They CHALLENGED Me To Try It - reMarkable Paper Pro
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The reMarkable Paper Pro: Bringing Writing to Life on Actual Paper
This video is sponsored by reMarkable, and as such, we'll be taking an in-depth look at their brand-new Paper Pro device. The idea behind this product is simple yet revolutionary – it's designed to mimic the experience of writing on actual paper.
When reMarkable reached out to sponsor this video, my first question was: how does this device really work?
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This video is sponsored by reMarkable.This is the brand-newreMarkable Paper Pro,and the idea is it is supposedto be the closest thingto writing on actual paper.So when reMarkable reachedout to sponsor this video,my first question was, "You know, right,that I've never used a reMarkable before?And they said, "Yes, absolutely, Austin.Take a look and give it a shot.So, I'm gonna go into this curious,perhaps a little skeptical,about what exactly thisproduct is all about.I'll say the packaging is incredibly nice.It is very sort oflike soft-touch paper,as opposed to hard-touch paper.I don't know.So this is a productthat is very much designedfor single-tasking.I believe it's a new line for thembecause the earlier reMarkables,I've never used one,but I believe weresignificantly smaller than this.For context, it is basicallyjust about the thicknessof a USB-C port.It's got these sort of ridge, I assume,aluminum sort of railings around it.That is really thin.Wow.Better paper, better thinking.Hold the Power button to getstarted, I would love to.Now, there's a lot to go over here,including the factthat they have a very custom display here.But while it is starting up,let's take a look at someof the other accessories.So we've got ourselves the Marker Plus.Okay, so you attach the markerto the device to charge.Oh, sweet.So the marker attaches to the side of it.I like a magnetically-attached stylus.I gotta say, the textureof this is so nice.I would describe it as like rubbery,but in a really, really sort of fancy way.Let me take a look at this Type Folio.So this is the folio.Oh, it's also still very thin.Is there a keyboard?What? Is that...Wait.Oh!Wow. Okay, that's really thin.I was like, "Where did the keyboard go?"The keyboard's actually inside of here.I'm going to align it up like this.Okay, so that makes sense, right?So, Folio reMarkable looks great.How do I keyboard?How do I keyboard?Where's my keyboard?Okay, it's magnets, I should have known.Okay, okay, I told youI'm going into this.I don't know what I'm looking at here.That actually feels like paper.Terrible handwriting and all.And you can see thelatency is incredibly thin.Also, do you see how I can like go lighterand then heavier?There's like a real levelof sort of fine controlover how my inking is going.It really does feel likepaper, like it really does.Let me try to actuallytype with this keyboard.I'm very curious to seewhat this would be likeas a more of a normal,I don't call it laptop,more of a like traditionaltyping experience.Okay, so let's try a little test here.So, this is a test.(upbeat music)Okay, so the keyboard is interesting.The only thing that, I think,takes a little bit of getting used tois the fact that, youknow, my brain thinks,you know, like laptopssort of like keyboard.There's no track pad.So like my positioning islike slightly farther forwardthan it normally would be.But this feels quite nice.So, I guess the idea here isthat I can type up a note,and then I could take my marker,and I could underline, I could circle,I could kind of reallyhave more of a digitaland sort of analog fusion, I guess,'cause you don't just haveto write out your noteswith the keyboard and upload them.You also don't just haveto actually like draw.I could theoreticallysort of do the best of both worlds, right?(upbeat music)(Austin gasps)It's an eraser.Wait, it's an eraser.To me, my first impressionhere is that this is a productthat is designed to sort ofmaximize your creativity.Whether you're taking notes at work,whether you are trying towrite your next manuscript,or whether you're like me and you want to,you know, use this as a toolto help formulate thoughts on productsor coming up with ideas.And I even talked about theconsumption side of this.So, once I get this paired upwith the app and everything,I should be able to actuallyload up content on here,whether it be books, whether it be PDFs,whatever the case is.So, let me do this.Let me spend some time withthe reMarkable Paper Proand see exactly how it fits in my lifeand whether or not it isworth the, I'll admit,not-insignificant price tag.After spending some time withthe reMarkable Paper Pro,I have a lot of thoughts.The first is pretty simple.This is not for everyone.I don't mean that as a negative,but as someone who's coming into thiswithout a ton of experiencewith products