The Art and Science of Alpha Zero: A Conversation with Thomas Seneca
I feel like there's some smart move that I'm totally missing, yeah, that seems reasonable but I'm not going to tell you a second point okay, that's what you mean, yeah, I'm going to go here and you can just eat away at the eat away at your stuff all right, this is not this is slowly slowly constricting you, yeah, it's only going to take all your pawns, you play very well though, lex, you haven't made any major mistakes, it's just slow slow slow death, the internet honestly will very much disagree but um let's see this, a slow death is better than than a fan of foster embarrassing in the beginning we said I didn't get checkmate in the first few minutes exactly, this feels very constrained, yeah, you're very slowly constrained, I'm trying to play like alpha zero, um, is that that would have been a kind of controlled uh controlled end, you know, the interesting thing is the willingness to sacrifice pieces by us, yes, that's so beautiful, it is beautiful. See, so now I'm going to make use of all these pawns I've taken, um, would you say your alpha zero is much better than you at sacrificing pieces, oh yeah, intentionally, I sometimes you know lose them by mistake but alpha zero is planning to lose them, it feels extremely constraining, yeah, how close do you check me, is there any way for me out of this, no really no, so these pieces can yeah, I'm getting basically all your pieces are getting constrained, I'm just going to march these pawns down here or bring this rook to help out okay, so if I take this knight with the rock, yeah, you could do that that would be a final sort of um hope my night's you see how strong my night's been in this game compared to your bishop, yeah, it's done all the damage, yeah, you can get rid of him now but I think he's already, it's really oh and my time right now, and your time right now, but now I'm gonna get take advantage of your background weakness all right, and uh right, and then this pawn structure you're gonna bring out the other, yeah, I'm gonna bring the other finally gonna swing the other rook into the game check, and I'm just going to keep running okay, how many uh moves would you estimate here, uh, it's going to be about 10 from here, I'm going to swap your rook off your final defensive piece, I'm going to take is there's no that's that's fine well, you can, i'll check you here, oh yeah, and he's just marched there, we're gonna march his phone to the end now. Well, I think this is uh a good time, he played well, honor, uh, to have been defeated, so gracefully, he played very very well, I was impressed, I was impressed, you did, you did great, I didn't ask you what do you think is the most beautiful thing you've seen alpha zero do, oh yes personally, yes.
The Immortal Zogswang Game: A Masterclass in Sacrifice
Personally, yes. So there was actually the most beautiful game that I've seen alpha zero play, and it's being dubbed the immortal zogswang game by uh uh akadamata on the one of youtube brilliant youtube uh commentators uh uh, and he it was alpha zero playing and sacrificing a load of pieces to uh get stockfish all of the sockfish's major pieces queen and two rooks stuck in the corner basically sealed them up like in a tomb and zugswang means at that uh any move that the player makes will make their position worse and um it's never been done to stockfish before, and alpha zero did it super elegantly through sacrificing sacrificing pieces. Yeah, it's a beautiful video online on it.
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Alpha Zero: The Book
The book was written by um the british chess champion and uh and uh women international master natasha reagan and matthew sadler, and we gave i known them both for years for my chest days as a kid, and um when they heard about alpha zero uh before we released it they they they wanted to come in and try it out we gave them full behind-the-scenes access to it, and then um matthew sadler said to me it's like discovering the notebooks of a of a of a hidden champion that no one knew about, and he then wrote this book about all of the different ideas that alpha zero had, and the cool thing is in there in that book so this is it's a chess book but also the first few chapters about about how we built alpha zero our journey towards it, and then magnus carlsen was one of the first people we gave the book to, and he said it's really interesting stuff, and I think it's worth checking out.