Why They Destroyed 93 Dodge Vipers

The D-List: A Look into the World of Vehicular Carnage

Kind: captions

Language: en-

Uh. *cringe*What's wrong with you!?Why?Sometimes perfectly good cars get sent to the crusher and it makes me so mad! Today we're going to watch a bunch of really great cars get destroyed. And then learn why they got sent to hell to begin with.

I am James, and this is The D-List. Big old thanks to Omazefor sponsoring today's video. It's finally 2022, or as the folks at Omaze like to call it,20 20 you. Because they're giving you the chance to win this 2022 Porsche 911 GT3, with taxes and shipping included. Just go to omaze.com/donutgt3to enter for your chance to win.

This beautiful and legendary GT3 lapped the famed Nurburgring in under seven minutes. So it's safe to say that it's a winner. And when it comes to winners, well it takes one to know one. Oh, this? First place in the Pav's Creamery ice cream eating contest. Thank you very much. No big deal.

And if you think that's impressive, well check out this aerodynamic body, this shark blue swan neck wing, or these satin black wheels. Under the hood, or trunk, you'll find a four liter flat-six, growling and angry 502 horse powers. And best of all, every donation benefits the Dempsey Center, which helps those managing the impact of cancer by providing a variety of diverse and personalized high-quality services at no cost. Now that deserves a gold medal!

So, to enter to win this Porsche 911 GT3 and to support an incredible cause, head over to omaze.com/donutgt3 today. (gentle music) (logo chimes)

The first car on this unfortunate list is a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle, which was sentenced to death by shredder. Roll that sweet, sweet car carnage footage. It's a cute little bug. It's got a peace sign on it. Oh my God.

(Ah, forklift beeps) Ah. (metal rattles) That poor car, it's such a cute little car. Why would the do this? This hilarious piece of comedy was created by the company that makes the shredder, as you probably already guessed. And they euthanized this perfectly drivable Volkswagen Simply to demonstrate how good their machine is at eating vehicles!

Well, Shredding Systems, Inc., mission accomplished, I guess! And that is the least egregious example of vehicular carnage on this list. Let's raise the stakes a little bit, huh? Why not?

Let's move on to a Nissan 180SX that met its fate in the crusher. That's right. They took a perfectly good S13 with a pretty sick body kit, TE37s and they squashed it like a piece of dog poop on top of two other cars! There's a Skyline in that pile!

What is wrong with you? Why? Well, because of a little thing called anti-hooning laws. You see, there's a place called Australia, and they've got very strict policy on hoon activities, which includes speeding, burnouts, doughnuts, and tire screeching.

If you get caught hooning down under, you get slapped with a fine, your license gets suspended, you might wind up in jail. Or in this case, you can get your car sent to the crusher. The police department themselves posted this video to send a message to the youths,

And that's not all! There are many more cars on this list, each with its own unique story of why it ended up in the crusher. But for now, let's take a look at what else we have in store for you today.


WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Uh. *cringe*What's wrong with you!?Why?Sometimes perfectly goodcars get sent to the crusherand it makes me so mad!Today we're going to watcha bunch of really great carsget destroyed.And then learn why they got sent to hellto begin with.(Satan laughs)I am James, and this is The D-List.- Big old thanks to Omazefor sponsoring today's video.It's finally 2022, or as thefolks at Omaze like to call it,20 20 you.Because they're givingyou the chance to win this2022 Porsche 911 GT3, withtaxes and shipping included.Just go to omaze.com/donutgt3to enter for your chance to win.This beautiful and legendary GT3lapped the famed Nurburgringin under seven minutes.So it's safe to say that it's a winner.And when it comes to winners,well it takes one to know one.Oh, this?First place in the Pav's Creameryice cream eating contest.Thank you very much.No big deal.And if you think that's impressive,well check out this aerodynamic body,this shark blue swan neck wing,or these satin black wheels.Under the hood, or trunk,you'll find a four liter flat-six,growling and angry 502 horse powers.And best of all,every donation benefitsthe Dempsey Center,which helps those managingthe impact of cancerby providing a variety of diverseand personalized highquality services at no cost.Now that deserves a gold medal!So, to enter to win this Porsche 911 GT3and to support an incredible cause,head over to omaze.com/donutgt3 today.(gentle music)(logo chimes)- The first car on this unfortunate listis a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle,which was sentenced to death by shredder.Roll that sweet, sweetcar carnage footage.It's a cute little bug.It's got a peace sign on it.Oh my God.(forklift beeps)Ah.(metal rattles)That poor car, it'ssuch a cute little car.Why would the do this?This hilarious piece of comedywas created by the companythat makes the shredder,as you probably already guessed.And they euthanized thisperfectly drivable Volkswagensimply to demonstratehow good their machineis at eating vehicles!Well, Shredding Systems, Inc.,mission accomplished, I guess!And that is the least egregious exampleof vehicular carnage on this list.Let's raise the stakes a little bit, huh?Why not?Let's move on to a Nissan180SX that met its fatein the crusher.That's right.They took a perfectly good S13with a pretty sick body kit,TE37s and they squashed itlike a piece of dog poopon top of two other cars!There's a Skyline in that pile!What is wrong with you?Why?Well, because of a littlething called anti-hooning laws.You see, there's a place called Australiaand they've a very strictpolicy on hoon activities,which includes speeding,burnouts, doughnuts,and tire screeching.If you get caught hooning down underyou get slapped with a fine,your license gets suspended,you might wind up in jail.Or in this case, you can getyour car sent to the crusher.The police departmentthemselves posted this videoto send a message to the youths,"Don't make screechysounds with your tiresor else we're gonna send your carstraight to hell, which inour case swirls backwards."And it turns out thatAustralia is the only countrythat likes to publicly demolish vehiclesthat were hooned around.Next up on this list, about 20 motorcyclesconfiscated by the NewYork Police Department.Many of these confiscatedbikes don't have turn signalsor brake lights, and thereforeare a threat to civilization.So Billy rounded 'em all up,revved up his biggest bulldozer twinsand flattened 'em intoa motorcycle flapjack.Play the clip.- We mean business.I want to be very clearto anyone out therehas an illegal dirt bike.Don't even think about itbecause the NYPD will findit and we'll crush it.- What a dork.- Don't even think about it.(metal rattles)- Ha ha, you're notrunning over any of 'em,just push 'em out of the way.Oh, now you're getting up there.- We'll find it and we'll crush it.Don't even think about it.- These guys are good bulldozer.He's good at 'dozen.And all that for 8,000 views.Now for our next funeral procession,let us mourn the passing ofthis bright green BMW M3 wagon.But wait a second James,BMW has never sold an M3 wagon yet.Well friends, therein lies the problem.Well, there's a little placethat I like to call England,or weird America.It's kind of like Australia,but greener and wetter.And in England, they've gotthese people called Bobbies,which are kind of like police officers,but they were much better hats.One day the Bobbiespulled over in this BMW.And when they ran the license plate,they realized it was actually registeredas a diesel-powered 3series, not in an M3.What they found were partsfrom two and three coupesthat were reported stolena few years earlier,meaning this custom wagonwas built using a legal partsand Bobbies hate illegal things!The dude who owns the carsaid that he had noidea about stolen parts.And for all we know, hecould've been telling the truth,but even still a judge ruledthat the contraband of statebe sentenced to death by cubification.