The Importance of Supplemental Material to Enhance Your Star Wars Experience
As a fan of the Star Wars universe, I believe that movies are just the tip of the iceberg. While they can provide an excellent introduction to the franchise, there is so much more to explore and enjoy beyond the silver screen. Picking up supplemental material such as canon cartoons, comics, and other official content can significantly enhance your overall experience of the Star Wars universe. These materials offer a deeper dive into the characters, world-building, and storylines that make the movies so compelling.
In my opinion, some of these supplements are better than others, but they all contribute to a richer understanding and appreciation of the franchise. Whether you're a casual fan or an hardcore enthusiast, there's something for everyone in the Star Wars universe beyond just the movies. I've had the pleasure of engaging with fellow fans and sharing our passion for the series, and I can attest to the excitement and enthusiasm that comes from exploring the many facets of the Star Wars experience.
One particular aspect of supplemental material that I find particularly appealing is how it has transformed the way we engage with the franchise as a lifestyle. It's no longer just about watching movies; it's about immersing yourself in the entire universe, including books, comics, cartoons, and other media. This shift in perspective has opened up new avenues for exploration and enjoyment, and I believe that fans who adopt this mindset will find their experience of the Star Wars universe to be even more rewarding.
While some people may dismiss supplemental material as unnecessary or secondary to the movies themselves, I firmly believe that it's an essential part of the Star Wars experience. The canon materials, in particular, have been instrumental in expanding our understanding of the series and its many characters, planets, and events. By exploring these different media, fans can gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the universe and its rich history.
One aspect that I've noticed in some of my fellow fans is how they seem to dismiss supplemental material as inferior to the movies. While it's understandable to have certain expectations when it comes to official content, I think this perspective can be limiting. The canon materials, for example, offer a unique perspective on the series that complements the movies beautifully. By embracing these different media, fans can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Star Wars universe and its many wonders.
For those who may not be aware, I recently had the opportunity to engage with some fellow fans live on Twitch and YouTube. It was an absolute blast, and I'm grateful for the chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for the series. While editing the footage afterwards can sometimes take away from that initial energy, I believe that there's something special about experiencing these events in real-time.
Now, let's shift gears and talk about some of the tech news that has been happening recently. One particular announcement caught my attention: Amazon has released a new book on its website, and I just received it myself! The book offers a unique perspective on business and how other companies can help individuals navigate online marketplaces. As someone who's interested in exploring these topics further, I think this resource is definitely worth checking out.
In addition to the book, there have been some exciting developments in the world of drones. Amazon has announced its intentions to integrate drones into its delivery network, which I believe has the potential to be transformative for the way we approach logistics and shipping. For those who are interested in exploring this topic further, I'll be discussing my thoughts on drones and how they might impact our daily lives.
Finally, I want to mention that there's a new book available from Amazon, but I'm not sure what it says.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello world or should I say hello galaxy you've tuned in for another live edition of the Lockergnome daily report or TL DR for short it comes in three parts most of it is tech talk driven by you when you ask me questions today's open question which is free for everybody to hear uh which is the proper order to watch all of the Star Wars movies I'm going to lay that out for you today but not before telling you that the second and third part of TL DR as we do every single weekday is packed with Tech Talk and ama where i answer tech questions and then covering the tech news is i see tech news that i believe deserves a little more attention and a few layers of my insight maybe not analysis analysis sounds so professional and it just seems that I am NOT ah so I'm not a professional Star Wars fan either I'm just a star wars fan period end of story the more common question that I'm getting asked right now and actually this has been the same pretty much throughout time especially you know with the newer Star Wars releases what is the proper order what order should i watch the Star Wars movies and now you know if you've been following me for any degree of time that I've already answered the question a million times over okay maybe a million is a bit of an exaggeration but certainly more than once I've done dedicated videos on this question so this is going to be a repeat for many of you uh still my response is whatever I'm going to say it the proper order is in whatever way that you want to watch it I i really ask that's what I feel there's no right way there's no wrong way I'm going to say it man if you don't even want to watch the prequels fine that's okay I'm okay with that quite okay in fact there's really not anything that would make me consider that you know saying that you shouldn't watch the prequels is anywhere near the right answer for me I have watched the prequels as you very well know and of course the original trilogy and now the new series of films to boot so the way that I would do it if that's what you're curious about me it's more than likely going to be four Jedi when she watches the film's four five six that