**The Age of My Phone: A Mixed Bag**
I've been running this every day for the last ten days, and I'm excited to share my experience with you. As you can see, I used almost 50% of the battery yesterday, only getting 2 hours and 23 minutes of screen on time, and 5 hours and 15 minutes of screen off time. That's not really that good, as I used to get 10 to 12 hours of screen on time and maybe five hours of screen off time.
**Battery Life: A Hit or Miss**
I've been noticing that the battery life is not great, but it may be a little bit better than what I see on my phone. Right now, it says I have 61% of my battery life left, and for today, it's 2 hours and 49 minutes. It's really hit or miss; I'm getting about 6 hours most of the time, maybe eight hours at best. Hopefully, this update will fix that issue.
**Storage: A Significant Issue**
My storage is not great either, using a huge amount of space. I'm using 60-80 gigabytes out of my phone's 256-gigabyte capacity. This is unusual, and I was hoping this update would fix that automatically. However, if you're experiencing similar issues, you can fix it by restoring on a computer. I really didn't want to do that, so I hope this update will take care of it.
**Performance: A Couple of Issues**
As for performance, I've noticed a couple of things. For example, when I was typing in a password or setting up my phone with the latest update, the keyboard would freeze quite a lot. It would also freeze when I went to music and then searched for an artist, capitalizing it a lot of times. This was really frustrating.
**Performance Continues**
The performance wasn't great, but maybe it was doing a lot of things in the background as well. As far as the camera and other features are concerned, it's fairly responsive. Scrolling seems to be okay so far; it's smooth. However, if you're experiencing issues with your phone, make sure to report them in the feedback section. New updates don't tend to slow down iPhones anymore; they seem to be pretty solid.
**Benchmark Scores: A Mixed Bag**
Let's take a look at the Geekbench scores for the different devices. On the left is the 2020 12.9-inch Pad Pro, and on the right are the first-generation iPhone SE and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. The scores are pretty decent this time around.
**Benchmark Scores Continue**
The scores are as follows: the 2020 12.9-inch Pad Pro scored 1338 for single-core and 3000 for multi-core, while the first-generation iPhone SE scored 387 for both single-core and multi-core. Unfortunately, the benchmark score for my phone only has two days, but that may be because the app had to be reinstalled at some point or maybe with the update.
That's it for iOS 14 beta; I'll expect another beta every couple of weeks until it's out. It might pick up in August to a weekly schedule as well. We may see iOS 13.6 beta 4 or a final release soon, but that's hard to say at this point.
**Bonus Content**
I recently had the iPhone 12 prototype units, and I'll link a video about those in the description below. If you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out. Also, I'll link my wallpaper in the description; feel free to get your hands on it. And if you've enjoyed this video, please give it a like. If you'd like to subscribe already, that's great! Thanks for watching; I'll see you next time.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTechand today Apple released iOS 14developer beta 2 this is available todevelopers only at this point and maybethe public beta will be out by the timeyou're watching this but you just don'tknow what Apple's going to do until theyrelease it so expect public beta 1either later today tomorrow or maybe alittle wait a week or two it's hard tosay what Apple's going to do with ithopefully it's out by the time you'rewatching this now this came in at eighthundred and thirty one point fivemegabytes on my iPhone 11 pro max and itwas similarly sized on all of thesedevices it's a pretty large update andI'm still having that storage bug I'lltalk about that in a moment now alongwith iOS 14 beta 2 apple also releasediPad OS 14 beta to Mac OS Big Sur betato watch OS 7 beta 2 TV OS 14 beta 2 andwhile home pod OS did not get updatediOS 14 beta 2 now allows you to selectdefault music apps for itso I actually am not at a place where myhome pod is but you'll see you canactually select default music apps onyour home pod let's take a look at thebuild number and then talk abouteverything new the build number is 18 afive-three-one 9i and the last buildnumber ended in V so we've come up quitea few the closer we get to the letter Athe closer we are to a finished productso that's quite a lot of progress in acouple weeks and there's quite a lot offixes in this particular update thefirst thing is there is a modem updateat least for the iPhone 11 Pro max theremay or may not be depending on whichdevice you have but I have one on thisdevice also there were 55 known issuesthat still exist according to applesnotes so just keep that in mind this isstill in early beta there's bound to bebugs but so far it's been pretty goodbut there's 43 resolved issues so one ofthe resolved issues is this weatherwidget should now show up properly basedon where you're located it was kind ofdefaulting back to Cupertino so they'veresolved that and also ar7that makes wallpapers that sometimes Iuse in these videos has said that thefaded wallpaper problem has beenresolved for him so I haven't seen thatissue myself but hopefully it's resolvedfor you now the first feature I wantedto talk about isn't really in the area Ilive but if you go into Mapsand you live in an area that hascongestion zones that charge tolls suchas maybe Paris or London those will nowpop up in maps also there will be alertsfor license-plate restriction zones ifyour