The Misappropriation of Apple's Trade Secrets: A Tale of Betrayal and Deceit
Apple Inc. has brought an action to stop the misappropriation of its trade secrets by its former employee, Simon Lancaster. Lancaster, who was an advanced materials lead and product design architect at Apple, allegedly abused his position and trust within the company to systematically disseminate Apple's sensitive trade secret information in an effort to obtain personal benefits.
Despite over a decade of employment at Apple, Lancaster abused his position to gain access to internal meetings and documents outside of the scope of his job's responsibilities, containing Apple's trade secrets. He provided these trade secrets to his outside media correspondent, who then published the stolen trade secrets in articles, citing a source at Apple. On multiple occasions, Lancaster proposed that the correspondent provide favorable coverage of a startup company in which Lancaster was an investor as a quid pro quo.
Lancaster even recruited the correspondent to serve as his personal investigator. In one instance, Lancaster requested that the correspondent explore a rumor that could prove harmful to a company in which Lancaster had invested. Lancaster's role as the correspondent's source deepened, even after he announced his resignation from his role at Apple. Indeed, Apple's internal investigation of the devices owned and operated by Apple provided to Lancaster as part of his employment showed that after Lancaster announced his resignation, he communicated with the correspondent regarding specific Apple trade secrets and took specific steps to obtain additional Apple trade secrets.
The trade secrets Lancaster stole and sent to the correspondent for publication included details of unreleased Apple hardware products, unannounced feature changes to existing hardware products, and future product announcements, all of which Apple guards closely. The deceitful and indefensible release of these product details enabled by Lancaster's misappropriation has undermined the morale of the teams that worked on the products and features in question.
Forensic review of the devices Apple provided to Lancaster for his work at Apple shows that Lancaster and the correspondent coordinated to pilfer specific documents and product information from Apple. On numerous occasions, the correspondent had requested Lancaster obtain specific Apple trade secret documents and information. Lancaster then sent the correspondent certain other requested confidential materials using Apple-owned devices. Other occasions, Lancaster met with the correspondent in person to provide them with the requested confidential Apple information.
The full extent of their conspiracy is presently unknown, however, Apple's investigation is ongoing. In person, they met in person, forgetting the size of the AirPods. They're talking HomePods and not even mini, it's HomePods biggie at this point.
After Lancaster's resignation, he began working at a company that served as a vendor for Apple under a vendorservice agreement. Portions of the trade secret information Lancaster misappropriated relate directly to his role at his new employer and is likely Lancaster's misuse of Apple's trade secrets continues to this day. In fact, on his last day at Apple, Lancaster downloaded a substantial number of confidential Apple documents from Apple's corporate network onto his personal computer, that would benefit his new company.
In spring 2019, Lancaster expressed to the correspondent in profane terms his displeasure with Apple, his displeasure based on a story published that day, that reported a rumor that Apple would produce a new hardware product. Shortly thereafter, Lancaster asked the correspondent to investigate the substance of that story because it could mean trouble for his startup. The correspondent replied, but the details of their conversation are not specified in the transcript.
The Case Against Lancaster
Lancaster's actions have been deemed indefensible and deceitful by Apple. He misappropriated Apple's trade secrets using devices owned and operated by Apple, which does not sound like the work of a criminal mastermind. The trade secrets Lancaster stole and sent to the correspondent for publication included details of unreleased Apple hardware products, unannounced feature changes to existing hardware products, and future product announcements, all of which Apple guards closely.
The release of these product details has undermined the morale of the teams that worked on the products and features in question. Further, forensic review of the devices Apple provided to Lancaster for his work at Apple shows that Lancaster and the correspondent coordinated to pilfer specific documents and product information from Apple. On numerous occasions, the correspondent had requested Lancaster obtain specific Apple trade secret documents and information.
Lancaster even recruited the correspondent to serve as his personal investigator. In one instance, Lancaster requested that the correspondent explore a rumor that could prove harmful to a company in which Lancaster had invested. This is just another example of how Lancaster abused his position and trust within the company to obtain personal benefits.
The Full Extent of Their Conspiracy
The full extent of Lancaster's conspiracy with the correspondent is presently unknown, however Apple's investigation is ongoing. In person, they met in person, forgetting the size of the AirPods. They're talking HomePods and not even mini, it's HomePods biggie at this point.
Lancaster began working at a company that served as a vendor for Apple under a vendorservice agreement after he announced his resignation from his role at Apple. Portions of the trade secret information Lancaster misappropriated relate directly to his role at his new employer and is likely Lancaster's misuse of Apple's trade secrets continues to this day.
