you guys so I instead of doing a full Dreamcast collection and consoles and everything that I was hoping to do for you haven't been feeling so great so I'm gonna do a my 10 it took me few days to get to my 10 together I figured the Dreamcast deserved a little more love than just a my 5 so I'm gonna do a my 10 on this just an update on me most of the footage is just going to be plays from from just demo play and the reason for that is I kind of been getting a little dizzy playing games right now so I'm gonna have that checked out I'm not sure what that is or what it's a symptom of but it has been bugging me so anyway let's get on with looking at some of the Dreamcast games games that I liked and loved when I grew up or grew up I'm still growing up and see what I enjoy so guys number 10 comes in it is boom stinger now blue stinger I tried playing hood again I remember loving the game and I'm liking the game probably because I think it was the second game I bought when I bought my Dreamcast so of course there was a lot of love for that it's an interesting game I tried playing it again but not feeling great and confused with the startup I there was a key card or something and supposed to find dead bodies and not be honest with you that was at a loss just turning it up and I remember you know enjoying the game and and the mechanics like it was the first game where I could walk up to something and I think he pulled the left trigger and you moved around the joystick and you're able to actually look around and I was honestly pretty cool I mean we're in an era where yeah games were changing but the Dreamcast changed them and blue stinger just a mechanics alone that it had in the game that was I was a game changer so I was pretty pretty cool with that so anyway number 10 blue stinger okay so number nine number nine is probably higher up on a lot of people's lists I'm gonna go by mostly what I've played the most at this point and what I got the most excitement out or not necessarily the most excitement but the nostalgia of what I was playing so coming in at number nine Jet Set Radio beauty of alphabetical so Jet Set Radio just seeing it again and and and the graphics this game was a game changer this game was the future it was just the graphics that the cartoon enos and and a style was just I've never seen it before and the Dreamcast delivered it plus it was their own game so it was great I mean it was kind of like Tony Hawk on steroids you know you could go around doing all kind of crazy stuff people were trying to kill you and which kind of funny cuz you're painting things and they're shooting at you I don't think the world works that way but it didn't just separate you and try playing it again - and and yeah I mean this was a game like definitely could have started playing again and getting into really quickly it actually holds up and even even for today I mean I look at the graphics on it and it did hold up it was just a great looking game and I couldn't believe just seeing it again cuz I mean the last time I probably played this was oh maybe 2005 maybe 2006 so I mean this is great and very happy it's a great game I know again like I said it's higher up on people's lists for sure but the nostalgia for me again as the games go on there's there's reasons and this game comes in at number 9 ok sorry guys sometimes I'm feeling quite a little bit of pain so I'm trying to you know do my best to get through this yeah like I said it took me several days even to do this I just kept putting this st. shirt on number 8 is Crazy Taxi pretty easy taxi probably one of the craziest car games that came out for the time and probably holding up as one craziest games I mean there's a lot of other things out there now like burnout and stuff too but this game was phenomenal played a lot of it it's it's I mean it's crazy taxi you're going through things you're jumping you're you're just carnage trying to get people to where they need to go in a certain timeframe so you can get paid and of course better paid or not paid at all and yeah just watching the videos again if it going he's probably one of the ones that made me the dizziest it was so hard to watch I think when I was filming this I actually gave up for the night because I I was just like I'm out of here I just didn't you know I guess my eyes weren't tracking or whatever but it's gorgeous I mean still great graphics I know I played a little bit of the Xbox version not that long ago because I probably about a month or so ago I had to bug for it and my Dreamcast wasn't hooked up properly so I played the you know the second Crazy Taxi 2 or whatever it was or good name of it now but great game number eight on my list Crazy Taxi okay so number seven number seven is something I've been trying to also get the rest of it on the original Xbox number seven tried try playing it again and it was a lot harder I remember being pretty good at it I'm gonna tell you I really sucked at it this time around I didn't play too much of it before I realized I'm turning this off for a little while and number seven comes in as silence dope silent scope it's a Konami game I believe yeah and it's just one of those games that I did play a lot and I wanted it I remember when I seen previews or whatever for it at the time it was I had to get game and it was interesting I'm not sure maybe my controller I took out my see-through green stick wasn't playing around as or as moving as well as it used to I think I broke it back in but I found it really hard as I was moving around I was like going over the person too much or whatever and maybe the game is just extremely touchy and I'm just old well it's very possible that I'm old so yeah number seven is silent scope you know basically