is a new hope which originally was entitled at the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi then the new trilogy because I think that by the times jet by the time Jedi is aware of what's going on episode eight may very well be out possibly even nine as the star wars stories continue because there's a separation between the episodic content of the Star Wars movies in other star wars movies there is episode 7 which just released that's kind of the force awakens and the next year as of right now they're going to be releasing another new star wars film that is outside of the episodic content it's going to be a Star Wars story rogue one so in my estimation if rogue one is released by the time Jedi's aware of what's going on let's face it she'll be three years old by the time rogue one is out I don't think she's going to be aware of what's going on yet I would be inclined to insert Star Wars stories and so my feeling is it will be rogue one four five six seven eight and then however and then last but not least or maybe least for some of you the prequels the prequels are just kind of like this very very distant thing that is going to continue to get shoved into the distance it's still part of cannon and I do believe that if you ignore the prequels you're ignoring them at your own peril and you're ignoring the larger ball of Star Wars content um I don't know if they're ever going to get redone I don't think they're ever going to be stricken from canon there's just too much that's involved but I believe they're going to be minimized over time still there's a lot of stuff that happens that you probably want to be aware of so my response to the best order my best order is going to continue to build it's going to continue to change as more new Star Wars movies are produced so that's my feeling I will also do this I would include a Star Wars rebels the cartoon series and the Clone Wars so my feeling may very well be to begin with rogue one which you know this is not a spoiler is going to be centered around the idea of the original Death Star plans being stolen that's the mission inn in Row one which would leave then into episode four then five and six now in it and then so on with the episodic content the cartoons I believe could play very well before the prequels not just the Clone Wars but also the clone wars and rebels the rebels cartoon series i think could play very well especially for kids but even as adults III or I know many adults who like the cartoons as well so that's my feeling now machete order is this order that seemed not the first order uh the machete order seems to be more popular like what order should i watch the Star Wars movies and you already have my response hey there's no wrong way to do it in my opinion um and be I don't know if I necessarily think the machete order is right because by and large it suggests that you can skip episode 1 and I I don't no I think there are elements of episode one that I wish could be edited out I'm gonna tell you I really do believe that Disney could go back and re-edit the prequels and they can stand as better films I'm just going to say it I believe it should happen if anything deserves that special editions it's the prequels there I've said it I believe they can be salvaged in edit I do truly believe that and I think Disney should that's my opinion that's my opinion machete order takes the movies out of order that it suggests you do 45 and then 23 then six if I'm not mistaken that was the machete were by and large ignoring one which you know was a movie but it didn't really do much you know in terms of the story apart from the origins of Anakin Skywalker so uh you know as I said as time moves on I place the prequels further and further behind some people like them some people love them some people hate him uh you know I just I feel that there's a value in having seen them but still believe that the story that was trying to be told could have been told better uh I believe that but i'm not going to ignore them completely just going to kind of gonna kind of sideline them some people day this is like a dramatic you know people just sit on one side of the fence or the other like don't wait pretty close oh I hate the prequels like one side or the other and I'm kind of I'm ambivalent I don't I don't care what you choose to like I've laid out what it is that i would suggest for people as time goes on i would build more around the newer movies and the older movies not necessarily movies in between those being the prequels just because i just thought that the stories that were told just more told as well as they could have been and truly believe that edit could save them you could go by the machete order i wouldn't necessarily recommend it it needs to be updated dramatically now and you'll you'll probably find out like how am i playing order our guest you know my viewing order suggestions changes over time as Jedi's introduced to the world of Star Wars you know beyond what she's been introduced to to this stage which has largely been toys & shirts and in designs and what have you she knows Vader she can recognize Vader Rob Madden says critics choice awards has added the force awakens to the best picture nominee well that doesn't surprise me doesn't surprise me at all um you know you know in terms of better context because we've got now a growing galaxy of Star Wars stories that it just it's going to change over time you might remember that with the vlogs a few years ago with Diana watching star wars for the first time I think that was titled how to create a star wars party and I do believe that's how Kim became a fan of our community how she started following me was she found that that video how to do a star wars party was that right Kim I could be in could be completely incorrect um but we watch what what I did with Diana was we mean we didn't have a lot of time to watch the cartoon series necessarily but we did four five six and then one two three that's that's how I decided to do it with her I did not want to start with the prequels in no Galaxy would I recommend starting with the prequels none whatsoever I just don't think they tell the stories as