How To Detail (And Sanitize) Your ENTIRE CAR

**The Ultimate Car Cleaning Guide: From Wash to Wax**

Are you tired of a dirty car? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the entire process of cleaning your vehicle, from washing and claying to waxing and protecting.

**Step 1: Washing the Car**

We've got a fresh pad, into the soap, back to the hood. The washer whirring as we wash the top layer of the car, including the moldings, fenders, and bumpers. Come on!

Next, we'll do the second layer, which is gonna be the whole way around the car from the moldings up. Like, the top halves of the doors and the fenders and the bumpers.

Now, it's time for the third layer – the lower layer. All of the moldings, all the real dirty part from the moldings down, all the way around.

**Claying the Car**

We just washed the car, but there's still a bunch of stuff stuck in the paint all over. That's why we're gonna clay bar it. The clay bar will knock out all this pollen and sap and junk that's embedded in the paint.

Before we clay bar, I'm gonna dry the parts of the car that we don't need to clay bar, like the roof and the glass, just so they don't get spots on them.

**Claying Techniques**

We've got our clay bar and the clay bar came with some spray – a lubricant that you can spray on the paint. Then, you rub the clay. It's really simple. Just a matter of doing the whole car. It just takes a long time. And you don't want to use too much pressure.

**Waxing the Car**

Now that we're done with the clay bar, we're getting ready to wax the car. We've got a paste wax and we've got an applicator. Get a little bit of wax on the applicator and come down here. It doesn't take much pressure.

You do that pretty much to the whole car, and then you buff it off. And you'll be left with a protected paint that also looks really good.

**Protecting the Car**

When you're doing this kind of stuff, you're gonna be working close to plastic trim. But you should wipe it off immediately with a damp rag, because if you let it dry, it can stain it, and it's really hard to get out.

**Final Touches**

Our wax is applied, it's dried up, and it's ready to buff off. This is pretty easy – just do one of these with a clean microfiber and admire your work.

We've got the wax all buffed off, and it looks great! It feels great too. There's just a couple steps left.

First, I'm gonna hit the outside of the car with that dressing we were using earlier for all our rubbers and plastics and our tires. And then we're gonna clean the windows, and that's it!

**The Final Result**

Well, the sun has set, and the car is clean! That's it, baby. There's only one step left – to step back and admire your work.

It still looks like a clean car from like 20 feet away, and that's really what we were going for. There's no fixing this paint just by washing the car. I'm not insane!

It does look a lot better though, and all it took was a few hours of work and some pretty simple products.


So, please spend some time in the garage cleaning your stuff. And the really good news is that since we're not driving much, this thing's gonna stay clean for a long time!

I hope you get out there and put to use what we talked about today. Also, I hope you subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell so you can stay up-to-date on what we're releasing.

We'll see you guys next week!

