**The Joy of Making DIY Stamps**
Taking notes has never been so much fun! We're making DIY stamps to add some color and personality to our studies. It all starts with a piece of foam paper, which we cut out into a shape of our choice. I went for a triangle, but you can choose any shape that you like. Once we have our shape, we need to apply some hot glue on top of the lid of a bottle. This will help us stick our stamp onto the paper later.
Now it's time to add some color to our stamps. We can use markers, highlighters, or even acrylic paint to make them stand out. I colored mine pink and green to give it a fun touch. Pressing the stamp on the paper gives us a perfect print every time! I also made a heart shape, which I colored with a pink highlighter. Pressing it on one of my notebook pages gave me a beautiful heart print.
**The Power of Visual Learning**
Taking notes has never been so colorful and fun! We're using stamps to highlight important sections or mark parts that we still need to learn. Visualizing notes with pictures and colors will help us with learning and memorizing, plus it's just plain fun. I love writing titles on my notes with sharpies and other marker pens because they come in so many beautiful colors.
However, one thing I really hate is how the ink bleeds through notebook pages! Like look at that... so annoying! But don't throw your sharpies away just yet, because I've got a solution! Take any color of nail polish and apply some to your notebook page. Leave it to dry and then you can choose any sharpie or permanent marker of your choice and write your titles or whatever you like on top. The nail polish is working like a barrier between the ink and the notebook paper, so we have no bleeding through the page whatsoever!
**Adding Glitter for Extra Fun**
With this hack you can use all your sharpies and markers, make beautiful headings and drawings with no mess at all. I started with a layer of pink nail polish and topped it with some chunky silver glitter polish. The point is to make our notes as interesting and visually appealing as possible. It will help us tons with learning and remembering lessons.
**Life Hacks for School**
But did you know that you can actually use a whiteboard marker and write down all your appointments and tasks on a mirror? Before going to bed, put down a to do list on your bathroom mirror. The next morning while brushing your teeth, you can go through all the tasks and plan your day accordingly. This is a great multitasking trick that will help you stay organized and super productive.
**Finding Peace in the Chaos**
Both school and life in general can sometimes be hard, demanding, and complicated. But why not making our days simpler and more colorful? We just need some smart hacks and tricks. Hope these life hacks will make your school days a bit easier and more fun. Don't forget to thumbs up the video if you liked it and tell me in the comments what is your favorite school subject and why.
**The Power of Creativity**
School can be quite stressful and nerve-wracking, but remember just as there is a key to every lock, there is a solution to every problem. Be creative, open-minded, and you'll find it sooner than you think!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enToday I'll show you 12 amazing back to school life hacks that will leave you speechlessplus they will make surviving school daysway easier, I promise!Hey guys! I think we can all agree that school can be pretty difficult sometimes.But don't worry because I prepared a bunchof hacks and tricks to get youthrough the school days like this. Come on!What should I have for school lunch?Bagels!Yeah!For today's homework I want you to read thechapters from two to five and also answerthe questions at the end of each chapter.Thank you!Finally lunch time!Who agrees that lunch break is the best partof a school day?Sadly no matter how hard we try to prepareourselves a delicious meal, sometimes thingsjust don't go as planned and this happens.Let's rewind to earlier that morning and makesome better decisions.Instead of storing your yummy bagel in a usuallunch box, use an old CD container!I know this sounds pretty crazy but look howperfectly the bagel fits in.Now you can throw your school lunch in thebackpack and the bagel will remain completelyintact! Yum, yum!Make sure to prepare a light and healthy lunchfor yourself every day.If you're going for a bagel don't forget toadd lots of fresh veggies like tomatoes, lettuceand avocado.Such nutritious lunch will fill you up plusgive you energy for all the fun school adventuresand activities!Highlighting the important facts helps a lotwith studying.But sometimes we make a mistake and highlightstuff we didn't mean to.Well no problem, here's a totally magicalhack to save you!Grab a lemon and cut it in half.Next take a q-tip and soak it in some lemonjuice.Now we can simply run that q-tip over thehighlighter that we want to erase and thehighlighter is disappearing like magic!How insanely awesome is this life hack, right?I honestly can't believe my eyes because thistrick is just too cool.Like you can literally erase the highlighterwith a bit of a lemon juice!And what I love is that the lemon will notruin the pen writing nor the notebook paper,it only wipes away the highlighter color likemagic.It is always so tempting to work on bed orcouch whether you're studying, writing assignmentsor a homework.However after a while the back starts hurting,neck starts