**The Best Value Apple Product: The Base iPad**
Hey guys, I'm here to talk about the best value Apple product you can buy today - the base iPad. This device has been around for a while, but its capabilities have improved significantly with the latest iPadOS update.
**Form Factor and Performance**
Let's start with what makes the iPad so great: its form factor. The all-day battery life, vibrant screen, and compact design make it perfect for everyday use. I've found that the base model is surprisingly fast, despite being powered by an Apple A10 processor from last year's iPad. Sure, it may not be as snappy as a newer device with an A12 or A12X chip, but it still handles tasks smoothly.
**iPadOS and Its Features**
The latest iPadOS update has taken the iPad to new heights. With its support for PS4 and Xbox One controllers, you can enjoy console-quality gaming on your tablet. I've tested Fortnite on my base model iPad, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well it performed, with proper resolution scalers and smooth gameplay.
**Comparison with the iPad Air**
If you're considering upgrading to a more expensive iPad, like the iPad Air, keep in mind that the base model is still a great choice. The Air has some minor advantages, such as a slightly larger 10.5-inch display and laminated glass, but these differences are hardly noticeable in real-world use.
**Camera and Other Features**
The camera on the base model iPad is a bit of a letdown, with a 720p resolution that's not ideal for capturing high-quality photos or videos. However, FaceTime works fine, so it's not all bad news. You'll also find a headphone jack on this device, which some may see as a welcome feature.
**Replacing Your Laptop?**
While the base model iPad is an excellent device in its own right, I still prefer to use my laptop for tasks like editing and more complex tasks that require Windows. However, for most users, the iPad should be able to replace their daily driver laptop, especially with the $330 price tag.
In conclusion, the base model iPad is an incredible value proposition from Apple. With its impressive performance, long battery life, and compact design, it's hard to argue that this isn't the best value Apple product you can buy today. While there are some minor trade-offs compared to more expensive models, the base iPad is still a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and capable tablet.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin.This is the brand newbase iPad and at $330it might be the best valueApple product that you can buy.For 2019 the base iPadsees a few upgrades,including some more RAM as wellas a slightly larger screen.But for me, there aretwo major highlights.First of all is the additionof the Smart Connector.Now this is something whichhas slowly been tricklingits way through the iPadlineup over the last few years,and it makes a big difference.As far as I'm concernedan iPad without a keyboardis a great content consumption device.But if I wanna get any realwork done, I need a keyboard.And as ludicrously expensiveas a Smart Connector keyboard is,it does make a big difference.Now I'm not exactly surewhat Apple's smoking,charging you a $160price tag for a keyboardfor a $330 iPad.I started out this video I'm like hey,this is the best valueproduct that Apple sells.Look how great it is andthen they charge you the $160for the keyboard.I'm like well, don'tworry about that part.So something else thatthe base iPads still usesis the standard old school Apple Pencil,which means if you wanna charge it,you have to plug it into theLightning port like this.I can't believe they stillcharge $100 for this.Look, I don't wannabeat a dead horse here,the pencil's nice, the keyboard's nice.And when you use them togetherthe iPad, the base modelreally actually does feelsurprisingly close toa full iPad Pro.So what I've been doing thelast few days is exactly that.This has been my main laptop replacement.And yes, I just said the wordsiPad and laptop replacementin the same sentencewith a completelystraight face.- Bull(beep)- No, for real.Now yes, I'm sure you'reprobably rolling your eyesright now the idea ofan iPad, a base iPad,no less being a laptop replacement.But hear me out here,over the last few days ofusing this as my main system,I've been surprised exactlyhow usable it really is.I'm not saying likeoh, it's usable if youdeal with this compromise,or with that compromise.I mean like I've been ableto do pretty much everythingI need to includingGoogle Docs and YouTubeand keeping up withspreadsheets and everythingwhich all sounds really boring.But the thing is,is that this is just as goodof an iPad for most situationsas the iPad Pro,and it costs like one third the price.A huge part of this comes downto the second major upgrade,and arguably the mostimportant one, iPadOS.Holy (Roblox oof).This makes it so much better.- Wow.