AllDoCube Knote 8 Review. Windows 10 2-in-1 That Doubles As a Grill!
The Game is Just Proving to Be Too Popular for the Servers Okay So Take a Look at These Temperatures Here It's Just Scorching Hard and This Is on the Screen Here So Long Term This Is Not Good to Have These Kind of Temps It's Gonna Eventually Cause Some Sort of Damage Somewhere and After That Little Bit of Gaming You Saw Well 95 Degrees and for Some Reason That Hasn't Triggered Thermal Throttling Which is Really Strange Because the T-Junction Max is a Hundred and Five Degrees or Possibly Even Maybe a Hundred They Might Have the Thermal Throttling Set - It's Still Far Too Hot and This Does Need a Copper Heatsink Mod If You Are Going to Be Gaming and Doing Really Demanding Things on this Tablet Know You Put Together a Few Watched Most of This Video Here That There's Just Too Many Cons Really I Mean the Screen Is Nice
I'll Start Off with the Positives It Won't Be Negative Then It Is Very Bright. ItDims Down Really Dim and I Do Like the Fully Laminated Screens of Course, It Just Makes it Look a Lot Better Than Most Other Tablets That Aren't Fully Laminated So That's the Big Positive Day. It's A Good Screen The Build Quality is Good. It's Okay But My Unit I Have Issues With Micro SD Card Slot It's Misaligned. It Doesn't Line Up Properly, I Feel That This Kickstand Really Needs to Go Back a Lot Further Than This. That's Not Good Enough and One of the Big Cons Is Where's a Full-Size USB 3 Port on There. There Should Be One on this Side or the Other Side at Least One.
We Need It We Always Need That We Can't Just Have Type C I Don't Like the Move Just to Put Type-C Ports on and If People Want to Defend Cube and Say Oh, That's Why They Made It Slim Because They Couldn't Put USB 3 Ports On There. I've Seen Some Devices Slimmer Than This That Have Full-Size USB 3 Port So They Can Do It. I Know They Can The Keyboard As Well Is Really Nice to Type on. So That's Good If You're Gonna Do a Lot of Typing, You'll Be Happy with the Keyboard.
It Just Feels Good I Like it I Can Type Really Fast With Hardly Any No Typos That's Really But The Touch Pad That Touch Pad Is Frustrating to Use. So If You Happen to Leave Your Mouse at Home or What You Forgot the Little Dongle Adapters You Can't Plug It Into It and It's Not a Bluetooth One Yes Maybe You Can Get Away of Using It A Little Bit But It's Just When You Need to Do Accurate Movements. So I Found That When it Was Really Bad for Example You're in Something Like Paint You Want to Crop an Image or You Want to Highlight Some Text and Things.
It's Just Really Annoying The Cursor Tends to Jump Around and I Just Gave Up. So Knows Why I'm Using This Touch Pad It's Just Not Good at All. So As a Package I Can Say No, Don't Get It. Probably Bit Off Getting the Cube Mix Now You're Gonna Have to Do Make Thermalcopper Heatsink Mod to That Model and This Model Really Does Need It as Well.
Which Gets to My Biggest Con Gets Far to Your Heart Doesn't I Mean It Gets Hot in This Area That's Where You'll Find the Corium Threes Right Here. Hates Being Transferred to the Rear with Cube's New and Improved Cooling Technique Could Pay Commented On in the Advertising Material for This Model But it Just Cooks Itself. Gets Up to 90 to 93 Degrees So If You Intend to Video Edit or Game and Be Charging at the Same Time Now It's Not Good I Feel Long-Term That That's Going to Probably End Up Damaging the Screen.
