Is DKOldies REALLY a Scam?

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Title: Uncovering DKOldies and the Gaming Community's Reaction

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Language: en-

As I sat down to review my recent purchase from an online retailer, I couldn't help but wonder what had led me to make such a decision. Specifically, I was referring to my acquisition of old consoles and games from a company called DKOldies.

So, there's one video by MoistCr1TiKaL that people have sent me so many times, and I finally decided to watch it and see what all the fuss is about. The video sparked my curiosity about the company and their products.

DKOldies seems to specialize in selling old consoles, games, and anything else related to old school gaming. It's interesting to note that over the last week or so, they've been getting a lot of negative attention from people who claim that they're a scam.

I must admit that I wasn't familiar with this situation until recently, and it feels quite meta to be watching videos and discussions about DKOldies while trying to make sense of what's going on. To understand the controversy surrounding DKOldies, let's take a closer look at their business model and the concerns raised by critics.

Recently, I watched a video from Charlie where he discusses his thoughts on DKOldies. Unfortunately, I can't recall the details of that conversation as it didn't provide much clarity on the situation.

For now, I'm left to ponder the reasons behind my purchase of old consoles and games from DKOldies. Was it a hasty decision driven by nostalgia or was there more to it? As I continue to explore the world of retro gaming, only time will tell if I made the right choice.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This is every singleconsole from DKOldies,but why did I buy this?So there's one video by MoistCr1TiKaLthat people have sent me so many times,so let's find out whatDKOldies is all about.- I've been hearing a lot abouta company called DKOldies.So they sell old consoles, old games,just anything and everythingrelated to old school gaming.And over the last week or so,they've been getting dunked on,everyone's been calling them a scam.Now, I didn't know a whole lotabout this situation until recently.- This feels very meta.I'm watching a video fromCharlie where he's like,"I don't know anything about this.I just learned about it."Now I'm watching his videowhere he just learned about the thing.(Austin laughing)- DKOldies' prices aresignificantly higherthan pretty much anyoneelse in the market,but after learning moreabout the situation,they make claims sayingthat they refurbish theirconsole that they're-- Ah, refurbished, okay.That is the keyword here,calling it refurbished.And this is not just aDKOldies thing, right?I've purchased GameStoprefurbished consolesthat showed up instead being pre-owned,which meant that theywere filthy, disgusting.I remember there was an Xboxthat was literally just cakedin dirt before.So if DKOldies is doingthis, that's not great.I made fun of GameStop for doing it.I made fun of Walmart for doing it.Obviously, I've had problems like Wishand everything like that,but that is kind of what everyone does.I think it's worth kind ofconsidering that context.It doesn't make it right,but it also doesn't single out DKOldies.At least that's my first impression.Okay, maybe we should goto the DKOldies website."DKOldies Retro Game Store.Shop all of our vintage100% authentic productswith a free one-year warranty."A free one-year warranty,actually a pretty big deal.Almost all of these kind of thingsthat I have purchased in the pastcome with basically no warranty,maybe return policy of a week or twoor a month or something,but having warranty,that is worth something,especially when it comes to old consolesthat even if they are in prettygood shape when you get themand a lot of things thiscan be 15, 20, 30 years old,having a warranty is a big deal.There's actually, they do have a videoon how they refurbish consoles.I'm curious about this.- Every day, tons of new collectionsget sold to us here at DKOldies.Let's take a look at this one for exampleand let's check out everythingthat has to happen to this Wiibefore we can list it forsale and it finds a new home.- Okay, how do they refurbish the Wii?- First, it gets picked upby our testing departmentand it gets thoroughly checked outto see if there's anythingthat needs to be repaired.- Okay, they check it out, makes sense.- In this case, the Wiiisn't reading disks,so it's going to need to headto our repairs departmentto get a new laser installed.- It's one thing to show mehow you should be refurbishing consoles.If they do what they doin this video every time,wonderful, two thumbs up.It's another though to actually deliver.And clearly the internethas found a number of timesin which this process was not followed.So let's find out, shall we?So when we started working on this video,the site was down afterthat MoistCr1TiKaL video,and in fact, we had a lot of problems.So when the site finally came back upand was accepting orders,almost none of the actualconsoles were availableso we actually found all of thesevia Googling it and thenfinding the links that way,which it did actuallyallow us to add to cart.Now, one thing I will say,I did not order these.My name is not on this packaging, right?