country has that as wellso we don't have that at least where Ilive but if you're in a country thatdoes have that well that should beavailable in Apple maps for you to testout now reminders has been updated withthose emojis Apple talked about thiswith iOS 14 beta 1 but we never saw itand you can see we now have emoji herethat you can update so for family forexample if I want to go in and changethe name and appearance I can changethem to whatever I'd want change theactual color change it to an umbrellawhatever you'd like it to be you canchange it and then when you go back toyour lists you'll see the differentemoji so those have been updated now inthe control center the actual button forwhatever you're controlling has grown insize some people are seeing this somepeople are not but you'll see mine saysoffice favorites I can tap on this andsee my different lights for the room I'min and it's just gotten bigger somepeople are not seeing that there's alsoa new option for the control center soif we go into settings and then thecontrol center you'll see we now have anew show home controls options so thisis all new as well and if you don't wanthome controls we turn it off theydisappear in your control center turn iton and they're back so I like thatthey've added that option back and it'snice to have that now if you're using acamera within the home app there's a newoption so you'll see I have a camerasays circle view camera it's a Logitechhomekit camera I'm testing out and it'sactually open on another device so youcan't actually see this but if I go intothe camera and within the camera we nowhave an option for picture in picturenow the actual picture and pictureoption was there before as far asswiping up and it would give you alittle picture in picture but now wehave a physical button to make it dothat so after we hit the button it willshrink into a picture in whatever corneryou'd like and you can move it aroundnow within widgets there's a few newthings as well so if we go over to ourwidgets press and hold and a widget willscroll down and you'll see we now havefiles so we now have a new files widgetif we open this up you'll notice here aswell down at the bottom the coloractually matches the icon so if we goout of this maybe we go to Batteriesyou'll see the batterywidget icon down here to add a widgetnow matches now we also have an updateas well when it comes to the photos ofwidgets so if we go into photos we nowhave a larger size for photos as well soI just have it blurred out since it'sfamily but it's a larger photo size thatyou have for a widget option apples nowupdated the calendar app so it shows theabbreviation of the actual weekday soyou'll see here it says Tuesday or tueand on the old version with beta 1 ithas the full word written out so you'llsee here it's abbreviated in beta 2 it'sthe full word in beta 1 this couldchange of course in the future now withthe app library apple makes it superconvenient to find your apps andeverything else but one thing youcouldn't do before is if you added anapp specifically directly right into theapp library and not on one of yourscreens you couldn't delete it beforeand so if we go into productivity forexample wherever that is we'll go intoproductivity tap and hold on thecalendar you'll see it says delete appif I do the same thing on beta 1 it'snot going to let me delete it the sameway so we'll tap and hold and you'll seeit says add event to screen or to thehome screen or add an event you can'tdelete the app so if you added itdirectly to the list you can now deleteit like you should be able to from thestartnow there's a couple updates for musicone is a new option so if we go into oursettings and then scroll down until wefind music under music we now have anoption for motion and it says animatedcover art won't be displayed it'scurrently turned on we can have it onfor Wi-Fi only or have it turned offaltogether this just uses a little extradata so they're giving you that optionwithin the music app they've alsoupdated haptic feedback so that itresponds when you press play or maybeyou press next or back or fast forwardor rewind you press those buttons youget a little haptic feedback from thephone itself letting you know you'vepressed it it's a nice little touch it'sbeen updated it's very subtle but it isthere now within settings if we go tosettings and then our ID at the topyou'll see family sharing and familysharing has a new icon so it says familysharing and we have a new icon here it'sjust been updated with a little new looknow the iPad does not have a whole lotnew but theresomething new specific to the iPad andthat's under photos so if we go intophotos and then bring over our sidebarhere we now have a utilities sectionthat has imports hidden and recentlydeleted so that's actually been updatedand that wasn't there before it's just alittle addition to the sidebar and Iimagine we'll see more of these thingslater on with the iPad but the iPad getsall of the different updates that Imentioned already although some of thehaptic feedback won't be there there's acouple other little changes one of themhas to do with the health app so if wego into the health app we'll scroll downa little bit and there's a new articlefor hand-washing saying hand-washing canprotect your health now if you'rerunning watch OS 7 you'll have theoption for hand-washing if you have aseries for series 5 and you can go intothe article learn about this and alsoturn it on from the health app if it'snot already turned on so you have thatoption it's something I've already goton I'm not seeing the option but someare seeing that option now somethingelse that's very minor that's beenchanged is the clock icon you can seethe hands they're slightly bigger thanthey were before so if I bring in beta 1here let me bring it over and you cansee