well as they could have uh if I had the ability to edit video I would readded the prequels myself I'm just gonna say it yeah I mean I but then again you know I there there's certain elements in every film that you know I would have done differently everything you know you can there's no such thing as a perfect perfect is elusive there's no perfect order there's never going to be a perfect order watch him in the order you think that you should you know um you know if you want to mirror my experiences I've had different experiences you know I'm going to continue to have different experiences meaning that this answer could very well change five years from now you'll just stay tuned to the blogs to see how Jedi is introduced I'll see what she likes more it's probably going to be the cartoons and if it is the cartoons I'll probably start with the Clone Wars then rebels then four five six seven or the Star Wars stories interspersed where they might have value in that general arc but the prequels are likely always going to be last likely and I think will continue to be for me I just assume recommend the cartoon series and the prequels and that's not me seeing same a prequel hater at all i gotta i gotta clarify that some people say no it's okay to say you're a prequel later no i don't know because it makes people who do like the prequels you get defensive I'm like it dude if you like the movie you like the movie one thing I can tell you around the release of the new movie is I've got some critical reading if you have seen the force awakens and you know maybe you have maybe haven't um i would recommend getting this book it's a very thin book very very visual it is the visual dictionary for the force awakens I believe this is not just a supplemental reading i think it's it's critical reading it's it's it's essential it I would say don't read it until after the movie necessarily I there of course going to be a fair amount of spoilers in here but what's kind of neat about the book that number one it's very well laid out it's very visual number two it gives you context for position of the planets names of the planets so you have an idea of like this was here that was here gives you a breakdown of how certain things work there's a bb8 or cross section of bb-8 po back stories and like i said there's not a lot of reading in here it's very it is a visual dictionary it's very very very very very visual and i like i said i think it's it's extremely valuable it gave me a fair amount of insight in terms of some of the characters and the back stories of the characters you know all the way down to things that I you know almost missed the first time I saw the movie so if you want a you know solid supplemental reading and you don't you're not much of a reader your visual learner like myself I would recommend the visual dictionary very very thin available right now um and i would say critical to understanding certain points that happen in the film because uh there's I when I first saw the movie before i picked up the visual dictionary i thought of one planet was a completely different planet I was like oh weird okay well I guess it doesn't matter what the planets name was but it's just nice to them if only for Canon so very quick very light reading um very enjoyable very visual and very useful I would also possibly even recommend a visual dictionaries for the other movies just to get back story you know more context more understanding of what you're seeing play out and you know if you're you know a lot like me and you're not necessarily you know one who wants to read everything and you're a visual person recommend it so you know the movies are great on on their own with some of them better than others in my opinion this is my opinion it's not fact there is no such thing as fact this is the best way to do something it's always going to be relative but I do believe that Thun to enhance your enjoyment of the star wars and the galaxy and everything you do need to pick up supplemental material and it's not that challenging that's canon it's fun and it only enhanced your enjoyment of the movies movies just they don't stay it's not just about movies anymore this is what hurts me when people say no star wars just a movie no it's not no it's not no it's not it is officially a lifestyle for everybody and uh you know it you don't just stop at the movies yeah you can go on and on and learn more and enjoy more and like I said I I just being I'd be inclined to recommend the newer canon cartoons and comics more so than I would a certain movies in the Star Wars universe which I've already talked about and that's not me hating we have a question Kim apparently tweeted something I don't know a Windows technical support oh that sucks what oh you got a call oh boy all right time to shift gears I guess we got to talk about tech I do that with the patrons and I'm happy to do so you can become a patron head over to chris pirillo com for more information as a matter of fact I am going to find something to set this down upon if I have any other boxes in here i don't know if i come here we go got a box found a box across the room this is a present from my brother Adam is an amazing battlefront player if you were not watching the live video stream it live pirillo com last night he does way better than my brother Ben and I uh I bet I think that's better than I do but it's been a lot of fun to play star wars battlefront with my brothers and streaming on twitch again live dot perler com redirects there that's where the chat room is the the chat room is live pirillo com it just it redirects you um so some of the tech questions that we have on on tab are certainly in relation to some of the news that has been released this week and that's something that I hope to cover here in just a few minutes I really enjoyed doing these things live if only because going back and editing them sometimes takes out that magic you know there's certain a certain amount of energy that I have when I do something live that I don't really have when I'm doing it I know I'm doing it for a recording I just I self at it and some things just they come out not as well as I'd like them