- No.- Dude, I'm so nervous now.What if they actuallydid figure out it was usor figured out it was a YouTuberand like Googled the nameand like made sure it was a good one?Because we ordered a lotof consoles in one order.I'm getting all paranoid now.I'm getting paranoid.Okay, I feel something.An old school GameCube controller,not a first party controller,but a new one in the box.What else is in here?So this is a Dreamcast, hmm.Not in bad condition.This is actually where thesniff test makes sense.I think this is an actuallike properly cleaned console.Value on this $165.Even if this is fully perfect,without actually turning it on yet,it does look quite clean,like honestly much cleanerthan the average console you find,but $165 is a lot for Dreamcast.This is Wii, all right.Again, I will say this has been cleaned.Now, it's got some damage.Like there's the rubber foot'sa little sort of chunked off there,but just you can feel that it's not dirty.You feel it, but feel it though, right?That that feels like it's clearly beenlike they they gave it a once over.- Yes.- I mean, like a lot ofthe complaints are mainlyabout what the inside of itis, so that's, we'll see.- I mean see a copy ofSuper Mario Sunshine.So this actually camewith the GameCube bundle.It actually does come withthe instruction manual, cool.And we've got the disk which, ooh,is quite scuffed onthe top, actually, wow,how would you scufflethat much on the top?Looks okay on the bottom though.All right, all right, allright, we got a big boy here.Is this the GameCube?It is the GameCube.All right.If you buy a black GameCube,it's going to be a little scuffedand this one I would sayis probably in the worstcondition of them all.Although, again, you could just feel it.It's in relatively good sortof like clean condition.It's got some damage,it's got some scuffs,but this is all cosmetic stuff.None of it is worse than theaverage GameCube, I would say.Well, actually, I will say onething, the handle is loose.(handle gently banging)Hear that?That's the handle.So maybe was just put togethera little bit incorrectly or something.I got a big one.This is the PS3, I believe.Oh boy, this is gonna be a good tellif they've actuallyproperly done a good jobbecause these PS3s lookgross very quickly.Whew, they cleaned it all right.It smells strongly with chemicals.So unlike some of these consoles,like the Dreamcast I thinkactually cleaned up pretty well.This looks terrible.Part of this is just down to the factthat these PS3 Super Slims,you can't really clean them.It's that glossy like piano black.I understand that they weretrying to clean this up.I would actually saythat this is in by farthe worst condition,mostly just because ofthe design of the console.Once you start to like reallyhit it with anything abrasiveand you know most cleaningchemicals and stuff,it is going to start reallywrecking this finish.Also, that...I haven't used a SuperSlim in a couple years,but like the doorshouldn't be be that bad.Look at that,(door clicking)it doesn't, keep sticking.What the?What is this big?I didn't recognize,this is an OG Xbox 360.It was so fat with all of the wrapper,I actually didn't recognize it.Cosmetically this is great,but at this kind of price,it had better be because keep in mind,this is the OG 360.This does not have wifi, soyou either need to plug it invia ethernet or buyone of the USB dongles,and at $180 for one controller,that's like double what youshould actually be able to buyone of these for.Mind you, it does have the warranty,which is worth something,and it also is cosmetically in good shape,but that is an enormous amount of moneyfor a very old console.This is 15 years old.Ah, the Game Boy, okay, howmuch, before I open that,how much did we pay for the Game Boy?Oh my god, did we actually?$150 for a Game Boy Color Grape.Good lord, I don't know,maybe like 10 years or so ago,I used to go to my video game shop,they sold Game Boy and GameBoy Colors for five bucks eachand they were all in pretty good shape.It's the fact that this is $150, bro.So I appreciate the factthat this definitely has new screen.They didn't take off the screen protectorso we'll should peel that off here.Battery door is intact.I will say the contacts are clean.Oftentimes you'll see on these Game Boysthat things have been corrodedafter battery's been left in for a while.All right, I think that's it.Boy, that's satisfying.All right, so first off,let's try the Xbox 360.Fire it up and see.There's no click to that button.Okay, everyone be very quiet.Listened to the lack ofclick on this button.There's really nothing to that.Let's try the actual eject button.Totally.Okay, what is that?Come around here.Did that come off?Look, it's like grease.Do you see that?- No, thank you.