your sniper you're taking out the enemies they're on rooftops windows ground behind cars got hostages and it's just cool I mean most of the time I remember when I was a kid or a kid shouldn't say that I wasn't a kid at the time oh my foolin but he was around 2002 2003 when I finally got this game and I remember headshots boom boom boom boom man just turn around I was shooting him in the arm like the body head shots were just not happening anyway my number seven sound scope number six number six try playing it again not quite the game I remembered it being but played ton of it my wife's cousin used to come over a lot she would sleep over we'd be up all hours of the night playing this game and I mean I mean all I was like I remember going about three o'clock in the morning or four o'clock in the morning just this game and at the time I guess maybe I was much better but try playing it and oh my god brutal coming in at number six is test drive six funny number six is test drive six that's kind of funny so test drive six is my number six of course I was always pretty much a Viper when I could be had a love for the Viper for as long as I can remember and yeah so I mean just just having the memories of playing this so much and having fun brought it in as my number six pick game doesn't really stand the test of time I tried and I don't know maybe it's how I'm feeling or not but it just it just didn't do it for me at all anymore but because of nostalgia of the game number six okay I was gonna break this up into segments I was actually gonna do my top 10 Dreamcast games part 1 part 2 because I found it you know a little demanding on me but stitched them together as I was doing every video piece was a different piece anyway and it was taking me several days so it was all just different segments stitch I continued so number 5 this game this game did stand the test of time I really enjoyed it when I when I turned it back on and did the filming started playing it I was having a good day that day so I wasn't really feeling it's feeling a little off but no I mean it was a type of game but I was I was feeling decent enough that I kept playing it so my daughter came in she hit that start button became player 2 45 to an hour later our thing was about 45 minutes to be honest we beat the game we played it right through and it was good because we haven't been able to play a video game in a while and it was good bonding so number 5 comes in at dynamite cop now dynamite cop isn't the longest game I mean I already know that and I probably had it on an easy level I I can't remember when I started it up but basically the story is a cruise ship gets a you know hijacked by modern pirates alright you know I'm trying to still be funny and I know lame I know and we get sent in as you know the elite forces and it's like Streets of Rage on steroids you're just going around beating people up picking up guns you know steel rods axes whatever sound like in a weird way you know kind of like it was meant to be so I'm sort of streets at her age thing or streets of rage and an alteration I loved it I couldn't stop playing it just trying to do the footage I I just kept on going I just kept playing it and yeah I mean number five comes in as dynamite cop fun game okay I'm gonna say that the next you know four games are probably not gonna be in my opinion no brainers and maybe on most people's top list but number four comes in this house of dead so House of the Dead 2 is my number four game and Paul I I just love shooters and this one is you know been around the longest in my opinion and the Dreamcast brought the arcade home I mean it really nailed it there's not much to say about house that a dad I mean other than you're just killing zombies before they kill you I mean it's just it's just a great game I had typing of the Dead as I remember at the time some people were over at my house and I remember playing that like crazy I sucked at it I just can't I'm a two-finger type or dude her yeah so I was out but people that could type man Wow and I don't know what happened to that game it went missing I know it's actually pretty sought-after right now but yeah house is it - what a light gun House of the Dead to number four I guess sorry if I'm you know not being me I'm trying to not show it as much but you know it it hurts but number three it's probably one of the reasons why a person can hurt because number three is Virtua Fighter and who still got a price tag on it Virtua Fighter I'm a big fan of the virtual fighting series I have been since the Saturn I did pick it up for the Genesis after but the Saturn is where I first played the Virtua Fighter series I don't even know the Genesis had that when I found out I had to go get them just just to have them but yeah the Virtua Fighter series is just awesome and this in particular one was probably one of the best virtual fighters I really enjoyed this one I was playing in a bit doing a video and it still stands up I mean honestly I even play the original well methey you know the square muscles and all that and I'd still be happy I just love the Virtua Fighter series so number three Virtua Fighter number two number two was one of the best and fun games put out on the system and number two comes in as power stone I even have the one called rental copy so I must be a little bit rare I have no idea it doesn't say rental copy on the disc or anything but it didn't come with a book this way it just came with this sleeve that said rental coffee which is still some sort of an original sleeve that got the print put into it but anyway power stone is just an amazing beat em up game this game I put way too much time into any friends came over boom Power Stone was on and it was just