Mennonite FUNNY CAKE PIE -- layers MAGICALLY reverse while baking

Hello Fresh: A Convenient Solution for Meal Planning and Cooking

As we welcome the new week, it's time to talk about one of my favorite solutions for meal planning and cooking - Hello Fresh! In today's video, sponsored by Hello Fresh, I'm excited to share with you how this food delivery service has changed the way I cook and save time in the kitchen. With Hello Fresh, you can enjoy pre-measured seasonal ingredients delivered right to your doorstep, reducing the stress of meal planning and prep work.

One of the things I love about Hello Fresh is their flexibility. You can change your delivery dates whenever you like, change your meal plans, or even skip a week if you need to. This means that you can plan your meals around your schedule and preferences, without feeling like you're stuck in a rut. Plus, with pre-measured ingredients, you can have dinner on the table in just 30 minutes! No more scouring the grocery store for hours, or wasting time measuring out ingredients.

Another benefit of using Hello Fresh is that it saves you trips to the grocery store. In these times, going to the grocery store can be a challenge, and it's great to know that your ingredients are already waiting for you at home. And with over 2.5 million meals donated to charity in 2019, Hello Fresh is also committed to giving back to the community.

This week, my family enjoyed one of our favorite recipes from Hello Fresh - sun dried tomato with spaghetti! My kids love spaghetti in all shapes and forms, so this recipe was a perfect fit for us. But what I love most about Hello Fresh is their wide variety of recipes to choose from. This means that you can try new ingredients and flavors, without having to resort to the same old recipes over and over again.

One of the ways that Hello Fresh achieves this is by partnering with talented chefs and food experts to create unique and delicious recipes. And with a ton of different options to choose from, you're sure to find something that suits your taste preferences. Whether you're looking for something quick and easy or something more adventurous, Hello Fresh has got you covered.

And if you're interested in trying out Hello Fresh for yourself, I've got some great news! Use my code EMMYMADE80 to receive a total of $80 off including free shipping on your first box with purchase. Simply head over to to redeem and learn more about this amazing food delivery service.

Now that we have our ingredients ready, it's time to make something special - funnycake or funny cake pie! This recipe was requested by both Christina and Sarah, and I'm excited to share it with you today. In the next part of the video, I'll be sharing the steps to make this delicious dessert from scratch.

As I sit here looking at my beautiful book, "The Sweet Book of Funny Cakes" sent over by Sarah, I can't help but feel grateful for the community that has come together to support me and my channel. This lovely book is packed with fun and creative recipes, including this one! With its adorable illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to try something new in the kitchen.