to come out but I can't take them back you know when certain things happen to happen live I can't tap lengths unfortunately a right now and be when the chat room is sitting there on the computer screen behind me I can tell you that much right now um you know there really hasn't been much that that's happened this week with the with Christmas being happy happening Christmas being happening what was that you saying about live video a few minutes ago uh there it's usually a slow news week but I definitely want to dive in a little deeper in terms of my thoughts on registering drones you've likely already heard my thoughts on drones in general and i also want to talk a bit more about amazon i got this one this book on amazon it arrived today i've already flipped through it you know briefly but amazon is doing something that i think could be very transformative in terms of how it approaches business and how other businesses you know are able to help you as the person who wants to use those businesses online so big news from amazon big news about drones that I hope you're paying attention to if you have a drone or thinking about getting a drone I'm going to dive into that a little deeper and cover of the bits of tech news right now for the patrons you can become a patron at chris pirillo com yes Liz from amazon did anybody else catch what else she wrote because i totally missed it no context book from amazon there you go that's the answer okay time to talk tech here we go today's free podcast highlight was brought to you by all of my active patrons from chris pirillo com if you want access to the full TL DR episodes both audio video past present and future which can be up to an hour long or longer with even more tech insight from me every weekday plus other bonus content without ads and support me at the same time you can sign up to become one of my super noemi's to this is just a brief taste of what i'm producing for you daily again get more through chris pirillo com from amazon what the hell is at mehello world or should I say hello galaxy you've tuned in for another live edition of the Lockergnome daily report or TL DR for short it comes in three parts most of it is tech talk driven by you when you ask me questions today's open question which is free for everybody to hear uh which is the proper order to watch all of the Star Wars movies I'm going to lay that out for you today but not before telling you that the second and third part of TL DR as we do every single weekday is packed with Tech Talk and ama where i answer tech questions and then covering the tech news is i see tech news that i believe deserves a little more attention and a few layers of my insight maybe not analysis analysis sounds so professional and it just seems that I am NOT ah so I'm not a professional Star Wars fan either I'm just a star wars fan period end of story the more common question that I'm getting asked right now and actually this has been the same pretty much throughout time especially you know with the newer Star Wars releases what is the proper order what order should i watch the Star Wars movies and now you know if you've been following me for any degree of time that I've already answered the question a million times over okay maybe a million is a bit of an exaggeration but certainly more than once I've done dedicated videos on this question so this is going to be a repeat for many of you uh still my response is whatever I'm going to say it the proper order is in whatever way that you want to watch it I i really ask that's what I feel there's no right way there's no wrong way I'm going to say it man if you don't even want to watch the prequels fine that's okay I'm okay with that quite okay in fact there's really not anything that would make me consider that you know saying that you shouldn't watch the prequels is anywhere near the right answer for me I have watched the prequels as you very well know and of course the original trilogy and now the new series of films to boot so the way that I would do it if that's what you're curious about me it's more than likely going to be four Jedi when she watches the film's four five six that is a new hope which originally was entitled at the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi then the new trilogy because I think that by the times jet by the time Jedi is aware of what's going on episode eight may very well be out possibly even nine as the star wars stories continue because there's a separation between the episodic content of the Star Wars movies in other star wars movies there is episode 7 which just released that's kind of the force awakens and the next year as of right now they're going to be releasing another new star wars film that is outside of the episodic content it's going to be a Star Wars story rogue one so in my estimation if rogue one is released by the time Jedi's aware of what's going on let's face it she'll be three years old by the time rogue one is out I don't think she's going to be aware of what's going on yet I would be inclined to insert Star Wars stories and so my feeling is it will be rogue one four five six seven eight and then however and then last but not least or maybe least for some of you the prequels the prequels are just kind of like this very very distant thing that is going to continue to get shoved into the distance it's still part of cannon and I do believe that if you ignore the prequels you're ignoring them at your own peril and you're ignoring the larger ball of Star Wars content um I don't know if they're ever going to get redone I don't think they're ever going to be stricken from canon there's just too much that's involved but I believe they're going to be minimized over time still there's a lot of stuff that happens that you probably want to be aware of so my response to the best order my best order is going to continue to build it's going to continue to change as more new Star Wars movies are produced so that's my feeling I will also do this I would include a Star Wars rebels the cartoon series and the Clone Wars so my feeling may very well be to begin with rogue one which you know this is not a spoiler is going to be centered