a crazy game I got this late in the Dreamcast the Dreamcast I think was already discontinued for sure by the time I got this and I think I may have gotten it as a rental copy because maybe a blockbuster or something sold it to me but the funny part about that is I have no blockbuster sticker on the inside so I have no idea I can't really remember when I bought this but great game this is a game I wish they would bring back Power Stone - I'm still trying to find that one actually you know for a good price because it's a little more valuable than this one but yeah this is a series that should definitely come back and should come back as a Sega exclusive on a new system or something no hints out there oh yeah number two Power Stone where did I put that number one thought in my head number one the number one Dreamcast game Oh Sonic Adventure of course how could my number one not be Sonic Adventure it was a great game it brought Sonic back it made Sonic most coolest blue guy again it revitalized the whole entire franchise in my opinion Sonic Adventure is probably one of the best and probably my probably my favorite Sonic game out of all all the games that were ever produced never played my sonic manias yet so let's try that against it but just a great game so I went out when I bought my Dreamcast I bought two on the day one launched one is right here brand-new never been opened a few moves cornered my box a little but this is my new one that I bought day one and I have another one that I play and then a few others that I picked up just to have backups I can never be with other Dreamcast and on that day I bought Sonic Adventure and didn't even realize that it's limited edition so I noticed the most sought-after one and I bought a brand new day one and because of that I went out and I bought one of the greatest hits came out because I didn't want to play and use my good one I bought it again mainly because hey that's pretty cool was it Sega all-stars when I started seeing that the Dreamcast was putting out all-star games I thought was kind of neat so I went out and I literally bought it again the cool part it actually has all stars right on the disk that's kind of neat and yeah so my favorite game of all time on the Dreamcast would have to be Sonic Adventure is probably the one of the few games that I really had the you know the joy of finishing and it was my first Dreamcast game so it's funny that my first Dreamcast purchase ever ended up being my most favorite game ever so number one Sonic Adventure okay guys thank you I want to say a big shout-out to everybody that has said two nice comments and everything after they've seen my crash video I put that up mainly I'm not looking for help or Handa or or sympathy it's awesome that you guys have said what you've said I just want people to know that if I didn't put a video out and I didn't put a video out that whole weekend and normally I put two to three videos out a weekend between let's say Wednesday to Sunday and I felt bad I felt like I was living people down so I put the video up to make sure people understood and and you know what was going on I'm not sure if I can do another video or two before the weekend I will have to see how I feel so I'm just letting you know thank you we're at 150 subscribers right now or 50 subscribers away from the giveaway so as you guys all remember if everybody's watched all my videos at 200 subscribers I'm giving away a complete and box NES Super Mario Brothers 3 so I hope we can get to that soon because I really really really want to give it away my daughter is itching to help me with that draw and get this done so thank you guys I love everyone here please like so describe and share the last game hunter til next timetest number 342 and everybody last game hunter here past week's been pretty interesting I been trying to get a video together for you guys so I instead of doing a full Dreamcast collection and consoles and everything that I was hoping to do for you haven't been feeling so great so I'm gonna do a my 10 it took me few days to get to my 10 together I figured the Dreamcast deserved a little more love than just a my 5 so I'm gonna do a my 10 on this just an update on me most of the footage is just going to be plays from from just demo play and the reason for that is I kind of been getting a little dizzy playing games right now so I'm gonna have that checked out I'm not sure what that is or what it's a symptom of but it has been bugging me so anyway let's get on with looking at some of the Dreamcast games games that I liked and loved when I grew up or grew up I'm still growing up and see what I enjoy so guys number 10 comes in it is boom stinger now blue stinger I tried playing hood again I remember loving the game and I'm liking the game probably because I think it was the second game I bought when I bought my Dreamcast so of course there was a lot of love for that it's an interesting game I tried playing it again but not feeling great and confused with the startup I there was a key card or something and supposed to find dead bodies and not be honest with you that was at a loss just turning it up and I remember you know enjoying the game and and the mechanics like it was the first game where I could walk up to something and I think he pulled the left trigger and you moved around the joystick and you're able to actually look around and I was honestly pretty cool I mean we're in an era where yeah games were changing but the Dreamcast changed them and blue stinger just a mechanics alone that it had in the game that was I was a game changer so I was pretty pretty cool with that so anyway number 10 blue stinger okay so number nine number nine is probably higher up on a lot of people's