Why Does the Apple HomePod Exist?

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Hey guys, this is Austin.

I am using the Apple HomePod, and I have exactly one question regarding its price.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin.This is the Apple HomePod and at $350,I have exactly one question,"Why does it exist?"Now no, I'm not trying to say this is someuseless product or that itis not meant for anyone.When you consider that the world is filledwith Amazon Echos and Google Homesthat cost 40 or $50, a $350 speakerthat has Siri inside, that's a little bitof a hard sale for most people.So in classic Apple fashion,the unboxing is super simple,no giant stabbing knife needed.So this has come out todayand it's a little bit late.I think this was originallysupposed to come outlate last year.But the idea here is thatthis is a very high end,a very good sounding speakerthat just happens to have Siri.You know what I'll say,this looks really nice.So it has this fabricmesh all the way around,it's nice and soft.It's definitely a littlebit of a different look.Although the power cable's built in, okay.We also have designedby Apple in Californiawith what I assume is yes,a single Apple sticker.Not a lot of accessorieswith your $350 smart speaker,but all that matters ishow does it actually sound.Alright, so, $350, a lot of money.But I will say thereactually are some nice thingsabout the hardware.So like I was saying, thisfabric finish feels pretty niceand it even comes acrossto the power cable.There's a lot of attention to detail here.What you won't find withthe HomePod is anythingbesides this power cable.So there's no USB, there's no Bluetooth.There's not even going tobe any kind of aux inputwhich now that you think about it,Apple's killed the headphonejack on everything else.It makes sense to kill it on the speakers.What you will see howeveris a little tiny gridof LEDs that are below the sortedfrosted panel on the top.So it's kind of cool, butthere's not a proper screen.It's more for kind ofgiving you notificationsand sort of a littlebit of a colorful thingwhen Siri's listening.Like EarPods, the setup is going to bepretty straightforward.So if you have an iPhone and yes,you're probably gonna want to havea lot of Apple products forthe HomePod to make sense,you'll see a little setup icon right here.Do that and it shouldsync it with the Apple ID.One thing you probably will wantwith the HomePod is Apple Music.So it does support Airplayso things like Spotifyand YouTube will work.However, if you actually want itto work properly just using your voice,you're going to want to use Apple Music.They're very specific.The HomePod is for peoplewho have everything Apple.Before we get started, I'm going to giveeveryone a warning.The words Hey Siri andHey Google are aboutto be spoken many many times.You've been warned.- Sorry, I can'tsearch the webpage.- The main reason to pick upthe HomePod though is for musicand at least on paper,this sounds pretty good.So you're getting seven microphonesthat are paired up with an Apple AA chipwhich not only are goingto be listening for youto call Siri but alsoit's going to be ableto tune the music for your specific room.Now to do that, it usesthe total of eight speakersinside this guy.So there's seven small speakersthat are spread out all the way aroundto be able to give you a full 360 sound,but there's also going to bea single four-inch subwoofer.So at this point, if you have Apple Music,you can just tell it to play a song.However, if you're likeme and use Spotify,you're gonna have toairplay it from your phone.So of course you're gonnabe listening to thison YouTube so everythingis going to be compressed,but we do have a microphonehere to hopefully give youa decent idea of what thissounds like in person.Let's give it a try.(soulful music)I will say one thing.This does a really good job of giving youthat full 360 sound.No matter really where this is placed,you're pretty much going to hearthe same thing around.Something else is immediately apparent.This guy, even though it's obviouslya very small speaker, has a lot of bass.(heavy metal bass music)It's also really apparentthat they're doinga good job of making sureit doesn't bottom out.So even though there is a lot of bass,it's not really overpoweringthe rest of the music.And even when you crankit up to higher volumes,it stays surprisingly well put together.And I guess for a $350 speaker,you hope it sounds pretty good,but I'm pretty impressed.Hey Siri, pause.One thing I will say isthat the microphones doa really good job evenwhen you're cranking itto be able to actuallyhear you pretty well.However, I think the bestway of actually being ableto properly test how wellthis sounds is put it upagainst its biggest competitor.When I say biggest, I mean biggest,the Google Home Max.So if you guys are not familiar,the Google Home Max is very muchthe sort of Googlecompetitor to the HomePod.And yes, it is muchlarger, but there's a lotof things that are goingto be very similar.So this has Google Assistantwhereas this has Siri.They both have multiple speakers insidethat are going to be working togetherand they both also do have a versionor the sort of room sensing technologythat will tune thesound based on what kindof environment that you're in.There are some advantagesto the Google Home thoughincluding the fact thatnot only does it havea USB port, but it also supports Bluetoothas well as Aux In.So you know if you'renot living in 2018 yet,this has got you covered.However, the price it runsis kind of surprising.Whereas the HomePod runsa pretty expensive $350,Google will charge you $400for the Google Home Max.Hey Google, play Hotel California.