DIY $20 Retro iPhone 7

Hey guys what is up? It’s Keaton withTechSmartt. Today's video is going to be about the next iPhone. No, no, no, shut up retro Keaton. So I made a video on this $1,900 retro iPhone that legit looks like Apple made it, you can see how good it looks. It looks professionally done.

But a bunch of the comments on that video said “Keaton, bro you wasted $1,900. You could do it to any iPhone for just 20 bucks.” Let's save the money So yeah guys, this right here is how you're going to make any iPhone 7 or 7 plus into a retro looking iPhone. So totally honest here guys, I made this in like maybe five ten minutes on my max. You guys will probably do a way better job.

My handshakes a lot because I love caffeine so-great tray of caffeine, whoa we're good. Oh my god, this is so cool!! You keep that in mind! Honestly like they don't look that different. You can see there's a lot more lines on the skin version. The colors they’re - this is a little more yellow than this one but, I think they're pretty much think they’re exactly the same.

I like them. You don’t have that 3D kind of decal of an Apple logo that is its own piece, like that was the coolest part for me on the retro phone. It's like just being able to run your finger over that, like that's never going anywhere. That is its own piece on the phone, they legit painted the logo.

This I mean, it kind of gives you the same effect. this is 20 bucks, you got to keep that mind. You're saving money here. So Matt, I think Matt did a better job, you can see the buttons don't look that bad. I mean we tried our best okay we're not the best at installing these things that's just that's just us.

You guys will probably do way better. The top, look at the top! You guys see that grease in there? Like Matt has a little bit, but not like-not as bad. All right so Matt did a better job. I'm saying it now, you guys do the judge in the comments and if you do it right it should look pretty close to the retro phone.

Guys, let me know in the comments what you guys think looks better, the $20 one or the two thousand dollar one. I don't even think those look cool. I think the one that I made looks the coolest, it's got some imperfections on it and my mom says imperfect is cool. That's what she called me. So yeah guys that’s it for this video.

Your wallet is thanking me right now for saving you so much money. Thank you so much Abraham and Cheeseball for having my notifications on. If you guys want a notification shout out, turn on my YouTube notifications and let me know in the comments. Get subscribed if you’re new and tweet me @TechSmartt if you guys find any other weird gadgets or if you buy this thing.