lists I'm gonna go by mostly what I've played the most at this point and what I got the most excitement out or not necessarily the most excitement but the nostalgia of what I was playing so coming in at number nine Jet Set Radio beauty of alphabetical so Jet Set Radio just seeing it again and and and the graphics this game was a game changer this game was the future it was just the graphics that the cartoon enos and and a style was just I've never seen it before and the Dreamcast delivered it plus it was their own game so it was great I mean it was kind of like Tony Hawk on steroids you know you could go around doing all kind of crazy stuff people were trying to kill you and which kind of funny cuz you're painting things and they're shooting at you I don't think the world works that way but it didn't just separate you and try playing it again - and and yeah I mean this was a game like definitely could have started playing again and getting into really quickly it actually holds up and even even for today I mean I look at the graphics on it and it did hold up it was just a great looking game and I couldn't believe just seeing it again cuz I mean the last time I probably played this was oh maybe 2005 maybe 2006 so I mean this is great and very happy it's a great game I know again like I said it's higher up on people's lists for sure but the nostalgia for me again as the games go on there's there's reasons and this game comes in at number 9 ok sorry guys sometimes I'm feeling quite a little bit of pain so I'm trying to you know do my best to get through this yeah like I said it took me several days even to do this I just kept putting this st. shirt on number 8 is Crazy Taxi pretty easy taxi probably one of the craziest car games that came out for the time and probably holding up as one craziest games I mean there's a lot of other things out there now like burnout and stuff too but this game was phenomenal played a lot of it it's it's I mean it's crazy taxi you're going through things you're jumping you're you're just carnage trying to get people to where they need to go in a certain timeframe so you can get paid and of course better paid or not paid at all and yeah just watching the videos again if it going he's probably one of the ones that made me the dizziest it was so hard to watch I think when I was filming this I actually gave up for the night because I I was just like I'm out of here I just didn't you know I guess my eyes weren't tracking or whatever but it's gorgeous I mean still great graphics I know I played a little bit of the Xbox version not that long ago because I probably about a month or so ago I had to bug for it and my Dreamcast wasn't hooked up properly so I played the you know the second Crazy Taxi 2 or whatever it was or good name of it now but great game number eight on my list Crazy Taxi okay so number seven number seven is something I've been trying to also get the rest of it on the original Xbox number seven tried try playing it again and it was a lot harder I remember being pretty good at it I'm gonna tell you I really sucked at it this time around I didn't play too much of it before I realized I'm turning this off for a little while and number seven comes in as silence dope silent scope it's a Konami game I believe yeah and it's just one of those games that I did play a lot and I wanted it I remember when I seen previews or whatever for it at the time it was I had to get game and it was interesting I'm not sure maybe my controller I took out my see-through green stick wasn't playing around as or as moving as well as it used to I think I broke it back in but I found it really hard as I was moving around I was like going over the person too much or whatever and maybe the game is just extremely touchy and I'm just old well it's very possible that I'm old so yeah number seven is silent scope you know basically your sniper you're taking out the enemies they're on rooftops windows ground behind cars got hostages and it's just cool I mean most of the time I remember when I was a kid or a kid shouldn't say that I wasn't a kid at the time oh my foolin but he was around 2002 2003 when I finally got this game and I remember headshots boom boom boom boom man just turn around I was shooting him in the arm like the body head shots were just not happening anyway my number seven sound scope number six number six try playing it again not quite the game I remembered it being but played ton of it my wife's cousin used to come over a lot she would sleep over we'd be up all hours of the night playing this game and I mean I mean all I was like I remember going about three o'clock in the morning or four o'clock in the morning just this game and at the time I guess maybe I was much better but try playing it and oh my god brutal coming in at number six is test drive six funny number six is test drive six that's kind of funny so test drive six is my number six of course I was always pretty much a Viper when I could be had a love for the Viper for as long as I can remember and yeah so I mean just just having the memories of playing this so much and having fun brought it in as my number six pick game doesn't really stand the test of time I tried and I don't know maybe it's how I'm feeling or not but it just it just didn't do it for me at all anymore but because of nostalgia of the game number six okay I was gonna break this up into segments I was actually gonna do my top 10 Dreamcast games part 1 part 2 because I found it you know a little demanding on me but stitched them together as I was doing every video piece was a different piece anyway and it was taking me several days so it was all just different segments stitch I continued so number 5 this game this game did stand