aching, basically the entire bodyis in pain.I've been there so many times!If you are using your PC but also need tolook at your notebook or worksheet at thesame time, a great life hack is to use a clotheshanger.Take the type of a hanger that has two clipslike this one.Clip one side of the hanger to your PC's screen.On the other side you can clip a papersheet,a notebook or a textbook.Now you won't need to constantly bend down,which causes the annoying neck and back aches.You can keep a good posture while you readfrom the textbook and type on your PC.This hack is super helpful even if you aresitting behind your desk to work.Although I must admit that I am mostly workingfrom my bed or couch - it just feels so cozy!Let me know if you guys do that too.Triangle, it's called triangle.I'm so sleepy.I really need something sweet.Maybe if I do it really really carefully,no one will notice.It is square.What about when we have five sides?When we have five sides it is called pentagon.So when we have a triangle, we have threesides.When we have a square, we have four... detention!Well that's awkward!But no worries you can still enjoy your yummylollipop during class, we just have to doit in a bit more... or a lot more sneaky way.Cook up your lollipop mixture by combiningthree and a half parts of sugar, one and ahalf part of corn syrup and one part of water.Optionally add a drop or two of food coloringand wait for the mixture to reach 150 degreeCelsius or 300 Fahrenheit.Pour it into the lid of an eos and wait untilit cools down completely.Pop the bottom eos part on and you are readyto enjoy your lollipop!Store it in your pencil case to have it alwayson hand when you need a little sugary pickme up during the class.Everyone will think it's just a usual lipbalm, while you'll be snacking on a deliciouslollipop.What a fun way to prank your teacher and schoolmatesand nonetheless an epic life hack, which willkeep you awake and energized during lessons.I love the eos lollipop so much because ifyou don't want to eat the whole thing at once,you can simply put the lid on and save itfor later.So convenient!Why settle for the boring metal stapler pinswhen we can make them fun and colorful!All we need are some stapler pins and a nailpolish of your choice.Apply a layer or two of nail polish over theentire top surface of the pin refill.For this one I chose glittery pink polishbecause I want some glam pins.When the nail polish dries you can pop itin the stapler as you usually would and voila!Instead of the usual metal pins we have beautifulglittery pink ones.So pretty right!I think this life hack is so cool and youcan have a ton of fun trying all the differentnail polish colors!Here I have a gorgeous metallic silver.I love this hack because it is so inexpensiveand it makes studying way more exciting!It's little hacks like that make me so happy.I mean look at me there trying all the existingnail polish colors.Also love how unique and creative this lifehack is.I am sure all your school mates will wantto know where you got such epic colorful staplerpins, because I've never seen something likeit in a store!But even if you could buy them they wouldnever be as cool as the ones you make yourself!Ugh, how is it so late?!Every second is precious when getting readyin the morning.And let's not even discuss the fact that themore you are in a hurry, the more difficultit is to draw a nice cat eye.Whatever!Hi! Don't ask!Well I have an amazing hack that will helpyou make the perfect cat line in no time.Take a pencil.I know it sounds strange but trust me on thisone.Pull the eraser off the pencil and grab anexacto knife.Cut off a small piece like I'm doing here.Rotate the eraser and snip away another pieceso that you're left with a little triangleshape on top.This looks perfect!Place it on the pencil again and we have theperfect tool for our cat eye liner!Dip the triangle shaped eraser in a gel eyelinerpot to pick up some product.Now stamp the cat line on the outer cornerof your eyes.So quick and easy!Time to repeat the steps on the other eyeas well.Pick up some product and just like using astamp make a print on the eyelid.You can also use your liquid eyeliner to colorthe eraser.This hack works so well and makes it so easyto get nice symmetrical cat lines on both eyes!I love cat eye makeup but hate how difficultit is to draw.It always turns out asymmetrical and everythingjust gets way worse when I'm in a hurry.So happy that with this life hack I can achievethe perfect cat eyes with a blink of an eye!Who's ready for a magical color changing rainbowmarker hack?!Check out how the color goes from blue togreen and yellow.Wow so exciting and satisfying!Take three marker colors – I chose yellow,orange and red.Start by pressing together the tips of orangeand yellow markers.Now switch the orange marker with the redone and repeat the step.You can add even more colors but for me threeare enough so let's check out how the marker works!This is so amazing!We get a gorgeous colorful gradient that issimply magical!Two big thumbs up for this amazing life hack!I love how it works with any kind of markeror highlighter.Here I went for orange, yellow and pink highlighters.This hack is also temporary which I honestlylike a lot.After you write a colorful title the pinkand orange ink will get washed away and you'llbe left with your original yellow highlighter.So don't worry – this trick will not damageor ruin your markers at all!Studies have shown that listening to musicwhile studying can be beneficial as it improvesattention and memory as well as helps lessendepression and anxiety.However if you try to listen to music duringthe class, things usually don't end up wellonce you get caught.