The Ultimate Gaming Setup: A Comprehensive Guide
Kind: captionsLanguage: en- This is the ultimate PS5, Xbox Series X, Switch and PC gaming setup. From this single spot, not only can we play all of the games at the same time, but we can also stream and record them all with this simple setup that only took us several months to put together.
The Crown Jewel of Our Setup
The crown jewel of our setup really is how we have all of our consoles and PC connected through an HDMI matrix. So we actually did an entire video on this, but it works fairly straightforward. Basically, all the cable management is being done. We previously had this set up with the PS4 and the Xbox One, but now that we have all the new, brand new generation consoles, we have them all running through this matrix, which can support 4K60, and then they go either up to the TV or they go into our PC so we can capture, stream, whatever we wanna do.
Flexible Gaming Experience
So for example, right now, if the PS5 wants to wake back up again, we have our PS5 up on the TV. If I just wanna play some Cyberpunk, ha ha, joke's gonna be dead by the time this video's live, I can do that. However, if I want, I can just go and flip that over here so I can throw the Xbox up on the TV. And then instead, I wanna play, oh I don't know, some Switch down here, I wanna record it, so I can just simply do this and it will switch that over.
Streaming and Recording Made Easy
And then if I want to do some streaming, I can then do this. So now, with just a couple of button presses, I have my Xbox, which I can play, I have my Switch here, which I can record, and I have my PS5 here, where I can stream, all with literally a couple of presses of a button. Did I have to rehearse that a million times to make sure I didn't send up the wrong thing? Yes, yes I did. But it is super nice to be able to have the ability to play not only all of our consoles, but also our PC, because that's still looped in here, in any orientation we want, right?
Getting Started
So when it comes to actually using the setup, it's, well, not quite done. I mean, these things are always a work in progress, but I'm just gonna get down here. I should be fine. So now that we have a box to sit on, I'm very happy to be able to game.
The Razer Gaming Chair
No, so Razer actually were very kind in hooking us up with some of their peripherals, not only on the actual gaming side but also their brand new Iskur gaming chair. Now what is a Razer gaming chair? I don't know, it looked cool. They said,
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This is the ultimatePS5, Xbox Series X, Switchand PC gaming setup.From this single spot,not only can we playall of the games at the same time,but we can also stream and record them allwith this simple setup that only took usseveral months to put together.The crown jewel of oursetup really is how we haveall of our consoles and PCconnected through an HDMI matrix.So we actually did anentire video on this,but it works fairly straightforward.So basically, all the cablemanagement is being done.We previously had this set upwith the PS4 and the Xbox One.But now that we have all the new,brand new generation consoles,we have them all runningthrough this matrix,which can support 4K60, andthen they go either up to the TVor they go into our PC sowe can capture, stream,whatever we wanna do.So for example, right now,if the PS5 wants to wake back up again,we have our PS5 up on the TV.So if I just wanna playsome Cyberpunk, ha ha,joke's gonna be dead bythe time this video's live,I can do that.However, if I want, I can justgo and flip that over hereso I can throw the Xbox up on the TV.And then instead, I wannaplay, oh I don't know,some Switch down here, I wanna record it,so I can just simply do thisand it will switch that over.And then if I want to do somestreaming, I can then do this.So now, with just acouple of button presses,I have my Xbox, which I can play,I have my Switch here, which I can recordand I have my PS5 here,where I can stream,all with literally a coupleof presses of a button.Did I have to rehearsethat a million timesto make sure I didn'tsend up the wrong thing?Yes, yes I did.But it is super nice to beable to have the abilityto play not only all of ourconsoles, but also our PC,because that's still looped in here,in any orientation we want, right?So when it comes toactually using the setup,it's, well, not quite done.I mean, these things arealways a work in progress,but I'm just gonna, I'mjust gonna get down here.I should be fine.So now I can easilygame, stream and record,all from one comfortable battle station.If only I had some, some support, Matt.If only you could bring insome support right now, thanks.So now that we have a box to sit on,I'm very happy to be able to game.No, so Razer actually werevery kind in hooking us upwith some of their peripherals,not only on the actual gaming sidebut also their brandnew Iskur gaming chair.Now what is a Razer gaming chair?I don't know, it looked cool.They said, "Hey, youwanna take a look at it?"And I was like, "Yeah."Well, it does say thisis perfect gaming formand it surely couldn'tbe worse than the formI just showed off.I just like how you clicked on a videotalking about the ultimatePS5 and Xbox gaming setup,and now you're watchingtwo dudes build a chair.Aren't you happy with yourYouTube watching habits?I mean, it looks like a lot,but honestly, it's not a lot.There's eight things here,we'll be done in an hour.All right, I'm ready, let's go.Oh!(groaning and laughing)I believe in myself.- Just tap in whenever you need to, buddy.