the test of time I really enjoyed it when I when I turned it back on and did the filming started playing it I was having a good day that day so I wasn't really feeling it's feeling a little off but no I mean it was a type of game but I was I was feeling decent enough that I kept playing it so my daughter came in she hit that start button became player 2 45 to an hour later our thing was about 45 minutes to be honest we beat the game we played it right through and it was good because we haven't been able to play a video game in a while and it was good bonding so number 5 comes in at dynamite cop now dynamite cop isn't the longest game I mean I already know that and I probably had it on an easy level I I can't remember when I started it up but basically the story is a cruise ship gets a you know hijacked by modern pirates alright you know I'm trying to still be funny and I know lame I know and we get sent in as you know the elite forces and it's like Streets of Rage on steroids you're just going around beating people up picking up guns you know steel rods axes whatever sound like in a weird way you know kind of like it was meant to be so I'm sort of streets at her age thing or streets of rage and an alteration I loved it I couldn't stop playing it just trying to do the footage I I just kept on going I just kept playing it and yeah I mean number five comes in as dynamite cop fun game okay I'm gonna say that the next you know four games are probably not gonna be in my opinion no brainers and maybe on most people's top list but number four comes in this house of dead so House of the Dead 2 is my number four game and Paul I I just love shooters and this one is you know been around the longest in my opinion and the Dreamcast brought the arcade home I mean it really nailed it there's not much to say about house that a dad I mean other than you're just killing zombies before they kill you I mean it's just it's just a great game I had typing of the Dead as I remember at the time some people were over at my house and I remember playing that like crazy I sucked at it I just can't I'm a two-finger type or dude her yeah so I was out but people that could type man Wow and I don't know what happened to that game it went missing I know it's actually pretty sought-after right now but yeah house is it - what a light gun House of the Dead to number four I guess sorry if I'm you know not being me I'm trying to not show it as much but you know it it hurts but number three it's probably one of the reasons why a person can hurt because number three is Virtua Fighter and who still got a price tag on it Virtua Fighter I'm a big fan of the virtual fighting series I have been since the Saturn I did pick it up for the Genesis after but the Saturn is where I first played the Virtua Fighter series I don't even know the Genesis had that when I found out I had to go get them just just to have them but yeah the Virtua Fighter series is just awesome and this in particular one was probably one of the best virtual fighters I really enjoyed this one I was playing in a bit doing a video and it still stands up I mean honestly I even play the original well methey you know the square muscles and all that and I'd still be happy I just love the Virtua Fighter series so number three Virtua Fighter number two number two was one of the best and fun games put out on the system and number two comes in as power stone I even have the one called rental copy so I must be a little bit rare I have no idea it doesn't say rental copy on the disc or anything but it didn't come with a book this way it just came with this sleeve that said rental coffee which is still some sort of an original sleeve that got the print put into it but anyway power stone is just an amazing beat em up game this game I put way too much time into any friends came over boom Power Stone was on and it was just a crazy game I got this late in the Dreamcast the Dreamcast I think was already discontinued for sure by the time I got this and I think I may have gotten it as a rental copy because maybe a blockbuster or something sold it to me but the funny part about that is I have no blockbuster sticker on the inside so I have no idea I can't really remember when I bought this but great game this is a game I wish they would bring back Power Stone - I'm still trying to find that one actually you know for a good price because it's a little more valuable than this one but yeah this is a series that should definitely come back and should come back as a Sega exclusive on a new system or something no hints out there oh yeah number two Power Stone where did I put that number one thought in my head number one the number one Dreamcast game Oh Sonic Adventure of course how could my number one not be Sonic Adventure it was a great game it brought Sonic back it made Sonic most coolest blue guy again it revitalized the whole entire franchise in my opinion Sonic Adventure is probably one of the best and probably my probably my favorite Sonic game out of all all the games that were ever produced never played my sonic manias yet so let's try that against it but just a great game so I went out when I bought my Dreamcast I bought two on the day one launched one is right here brand-new never been opened a few moves cornered my box a little but this is my new one that I bought day one and I have another one that I play and then a few others that I picked up just to have backups I can never be with other Dreamcast and on that day I bought Sonic Adventure and didn't even realize that it's limited edition so I noticed the most sought-after one and I bought a brand new day one and because of that I went out and I bought one of the greatest hits came out because I didn't want to play