around the idea of the original Death Star plans being stolen that's the mission inn in Row one which would leave then into episode four then five and six now in it and then so on with the episodic content the cartoons I believe could play very well before the prequels not just the Clone Wars but also the clone wars and rebels the rebels cartoon series i think could play very well especially for kids but even as adults III or I know many adults who like the cartoons as well so that's my feeling now machete order is this order that seemed not the first order uh the machete order seems to be more popular like what order should i watch the Star Wars movies and you already have my response hey there's no wrong way to do it in my opinion um and be I don't know if I necessarily think the machete order is right because by and large it suggests that you can skip episode 1 and I I don't no I think there are elements of episode one that I wish could be edited out I'm gonna tell you I really do believe that Disney could go back and re-edit the prequels and they can stand as better films I'm just going to say it I believe it should happen if anything deserves that special editions it's the prequels there I've said it I believe they can be salvaged in edit I do truly believe that and I think Disney should that's my opinion that's my opinion machete order takes the movies out of order that it suggests you do 45 and then 23 then six if I'm not mistaken that was the machete were by and large ignoring one which you know was a movie but it didn't really do much you know in terms of the story apart from the origins of Anakin Skywalker so uh you know as I said as time moves on I place the prequels further and further behind some people like them some people love them some people hate him uh you know I just I feel that there's a value in having seen them but still believe that the story that was trying to be told could have been told better uh I believe that but i'm not going to ignore them completely just going to kind of gonna kind of sideline them some people day this is like a dramatic you know people just sit on one side of the fence or the other like don't wait pretty close oh I hate the prequels like one side or the other and I'm kind of I'm ambivalent I don't I don't care what you choose to like I've laid out what it is that i would suggest for people as time goes on i would build more around the newer movies and the older movies not necessarily movies in between those being the prequels just because i just thought that the stories that were told just more told as well as they could have been and truly believe that edit could save them you could go by the machete order i wouldn't necessarily recommend it it needs to be updated dramatically now and you'll you'll probably find out like how am i playing order our guest you know my viewing order suggestions changes over time as Jedi's introduced to the world of Star Wars you know beyond what she's been introduced to to this stage which has largely been toys & shirts and in designs and what have you she knows Vader she can recognize Vader Rob Madden says critics choice awards has added the force awakens to the best picture nominee well that doesn't surprise me doesn't surprise me at all um you know you know in terms of better context because we've got now a growing galaxy of Star Wars stories that it just it's going to change over time you might remember that with the vlogs a few years ago with Diana watching star wars for the first time I think that was titled how to create a star wars party and I do believe that's how Kim became a fan of our community how she started following me was she found that that video how to do a star wars party was that right Kim I could be in could be completely incorrect um but we watch what what I did with Diana was we mean we didn't have a lot of time to watch the cartoon series necessarily but we did four five six and then one two three that's that's how I decided to do it with her I did not want to start with the prequels in no Galaxy would I recommend starting with the prequels none whatsoever I just don't think they tell the stories as well as they could have uh if I had the ability to edit video I would readded the prequels myself I'm just gonna say it yeah I mean I but then again you know I there there's certain elements in every film that you know I would have done differently everything you know you can there's no such thing as a perfect perfect is elusive there's no perfect order there's never going to be a perfect order watch him in the order you think that you should you know um you know if you want to mirror my experiences I've had different experiences you know I'm going to continue to have different experiences meaning that this answer could very well change five years from now you'll just stay tuned to the blogs to see how Jedi is introduced I'll see what she likes more it's probably going to be the cartoons and if it is the cartoons I'll probably start with the Clone Wars then rebels then four five six seven or the Star Wars stories interspersed where they might have value in that general arc but the prequels are likely always going to be last likely and I think will continue to be for me I just assume recommend the cartoon series and the prequels and that's not me seeing same a prequel hater at all i gotta i gotta clarify that some people say no it's okay to say you're a prequel later no i don't know because it makes people who do like the prequels you get defensive I'm like it dude if you like the movie you like the movie one thing I can tell you around the release of the new movie is I've got some critical reading if you have seen the force awakens and you know maybe you have maybe haven't um i would recommend getting this book it's a very thin book very very visual it is the visual dictionary for the force awakens I believe this is not just a supplemental reading i think it's it's critical reading it's it's it's essential it I would say don't read it until after the movie necessarily I there of course going to be a fair amount of spoilers in here but what's kind of neat about the book that number one it's very well