**Microsoft Unveils Xbox Series X: A PC-Derived Console with a Twist**
The wait is over, and Microsoft has finally announced its latest console, the Xbox Series X. In a surprise move, the company revealed the new console earlier than expected, generating excitement among gamers and tech enthusiasts.
As one would expect from a PC-derived architecture, the Xbox Series X boasts impressive hardware specs, including Zen cores inside, which are essentially the third generation of Ryzen processors. This means that Microsoft has harnessed the power of AMD's Ryzentech to create a console that is significantly faster than its predecessors.
One of the most striking features of the Xbox Series X is its design, which looks like a PC in disguise. The company has opted for a more minimalist approach, with clean lines and a focus on functionality over aesthetics. However, this does come at the cost of a larger form factor, which may not appeal to everyone.
The Xbox Series X is also expected to be much more powerful than its predecessors, with four times the processing power of the Xbox One X. This significant boost in performance is largely thanks to the jump to Ryzentech, which has provided a major upgrade over previous consoles.
In terms of graphics, the Xbox Series X is set to excel, thanks to the inclusion of AMD's RDNA base GPU. The console is also capable of supporting 8K resolution at frame rates of up to 120 frames per second, making it one of the most powerful consoles on the market.
But what about the differences between the Xbox Series X and its rival, the PlayStation 5? While both consoles are expected to share similar hardware, Microsoft has been quick to highlight some key differences. The Xbox Series X supports variable refresh rates, which should provide a smoother gaming experience for players.
The company has also been touting its Variable Rate Shading technology, which is patented and promises to improve performance while maintaining the same level of graphics quality. Additionally, the Xbox Series X features Auto Low Latency Mode and dynamic latency input, both of which aim to reduce lag and improve overall responsiveness.
In conclusion, the Xbox Series X represents a significant step forward for Microsoft's console gaming business. With its powerful hardware, PC-inspired design, and innovative technologies like Variable Rate Shading, the company is poised to take on the competition in the gaming market.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Oh, they built a PC!Oh.It's just a PC.The Xbox PC.Oh, the controller's alittle different too.Xbox Series X.Okay.Hey, guys, this is Austinand today Microsoft surprise announcedthe brand new Xbox, I almost said One,the Xbox Series X.It is wild that they've done it so earlybecause while we've alreadyheard some talk about Scarlett,generally speaking thisstuff doesn't get announcedproperly until E3 of next year.Now the first thing thatjumps out to me is the name.The Series X sounds very much likethey're sort of planningfor multiple consoles.So obviously with theXbox One S and the One XI wouldn't be surprised,especially given the rumors,that this is only oneof the brand new Xbox Series of console,being maybe an X on the highend, an S on the low end.But that Hardware, did you see it's a PC?Which it shouldn't really beparticularly surprising, right?I mean, obviously this is somethingwhich is a very PC derived architecture.I mean, we're looking at Zen cores inside,it's pretty much a Ryzenprocessor and like a Navi GPUbut the fact thatthey've gone with such a,I don't want to say boring design,I'm sure it looks great in person,but like it's, it's different.And by different I mean it's a PC.So let's break down what's newand something that this trailerdoesn't really get acrossis the actual physical dimensions of it.So it looks big, I have a feelingit's going to be a little bitsmaller than it actually looksbut you can put it not onlyhorizontally but vertically.And on top of that there's alot of specific informationon what's inside.So some of what we already knew.It is running AMD's Zen 2 cores,essentially it's thethird generation of Ryezn.We also do know thatit is taking advantageof a very fast SSD as wellas it has the RDNA base GPU.Now the exact specifics of thatis probably going to haveto wait a little bit longerbut we know for sure thisis a very powerful console.A lot of this is actuallysort of backed upby not only the gameplay, butthe actual pure spec of it.As this guy is not only targeting 4K 60,which I think is a veryreasonable decision.But it can go all the wayup to 120 frames per second,supposedly, I think theexact phrasing they used is,there's the possibility ofup to 120 frames per second.But they also have confirmed 8K support.now Microsoft is claiming that it hasfour times the processingpower of the Xbox One X.Now, based on what we've donewhen we were trying to buildour own version of thePS5 or the Series X,we found that the CPU is reallythe major upgrade this generation.Previously it was really slowon not only the PS4 butespecially on the Xbox.I mean, it just was not particularly fast.However, by jumping up to Ryzenthey're getting a huge jumpand I assume that that'swhere a lot of thatfour times better processingnumber comes from.However, don't count the GPU out either.I mean, with RDNA on boardyou're probably looking atleast twice the graphicsof the already very powerful Xbox One Xand when you put that alltogether in a PC chassiswe get the Series X.Now one of like big questionsgoing into this generationthat was sort of share with last,but especially as we'recoming into this one,is what is the differencebetween the Xbox Series Xand the PlayStation 5?Well, Microsoft is getting out aheadby not only obviously announcingit a little bit soonerbut by showing some ofthe major technologiesthat they've worked on.So looking at a blog post thatthey literally just put upthere are a few thingsthat really jump out to me.So it does support variable refresh rates,not really that special asthe current generation Xboxactually does support FreeSync.Although the fact that you cango all the way up to 120frames per second is nice,I'm gonna mute my laptop now.That was definitely you.- Sorry.- That was definitely you.- I liked your Tweet!I was giving you praise.