- Nope, I got it.I have determination anda small amount of luckhas gotten me to this point in my lifewhere I can sit on my chair.Where's my thing?Matt, where's my thing?I wanna game!I wanna be MLG or whateverthe kids call it these days.So now it's time to actuallyfinish building the setupand show you one of themost important componentsof this entire place,which is our lighting.Now, you might see thatwe have a couple of panelsright here for streaming.However, if you look up,you'll see that we've gotjust a little bit more to it than that,and it's all controlled by this here iPad.Now this, of course, notonly is a gaming setup,but it also is a functional set for us.Now this room has been alot of things over the yearsthat we've had the office, but right now,it is probably the bestsorted that it has ever been.So not only do we have a ton of fixturesall around the top of theroom, but importantly,they're all controlled with this,an iPad using an app called Luminair,which connects via Wifi to a DMX Box,which controls literallyeverything in the room.So right now, this is the general preset,so most of the lights are on.It's generally meantso that no matter whereI walk in the room, it works.However, if I wanna sit downon the couch, for example,then I can very quickly changethe entire preset of the lighting.It's one of the nice thingsabout the way we have the setup,is that no matter what time of day it is,we've got all the lights blocked out,we can get the exact same sort of setup.So say, right now, we have the presetwhere you're looking toward the wood.But if you wanna come over to this side,I can then turn it onto the head on angle,which kicks on another couple of lights.You can see how literallythis is just a one tap thing.I can switch back and forthpretty much instantly.Now there are a lot of advantages to this.First of all, we don't haveto do a lot of camera setupor changing our color,because it's all baked to bethe exact same no matterwhere we are in the room.Instead, all of thedifferences are completely downto the lighting presets.Even if I wanna turnthis way, we flip it overand there's a completely different presetbased on which way I'mlooking in the room,because we have, thisis not a massive space.We have a ton ofdifferent individual looksthat we can use for each and every thingthat we shoot in here, which is very cool.Of course, this is helpfulfor things like streaming,but it's also helpful for whenwe're shooting normal videos.So for the next part of the setup,we actually have to shut everything offbecause we have onemore thing to integrate.So big shout out to APCfor sponsoring this part of the videoand hooking us up with this.So this is the Pro Gaming UPS.The idea here is that withall of the very expensiveelectronics that we have connected,not only do you wanna make surethat they're nice and safe,but importantly, we alsowanna give ourselvessome extra time.There have been fairly regularblackouts here recently,and this will give usat least a few minutesto wrap up the game, stop thestream, stop the recording,whatever it is that we're doing,before everything just goes out.So if you don't know what a UPS is,essentially this is abattery backup for your gear.So you have your routerin here, your computer,your game console, whatever the case is,and not only will it helpsmooth that power out,but importantly, if the power goes down,you will have at least a few minutesto wrap up whatever itis that you're doing.Now, I need to put this in the setup.Thankfully this is a gamingUPS, which is something new.We actually have one ofthese, a much larger version,in our server rack, but the idea with thisis not only is it designedand it's sized and pricedaccordingly for gamers, but importantly,you have a full RGB circle,'cause it's not a gamingaccessory if you don't have RGB.But it actually is legitimately useful,as you'll see in a minute.This is a massive batteryand it will do a full 900 watts of power,which should be plenty for pretty muchany gaming PC out there,including stuff like your router,stuff like your PlayStation, your monitor.Now of course, it willnot do that forever,so to maximize the run time,I'm probably only going toplug in a few things to it.You also do have a normalsurge protector outlet,which doesn't run through the battery,so you can only plugin the essentials here.So right now, we have everythingconnected to our APC unit,which includes our PS5,and right now, we alsohave a lot of the lightsand the TV on.That ultimately won't be the final setupbecause we really just needone of the gaming monitorsto actually be fully supported.Some of the other ones cango into the surge protector,but the nice thing is we havea full back-up display hereso not only do we have our RGB ringso we can change the actual colors,we also see exactly how muchload we're pulling through it.Now, the fun part of this whole thingis that now that we are allconnected and protected,I can just unplug it and it'll still work.So I probably should'veplanned this out ahead of time,but this cable right here, as you can see,is going into the back of the unit.If I unplug it, oh look,everything's still running.Now, it's gonna go redbecause I didn't actually fully charge it,but if I hit the button,right now we are currentlyrunning on battery.So the entire setup, the display, the PS5,all of these lights arerunning not from power,so if all the power in theactual office was out right now,it wouldn't make a difference.It's all running offof our battery back up.So if you wanna upgrade yourgaming game, gaming game?If you wanna protect your gaming gearand also make sure thatyou have a little bitof extra peace of mind, it'sthankfully letting me knowthat we're running outof battery right now,check out the link inthe description below.So right now, we have our gaming PC,which of course is poweredby a 