laid out it's very visual number two it gives you context for position of the planets names of the planets so you have an idea of like this was here that was here gives you a breakdown of how certain things work there's a bb8 or cross section of bb-8 po back stories and like i said there's not a lot of reading in here it's very it is a visual dictionary it's very very very very very visual and i like i said i think it's it's extremely valuable it gave me a fair amount of insight in terms of some of the characters and the back stories of the characters you know all the way down to things that I you know almost missed the first time I saw the movie so if you want a you know solid supplemental reading and you don't you're not much of a reader your visual learner like myself I would recommend the visual dictionary very very thin available right now um and i would say critical to understanding certain points that happen in the film because uh there's I when I first saw the movie before i picked up the visual dictionary i thought of one planet was a completely different planet I was like oh weird okay well I guess it doesn't matter what the planets name was but it's just nice to them if only for Canon so very quick very light reading um very enjoyable very visual and very useful I would also possibly even recommend a visual dictionaries for the other movies just to get back story you know more context more understanding of what you're seeing play out and you know if you're you know a lot like me and you're not necessarily you know one who wants to read everything and you're a visual person recommend it so you know the movies are great on on their own with some of them better than others in my opinion this is my opinion it's not fact there is no such thing as fact this is the best way to do something it's always going to be relative but I do believe that Thun to enhance your enjoyment of the star wars and the galaxy and everything you do need to pick up supplemental material and it's not that challenging that's canon it's fun and it only enhanced your enjoyment of the movies movies just they don't stay it's not just about movies anymore this is what hurts me when people say no star wars just a movie no it's not no it's not no it's not it is officially a lifestyle for everybody and uh you know it you don't just stop at the movies yeah you can go on and on and learn more and enjoy more and like I said I I just being I'd be inclined to recommend the newer canon cartoons and comics more so than I would a certain movies in the Star Wars universe which I've already talked about and that's not me hating we have a question Kim apparently tweeted something I don't know a Windows technical support oh that sucks what oh you got a call oh boy all right time to shift gears I guess we got to talk about tech I do that with the patrons and I'm happy to do so you can become a patron head over to chris pirillo com for more information as a matter of fact I am going to find something to set this down upon if I have any other boxes in here i don't know if i come here we go got a box found a box across the room this is a present from my brother Adam is an amazing battlefront player if you were not watching the live video stream it live pirillo com last night he does way better than my brother Ben and I uh I bet I think that's better than I do but it's been a lot of fun to play star wars battlefront with my brothers and streaming on twitch again live dot perler com redirects there that's where the chat room is the the chat room is live pirillo com it just it redirects you um so some of the tech questions that we have on on tab are certainly in relation to some of the news that has been released this week and that's something that I hope to cover here in just a few minutes I really enjoyed doing these things live if only because going back and editing them sometimes takes out that magic you know there's certain a certain amount of energy that I have when I do something live that I don't really have when I'm doing it I know I'm doing it for a recording I just I self at it and some things just they come out not as well as I'd like them to come out but I can't take them back you know when certain things happen to happen live I can't tap lengths unfortunately a right now and be when the chat room is sitting there on the computer screen behind me I can tell you that much right now um you know there really hasn't been much that that's happened this week with the with Christmas being happy happening Christmas being happening what was that you saying about live video a few minutes ago uh there it's usually a slow news week but I definitely want to dive in a little deeper in terms of my thoughts on registering drones you've likely already heard my thoughts on drones in general and i also want to talk a bit more about amazon i got this one this book on amazon it arrived today i've already flipped through it you know briefly but amazon is doing something that i think could be very transformative in terms of how it approaches business and how other businesses you know are able to help you as the person who wants to use those businesses online so big news from amazon big news about drones that I hope you're paying attention to if you have a drone or thinking about getting a drone I'm going to dive into that a little deeper and cover of the bits of tech news right now for the patrons you can become a patron at chris pirillo com yes Liz from amazon did anybody else catch what else she wrote because i totally missed it no context book from amazon there you go that's the answer okay time to talk tech here we go today's free podcast highlight was brought to you by all of my active patrons from chris pirillo com if you want access to the full TL DR episodes both audio video past present and future which can be up to an hour long or longer with even more tech insight from me every weekday plus other bonus content without ads and support me at the same time you can sign up to become one of my super noemi's to this is just a brief taste of what i'm producing for you daily again get more through chris pirillo com from amazon what the hell is at me\n"