In spring 2019, Lancaster expressed to the correspondent in profane terms his displeasure with Apple, his displeasure based on a story published that day, that reported a rumor that Apple would produce a new hardware product. Shortly thereafter, Lancaster asked the correspondent to investigate the substance of that story because it could mean trouble for his startup.
The Investigation and Its Implications
Apple's investigation into Lancaster's actions is ongoing, but the full extent of their conspiracy is presently unknown. The investigation has already shown that Lancaster misappropriated Apple's trade secrets using devices owned and operated by Apple, which does not sound like the work of a criminal mastermind.
However, the release of these product details has undermined the morale of the teams that worked on the products and features in question. Further, forensic review of the devices Apple provided to Lancaster for his work at Apple shows that Lancaster and the correspondent coordinated to pilfer specific documents and product information from Apple.
The investigation into Lancaster's actions will likely have significant implications for Apple and its employees. It highlights the importance of protecting trade secrets and intellectual property within a company. It also raises questions about how this kind of betrayal can occur, even among long-term employees who are trusted with sensitive information.
Simon Lancaster's actions have been deemed indefensible and deceitful by Apple. He misappropriated Apple's trade secrets using devices owned and operated by Apple, which does not sound like the work of a criminal mastermind. The release of these product details has undermined the morale of the teams that worked on the products and features in question.
The investigation into Lancaster's actions will likely have significant implications for Apple and its employees. It highlights the importance of protecting trade secrets and intellectual property within a company. It also raises questions about how this kind of betrayal can occur, even among long-term employees who are trusted with sensitive information.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Holy.(explosion)Sponsored by Skillshare.Plaintiff, Apple Inc.Apple, brings this actionto stop the misappropriationof Apple's trade secretsby its former employee, Simon Lancasterand Simon Lancaster, allegedly,I'm going to just emphasizeallegedly through all of thisbecause nothing has yetbeen proven in court,no one has been foundguilty of anything yet.So, Simon Lancaster wasan advanced materials leadand product design architect at Apple,where he worked on things likethe Magic Mouse, the iPad,the MacBook Air, theUnibody Macs in general,the 2013 Mac Pro and also yes,the butterfly keyboardand the 2016 MacBook Prowith touch bar redesign.Despite over a decadeof employment at Apple,Lancaster abused his positionand trust within thecompany to systematicallydisseminate Apple's sensitivetrade secret informationin an effort to obtain personal benefits.He used his seniority to gainaccess to internal meetingsand documents outsidethe scope of his job'sresponsibilities, containingApple's trade secrets.And he provided these trade secretsto his outside mediacorrespondent, correspondent.The correspondent then publishedthe stolen trade secretsin articles, citing a source at Apple.On multiple occasions Lancaster proposedthat the correspondent give benefitto Lancaster in exchangefor Apple's trade secrets.For example, Lancaster proposedthat the correspondentprovide favorable coverageof a startup company in whichLancaster was an investoras a quid pro quo.Lancaster even recruitedthe correspondent to serveas his personal investigator.In one instance, Lancaster requested thatthe correspondent explore arumor that could prove harmfulto a company in whichLancaster had invested.And I'll get into whatit is exactly that rumorand that company could have been,in a very hot minute.Lancaster's role as thecorrespondent's source deepened,even after he announced hisresignation from his roleat Apple.Indeed, Apple's internal investigationof the Apple owned devicesprovided to Lancasteras part of his employment showsthat after Lancasterannounced his resignationhe communicated with thecorrespondent regardingspecific Apple trade secrets,sought by the correspondentand took specific stepsto obtain additional Apple trade secrets.And yeah, again, all of this,all of this is still alleged,but misappropriating Apple trade secretsusing devices owned and operated by Appledoes not sound like the workof a criminal mastermind.The trade secrets Lancaster stoleand sent to the correspondentfor publication includeddetails of unreleasedApple hardware products,unannounced feature changesto existing hardware productsand future productannouncements, all of whichApple guards closely.And just the size ofthe AirPods on this guy,on this alleged guy.Apple's product teams,innovators, designersand builders work in completesecrecy, often for many yearsand its significant personal burden,all to surprise anddelight Apple's customerswith their creations.The deceitful and indefensible releaseof these product detailsenabled by Lancaster's misappropriation,has undermined the morale of the teamsthat worked on the productsand features in question.Further, forensic review of the devicesApple provided to Lancasterfor his work at Appleshows Lancaster and thecorrespondent coordinated topilfer specific documentsand product informationfrom Apple.On numerous occasions, thecorrespondent had