- That's like straight grease.No, they didn't clean this at all.Look, there's literal dust.Can you see this right here?There's literal dust caked up inside.All right.(disk drive chirping)Is that Morse code?That disk drive does not sound good.I mean it's clearly functioningso it can't be that bad,but I don't think I've everheard a 360 sound like that.- Stream now on HBO Max.- Wow, what a terrific gameto play on the Super Slim PS3.This I already know has a problem.This does not work very well.Although you know now that I say that,this is better than it wasyesterday when I tried it.It's actually kind of works now.I wonder if it needed to be worked in'cause it actually is now functioning.Okay, cool, magically fixingstuff overnight, wonderful.Okay, I don't wanna play therest of "Last of Us" right now,but PS3 seems functional.- Two-- Widescreen Wii.- I'm wide,I'm the big Wii.(crew grunting)- No, no.(Austin evil laughing)- I think it's pretty safeto say gameplay functional.The disk drive is not makingany kind of weird noises.From the outside, thisseems completely fine.Next up we have the GameCube.Did you realize thisis a Japanese GameCube?- Yo!- JPN.Everything's Japanese.All right, this seems to be totally fine.What I'm curious about though,this is a United States region gamerunning in a Japanese GameCube,which to me means one of two things.Either they moddedthis, which if they did,I would assume that you know,if you had a toggle or somethingthat they would wanna advertise that,or potentially they tookan American GameCubeand they just put a Japanese shell on it,which is super interesting.It also might explain whythe handle is so loose.It's been opened up in the past.Hmm, okay.Next we have the Game Boy Color.Now to be fair, this is a new screen.This is not a upgraded screen,which I will say for the amount of moneythat we spent on this,we probably should havegotten one that was like,had like a backlight or whatever.A lot of people mod these.So for context, my buddyJake, he sells Game Boys,he mods them and look likeyou can get here, right?So Jake will sell you a $200 Game Boy,so a little bit more than this,but it has a custom-printedshell, all brand new stuff,including an IPS display,which I can guarantee you willlook a million times betterthan what you've got with this.So the great thing aboutordering a console-only bundleis that you have to provideall of your own accessoriesand we didn't have a Dreamcast AV cable,so couple days later it's in.So let's try it, shall we?So this is our controller, right?Since it didn't come with any accessories.These used to be the same color.That's white.This is beige and mm, not good.- Come onover and have some funwith Crazy Taxi.- Luckily this is a professionthat will never go anywhereand could never be replacedby an app on my phone.Oh yeah, Dreamcast works.All right, first up we have the Xbox 360.I actually had one of thesethat I did a video on back in like 2009because it red ringed,but instead of fixing it,I did the towel trick,which is to suffocate ituntil the solder reflowsand it works for fiveseconds until it stopped.That's the extent of myknowledge of opening up the 360,so we'll see how this goes.All right, we're going to carefully removeour warranty void sticker,which I will say was neverstuck down to begin with.I'm mostly curious about this one.The power button doesn't do anything.So there's your your problem.This is supposed to beattached to both sides.This is just not attached.That's broken here.So that's why the clickdoes not actually not work.That's immediately strike one.Xbox sticker here.What is this Xbox sticker?Hmm, you see that?It's like a weird paper sticker.This could have actuallybeen opened and repairedbefore DKOldies evengot their hands on it,which doesn't absolve them of anything,but I'm kind of curious likewith something that's thisage and still functioning,it's not outside the realm of possibilitythat it has been openedmultiple times over the years.Oh, ooh, interesting.Okay, well, I'veimmediately seen something.There's like a piece oflike tape or somethinghere to hold the disk drive inand it has clearly been cut.There's like plastic that's just broken.Like I wasn't even anywhere near that.That's broken.What the?What is going on here?This isn't dust, it's grease.You can see my finger.Like it's literally, it's notdust, it's like actual grease.Like, so this is the same kind of stuffthat was sitting in the disk drive.This is supposed to bea refurbished console.Come on out.There we go.Now I will say one thing,that's pretty clean,like in fact impressivelyclean considering,and the warranty seal is still on itfor the actual disk drive.So my next question is, isthere new thermal paste?That's the only other thingI can think of that couldbe a potential problem.Let's go ahead and crackopen this heat sinkand see what we find underneath.Now this is the point where no oneshould really ever do this.Opening up to this point isnot like massively difficult.Taking off the thermal pasteand the actual likeheat sink is a bad idea.There we go.Fans are loose-ish.Actually, there's a little duston the backside of the fans.Actually, yeah, you knowwhat, wait