And I'm gonna stay retro forever!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys what is up? It’s Keaton withTechSmartt. Today's video is going to beabout the next iPhone. No, no, no, shut upretro Keaton. So I made a video on this$1,900 retro iPhone that legit lookslike Apple made it, you can see how goodit looks. It looks professionally done.But a bunch of the comments on thatvideo said “Keaton, bro you wasted$1,900. You could do it to any iPhone for just 20 bucks.”Let's save the moneySo yeah guys, this right here is how you'regoing to make any iPhone 7 or 7 plusinto a retro looking iPhone. So totallyhonest here guys, I made this video onthis $1,900 retro iPhone last week. Youguys crushed it. Like I didn't evenexpect it to do this well. Thank you guysso much. This thing's awesome but itcosts $1,900, if you haven't seen thevideo just check it out right up there Imean honestly if you haven't seen it getsubscribed. Before we get into this videoand actually me showing you how to dothis to any iPhone you want for just 20bucks, if anyone knows how your boy canget $2,000 back, please just tweet me. I’mjust @TechSmartt, I would love to have my$2,000 back now that I know this exists.You probably saying to self Keaton, bro, howdo I actually do this? How do you save meeighteen hundred and eighty dollars? Igot you don't worry fam! This is actuallya skin it's not a case, and it's made bythis company called Slick Wraps. If you guyswant to check it out, link’s down below. Andbefore I go any further this video isnot sponsored. I picked these up justbecause you guys told me to and if I cansave you guys like two grand to get likea retro looking iPhone, I want to helpyou. We're going to be turning this blackor sorry this matte black iPhone 7plus into a retro phone. Legit we'returning the matte phone because you guysknow it came in a matte box legit itsays Color Ware on the back. We're goingto be essentially turning a plain oldphone like the one you see on the boxhere, into a retro. And we're saving somuch money! So what you guys get, dependingon which one you pick up, you're actuallygoing to get two skins and like amicrofiber cloth. This is actually kindof cool because on the actual retrophone there is no front skin, it's just ablack screen. I think it's honestly whatI'm feeling like I'm gonna do, I justwant to get a retro phone that looksexactly like this fortwenty dollars. Like anything extra isjust icing on the cake. So if you pick upthe iPhone 7 plus one it's obviouslygoing to look like an iPhone 7 plus skinpick up the iPhone 7 one, you got yourcamera cut out and all that fun jazz andwe can turn Mr. Gold Phone into a retrophone. So I got my boy Matt over here toactually help me install this, I don'treally guys know but I really lovecaffeine . And I don't have thesteadiest hands and I want the iPhone 7plus, like the actual legit one to look really good.He has the patience and the steady handsI'm going to try it out, your boy isgoing to try it out on the iPhone 7 here, andwe're going to see who does a better job.Here he is. The professional out in the wildeven stolen and all iPhone skin carefuldon't spook him. [I've got to be careful sowhat I'm going to do is sneak up on it,jam my thumb in its butt hole]. Superprofessional look at that placement, oi we’ve been spotted! The skin’s stuck on him. Just kidding, he’s pulling it off.I don’t know where my Australian accent went. Look at his patience- I’m so jealous. Look atthat placement of that skin. Just how nice it,is I don't know why I'm talking like aNew Yorker now! We did it! We did- nopeMatt did. Matt did. , I wascommentating on yours! You- I wanted tomake sure you did it right first route.How'd you take it off? Is it just asticker? All right here he goes! Littlechild. Hey dizzle in the hizzle.Oh baby a triple!That! I nailed that. Iactually got it. Hey maybe I'm not thechild.Oh the blow dryers for the phone. Oh mygosh I didn't know that. My first timeactually doing this. Oh wow, we’re not doingthe worst job today. Dude I'm doing a prettygood job right now, your boys got this.Keep cheering for your boy, he's gonna beMatter right here.Team Matt or Team Keaton, comment down belowright now. Better be on Team Keaton. I gotan air bubble in mind we're just goingto keep it because it makes the phoneeven cooler and more retro. Matt how areyou doing? I'm feeling good. Feeling realgood. Look at that! Look who's the captainnow. I- like all the holes are lining up.You gotta love that!Okay we did it! Let me know in thecomments right now if you guys thinkMatt or me did a better job. Just waitI'll show you. So this is the actualphone that we bought, the $2,000 retroiPhone. And this is a skin, keep in mindme and Matt probably spent maybe five tenminutes on this max. You guys willprobably do a way better job. My handshakes a lot because I love caffeine so-great tray of caffeine, whoa we're good.oh my god, this is so cool!!You keep that in mind! Honestly like theydon't look that different. You can seethere's a lot more lines on the skinversion. The colorsthey’re- this is a little more yellow thanthis one but, I think they're pretty muchthink they’re exactly the same. I like them. Youdon't have that 3D kind of decal of anApple logo that is its own piece, likethat was the coolest part for me on theretro phone. It's like just being able torun your finger over that, like that'snever going anywhere.That is its own piece on the phone, theylegit painted the logo. This I mean, itkind of gives you the same effect. this is 20bucks, you got to keep that mind.You're saving money here. So Matt, I thinkMatt did a better job, you can see thebuttonsdon't look that bad. I mean we tried ourbest okay we're not the best atinstalling the stuff. And then you gotyour boy Keaton’s phone over here, theiPhone 7. Like on the back, I think I dida better job than Matt here. At thebottom uh get’s a little rocky, just alittle. I mean we just suck at installingthese things that's just that's just us.You guys will probably do way better. Thetop, look at the top! You guys see thatgrease in there? Like Matt has a littlebit, but not like-not as bad.All right so Matt did a better job. I'msaying it now, you guys do the judge inthe comments and if you do it right itshould look pretty close to the retrophone. Guys, let me know in the commentswhat you guys think looks better, the $20 oneor the two thousand dollar one. I don'teven think those look cool. I think theone that I made looks the coolest, it'sgot some imperfections on it and my momsays imperfect is cool. That's what shecalled me. So yeah guys that’s it forthis video. Your wallet is thanking meright now for saving you so much money.Thank you so much Abraham and Cheeseballfor having my notifications on. If you guyswant a notification shout out, turn on myYouTube notifications and let me know inthe comments. Get subscribed if you’re new andtweet me @TechSmartt if you guys find any otherweird gadgets or if you buy this thing. AndI'm gonna stay retro forever! [Guys, I thinkI found Drake. Legit he drives somethinglike this that says OVO?]\n"