So, without further ado, let's get started on making our funny cake pie! In the next part of the video, I'll be sharing the steps to make this delightful dessert from scratch. Stay tuned!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(optimistic music)- Greetings, my beautiful lovelies.It's Emmy and welcome back.Today's video is sponsored by Hello Fresh,the food delivery servicethat brings pre-measuredseasonal ingredientsright to your doorstep.Hello Fresh is flexible --you can change your deliverydates whenever you like;you can change your meal plans;or you can even skip a week.So, Hello Fresh reduces the stressof meal planning, of prepping.The food comes pre-measured.You just have to do a little bit of prepand you can have dinner onthe table in 30 minutes.Fast, easy, convenient.You can also save a tripto the grocery storewhich, in these times,is a really great thing.So, Hello Fresh has a tonof different recipes to choose fromwhich is great for breakingout of a recipe rutand is also a great wayto introduce yourselfto new ingredients.This week my family really enjoyedthe sun dried tomato with spaghettiand my kids love spaghettiin all shapes and forms,so this is a perfect recipe for all.Hello Fresh is alsocommitted to giving back,and in 2019 donated over2.5 million meals to charityand stepping up their fooddonation efforts this yearunder the coronavirus crisis.If you'd like to try HelloFresh out for yourself,use my code EMMYMADE80 to receive a totalof $80 off including free shippingon your first box with purchase.Go to toredeem and to learn more.Big thanks to Hello Freshfor sponsoring this videoand for their continued support.Now today I'm going to be makingsomething called funnycake or funny cake pie.It was requested by bothChristina and Sarah.Sarah sent me this beautiful book:it's the \"Mennonite Community Cookbook\".SHe's Mennonite herself and she saysthat every Mennonite kitchenhas a copy of this book.Sarah, thank you so muchfor sending this to me.As you can see,there are lots of recipesthat I want to test out.It also includes the funny cake pie,but let me show you someof the other recipesthat I am curious about.This one right here -- salt rising bread.You're using potatoes and corn mealto harvest wild yeast to makebread, absolutely fascinating.This one is for pork cake.Pork cake.A cake made with pork.This is the recipe that I'mgoing to be making today.So, what's so funny about this cake?Well, apparently whenyou pour in the layers,and after you bake 'em, the layers switch.A little bit of magic.So, can't wait to try this.Thank you so much Sarahfor sending me this beautiful bookand Christina for suggesting this recipe.So, I looked at a lot ofrecipes for funny cakeand this particular recipehas the chocolate layerpoured on the bottomwith the batter on top.And other ones call forthe chocolate on topand then you do theswitcheroo during baking.So, all you wanna dois follow this recipe,but I'm actually gonna putthe chocolate layer on top'cause I really want itto do the switchy thing.So, I really hope that it happens.If it doesn't, I'm sureI'm still gonna havea delicious dessert.But let's go ahead and make this.Oh, let me first tellyou a little bit moreabout the Mennonite community.The Mennonites actuallycall themselves Anabaptists.Mennonite was a nickname that was coinedfrom one of their earlyleaders, Menno Simons.So interesting, right?And there were soon known as Mennonitesbut they consider themselves Anabaptistwhich means rebaptize andthey believe that insteadof baptizing an infant thatan adult should be allowedto decide whether theywant to follow Christand then become baptizedand for those beliefswere very much persecuted.So, I found that so fascinating.I didn't know that until Idid a little bit of research.So, Sarah thank you so muchfor sharing this cookbook with meand for encouraging me tolearn more about Mennonites.Also, Mennonites or Anabaptistsshould not be confusedwith the Amish, although thereare some similar beliefs:Mennonites do use electricityand can drive vehicles.All righty, let's go aheadand make the funny cake.Barbara Moore is theauthor of this recipe.She's from Telford,Pennsylvania and she says firstto make a pie crust.So, the pie crust that I'musing is one of my favorites.I learned it actuallyfrom the Pioneer Womanand it's Pam's Perfect Pie Crust.I'll put a link down below. AndI really like this pie crustbecause it comes together really quickly.It's delicious and youcan roll it right away.You don't have torefrigerate it or anything.So, I went ahead and made a batch of that.If you wanna see moredetails on how to make that,I will refer you to mystrawberry-rhubarb pie video.I'll put a link down below.I've got some hot watercoming up to the boiland I have like an insect on my face.I don't know, what is that, hair?Now we're gonna make the batterportion of the funny cake.This is a quarter cupof shortening, bloop.To that we're gonna add ahalf cup of granulated sugar.And we're going to cling that togetherwith a hand mixer.Okay and now I'm gonna add my one egg.Continue.Scrape down the sides of this,make sure that everythingis well-incorporated.Okay, one cup of flour.One teaspoon of baking powder.A half teaspoon of vanilla.Bloop.And now we're going toalternate dry and wet.Sift in some flour.Stir that in.It looks and smellsjust like a cake batter.Milk.Oops, I got some batter on my cookbook.I guess that means it's initiated.(laughs)In another bowl we're goingto add a half cup of sugar.Quarter cup of cocoa powder.Combine that together.Third of a cup of hot water.(humming)Quarter teaspoon of vanilla,just a little bloop.Bloop.That's it, that is thechocolate syrup part.Now I want this to do thelittle magic floopa doo.So, I'm gonna put this part in first.Batter into crust.And then.(tapping pan)Ow, ow that really hurt.Ah!(groaning)I hate it when you stub your toe.Okay.(groaning)Now I'm gonna just pourthis right on top gently.Oh my gosh, this looks so good already.And now that looks like a chocolate pie.That looks beautiful.Now we're gonna pop thisinto a 375 degree ovenand cook it for 40 minutesand then we'll let it cooland then I'll come back and taste this.Okay, happy funny caking.Look at the beautiful funnycake, isn't it gorgeous?And indeed all the chocolate,almost all the chocolate,has separated from the cake batter.I took it out of the ovenand I used a toothpickto check for donenessjust like I would any other kind of cake.So, let's go ahead and cut into this.I can't wait!It looks and smells so good.Funny cake pie.Oh, it is cutting just like a cake.(humming)And indeed, the chocolate is at the bottomof the pie, look at that!(laughing)Isn't that great?Oh, you can see it better here.(soft music)Love it!One of my favoritecombinations in the worldis a scoop of vanilla icecream with hot fudge on top.So, this is what this reminds me of.So, I think I'm gonna like this,but let's find out.Okay?I can hardly wait.Oh my gosh, it cuts just like a cake.It's a cake, look at that.All righty, here we go.Itadakimasu.(moaning)Winner, winner.(humming)That fudgey layer on thebottom tastes exactlylike hot fudge that youwould have on a sundae.It's sweet, it's chocolate-y,and then you've got thislovely fluffy, cakey layeron top flavored with vanilla.And then you've got the piecrust layer at the bottomwhich not only adds some flaky texture,but some lovely, buttery injected flavor.Just so, so good.When I filled up the pie crust,I was a little bit concernedthat the cake batterwouldn't fill up the crust,but it filled it up perfectly.It went right to the edge of the crust.It's just so delicious and fun.(laughing)Whenever I'm baking,I always like to checkon whatever I'm makinga couple minutes before what it saysin the recipe because everyone's ovensare a little bit different,so it's always good to check in advancebecause it might be readyand, in this case, it was.So after eight minutes I pulled this outand I think that's pretty importantbecause I don't think you would wantyour cake to be drybecause you've got acrust going on here too,so if you had a dry cake alongwith that kind of flaky, dry pie crust,I don't think thiswould be nearly as good.All righty my beautiful lovelies,there you have it, the funnycake, the funny cake pie,the funny pie, whatever you wanna call it.It is amazing, I highlyrecommend making this recipe.It is easy to make,it is delicious and it is delicious.(laughs)Big thanks to the lovelyChristina and Sarahfor suggesting this amazing recipeand Sarah thank you so muchfor sending me this beautiful book.I can't wait to cook more from it.Big thanks also to Hello Freshfor sponsoring this video.If you'd like to tryHello Fresh for yourself,click the link down belowand use my code EMMYMADE80to get a total of $80 offincluding free shippingwith your first purchase.Thanks again for watching, Ihope you guys enjoyed that one.I hope you guys learned something.Please share this video with your friends,follow me on socialmedia, like this video,subscribe and I shallsee you in the next one.Toodaloo, take care, bye!(laughs)(optimistic music)So, what did the snowmansay to the other snowman?I smell carrots.(laughs)Now, that's funny.\n"