**The Ultimate Sim Racing Experience: A Comprehensive Guide**
Considered more of a sim Kade and that doesn't mean it's not a really fun game for a lot of people regardless of their skill level and don't even try comparing Forza to Gran Turismo that's a taboo discussion on this show anyway the handling characteristics of a set of Corsa are highly praised their physics engine is made in-house so it's a huge accomplishment for their developers it also has spectacular visuals and engine noises that cannot be matched by most games. Their goal here was to create the most immersive racing experience possible and they nailed it well.
The career mode is a bit challenging to say the least, it does have a solid online experience with a decent browse feature and lag-free racing but you're gonna be running into the same online issues that Gran Turismo 5 and 6 were having with their online rooms like maniac drivers that won't leave you alone unless you completely smoke them on the track. Multi-car pileups will be common unless you find a solid group of guys and girls to play with.
If you want to true sim racing with plenty of add-ons in a massive racing community then our factor 2 is probably the best out there. It's game engine by I was specifically altered for R factor to have an open architecture with tools for modders this same engine also laid down the foundation for R factor Pro which is used by racing teams and car manufacturers like most of the current Formula One and NASCAR teams.
Our factor 2 is the product of these two games and is considered by some to be the best sim-racing game out there for serious players. This is the game that GT Academy uses to train its winners from Gran Turismo before they actually hit the track it has the most detailed and accurate tire models in sim racing including things like flat spotting and tire deformation although the tracks are not laser scan like P Cars 2 in a set of Corsa you get accurate racetracks with features like 24-hour weather cycles drying racing lines and rubber building.
Online is free and although extra cars and tracks will need to be purchased as an add-on RF2 is one of the largest endurance racing leagues in the online world plus you can race them whatever kind of league you want Formula One style cars NASCAR IndyCar historical custom literally anything you want. The game is constantly being approved and evolving so what's a must-have for any hardcore sim racer that wants to grow their skills in one platform.
Last but not least the most hardcore game out there is I Racing. This game is the real deal for competitive online racers that want a true sim racing experience of all the rules and tribulations of real-life competition. The game has come a long way since its introduction in 2008 within incredibly detailed laser scanned tracks and a serious community of online racers. A lot of pro drivers regularly train in online events and some of those events offer cash prizes to season champions.
Similar to GT Sport, drivers must earn licenses but those licenses are based on results and avoiding accidents but not really comparable because accidents are not taken lightly climbing the ranks takes a lot of patience and persistence because those accidents have consequences that can set you back weeks and even months of progress. You know just by this game you pay a subscription to play it like 100 bucks for two years but they offer discounts for beginners for one month and three-month tiers but you need a PC to play it just like our factor - and some people play on rigs costing well over a few grand I've heard of rigs going over 150 grand that's how serious it gets because of the realism.
Many seasoned veterans of I Racing have become successful in real life in fact professional organizations like NASCAR and Skip Barber Racing use this sim to help train their drivers. That being said, you can't just pop into AI racing and expect to enter a competitive race like you would and P Cars to a set of course or GT Sport you're going to need to do some research and watch plenty of how-to videos so you don't become overwhelmed when you first start playing.
You'll need to be motivated to learn and to practice it's clearly the final destination for anyone who has played any of the previous games and wants to take their skills and competition to the next level. So, what's your sim racing game of choice? I know there's a bunch of old ones out there that people still play so let us know in the comments how pissed are you that it didn't include Forza Fujima what up don't forget to add me if you have PS4 and remember practice makes perfect lots and lots and lots of practices.