requestedLancaster obtain specificApple trade secret documentsand information.On multiple occasions, Lancasterthen sent the correspondentcertain other requestedconfidential materialsusing Apple owned devices.On other occasions, Lancastermet with the correspondentin person to providethem with the requestedconfidential Apple information.The full extent of theirconspiracy is presently unknown,however Apple's investigation is ongoing.In person, they met in person,forget the size of the AirPods.We're talking HomePodsand not even mini, it'sHomePods biggie at this point.After Lancaster's resignation,he began working at a companythat served as a vendorfor Apple under a vendorservice agreement.Portions of the trade secret informationLancaster misappropriatedrelate directly to his roleat his new employer and islikely Lancaster's misuseof Apple's trade secretscontinues to this day.In fact, on his last day at Apple,Lancaster downloaded asubstantial number of confidentialApple documents fromApple's corporate networkonto his personal computer,that would benefit his new company.And just FYI, that company,that vendor is Arris Composites,where Lancaster became thehead of consumer products.In spring 2019, Lancasterexpressed to the correspondentin profane terms,his displeasure with Apple,his displeasure on informationand belief was based on astory published that day,that reported a rumorthat Apple would producea new hardware product.Shortly thereafter, Lancasterasked the correspondentto investigate the substance of that storybecause it could mean troublefor my, Lancaster's startup.The correspondent replied,\"I'll see what I can find out.\"So, what on information and belief meansis just that it's not basedon firsthand information,it's based on secondhand informationthat the declarant, in this case Apple,believes is true and smartmoney on that rumor was AirTags,which were reported on in April of 2019,with the startup, verylikely being Smart Mimic,a company Lancaster investedover a half a million dollarsin the previous December.On October 10, 2019, thecorrespondent requested additionalconfidential information fromLancaster, related to anotherunannounced Apple project,referred to herein, as project X.And right now it seemslike the water cooler talk,is that project X was AR and VR,given that quite a few of the storiesabout that Apple specialproject group landedat about that time.on October 15, 2019, Lancastersubmitted his resignationto Appleand he began offboarding fromhis roles within the company.Per Apple's policies andLancaster's contracts with Apple,Lancaster was obligedto return all documentsand devices containing SAIto Apple and deliver to Appleall documents and materials of any kindpertaining to his work,but Lancaster violatedeach of these obligations.And SAI here just meanssecret Apple information.On October 16, 2019, thecorrespondent asked Lancaster,\"Can you grab me thosedocs before you leave?\"Lancaster responded, \"Which ones?\"And the correspondent thenidentified specific Appleconfidential documentsthat they wanted Lancasterto misappropriate.Later that month, Lancasterinformed the correspondentthat he intended to attend ameeting regarding project X.So yeah, I am just way beyondeven the HomePod biggie.They're the size of aMac Pro at this point.on October 24, 2019, Lancaster requestedthat Apple grant himaccess to additional SAI,related to two otherconfidential Apple projects.November 01, 2019, 10:24 PM,Lancaster used his credentialsto log on to Apple'ssecure corporate network from a locationoutside Apple facilities.On information and beliefLancaster used this accessto download additional SAIbefore his login credentialsexpired and just dun-dun,Law and Order, dun-dun.Mere days after Lancaster'sfinal day at Apple,Lancaster had a callwith the correspondentand later congratulated thecorrespondent about the successof an article that disclosed SAIthat Lancaster had misappropriatedin his final weeks of employment at Apple.Now, in case you're rewindingor scouring the internetfor it, there isabsolutely no mention madeof who this correspondent might be.Not beyond that it reads, at least to me,like a writer, not apodcaster, not a YouTuberand someone in the U.S.not anyone in Asia.And while that does narrowdown the potential candidatesquite a bit, it also doesn'treally single out any onespecific person.It's like a game of Clue in the middle,where you have yourshort list of suspects,but just not enoughinformation to yell out,I accuse, at any point yet.And so I don't want tospeculate on anythingthat could adverselyaffect anyone's reputationor career,but if you, yes, you are watchingand you suddenly find yourselflooking for an all-new careerin illustration or design,photography, video, freelancing,well, Skillshare can help.No, no, no, hear me out becauseit isn't just one class,even several classes, it'san online learning communitythat offers membership with meaningand with an annualsubscription that's lessthan $10 a month,which makes it justall the more affordableduring a transition.And with real projects to createand the support of real fellow creatives,more than 7 million of uslearning with Skillshare.And the first 1,000 ofyou, maybe including you,who click on the link in the description,will get a free trial ofSkillshare Premium, totally free.So act now and start learning todayand clicking on that link reallydoes help out this channel.Hit the playlist abovefor more Apple drama,all the Apple tea, Facebook,Google, Epic, Antitrust,all of it, just hit that playlistand I'll see you in the next video.\n"