such as this,it is something that you needto wrap your head around.So, let me get something outof the way first and foremost.This is not a normal tablet.There's no TikTok, noNetflix, no Instagram.The closest competitorwould be something likea pen and notebook.This really is a devicethat's designed to entirelyfocus on creativity.So, to really lean into it,I actually hand-wrote this entire scripton the reMarkable Paper Pro.Instead of using my usualGoogle Docs routine,I sat down on the couchand just started writing.And let me tell you,it definitely changed the waythat I approached this video.The reMarkable Paper Prois the most analog-feeling digital devicethat I've used in a long time,and that is absolutely a good thing.It really shines when you treat itas a new category of device.And for me, that's primarilyusing it with the markerwith occasional use of the keyboard.Now, about the writing experienceitself, it is phenomenal.The Marker Plus feels great in the handand the inking experiencesurpasses any tabletand stylus combinationthat I've ever used.The Canvas Color display,coupled with their prettyrefined software at this point,provides an experiencethat's remarkably closeto writing on paper.You get all the benefitsof a physical notebookwithout the drawbacks,such as smudged inkor struggling to write nearjust the edge of the page,or, you know, when you'restruggling to find that notethat you wrote a few weeksago in the first place.It was in the other notebook,for when I left on theplane or in the coffee shop.Well, I will say thatthe backlight screen,while it is certainly a niceupgrade over the reMarkable 2,is noticeably dimmerthan what you'd expectfrom a typical phone or tablet display.Now, this does have its own advantages.I mean, it's very readablein well-lit environmentsand it is very comfortableon the eyes in low light.You also have the advantageof long battery life.In fact, I can't even tellyou how long it lasts.I've had this thing for several daysusing it a couple hours a day,and I think I burned, like,maybe 1/3 the battery at this point?(upbeat music)Still 1/3.It's not until I startedreally leaning into the Marker, though,that I began to understandwhat makes this such a special device.The options really are extensive.You can choose between severaldifferent ways to write.My personal favorite isjust a normal ballpoint pen,but there are some fun ones,including stuff like a highlighter.And that actually brings meto one of the biggest featuresof the new reMarkable Paper Pro,the color display.So, typically, with devices like this,when you add features suchas backlighting and color,it can impact the latencyand responsiveness.I gotta say, though, reMarkablehas done an excellent jobwith their custom Canvas Color display.It's sharp, responsive,and allows for splash of color for thingssuch as that highlighting.When you put it all together,it definitely feels like a premium device.Another neat feature is theability to select blocksof handwritten textand easily copy, paste, orconvert it into a typed text.Now, the handwritingrecognition is pretty accurate,although you might needto do a quick spell checkdepending on how neat,or in my case, messyyour handwriting really is.The reMarkable Paper Proisn't just for writing,it's also great for content consumption.The large 11.8-inch displayworks well with the full size keyboard,and of course you can syncacross things such as books,PDFs, and other documents to it.Now, I will say that thewhole syncing processdoes introduce a little bitmore friction than I'd like.That said, once you getstuff synced across,it is really nice to be able to readand mark up a draft for an upcoming video.It's just about finding howthis fits in your workflow.So, am I converted tothe reMarkable Paper Pro?I kind of am.Now, I wanna be super clear.This is not a replacementfor a normal device suchas a tablet or a laptop,and at $629 for the bundlewith the Marker Plus,it certainly isn't cheap either.But, compared to gettingwork done on a laptop,like I do for pretty much everything,it really has been aneye-opening experience.It's been surprising at justhow much more creative I feelwhen I'm writing things on a displaythat's about as close to paper as it gets.If you're someone who lovesthe tactile feel of writingor just looking for a way toboost your focus and creativityin a world full of distractions,the reMarkable Paper Pro isdefinitely worth considering.Just be prepared for a littlebit of a learning curveand maybe a renewed appreciationfor the simple act ofputting pen to paper,or in this case, marker to screen.Thank you very much to the reMarkable teamfor sponsoring this video.If you'd like to check it out,I will, of course, have alink in the description.Until next time, my friends.Don't forget that brilliant, genius idea.Write down in your reMarkable,or, you know, pen and paperif you wanna be fricking lame about it.(upbeat music)