Could Have the Glue Separate from Here Or the Frame Come Away from It Or Something Like That Which I Think Happened to the Cube Think of i-35 As Well. Luckily That it hasn't happened to My Cube Thinker Mine Haven't Had that Problem So That's Not Great and Then The Battery Life Hugely Disappointing. I Struggle to Make 4 Hours on This Tablet I Mean The Corium Trees That Have Always Had Pretty Much Bad Better Life in My Experience with the Tablets at Least Even the Microsoft Surface Pro Not Amazing But This is One of the Lowest Scores I Have Seen from a Quarry M3 Normally Get Five and a Half Hours But This Won't Bad And Then About Four Hours to Charge It as Well. There's Just All These Things Start Stacking Up That No I Cannot Recommend This One Here So I Do Hope to See You Back in the Channel I Hope You Liked the Video Please Thumbs Up and Subscribe if You Did and I Hope to Catch You Back with a Better Device Here Then
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enChris here back with all do cubes K noteeight so this is a 13.3 inch 2560 by1440 resolution screen tablets fullylaminated so it does have a very nicescreen on this this is by far the bestfeature we have on this so it has amaximum brightness of 410 lux deepblacks good reasonable colorreproduction touch accuracy in responseis good but there is a bit of a floorwith the tough response what happenswith the digitizer on this it will gointo a sleep mode after an on use for awhile so if you're not touching thescreen all the time for examplescrolling up and down on a web page andyou leave it for a while and go back toclose down one of the windows you'llfind you have to tap again after a fewseconds because it goes into sleep modeand takes around two to three seconds towake up again now seen this on othertablets it means that at times it can bea little bit annoying because you'regonna have to re tap again because itfalls to sleep the screen that is reallythe only con here by far the bestfeature of this tablet is that reallynice screen so it's super bite at 410lux but it's also dims down reallyreally dumb and this is great fornighttime use a lot of manufacturerstend to set the minimum brightnesslevels far too high for nighttime yousay just don't actually think about thatI feel so the building design of it it'sa typical two and one here and we've gota detachable optional keyboard you canget now this keyboard is really nice totype on it has a rubberized finish to itso it's a bit of a texture to it I don'tknow how it's going to hold up the longterm I have noticed that the rubberunderneath it however due to a littlebit of damage on one of the corners isblack so if you do end up scratching itit's going to probably end up looking alittle bit messy over time now the touchpad well large and while it does supportgestures is not running windowsprecision drivers now this is a bitannoying I found that the more finermovements using this for example youneed to close down a box or minimize ormaximize a window can be quitefrustrating and in the end I ended upusing a mouse or just simply using thetouchscreen so not a great touchpadon this keyboard now the keyboard isbacklit which is great to have andyou'll see that it's got this purplecolor which is rather nice not too badnow it's just an on and off settingthere is no levels of brightness now itcuts in with magnets Pogo pin port onthere and sometimes it's a little bitdifficult to align there to get it toclip right in you can see I'm strugglingto this clip in it there we go okay tookabout three or four tries there onething about it is those we cannot propit up to a second level to get thatangle on there for increased typingcomfort that's one thing that thiskeyboard is missing now the design withthe kickstand you can see we've got afree angle kickstand you can prop it upabout that it's the maximum uprightangle and then this is as far as it willgo back which to me considering thatthis actually supports an active stylusto this particular tablet I don't happento have it I can't find it yet to buy itthe correct stylus I don't even thinkit's out yetit should recline more than this so thatit should go way back if we can get itright back like you can for example theMicrosoft Surface and that'll be a lotbetter for stylus use for those that aregonna buy the stylus for it so the thechassis over the build is actually aplastic frame needle on the rear 5megapixel camera can see on the backthere now I won't bother giving you anysamples of this because it's veryaverage I mean it's I don't thinkanyone's gonna really probably use it itis autofocus Hauer which is good so youcan take a photo of whiteboards textthings like that up close and you'llnotice too that the hinge mechanism aswell that's all metal to there so that'sgood now when you have a look at theports we got here on the left hand sideyou'll notice that hey where's thefull-size USB 3 port no it's missingthis is a mess of error and real lowfield if it's a Windows 10 tabletespecially it should have a full sizedUSB 3 port on air so you can at leastconnect up an external hard drive onhere so that's a shame it does not haveit and that will definitely be adeal-breaker for some people I know itis almost for me see you have to carryaround the adaptor of course they giveyou in the box and probably get yourselfa Type C hub so that type C port willsupport 4k up to 30 Hertz maximum thatI've been able to get with it and theother thing too is thatwe'll support charging as well as theirDC charging you