32-core Threadripper.We have 64 gigs of RAM, a 5700X,as well as we have a secondaryLittle Dipper system,which is a Ryzen 9 16-coresystem, 32 gigs of RAMand another 5700 XT.Now that is our PC side, andon the actual display side,right now I have theXbox running into the PCso we can capture it, but wehave it routed to this monitor.We also have the PS5 up on the TV,so I'll just open up Astro'sPlayroom for a second.And then on our last monitor,let's open up, I don't know.Let's play, I have Overwatchon this system, right?So PS5 makes total sense,so we're getting thatnative 4K60 over here.On the actual, oh God, and now to be fair,this is probably notthe way you should playsomething like an Xbox game.So you see there's alittle bit of latency,which is essentially becausewe are looking at the preview.So if I was actually doing this properly,I would have one displayup just for previewand have another display natively routed.So I'd have it on the TV, for example,so I would be able to see exactlywhat the game play looks like.And at the same time, Ican hop into a PC gameand because everything is routed together,we can very easily playgames, stream gamesand I can look cool as I kill the botsbecause I can't do anything else.Next upgrade, we'regonna label the remote.Oh wait, we're back to where we started,so Xbox is back up here.So that is, 'cause it shouldgo one, two, three, four.There we go, all right.Simple.So now, I can play a game ofOri on the TV with no latency,a direct feed, and atthe same time on the PC,I can be gaming or streamingor recording all of thatfootage at the exact same time.Ken, would you care toexplain how the gaming,and specifically the streamingaspect of this works?'Cause I'm gettingconfused with that remote.- Sure.- Welcome back.All right, so walk us throughthe streaming setup side.- Yes, so basically we madethis desk with the mindsetthat anyone that streams in the office,which are actually a lot of us,can come in and streamto their Twitch channels,or if they need to recordgameplay, they can do that.And a lot of the stuff that'shere will probably lookvery familiar to you if you've seena lot of streaming setups.The Go XLR is probably my favorite thingin this entire setupbecause it is probably one of the easiestand most tactile ways tomonitor and control your audio.You can configure all of the RGBand all of the faders and stuff.Most importantly though,the king of all of it,is the microphone.This is one of the mostpopular streaming microphones.They obviously use itfor podcasts as well.This is the Shure SM7B.It does a really goodjob of making you soundlike you're a radio personality.If you have a deep voice especially,it really accentuates that.In addition to all of that though,we have a Stream Deck, which is somethingalso that you've probably seenin a lot of streaming setups,but there's a reasonwhy this is used a lot.It gives you access to a lotof different shortcuts if you want.You can configure every single buttonwith the screen thatis behind the buttons.Also, as Austin is looking at,we have our Elgato Key Lights.So we've kind of leaned intothe Elgato ecosystem a little bit.What's cool is that on the Stream Deck,there is integration withall of the Elgato stuff.So for example, I can turn it off.These are controlled via Wifi.And again, this is allmade with streamers in mindbecause the last thingyou wanna think aboutwhen you're streaming is turning ona million different things,having to reach behindthe light, hit a switch.You don't wanna do that forevery single thing that you own,so for as long as you can just sit down,hit a switch, perfect.Now whenever Austin is doing thiswhere we're shooting the desk,when we have this just as a backdrop,we like using these keylights as practicals,meaning they don't needto be extremely bright.We want them to be tunedto the rest of the lighting in the studio.However, when we haveour camera setup here,what we can do is actually tune itfor this particular camerawhen we're streamingand just want bright light at us.And now we are in thestreaming setup itself.We have set up our SonyA7S3, which we intend to usefor streaming when we'renot actually filmingwith it on the daily,and it is being pipedinto our Elgato 4K60.We are recording right now inOBS, in the highest qualitythat we can, just todemonstrate that it is possibleto record high quality streams with this.And on top of that, weare using our top levelaudio setup for streaming.So we have the Go XLR, theCloud Lifter and the SM7Bto give us that nice, full-sounding audiothat's picking up my voice.It sounds very radio-y,it sounds very podcast-y,the way that we like it.It is really really cool.And most importantly, becausewe are recording this in OBS,I actually have some ofstream overlays here,as I would normally have in my streams.Normally on this stream,I do my VTuber stuff,which I have mapped to mystream deck, look at this.All of a sudden, I'm in my Vtuber mode.I'm Kentama, how's it going?I'm your little pogchamp.Now of course, this is notthe de facto streaming setupand in fact, it might be overkillor it might not even haveenough for some people,but this is what suits our needs the most.- So this is our ultimatePS5, Xbox Series X, Switchand gaming PC setup.We can record, we can stream, we can play.We have a TV, we have amicrophone, we have all kindsof goodies and toys.So thank you very much for watching.Make sure to subscribe andring-a-ling the ding-a-ling bellfor other ridiculous projects like this.If you'll excuse me,I'm gonna go try to playthree games at once one moretime, just one more time.I can do it this time.I believe in myself 'cause my mom told methat I can do anything I put my mind to.Actually that's a lie,Doc Brown told me that.