and use my good one I bought it again mainly because hey that's pretty cool was it Sega all-stars when I started seeing that the Dreamcast was putting out all-star games I thought was kind of neat so I went out and I literally bought it again the cool part it actually has all stars right on the disk that's kind of neat and yeah so my favorite game of all time on the Dreamcast would have to be Sonic Adventure is probably the one of the few games that I really had the you know the joy of finishing and it was my first Dreamcast game so it's funny that my first Dreamcast purchase ever ended up being my most favorite game ever so number one Sonic Adventure okay guys thank you I want to say a big shout-out to everybody that has said two nice comments and everything after they've seen my crash video I put that up mainly I'm not looking for help or Handa or or sympathy it's awesome that you guys have said what you've said I just want people to know that if I didn't put a video out and I didn't put a video out that whole weekend and normally I put two to three videos out a weekend between let's say Wednesday to Sunday and I felt bad I felt like I was living people down so I put the video up to make sure people understood and and you know what was going on I'm not sure if I can do another video or two before the weekend I will have to see how I feel so I'm just letting you know thank you we're at 150 subscribers right now or 50 subscribers away from the giveaway so as you guys all remember if everybody's watched all my videos at 200 subscribers I'm giving away a complete and box NES Super Mario Brothers 3 so I hope we can get to that soon because I really really really want to give it away my daughter is itching to help me with that draw and get this done so thank you guys I love everyone here please like so describe and share the last game hunter til next timetest number 342 and everybody last game hunter here past week's been pretty interesting I been trying to get a video together for you guys so I instead of doing a full Dreamcast collection and consoles and everything that I was hoping to do for you haven't been feeling so great so I'm gonna do a my 10 it took me few days to get to my 10 together I figured the Dreamcast deserved a little more love than just a my 5 so I'm gonna do a my 10 on this just an update on me most of the footage is just going to be plays from from just demo play and the reason for that is I kind of been getting a little dizzy playing games right now so I'm gonna have that checked out I'm not sure what that is or what it's a symptom of but it has been bugging me so anyway let's get on with looking at some of the Dreamcast games games that I liked and loved when I grew up or grew up I'm still growing up and see what I enjoy so guys number 10 comes in it is boom stinger now blue stinger I tried playing hood again I remember loving the game and I'm liking the game probably because I think it was the second game I bought when I bought my Dreamcast so of course there was a lot of love for that it's an interesting game I tried playing it again but not feeling great and confused with the startup I there was a key card or something and supposed to find dead bodies and not be honest with you that was at a loss just turning it up and I remember you know enjoying the game and and the mechanics like it was the first game where I could walk up to something and I think he pulled the left trigger and you moved around the joystick and you're able to actually look around and I was honestly pretty cool I mean we're in an era where yeah games were changing but the Dreamcast changed them and blue stinger just a mechanics alone that it had in the game that was I was a game changer so I was pretty pretty cool with that so anyway number 10 blue stinger okay so number nine number nine is probably higher up on a lot of people's lists I'm gonna go by mostly what I've played the most at this point and what I got the most excitement out or not necessarily the most excitement but the nostalgia of what I was playing so coming in at number nine Jet Set Radio beauty of alphabetical so Jet Set Radio just seeing it again and and and the graphics this game was a game changer this game was the future it was just the graphics that the cartoon enos and and a style was just I've never seen it before and the Dreamcast delivered it plus it was their own game so it was great I mean it was kind of like Tony Hawk on steroids you know you could go around doing all kind of crazy stuff people were trying to kill you and which kind of funny cuz you're painting things and they're shooting at you I don't think the world works that way but it didn't just separate you and try playing it again - and and yeah I mean this was a game like definitely could have started playing again and getting into really quickly it actually holds up and even even for today I mean I look at the graphics on it and it did hold up it was just a great looking game and I couldn't believe just seeing it again cuz I mean the last time I probably played this was oh maybe 2005 maybe 2006 so I mean this is great and very happy it's a great game I know again like I said it's higher up on people's lists for sure but the nostalgia for me again as the games go on there's there's reasons and this game comes in at number 9 ok sorry guys sometimes I'm feeling quite a little bit of pain so I'm trying to you know do my best to get through this yeah like I said it took me several days even to do this I just kept putting this st. shirt on number 8 is Crazy Taxi pretty easy taxi probably one of the craziest car games that came out for the time and probably holding up as one craziest games I mean there's a lot of other things out there now like