a minute.There's dust on the backside of the fansand this is the side thatyou can actually get accessto from the outside.Like this is the part if, I owned a 360,that I can actually keep clean myselfwithout tearing the whole thing apart.Okay, so this is classicheat sink (censored).Come out.There you go.So there you go,that's what 15-year-oldthermal paste looks like.It's now thermal goop.Cool.All right.Aah! Oh, that's worseDude, I could just touch that.Like it is not driedout, but that's pretty,it feels like rubber.For the amount of money thatI paid for this console,I would expect someone tohave gone all the way downto the CPU like I'm doing right now,clean off this rubber.Oh my god, dude, that is like,I mean that is almost not even coming off.That is ridiculous.But I would've expected someone to fullyhave cleaned this off, repastedit and put it back together.Otherwise, while, yes, it'snice to have an exterior clean,it's not the same thing as actually havinglike a proper console that's gonna be goodfor years to come.All righty, friends, next upwe have the PS3 Super Slim.Does the door work today?'Cause it didn't worklast time we used it.Yep.I can't believe thedoor just fixed itself.That makes me so mad.Oh, okay, well here'ssomething interesting.I actually did not noticethis when I did the unboxing.Clearly this has beenopened up in the pastbecause you can see there'slike chunks of the plasticmissing here, here, and especially here.Whoever did that wasclearly not doing it rightbecause it pops up from thebottom, not from the top.Oh!All right, I've seen a problem.Look at the dust!Okay, so I think it's kind ofsafe-ish to say immediatelythat they did not open this up.That is gross.Look, there's literallylike dust bunnies in here.Like, and just to be clear,every single console, this one included,that we purchased from DKOldies,was labeled as refurbished.And while the 360 was actuallyopened up and cleaned,I feel pretty confident in that,this PS3 was absolutely not.There's just, look, look, look,look at this, look at this.There's literally just caked-on.- Oh!- Ew.- This looks refurbished, right?So I now understand whythe door was sticking.There is a broken littlepiece of black plasticthat is just floating in here.So as I move it, you seeall these little like gears.See it sticking?It just sucked it in, great.There it goes, never to be seen again.I can't completely blame DKOldies'cause it's a terrible design,but at least it explainswhy it is the case.If it looks this gross justunder the plastic bezel,which I don't think gets thatmuch airflow or anything,imagine what this thing'sgonna look like on the inside.Aah!Aah!It's like sticky on it.Look! Look at how much is caked on here,around here, over here on the intake.It's all caked on, on the inside too.Me opening it up, I thinkthat little piece of plasticthat was jamming it upis actually now gone'cause it works again.I fixed it.(air spritzing)Oh!(Austin coughing)(bottle spraying)- Wait, that's not okay.- I'm blowing the dust away.Remember, this was $240, you know,like what it cost brand new 10 years ago.All right, let's, ugh!What's all this?Ew!Ew!Aah!Okay, I think I understand more now.It's dusty and it got wet at some point.Do you see all these like streaks?This is from like wet gooor whatever that was inside the system.Look, it's all caked around the USB ports.Look, there's actually like rust here.There's literally rust onthe bottom of this PS3.Oh my god.It's literally rusting!What the!What!The bottom of the PS3 musthave been wet at some pointbecause it came in through thetop and through the bottom.The bottom was much worsewhere it's actually rusting,but the top still has all this stuff.So this thing was dirty and disgustingand then got slightly submergedor was around a butt load of humidity.If they would've done theirresearch, they would've knownthat this thing is inabsolutely like gross condition.Oh.Aah.Oh my goodness.It's everywhere.It's literally coated.Look at this bottom edge.Look how as nasty it is.See.Let's go over the couch.I have some thoughts.I wanna be fair herebecause everyone is pilingon to DKOldies right now.If anyone from DKOldiesis watching this video,may I offer a suggestion?If you are going to charge premium pricesfor a "refurbished"good condition console,maybe actually refurbishing.Clean them up, replace the thermal paste,make sure that they arejust a solid on the insideas that you can do a pretty good jobmaking them on the outside.I will say the best part of DKOldiesfor the unboxing in the first experienceis that these consoles actually look good,which most used consoles don't.Some do, but a lot of themare in pretty rough condition.There's clearly some care and lovethat goes into theexteriors of these consoles,the problem though is what lurks inside,and until that isaddressed, there is no wayI could recommend anyoneto buy from DKOldies.Thank you very much for watching.Make sure to subscribe to the channelif you enjoyed and definitelybe sure to stay tuned.It's not the last time we're taking a lookat some very sus consoles.(light upbeat music fades)