(logo moans)Roll the clip!(engine revs)This BMW is turning heads at the car meet,now we've crushed it.(claw crane whines)That claw thing is hard, dude.(metal rustles)(James grunts)(metal clatters)(intense music)Was this a fair punishment?Probably not, but it's safe to saythat the British governmenthas done much, much worse.Moving onto the rarestand most expensive carin this list, a McLaren620R, a $300,000 super car.They only made 350 of these bad boys.Now I want to start bysaying that the Philippineshas a massive car culture,and it seems like a pretty good placeto be a car a enthusiast.But the government there is very seriousabout where cars come frombecause of something called taxes.This $300,000 car wasmore like a $700,000 carif it was imported in the legal way,but, as you guessed, it wasn't.So as a completely reasonableand not at all cruelor unusual form of punishment,they decapitated it with an excavatorin front of a crowd of people,including a bunch of guys in hard hats!Roll the clip!Oh.(heavy metal music)This is all like...Doing this so publicly is so lame, dude.And now this McLaren is in hell,just like the beetle, the S13,all those motorcycles and that M3 wagon.But the CEO of helljust called, AKA Satan,and he wanted me to let you knowthat there's still a vacancy.So let's move on to our next victimof automotive assassination, afirst-generation Dodge Viper.Sorry. I misspoke.I actually meant 93first-generation Dodge Vipers.It's a lotta snakes!So why did they do it?Why do they have tomurder 93 Dodge Vipers?Well, back in the early 2000s,Dodge donated these Vipersto schools across Americato be used in shop class,Jesse's high school had one.But after 10 years Dodge pulled the plugand said, "No more eduction!The cars had served their purpose!The kids mustn't learn anymore.They're getting too smart."See, Dodge still technicallyowned all of these vehiclesand they were never streetlegal to begin with.A couple of 'em had alreadybeen crashed on public streetsby students taking them for test drives.That's what corporationslike to call a liability.So, per the original agreementwhen the cars were sent to the schools,it was no surprise whenDodge asked for 'em back.Vipers were rounded up, ripped to shreds,never to be dismantled by ahigh school student again.(metal cracks)Ugh.Ugh.No fanfare, already at the scrap yard.No one would cry.What a good looking car. Sad.And now these 93 serpentsare slithering the seventhcircle of Satan's spa,AKA hell.(woman screams)(Satan laughs)There's one last car we gotta talk about,a car that has been persecuted by the law.Its mere existence athreat to the US governmentfor decades.And of course I'm talkingabout the Nissan Skyline.Ugh. Ew.It's like creepy how it just comes...Uh!Uh, it's like watchingsomeone pick a scab.(metal crunches)Ugh.Ugh.Disgusting.It's like a snuff film.There have been many Skylinesconfiscated and crushedby the feds over the last 20 years or so.And that's of course because of America's25-Year Import Law.Long story short, the NissanSkyline chili was never soldin the US, but that hasn't stopped peoplefrom bringing them in anddriving them on public roads.Most of the time if you get caught,it's a little thing I liketo call, "Game over, pal!"Remember the yellow GTRfrom "The Fast and Furious?"It got crushed too. You know what else?"Air Bud' is dead.Listen guys, if every carthat we talked about todayis in hell, then maybe hellisn't even a bad place to be.And with that, I'll see you in hell.Hey dawgs, stop wearing layers upon layersof Yota's Tacos T-shirts this winter,just by the all new Yota'sTacos hoodie and sweatpants.They're exactly like the shirt,except thicker and with thehood and a fun draw stringand pants!Get yours today at donutmedia.com.Don't be a chilly Billy, be a warm Norm!♪ Stay nice & warm at Yota's Tacos ♪♪ Thank you for watchingthis episode of D-List ♪If this is your first Doughnut video,I'd like you to consider subscribingfor more stuff like this.And a lot of stuff that's not like this.If this is your 100th video,thank you for continuingto support what we do.I love you guys so much.♪ I wouldn't be able towork with my friends ♪♪ If you didn't watch my videos ♪Follow me on social media @jamespumphrey.And follow Doughnut at donutmedia.com.Hit the like button.Go to doughnutmedia.comif you want some merch,new stuff dropping every week.I love you.(gentle music)