burnout and stuff too but this game was phenomenal played a lot of it it's it's I mean it's crazy taxi you're going through things you're jumping you're you're just carnage trying to get people to where they need to go in a certain timeframe so you can get paid and of course better paid or not paid at all and yeah just watching the videos again if it going he's probably one of the ones that made me the dizziest it was so hard to watch I think when I was filming this I actually gave up for the night because I I was just like I'm out of here I just didn't you know I guess my eyes weren't tracking or whatever but it's gorgeous I mean still great graphics I know I played a little bit of the Xbox version not that long ago because I probably about a month or so ago I had to bug for it and my Dreamcast wasn't hooked up properly so I played the you know the second Crazy Taxi 2 or whatever it was or good name of it now but great game number eight on my list Crazy Taxi okay so number seven number seven is something I've been trying to also get the rest of it on the original Xbox number seven tried try playing it again and it was a lot harder I remember being pretty good at it I'm gonna tell you I really sucked at it this time around I didn't play too much of it before I realized I'm turning this off for a little while and number seven comes in as silence dope silent scope it's a Konami game I believe yeah and it's just one of those games that I did play a lot and I wanted it I remember when I seen previews or whatever for it at the time it was I had to get game and it was interesting I'm not sure maybe my controller I took out my see-through green stick wasn't playing around as or as moving as well as it used to I think I broke it back in but I found it really hard as I was moving around I was like going over the person too much or whatever and maybe the game is just extremely touchy and I'm just old well it's very possible that I'm old so yeah number seven is silent scope you know basically your sniper you're taking out the enemies they're on rooftops windows ground behind cars got hostages and it's just cool I mean most of the time I remember when I was a kid or a kid shouldn't say that I wasn't a kid at the time oh my foolin but he was around 2002 2003 when I finally got this game and I remember headshots boom boom boom boom man just turn around I was shooting him in the arm like the body head shots were just not happening anyway my number seven sound scope number six number six try playing it again not quite the game I remembered it being but played ton of it my wife's cousin used to come over a lot she would sleep over we'd be up all hours of the night playing this game and I mean I mean all I was like I remember going about three o'clock in the morning or four o'clock in the morning just this game and at the time I guess maybe I was much better but try playing it and oh my god brutal coming in at number six is test drive six funny number six is test drive six that's kind of funny so test drive six is my number six of course I was always pretty much a Viper when I could be had a love for the Viper for as long as I can remember and yeah so I mean just just having the memories of playing this so much and having fun brought it in as my number six pick game doesn't really stand the test of time I tried and I don't know maybe it's how I'm feeling or not but it just it just didn't do it for me at all anymore but because of nostalgia of the game number six okay I was gonna break this up into segments I was actually gonna do my top 10 Dreamcast games part 1 part 2 because I found it you know a little demanding on me but stitched them together as I was doing every video piece was a different piece anyway and it was taking me several days so it was all just different segments stitch I continued so number 5 this game this game did stand the test of time I really enjoyed it when I when I turned it back on and did the filming started playing it I was having a good day that day so I wasn't really feeling it's feeling a little off but no I mean it was a type of game but I was I was feeling decent enough that I kept playing it so my daughter came in she hit that start button became player 2 45 to an hour later our thing was about 45 minutes to be honest we beat the game we played it right through and it was good because we haven't been able to play a video game in a while and it was good bonding so number 5 comes in at dynamite cop now dynamite cop isn't the longest game I mean I already know that and I probably had it on an easy level I I can't remember when I started it up but basically the story is a cruise ship gets a you know hijacked by modern pirates alright you know I'm trying to still be funny and I know lame I know and we get sent in as you know the elite forces and it's like Streets of Rage on steroids you're just going around beating people up picking up guns you know steel rods axes whatever sound like in a weird way you know kind of like it was meant to be so I'm sort of streets at her age thing or streets of rage and an alteration I loved it I couldn't stop playing it just trying to do the footage I I just kept on going I just kept playing it and yeah I mean number five comes in as dynamite cop fun game okay I'm gonna say that the next you know four games are probably not gonna be in my opinion no brainers and maybe on most people's top list but number four comes in this house of dead so House of the Dead 2 is my number four game and Paul I I just love shooters and this one is you know been around the longest in my opinion and the Dreamcast brought the arcade home I mean it really nailed it there's not much to say about house that a dad I mean other than you're just killing