have there now the 3.5millimeter headphone jack on there thatsupports microphones as well the audioquality out of that is good it's loudand there's no static overage widgetwhich is good too I hate having staticout of those 3.5 millimeter jack switchis often quite common now the micro SDcard slot you see my unboxing if youhave I'm going to sing I've got a bit ofa problem whether that it's not welldesigned it just doesn't align properlywith the case so you can accidentallyslaughter a micro SD card behind theactual reader and perhaps even lose itor get one jammed in there so not goodat allbut overall the build yes it's good it'sgot a good build quality but there'sjust the little tiny little quirks therethat I don't particularly like about Ifeel that of course that the kickstandshould go back a little bit further theyshould have a full size USB 3 port andthe micro SD card reader should be donea little bit different now their microSD card reader just to point out as wellwill support USB 3 speeds the reader soyou're not limited at USB 2 speeds whichoften happens so this K Note 8 isrunning Windows 10 home it's not thelatest version you'll see here the OSbuild they've got so you will need torun some updates when you first get itand it's running 8 gigabytes of RAMwhich is in dual channel and it'srunning at 1866 megahertz which is goodnow you will see that it does mentionhere that it supports a pin and touchsupport you even got this right downhere which is Windows ink workspace nowI do have right here this stylus isChuy's H I thirteen stars it's the highpen 3 I think it is which actually tendsto almost work but you'll see therewhat's happening is it's jumping aroundall over the place so what this means tome that it will support a similar stylusbut on a different frequency so you haveto wait and see what happens if all yourKube are going to release the stylussoon hopefully they will it's obviouslycoming it's in the worksnow run a couple of benchmarks herewanted to point out too that theinternet speeds so I was able to getthis is about the best I can get here inthe studiohowever connected up to my router athome with a much faster wireless ACrouter than the one I've got here withmy fiber line I'm able to push almost380megabits per second which is closereally to the maximum that that chipsetis able to do and under the devicemanager so there it is the Intelwireless AC 3165 it's not the fastestdefinitely not there so we have the diskdrive here which is just labeled as asetter SSD now when I've seen this inthe past that means it's either a B winor 4c brand these are the speeds here sothe read speeds for SATA 3 days thoseare all good for K's the reads and therights also good sequential writes youcan see a little bit on the low sidebecause this will be an MDOT 2 22 by 42spec 1 so that's a slightly smallerdrive and that does tend to put on somerestrictions there when it comes to thekind of speed you're able to get out ofthis now the tests that I've run here sowe've got Geekbench for the syntheticbenchmark not too bad for this chipsetfor the core m3 7 Y 30 that has amaximum turbo of 2.6 gigahertz it's notthe fastest nor is it the lowest scoreI've seen from that chipset either andthe OpenCL benchmarks this is testingout the graphics right there I also rann2 2 so it's not the latest version theyhave on windows placed all this is theversion 6 you can see and a score of213,000 there so if you've never used acoin 3 the least the 7y 30 it's quite agood chipset I mean this supports nativeH 2.6 for decoding vp9 decoding moviefiles are here I'm streaming in krob 4kand you can see that it's only droppedone frame here of course with my fastconnection here it all depends on yourconnection but it can stream this backno problem so really it's over twice thepower of say the apollo lake in 3450that's intel's cell wrong one of theweaker chips and one of the ones that ioften review here in the channel becauseof the 8 gigabytes of ram as well youcan do quite a bit of multitasking andit's very smooth and using the touch nowwill demonstrate here the touch screenthat I mentioned that look on my firsttouch it ok didn't happen right then butsometimes you need to wake it firstthough it doesn't respond to the firsttouch but now it's quite good so that'smode that scrolling the speed and itwill keep up with everything soswitching between your tabs andeverything it really does perform quitevery similar to say an older generationCore i3 or i-5 depending on whichgeneration like a fourth generation Corei5 even not bad at all in terms of ourperformance with that now you can edit1080p video just fine an encoderdepending on the editor you use usesomething that supports Intel Quick Syncfor example we've got power directorthat's one that does support Intel QuickSync but 4k video editing I wouldn'trecommend that at all don't touch thatit's just far too slow now better lifeis one area that I have found to be verydisappointing with this tablet I havedone quite a few full battery cycleshere and I wanted to just point that outthat you can see here low that this isprobably the best I got actually most ofthe time it was under four hours so Iset the brightness down to 25% which Ifind is good for indoors so it's noteven on the what I would call thebrightest setting and this is the resulthere so you can see after almost wellthree hours and 40 minutes of use thatI'm down to 20% battery from 100% andthat was really only with about six toeight tabs open in chrome now chargingtimes are