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Support us by picking up some of our merchandise at shop Donut Media while you're at it. Add me on IG at Secret Skills see you next Friday
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhether you're into rally racing Formulaone oval racing or sports cars there isa perfect sim racing game out there tosatisfy your motorsport fix each gamehas their own perks and some have come along way from their humble beginningswhile others are considered classicsthat will never be matched this week I'mcovering the bestest sim racing gamesever created old and new and why youneed to play them let's start off with aclassic rally game that is stillconsidered one of the best Richard burnsrally originally released on PC back in2004 it's still considered one of themost realistic rally games ever createdPC gamer review called it the scariestdriving game we've ever played due tothe sense of savage speed andacceleration and thanks to a dedicatedcommunity of modders you can nowexperience the game with hundreds ofadditional tracks and cars including authough the updates also improved physicssounds and visuals with rally stagesthat run over ten minutes long you get asense of tension and concentration thatgives you practical skills that you canuse in real life the only thing missingfrom this game is rallycross rallycrosshas become more popular in the past fewyears and there's a bunch of new gamesthat include it on top of traditionalrally stage modes the most popular beingdirt 4 available on PC ps4 and Xbox oneit's the 12th game in the Colin McRaeRally Series and the 6th version tocarry the dirt name so it's come a longway and has huge improvements over theiroriginal versions it also comes withvarious dirt racing modes like stadiumtrucks and buggy racing and includes abunch of time period cars like group agroup and and the infamous route Bhowever it doesn't include any WRC carsbecause WRC has the rights reserved fortheir own game but it does haverallycross supercars and rallycrosslightsalthough the rallycross mode is one ofthe funnest ways to go rallying dirt 4is less of a true simulator andtherefore more accessible to a largeraudience meaning it's a lot of fun toplay and will keep you entertained atall times it won't translate intoreal-world skills the first game tofeature a true rallycross sim wasfeatured in the recently releasedproject cars 2p cars - offers variousracing modes other than rallycross soI've found the online presence ofrallycross rooms to be sort of lackingthe rallycross feature is overshadowedby the game's primary focus on roadracing you can race NASCARindycar historical and modern racecarsthat they've laser scanned into the gamethe entire game is supported through VRand the details are incredible it istruly a motorsport in nerdfestyou can recreate historical races downto the tee with historical racetracksand multi group opponents it's more of aSim than most of the games you're gonnacome across so expect a learning curveI've yet to see someone drive theMcLaren 650s gt3 without spinning out onthe first lap but hey that's how youlearn in the madness engine thatcontrols the game's physics isconstantly improving so expect this gameto get better as time goes on the mostpopular motor sport in the world FormulaOne has the fewest options when it comesto a true sim racing experience withreal drivers and real cars from the realworldthat's because Formula One has therights locked in for their own videogame series just like WRC and yes it's agreat game if you follow the sportstepping into the shoes of your favoritedriver and team can be a lot of funespecially for me racing with Alonso andthe mclaren honda i can get a real sensefor how slow the car actually is andI'll never be rewarded with the firstplace regardless of how hard I Drive soreally I'm able to learn angermanagement skills that translatedirectly into real life the real upsideto this game is being able to learnevery track featured in the season thismakes watching Formula One races in reallife much more enjoyable because youhave a better feel for what's going onbut if you're a die-hard sim racer and athrilling f1 season is what you're afteryou can go back in time and find a veryspecial game that will probably never betopped the closest you're gonna get to atrue Formula One season simulation iswith a game called Grand Prix for thegame is a recreation of the 2001 FormulaOne season yes the season with thescreaming engines that everyone can'tstop talking aboutthe game was released back in 2002 witha revised graphic engine and updatedphysics containing the best wet weatherdriving experience to this day it wascreated by the godfather of racingsimulators Jeff Kremen Jeff created thefirst sim racing game to feature a realracing circuit all the way back in the80s he was a perfectionist focusing onthe smallest details eventually leadingto his greatest and last sim racing gameGP for since then the modding communityhas added a bunch of new track and fixeda bunch of bugs that plagued the gamewhen it was first released while you canchallenge other people by taking turnsper race online gameplay was notpossible due to licensing restrictionsif a competitive online racingexperience is what you're after one ofthe most thrilling can be found in agame I play religiously Gran Turismosport the game has come a long way fromits humble beginnings and in this latestversion the game is entirely focused oncreating a competitive online communitywhile the number of cars offered in thisgame is a huge step down from the 1000plus cars offered in Gran Turismo 5 itcompletely makes up for it with itsrevised online sport mode players areranked on their skills and how fairlythey drive so you're gonna be matched upwith