zombies before they kill you I mean it's just it's just a great game I had typing of the Dead as I remember at the time some people were over at my house and I remember playing that like crazy I sucked at it I just can't I'm a two-finger type or dude her yeah so I was out but people that could type man Wow and I don't know what happened to that game it went missing I know it's actually pretty sought-after right now but yeah house is it - what a light gun House of the Dead to number four I guess sorry if I'm you know not being me I'm trying to not show it as much but you know it it hurts but number three it's probably one of the reasons why a person can hurt because number three is Virtua Fighter and who still got a price tag on it Virtua Fighter I'm a big fan of the virtual fighting series I have been since the Saturn I did pick it up for the Genesis after but the Saturn is where I first played the Virtua Fighter series I don't even know the Genesis had that when I found out I had to go get them just just to have them but yeah the Virtua Fighter series is just awesome and this in particular one was probably one of the best virtual fighters I really enjoyed this one I was playing in a bit doing a video and it still stands up I mean honestly I even play the original well methey you know the square muscles and all that and I'd still be happy I just love the Virtua Fighter series so number three Virtua Fighter number two number two was one of the best and fun games put out on the system and number two comes in as power stone I even have the one called rental copy so I must be a little bit rare I have no idea it doesn't say rental copy on the disc or anything but it didn't come with a book this way it just came with this sleeve that said rental coffee which is still some sort of an original sleeve that got the print put into it but anyway power stone is just an amazing beat em up game this game I put way too much time into any friends came over boom Power Stone was on and it was just a crazy game I got this late in the Dreamcast the Dreamcast I think was already discontinued for sure by the time I got this and I think I may have gotten it as a rental copy because maybe a blockbuster or something sold it to me but the funny part about that is I have no blockbuster sticker on the inside so I have no idea I can't really remember when I bought this but great game this is a game I wish they would bring back Power Stone - I'm still trying to find that one actually you know for a good price because it's a little more valuable than this one but yeah this is a series that should definitely come back and should come back as a Sega exclusive on a new system or something no hints out there oh yeah number two Power Stone where did I put that number one thought in my head number one the number one Dreamcast game Oh Sonic Adventure of course how could my number one not be Sonic Adventure it was a great game it brought Sonic back it made Sonic most coolest blue guy again it revitalized the whole entire franchise in my opinion Sonic Adventure is probably one of the best and probably my probably my favorite Sonic game out of all all the games that were ever produced never played my sonic manias yet so let's try that against it but just a great game so I went out when I bought my Dreamcast I bought two on the day one launched one is right here brand-new never been opened a few moves cornered my box a little but this is my new one that I bought day one and I have another one that I play and then a few others that I picked up just to have backups I can never be with other Dreamcast and on that day I bought Sonic Adventure and didn't even realize that it's limited edition so I noticed the most sought-after one and I bought a brand new day one and because of that I went out and I bought one of the greatest hits came out because I didn't want to play and use my good one I bought it again mainly because hey that's pretty cool was it Sega all-stars when I started seeing that the Dreamcast was putting out all-star games I thought was kind of neat so I went out and I literally bought it again the cool part it actually has all stars right on the disk that's kind of neat and yeah so my favorite game of all time on the Dreamcast would have to be Sonic Adventure is probably the one of the few games that I really had the you know the joy of finishing and it was my first Dreamcast game so it's funny that my first Dreamcast purchase ever ended up being my most favorite game ever so number one Sonic Adventure okay guys thank you I want to say a big shout-out to everybody that has said two nice comments and everything after they've seen my crash video I put that up mainly I'm not looking for help or Handa or or sympathy it's awesome that you guys have said what you've said I just want people to know that if I didn't put a video out and I didn't put a video out that whole weekend and normally I put two to three videos out a weekend between let's say Wednesday to Sunday and I felt bad I felt like I was living people down so I put the video up to make sure people understood and and you know what was going on I'm not sure if I can do another video or two before the weekend I will have to see how I feel so I'm just letting you know thank you we're at 150 subscribers right now or 50 subscribers away from the giveaway so as you guys all remember if everybody's watched all my videos at 200 subscribers I'm giving away a complete and box NES Super Mario Brothers 3 so I hope we can get to that soon because I really really really want to give it away my daughter is itching to help me with that draw and get this done so thank you guys I love everyone here please like so describe and share the last game hunter til next time