- Because both the PlayStationand Xbox sides of the campare very much sharing whatseems to be similar hardware,I'm sure there will be some differences.in the actual exact specbut the basic buildingblocks are very much shared.Some of the stuff that Microsoftis really highlighting hereis more on the technical side.So they are showing offtheir Variable Rate Shading,which apparently is patentedwhich I actually am not so sure exactlywhat makes their version differentthan what some other gamedevelopers have been working onbut essentially this should allowbetter performance withthat same level of hardwareby only shading the areaswhich are specificallyneeded for the games.Now some of the other thingsthey were really talking aboutis the fact they reallywant to cut down on latency.Now actually some of thisis probably coming from the AMD sideas they've been really pushinga lot of their anti-lag techto really kind of inside the driver levelkind of just cut downexactly how much sort oflatency there is betweenwhen you make an actionand when that frame is actually delivered.The Auto Low Latency Modeas well as the dynamic latency inputwhich will make the Xbox Series X quote,"The most responsive console ever."Now especially consideringthat so many TVs these dayshave surprisingly solid game modesif the console itselfcan shave off latencythat will play its rolefor not only the console when you buy itbut also for the cloudas they straight up say"Xbox Series X is also designedfor a future in the cloud"with unique capabilities"built into the hardware and software"to make it easy as possibleto bring great games,"blah blah blah, who cares.The main idea here is thatsimilar to what they've beendoing with xCloud currentlywhich is essentially a bunchof Xbox One S motherboardsput into a server blade,there's a little bit more to it than that,it's been overclockedand there's some additional hardware addedbut it seems like a lot of the workthat they were doing to customize itis being built into the Series X,which has some interesting implications.not only can you imaginea whole server farmfull of these Series Xsto power the 4K streaming thatyou might expect on xCloudbut on top of that youvery well might be able toif they're already baking that in,you might be able to actually do thatwith your home console.I can very easily imagine a scenarioin which your Xbox Series X canstream to your personal deviceno matter where you are,sort of like your own personal cloudor you could pay for xCloud as well.That's actually really interestingthat they made specific note to saythat this Series X does havecloud capability built inon the software as wellas on the hardware front.They also announced Hellblade IIand we actually have some gameplaythat was apparently captured in engine,so it's not pure pure gameplaybut it was captured in engineon the Series X.I'm literally be watching thisfor the first time with youbecause this all wasannounced 17 seconds agoand I'm scrambling to makea video because content.Okay, that shot right there.This shot straight uplooks like a real thing.Like if someone showed me thatand like I'm watching a movie or somethingI wouldn't question it,that's really incredible.Wow, the fidelity is incredible.Look at the depth of field.(chanting)Well this is disturbing,this is very disturbing.Wow.So the thing that'sreally jumping out to melooking at this footageis not so much about resolution, right.So when you look at thecurrent generation of consolesthey were generallyspeaking built for 1080pand then the upgrade PS4 Pro on the One Xwe're really just taking those same gamesand bring them up to a 4K resolution.That's fine but pixels aren't everything.Team crispy is not the onlything that you care about.So the thing that I'mreally sort of getting hereis the level of detailinside that 4K frame, right.I mean, you could run Half-Life 1 at 4Kbut it doesn't mean it'sa true 4K experiencewithout having everythingthat goes along with it.The high resolution textures,the incredible level of detailthat is provided by what I'm assumingis a very large amount of memory on these,as well as just all thelittle effects work and stuff.I mean, it actually lookslike a generational leap.Which is nice and I think in a large partthat's going to be due not only to the GPUbut the CPU is also goingto be able to handlemuch larger worlds, much more physics.Looking at this footage,we're not that far awayfrom fairly photorealisticreal-time graphics.So yeah, sure, when we look atlike the actual facial modelit's not quite there,you can tell there's alittle tiny bit of not,it's not it's not quite Uncanny Valleybut you can tell this is fake.When you look at some of the landscapes,some of the vistas that arecapable on the Series X,I mean, that's incredible.Like this honestly, I'm surprised.This looks better than what you can findeven on like a lot of high-end PC games.Which makes sense becausethe Series X is a high-end PCwith actual money and developmentspent on optimization.The controller is also,well, technically all-newhowever it actually looksvery, very similar to the One.So many things I see different hereis that the D-pa looks similarto what we get on the Elite Series 2and there looks to be anadded share button on itand beyond that it'san Xbox One controller,which does make sense.So as I mute my laptop forthe fourth time in this video,the thing that sort of makesthis generation interestingis that there is a lot of crossplay.So as I was going to get into in a secondbut I'll just talk about now,the Xbox Series X is capable of runningpretty much all older Xbox titles.So all the work that Microsoft has doneon getting the Xbox One to run, say,original Xbox games or 360,all that's being portedover to the Series X.You should be able tostill continue to playyour original games, 360, aswell as your Xbox One gameson the Series X and part of thatis also including accessories.So there's actually a reallyinteresting quote here.So they say the newXbox wireless controllerwill be compatible with the older Xbox Oneas well as Windows 10and all of your currentXbox One gaming accessorieswill work on the SeriesX, besides maybe Kinect.So the Xbox, I wanna say Xbox One so bad,the Xbox Series X will begoing on sale holiday 2020.We don't have a price,I assume that is actually somethingwe will have to wait for E3 onbut it is incredibly exciting, right.I love consoles, I love new generations,because it pushes theentire industry forward.Even if you're a hardcore PlayStation fan,even if you're a hardcore PC fan,the fact that a new generationof consoles are coming outvery much means the gaming willget better across the board.Developers will target these new consoles,the overall level of graphicsand the fidelity will come upbecause that's the new base standardand everyone will win because of it.I'm very curious, what do you guys thinkabout the Xbox Series X?Let me know and in the meantimeI'm going to continue trying to get thatHellblade 2 trailer out of my head.