side-by-side that the clock handsare slightly different so they're alittle bit different on each clockthey're a little bit thicker on thenewer version it's a minor update andApple could change it back before it'sreleased to the public now one finalthing is the shortcuts app will nolonger open that shortcut files anymoreso I have a few shortcuts I've made Idid a video on this some time ago let'sdownload one it's from my website as youcan see we'll go to activity open it upand it says shortcuts cannot be openedimporting shortcuts as files is it notso currently supported please shareshortcuts using iCloud hopefully theybring this back it was working beforeand it's something that they definitelyneed to update but it could just be abug for now and then finally many peoplehave been complaining about using emailfor quite some time but one thing thatreally bugs me is I actually can'thighlight and then drag my finger todelete the email anymore this was truewith beta 1 they haven't fixed this somake sure to report it in feedback it'sdefinitely something I'd like to seebrought back you could use you used tobe able to just tapand then slide your finger down andselect all of them it was a really easyway to select a lot of email now that'sit for this particular update there maybe a few other things but I wanted totalk about performance we'll talk aboutbattery and take a look at some of theGeekbench scores now the first thing isthe battery battery life on iOS 14 beta1 was not fantastic for me so if we gointo the battery you'll see my batteryhealth is at 97% completely normal forthe age of the phone 80% after two yearsis normal and updates don't degrade thisthey just simply check for it again butif we take a look at the last ten daysI've been running this every day let'stake a look at yesterday you'll see Iused almost 50% of the battery and onlygot 2 hours and 23 minutes of screen ontime 5 hours and 15 minutes of screenoff time that's not really that good Iused to get 10 to 12 hours of screen ontime and then maybe five hours of screenoff time right now the battery lifeisn't great although it may be a littlebit better than it says because rightnow it says I have 61% of my batterylife left and for today it's 2 hours and49 minutes it's really hit or miss I'mgetting about 6 hours most of the timemaybe eight hours at best but hopefullythey'll update it with this particularupdate and it will fix that issue nowother than battery life my storage isn'tgreat so maybe there's somethingcorrelated it's maybe filling some cacheup or something like thatso if we take a look at my storageyou'll see my storage is still using ahuge amount 250 gigabytes of 256gigabytes are used previous to this I'musing about 60 gigabytes on a 256gigabyte phone 60 to 80 or somethinglike that right now I'm using a hugeamount in other so I was hoping thisupdate would fix that automatically youcan fix it by restoring on a computerbut I really didn't want to do that if Idon't have to now as far as performanceI've noticed a couple things so far onthe older phone and so for example onthe iPhone se when I was typing in apassword when I was setting this up withthe latest update it wanted me to RiveraPhi some things the keyboard wouldfreeze quite a lot so if I go into musicand then go to search and type in maybeI guess an artist here capitalize it alot of the times the keyboard will justfreeze and not work properly I noticedthat when putting in my password acouple of times so it was really kind ofa pain the performance wasn't great butmaybe it was doing a lot of things inthe background as far as the camera andeverything else it's fairly responsivescrolling seems to be okay so far it'sfairly smooth but if you're havingissues make sure you report them infeedback because new updates do not tendto slow down iPhones anymore they seemto be pretty solid that way so just besure to check that battery life willimprove over time it's not a prioritywith early betas until it's out - maybepublic beta testers and out to thepublic in general apples focusing onfixing all the bugs that they have withthis particular update now if we take alook at the Geekbench scores you'll seethe iPhone 11 Pro Mac scored 1338 forsingle core 3000 387 for multi-corethat's actually pretty good and muchhigher than I've seen before nowunfortunately this particular benchmarkdid not save what I had before it onlyhas two days but that may be because theapp had to be reinstalled at some pointor maybe with the update now let's takea look at all of the different deviceshere and see what they scored now on theleft is the 2020 12.9-inchiPad pro in the middle is thefirst generation iPhone se and on theright is the iPhone 11 Pro Mac's all ofthe scores are pretty decent this timearound and if your scores are anywherein this general range expect similarperformance and sometimes these willincrease a little bit too as time goeson and background processing hascompleted so that's it for iOS 14 betato expect a beta every couple of weeksright now and then it will probably pickup in August to a weekly schedule alsowe may see iOS 13 point 6 beta 4 or afinal release as soon as tomorrow soit's hard to say I think we're going tosee beta 4 tomorrow and then maybe afinal release the week after that butit's kind of hard to say at this pointalso I recently had the iPhone 12prototype units and here's one of themso if you haven't seen the video aboutthat I'll link it in the description aswell be sure to check that out and letme know what you think of those as wellif you'd like to get your hands on thiswallpaper of course I'll link it in thedescription as I always do and if youhaven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and if you enjoyed the videoplease give it a like asalways thanks for watching this is AaronI'll see you next time\n"