- Okay, HotelCalifornia by Eagles.("Hotel California" by Eagles)- So at first glance, they're actuallysurprisingly different.So the Google Home Max is louder,kind of expected with itbeing a much larger speaker.However, it completely lacksthat 360 directionalityof the HomePod.So from the side, it's kind of okay,but from the front, it is very very loud.Now the HomePod, even thoughit's a little less bassey,I think does a muchbetter job of making surethat you really hear all ofthe different instruments.There's a lot ofseparation between the two.But let me just do a few other songsand kind of fully actually testto see what these guys sound like.Although to be fair, HotelCalifornia is the only songanyone actually needs to listen to,but I guess I could playlike two or three other songsif you really want me to,for some weird reason.Hey Google, play Like Whoa from Logic.- Like Whoa by Logic, sure.Playing on Spotify.- Okay, so after listening to these bothfor a little while, myimpressions are pretty firm.This sounds good.It's decent in the vacuum,but there's a lot of bassand it is very directional.The HomePod, there's justso much more separation.You hear all the different instruments.You hear the different vocals.Like everything is very sort of layeredwhereas this, it feels a littlebit flattened in comparison.It's a good speaker, but there's no doubt,the HomePod sounds phenomenal.However, that's justone piece of the puzzle.So sure, if you're just going to buy oneof these for pure audio quality,you can stop watching now.But I think what a lot ofpeople are interested in ishow the actual assistantson these guys work.Hey Google, when do the Olympics start?- Competitionsof the PyeongChang 2018Olympic Winter Games begin on Wednesday,February seventh, 2018,and ends on Sunday,February 25th, 2018, PST.- Hey Siri, whendo the Olympics start?- The 2018 WinterOlympics will be heldFebruary ninth to the 25thin PyeongChang, South Korea.- Hey Google, how many cups in 42 gallons?- 42 US liquid gallons equals672 US customary cups.- Hey Siri, how manycups are in 42 gallons?- 42 gallons is 672 cups.- Something I'm noticing is that Siri isa little bit more curt and gives youlike much shorteranswers where Google willactually give you all the detail.Hey Google, what's the news?- Here's the latest news.From NPR News Now, at 3:00 p.m. today.- Live from NPR News...- Hey Siri, what's the news?- Here's the latest news from NPR.- Hey Google, play thelatest episode of Reply All.- Okay,playing the latest episodeof Reply All, number 42Blindspot rebroadcast.- This episode of Reply All...- Hey Siri, play the latestepisode of Reply All.- Sorry, I couldn't find Reply Allin your music.If you have an Apple Music subscription.- No, Podcast.Hey Google, what do you think about Siri?- Full respect.Being an assistant is hard work.- Hey Siri, what do youthink about Google Assistant?- I think theacquisition of informationand intelligence by human beingsthrough a virtual assistantis a very good thing.- (laughs) Google's like, Siri's great.I think the information byhuman-like beings is excellent.Alright, so what have we learned?Well I think that they're actually fairlyevenly matched as faras the assistant side.So for the basic stuff,they're going to bevery similar for things like turning onand off your lights orkind of feeding out trafficor the basic kind of things.Now I think as you get tobe a little more advanced,I would give the slightedge to Google Assistant,but I think a lot ofpeople have sort of beencomplaining about Siri.At least based on this,they're not that far off.Now as far as the music side goes,it's definitely a HomePod win.But for me, if you're not going to bereally serious aboutmusic, I think it's hardto recommend either of these.So in my house, I really like usingthe Google Home Minis as wellas the standard Google Homes.They're much less expensive.Unless you're reallyserious about the music,they sound totally fine,especially if you'rereally focused on the assistant side.So should the Apple HomePod exist in 2018?Yeah, it's actually not bad.So to be fair, you need to be totallyinto the Apple ecosystem.So I'm talking Apple Music, iPhones, Macs,the whole thing.But if you are, this is a reallyreally good sounding speaker.So I'm curious, what do you guysactually think about HomePod?Let me know in the comments belowand I will catch you in the next one.