people on the same caliber as youthat means the racing gets supercompetitive and out of all the racesI've played online every single one hasbeen a race to the finish yes sometimesI get matched up with the best playersin the world so rarely do I get rewardedwith the first place but the game makesit clear that it's not about winningit's about playing fair and improvingyour skills and if you're down with thatyou can add me on ps4 my username isgreen brains shout out to some of my GTfriends around the world McLaren designmag drew easy ubz Louis underscoreHamiltonthere's too many awesome people in thecommunity to list and the way the onlinesystem is set up you'll immediately findclean competitive races who knows youmight be seeing donut on Twitch verysoon and I guarantee you we're gonna beplaying a lot of Gran Turismo sportsimply because the online action is sofun to watch if penalties drive you madand you're a firm believer that rubbingis racing which I 100% agree with youwon't find yourself in a sweaty pool offrustration while playing assetto corsathis game does require some skill beforeracing as it is more focused on being atrue sim rather than say Forza which isconsidered more of a sim Kade and thatdoesn't mean it's not a really fun gamefor a lot of people regardless of theirskill level and don't even try comparingForza to Gran Turismo that's a taboodiscussion on this show anyway thehandling characteristics of a set ofCorsa are highly praised their physicsengine is made in-house so it's a hugeaccomplishment for their developers italso has spectacular visuals and enginenoises that cannot be matched by mostgames their goal here was to create themost immersive racing experiencepossible and they nailed it well thecareer mode is a bit challenging to saythe leastit does have a solid online experiencewith a decent browse feature and lagfree racing but you're gonna be runninginto the same online issues that GranTurismo 5 and 6 were having with theironline rooms like maniac drivers thatwon't leave you alone unless youcompletely smoke them on the track somulti-car pileups will be common unlessyou find a solid group of guys and girlsto play with if you want to true simwith plenty of add-ons in a massiveracing community then our factor 2 isprobably the best out there it's gameengine by is I was specifically alteredfor R factor to have an openarchitecture with tools for modders thissame engine also laid down thefoundation for R factor Pro which isused by racing teams and carmanufacturers like most of the currentFormula One and NASCAR teams our factor2 is the product of these two games andis considered by some to be the best simracing game out there for seriousplayers this is the game that GT Academyuses to train its winners from GranTurismo before they actually hit thetrack it has the most detailed andaccurate tire models in sim racingincluding things like flat spotting andtire deformation although the tracks arenot laser scan like P Cars 2 in a set ofCorsa you get accurate racetracks withfeatures like 24-hour weather cyclesdrying racing lines and rubber buildingonline is free and although extra carsand tracks will need to be purchased asan add-on rf2 is one of the largestendurance racing leagues in the onlineworld plus you can race them whateverkind of league you want Formula Onestyle cars NASCAR IndyCar historicalcustom literally anything you want thegame is constantly being approved andevolving so what's a must-have for anyhardcore sim racer that wants to growtheir skills in one platform last butnot least the most hardcore game outthere is I racing this game is the realdeal for competitive online racers thatwant a true sim racing experience of allthe rulestrials and tribulations of real-lifecompetition the game has come a long waysince its introduction in 2008 withincredibly detailed laser scanned tracksand a serious community of online racersa lot of pro drivers regularly train inonline events and some of those eventsoffer cash prizes to season championssimilar to GT sport drivers must earnlicenses but those licenses are based onresults and avoiding accidents but notreally comparable because accidents arenot taken lightly climbing the rankstakes a lot of patience and persistencebecause those accidents haveconsequences that can set you back weeksand even months of progress and you knowjust by this game you pay a subscriptionto play it like 100 bucks for two yearsbut they offer discounts for beginnersfor one month and three month tiers butyou need a PC to play it just like ourfactor - and some people play on rigscosting well over a few grand I've heardof rigs going over 150 grand that's howserious it gets because of the realismmany seasoned veterans of I racing havebecome successful in real life in factprofessional organizations like NASCARand Skip Barber Racing use this sim tohelp train their drivers that being saidyou can't just pop into AI racing andexpect to enter a competitive race likeyou would and P cars to a set of courseor GT sport you're going to need to dosome research and watch plenty of how-tovideos so you don't become overwhelmedwhen you first start playing you'll needto be motivated to learn and to practiceit's clearly the final destination foranyone who has played any of theprevious games and wants to take theirskills and competition to the next levelso what's your sim racing game of choiceI know there's a bunch of old ones outthere that people still play so let usknow in the comments how pissed are youthat it didn't include Forza Fujima whatup don't forget to add me if you haveps4 and remember practice makes perfectlots and lots and lots of practicesupport us by picking up some of ourmerch at shop donut media while you'reat it add me on IG at secret skills seeyou next Friday