… you have to eat plenty of are..Are you listening to music in my class?!Relax, you can still listen to your favoritesongs in class using this simple trick.Plug the headphones in your phone.Instead of placing the earphone directly inyour ears as you usualy would, let's makea little twist.Lead the earphones together with the cableunder your shirt and along one of the sleeves.Pull one of the earphones out from the sleeveand you're ready to listen to music withoutanyone noticing.You do need to wear long sleeves for thishack to work and you can only listen to musicon one ear.But hey it's better than nothing!Also I think it's a good thing that you haveyour other ear free so you can listen to yourteacher.With this trick you can safely listen to yourfavorite tracks and no one will ever notice.Next I want to share with you a super cuteDIY life hack that will make your notes pretty,colorful and so much fun!We're making DIY stamps!Take a piece of a foamy paper and cut outa shape of your choice.Here I went for a triangle.Now grab a bottle of water and take a sip.No that's actually not necessary.Just take the lid and apply some hot glueon top.Place on the foam triangle or any other shapeand the DIY stamp is ready to use!To add color you can use markers, highlightersor even acrylic paint.Press the stamp on the paper and you get aperfect triangle print!I also made a heart shape, which I coloredwith a pink highlighter.Press it on one of the notebook pages andtada – the perfect heart!Yes I got addicted and had to make a starshape as well.For this one I chose green color.See how pretty they look!Taking notes has never been so fun and exciting!You can use stamps to highlight sections thatare more important or mark parts that youstill need to learn!Visualizing notes with pictures and colorswill help you with learning and memorizing,plus you'll have a lot of fun along the way.Oh my gosh look at this – so funny!Yeah...No way, this is insane!Mhm...I can't believe how some people do that.I would never be able to do it.Can you imagine?It's so high up and they just jump.I would literally not be able to move.What? You got to see this!We probably all have that annoying friendor sibling that just won't shut up even thoughwe're trying to study, read or just don'tfeel like talking.If you want some peace and quiet or time foryourself a great hack is to simply wear headphones.You don't even have to listen to music oranything.Simply put the cable end into the pocket likeme.This hack works wonders at home, in schooland even on the buses or airplanes.People are way less likely to bother you andtry to talk to you if you're wearing headphones.So next time you need some peace, but peoplekeep talking to you A – tell them directlyto stop talking or B – remember this awesomelife hack!Sharpies and other marker pens come in somany beautiful colors so I like to use themfor titles to make the notes colorful andpretty.However the thing I really hate is how theink bleeds through notebook pages!Like look at that... so annoying!But don't throw your sharpies away just yet,because I've got a solution!Take any color of nail polish.This time I chose yellow.Apply some of that nail polish on your notebookpage and leave it to dry.Now you can choose any sharpie or permanentmarker of your choice and write your titlesor whatever you like on top!The nail polish is working like a barrierbetween the ink and the notebook paper.As a result we have no bleeding through thepage whatsoever!How cool!With this hack you can use all your sharpiesand markers, make beautiful headings and drawingswith no mess at all.You can even go all out like me here and addglitter.I started with a layer of pink nail polishand topped it with some chunky silver glitter polish.The point is to make your notes as interestingand visually appealing as possible.It will help you tons with learning and rememberinglessons.On top of that it will make the process ofmaking notes super funI love writing to do lists to keep track ofall the tasks I have during the day.But did you know that you can actually usea whiteboard marker and write down all yourappointments and tasks on a mirror?Before going to bed put down a to do liston your bathroom mirror.The next morning while brushing your teeth youcan go through all the tasks and plan yourday accordingly.This is a great multitasking trick that willhelp you stay organized and super productive.When you are done with all the activitiesfor the day, simply wipe the to do list fromyour mirror and you are ready to write a newone for tomorrow!Both school and life in general can sometimesbe hard, demanding and complicated.So why not making our days simpler and morecolorful?All we need are some smart hacks and tricks.Hope these life hacks will make your schooldays a bit easier and more fun.Don't forget to thumbs up the video if youliked it and tell me in the commentswhat is your favorite school subject and why.Thank you so much for watching guys, I wishyou an amazing school year, I love you andI'll see you soon! Bye!School can be quite stressful and nerve wracking.But remember just as there is a key to everylock, there is a solution to every problem.Be creative, open minded and you'll find itsooner than you think!\n"