- Dude, it is not even close.So in the past when I wasusing the beta of the iPadOSon my iPad Pro, it was pretty solid.But now the final version is out.And of course it is supportedon a wide range of iPads,including the new base model,it makes a world of difference.Probably the number one featurethat I really appreciate in this,is a desktop version of Safari.Now ever since thefirst iPad Pros came outwith the keyboard I'mlike, oh you know what,I could use this as a laptop.And I've tried and tried, and I've tried,but now that we have a fullproper desktop browser,I actually can kind of make it work.Now yes, there's still some small caveats.Safari is certainly not perfect,but it is so much better than before.Things like Google Docs actually works.So does Gmail, so does well,95% of any web apps I've triedunless they need some sort of plugin.Gone are the days of dealingwith terrible mobile appslike Drive or Docs,which were just not good.I mean, using the full versionsmake a huge difference.I mean literally,this is a full Google Doc, wants to load,I can do everything I'd want.And with the pencil, Ican easily select text.I can easily select text.I mean, it makes a big difference.Now, there's certainly other advantages.So the Files have seen major update,which means that you can nowdownload files on the iPad,you have access to a full file structure.So I can set up folders,move files around,it's getting better to sortof share files between apps.And there is some support forexternal devices such as USB.And it's a little bit more difficultbecause this is still using Lightning.So you do need to use an adapteror use one of those little USB donglesthat has a Lightning port on it.But generally speaking,this has come a long way toward beinghonestly even more useful thansomething like a Chromebook.Whereas in the past, it was like Windows,Mac, Chrome OS, iPad.But now it's like iPad, Chrome OS.We can make a 3D chart to showthat so as I move my hands,it's all nicely animated.- No.- We do have the budget for that.- No.- No it is certainly not perfect.Even though the upgrade fromtwo to three gigs of RAM,I still do run into some issues in Safariwhere I'll have five or six tabs open,and we'll start reloading themin the background althoughto be fair it's fairly fast on that front.And there's some other things like yes,I wish I did have a littlebit more performance,the A10 is decent, and it'sactually surprisingly usable.But of course, having the A12, the A12Xwould be a little bit quicker,a little bit more snappy.But generally speaking,all the things that are major differencesbetween the base iPad andthe Pro are nice to have,not need to have,I can get the same things done on this.It's maybe just a touch slower,it's maybe not quite so smooth.You don't have the higher refresh rate displayor quite as nice of audiobut the general experienceis nearly identical,which is incredibly impressive.I mean, we look at a lot ofvery cheap $200, $300 laptops,and honestly with iPadOSbeing as good as it is,I think I'm gonna have to stoprecommending some of them.I mean sure, if youspecifically need Windowsby all means go for it.But for a lot of people,you're getting a betterexperience with the iPad.And that's something I'venever been able to say before.The better comparisonis with the iPad Air,which also came out earlier this year.Now we put it side byside with the base iPad,you'll see that the Airis a little bit thinner,but beyond that they'reactually surprisingly similar.So the Air does have a slightlylarger 10.5 inch displaycompared to 10.2 inch on the base iPad.And the laminated glass doeslook a little bit better.There's no screen gapunlike that base iPad,but in real world use,I really can't tell a huge difference.They're both very vibrant,they're both both very bright,resolutions are nearly the same.Honestly, the Air isa, it's a decent iPad,it's a good choice butover $170 more expensive,it's kind of hard to justify.Now the design is certainlybeen around for a while.However, there are somegood sides to that.Touch ID is well, still here,not quite as fast asFace ID but it's fine.And you of course dohave the headphone jack.Now camera-wise well, that'sa little bit of a downgrade.This is what the videolooks like coming out ofthe iPad base model.It is the very old school 720p cameraand well, it works for FaceTime I guess,but not really that well,to be totally honest.It's a little bit of a downgrade.Probably the biggestdifferences is in the specs.So the base model iPad stickswith the same Apple A10from last year's iPad,whereas the iPad Air has the A12,but in my few days ofusing this base iPad,it hasn't really bothered me.I mean yeah, it's a littlebit slower but beyond that,I mean, it's surprising at howmuch the iPhone 7 processorcan really handle here.This is not blisteringlyfast, you know what,it's actually kind offine even for some gaming.Now with iPadOS now supportingPS4 and Xbox One controllers,this actually isn't a badlittle portable console.So first up, we have Fortniteand there's actually someinteresting things about Fortnite.So not only do we actuallyhave proper resolution scalers,we can change it to 20,30 or 60 as our FPS cap.We also can change theresolution, change the quality.And as far as I've tested,this actually looksbetter and runs smootherthan on the Switch.- Yeah, don't kill Austin.(gun fires)(laughs loudly)Yoh kill, no, no, don'tkill him, don't kill him.- Ever since the first iPad Pro came out,I've really wanted to use aniPad as my everyday laptop.I mean between the form factorwhich you just can't beat,the all day batterylife, the great screen.And of course thereare inherent advantagesto going with iOS and things like securityand app compatibility.But there's always beensomething to hold me back.I'm not gonna sit here and pretendthat I'm ready to throw mylaptop in the garbage just yet.There's still cases like editingthat I prefer to use a laptop for.However, for the most part,this is really enough toreplace most of what I do.And specifically with the $330 base model,it is hard to argue thatthis is not the best valueApple product that you can buy today.Sure, the higher end iPads are nice.But this really is all you need.