also quite slow it took overfour hours to fully charge the 41milliamp hour battery so overalldisappointing results here this isprobably one of the worst better lives Ihave seen on a court m3 tablet normallyI see around five to five and a halfhours which still isn't great comparedto say the Apolo lakes so the table it'sgot left and right firing speakers theyare a reasonable quality they do have atiny little bit of bass and some okaymeds and things they're just not reallyloud enough I'll give you a sample ofthem nownow chickened out gaming performancethis is league of legends I'm running itin 1440p on the medium-high setting andit's hovering around 45 close to 50frames per second which I feel isn't badso it's a big step up and performancefrom the quad-core Apollo Lake seller onships that I typically review andcounter-strike on the lowest settings1080p is reasonably playable here seewe're getting it over 40 frames persecond which is great so good for alittle quick game on the side nothingserious of course what about a moredemanding title so I did test outfortnight unfortunately what happened asI lost my footage from that but it runsin 720p on the lowest settings around 2425 frames per second and it is playablebut only just and at the moment I seeI've got a huge waiting time in linethis game is just proving to be way toopopular for the servers okay so take alook at these temperatures here it'sjust scorching hard and this is on thescreen here so long term this is notgood to have these kind of temps it'sgonna eventually cause some sort ofdamage somewhere and after that littlebit of gaming you saw well 95 degreesand for some reason that hasn'ttriggered thermal throttling which isreally strange because the t-junctionmax is a hundred and five degrees orpossibly even maybe a hundred they mighthave the thermal throttling set - it'sstill far too hot and this does need Ifeel a copper heatsink mod if you aregoing to be gaming and doing reallydemanding things on this tablet know youput together a few watched most of thisvideo here that there's just too manycons really I mean the screen is niceI'll start off with the positives itwon't be negative then it is very brightit dims down really dim and I do likethe fully laminated screens of course itjust makes it look a lot better thanmost other tablets that aren't fullylaminated so that's the big positive dayit's a good screen the build quality isgood it's okay but my unit I have issueswith micro SD card slot it's misalignedit doesn't line up properly I feel thatthis kickstandreally needs to go back a lot furtherthan this that's not good enough and oneof the big cons is where's a full-sizeUSB 3 port on there there should be oneon this side or the other side at leastone we need itwe always need that we can't just havetype C I don't like the move just to puttype-c ports on and if people want todefend cube and say oh that's why theymade it slim because they couldn't putUSB 3 ports on there I've seen somedevices slimmer than this that have fullsize USB 3 port so they can do it I knowthey can the keyboard as well it'sreally nice to type on so that's good ifyou're gonna do a lot of typing you'llbe happy with the keyboard it just feelsgood I like it I can type really fastwith hardly any no typos that's reallybut the touch pad that touch pad isfrustrating to use so if you happen toleave your mouse at home or what youforgot the little dongle adapters youcan't plug it into it and it's not aBluetooth one yes maybe you can get awayof using it a little bit but it's justwhen you need to do accurate movementsso I found that when it was really badfor example you're in something likepaint you want to crop an image or youwant to highlight some text and thingsit's just really annoying the cursortends to jump around and I just gave upit so knows why I'm using this touchpadit's just know not good at all so as apackage I can say no don't get it youprobably bit off getting the cube mixnow you're gonna have to do make thermalcopper heatsink mod to that model andthis model really does need it as wellwhich gets to my biggest con gets far toyour heart doesn't I mean it gets hot inthis area that's where you'll find thecorium threes right here hates beingtransferred to the rear with cubes newand improved cooling technique could paycommented on in the advertising materialfor this model but it just cooks itselfit gets up to 90 to 93 degrees so if youintend to video edit or game and becharging at the same time now it's notgood I feel long-term that that's goingto probably end up damaging the screenyou could have the glue separate fromhere or the frame come away from it orsomething like that which I thinkhappened to the cubed think of i-35 aswell luckily that it hasn't happened tomy cube thinker mine hasn't had thatproblem so that's not great and then thebattery life hugely disappointing Istruggle to make 4hours on this tablet I mean the coriumtrees that have always had pretty muchbad better life in my experience withthe tablets at least even the MicrosoftSurface pro not amazing but this is oneof the lowest scores I have seen from aquarry m3 normally get five and a halffive hours but this won't bad and thenabout four hours to charge it as wellthere's just all this things startstacking up that no I cannot recommendthis one here so I do hope to see youback in the channel I hope you liked thevideo please thumbs up and subscribe ifyou did and I hope to catch you backwith a better device here then the audiocube K note 8\n"