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Yo, your car is waydirtier than you think.Your interior is probablyharboring more germsthan a public toilet seat.(toilet flushing)And the dirt in your engine baycould be disguising hidden leaks.The bird poop on the outside of your carcould actually honestlybe destroying your paint.But today, that's what we're gonna fix.I'm gonna show you the best wayto deep-clean your interior,including how to make sure youreally sanitize those germs,and how not to mess up anyof the materials in there.Then we'll clean theengine bay and I'll go overhow to hose things downproperly without frying anyof your important electronics.And finally, I'll show you theright way to wash, clay bar,and wax your car to keep your paint,or what's left of it, shiningfor as long as possible.Let's go, baby!It's gonna be a satisfying day.We're gonna clean this turd up.(lightning crashing)- Okay, so we're pretty much all new-foundgermophobes these days, right?Well, listen to this.If the average Americanspends over 290 hours intheir car every year,that's seven 40-hourwork weeks in your car.Every time you get in andout, you're dragging germs infrom the frightening outside,like the gas station.Gas pumps, for example, areover 11,000 times dirtierthan a public toilet.(toilet flushing)One of the most effective waysto disinfect against coronavirus,which is what we're alldealing with right now,is isopropyl alcohol 70% or stronger.So if you wanna sanitizeyour car after you goto the grocery store or what-have-you,a little bit of isopropyl,wipe down the things youtouch, like your E-brake,like your shifter.So I'll kind of do one ofthese and wipe down the excess.So a little isopropyl alcohol,that'll disinfect your car.I think that's a smartthing to do with everythingthat's going on right now.But we're gonna go way beyond that.We're gonna detail this thing.This thing's gonna be cleanby the end of the day.We're not just disinfecting.And we're gonna start with the interior.And the first thing we'regonna do with the interior issweep it out.To do that, I'm actuallygonna remove the seats.It might seem a little weird,but it's really easy to do,and it'll give us a lotof extra room to sweep,and we're gonna scrub the carpets,so let's yank them things out.It was five bolts.Center console is like,four screws, I think,and then it's out.Might as well.Totally worth it.So much cleaning can be done now.All right, so now we're readyto vacuum this thing out.Use whatever you got.If you've got a shop-vac, sweet.Your mom's vacuum, cool.Whatever sucks the hardest, use that,and it'll do what you want it to do.It's very simple.We're just vacuuming out a car.(vacuum whirring)All right, we've gotthis thing vacuumed out.All the loose dirt and debris is gone,so we're gonna scrub the carpets,and for that I'm using this.It's turtle wax.I've had good results with it in the past,but you can use anycarpet cleaner you want.If you get your carpetstoo wet in the car,you can end up soaking like,the foam padding behind the carpet,and if you do that thenyou're gonna get some mildewand mold and your caris gonna smell terrible,so don't go overboard.Just go just the right amount of board.(brush scrubbing)Now, what's nice about thisstuff is that it's also goodfor use on the entire interior,so you don't have to be toocareful when you're spraying.(brush scrubbing)We got all the carpetsscrubbed and now we're gonna dothe rest of the interior.Basically you're wiping downand cleaning all the plastics.I'm gonna keep using this stuff.It's been working pretty well.And you can use soapy water or a numberof other interior cleaning products.For us, this seems to be doing fine.Look how gross these old seat belts are.It looks like they're mildewy.I think they've been wet.(brush scrubbing)Details matter.Take a look at my, whatis this, my headlights?The switch is all gunked up and grimy,so to clean that out and makeit look kind of new again,I'm gonna use the old toothbrush.(foam squelching)Just like that, too much.But now every time I go toflick on them headlightsor hit a turn signal,I'm gonna remember this moment.All right, we got theinterior all scrubbed down.Everything is clean.Now it's time for some dressingand I'm not talking about ranch.I'm talking about somethingthat you put on allof your vinyl, rubbers, and plastic.All these black bits that start to fade,you can put some dressingon them and bring them backto a like-new finish.Once we're done dressing,we'll put the seats back in,and then we're gonnamove onto the engine bay,which is so dirty.(gentle music)Journey of 1,000 stepsstarts with one mile.All right, your engine bay.You might not really careabout keeping your engine baythat clean but having a cleanengine bay can make it wayeasier to spot leaks andthus, diagnose problems.So the first step to cleaningyour engine bay withoutdamaging any electronic parts isto disconnect your battery completely.That way, if you do get water in a spotwhere you don't want it,there's no electricity.All you got to do is let it dry out.All right, we're readyto clean the engine bay,but before we just go hosingstuff down and scrubbing,we just need to check allof our fluid caps like ourdipstick and our engine oilcover and our brake fluidto make sure they're tightso that no water gets in,because we're gonnause some water in here.Then I think I'm gonnaremove the intake justto get a little bit more room.We're gonna clean theunderside of the hood,and while we do that, it's anice idea to do this to tryto protect some of these electronics.Now, that said, everything inhere is designed to be ableto get wet.I mean, when you drive in therain, this stuff gets wet,but some of this stuff isa little bit sensitive,so just to play it safe,we'll put the bag down.All right, now that we'vegot the engine all covered,we're gonna spray some de-greaseron all of the dirty partsin the engine bay, thenI'm gonna scrub it,and then I'll rinse it off.So to do that, you can usejust the old garden hose.It'll do a fine job.But to expedite things a little bit,I like to use this pressure washer.I got it at Harbor Freight.I think it was about $80,and it's not a very good pressure washer,but it's great for doing car stuffbecause it's not too powerful.You do need to becareful when you're usinga pressure washer.You don't want to go sprayingany electrical componentsdirectly or anything like that,but if you use your brain,it can be a great tool,so I'm gonna use it.(washer whirring)You know, this is really simple stuff.It's just spray somede-greaser, scrub it down,rinse it off.Do that a few times andshe's looking beautiful.All right, now the perimeteris pretty much cleaned up,so it's time to takethe bag off the engineand clean that thing.It's a dirty engine.Boy, it's grimy.(smacks lips)(deeply inhales)Well, I guess we better get started.Well, we're gonna spray somede-greaser onto the engine bitby bit and we're gonnascrub it and then we'regonna rinse it.There's nothing more to it than that.All right, now thatwe've got a clean engine,it looks so much better than before.I'm honestly pretty impressedwith how well this thingcleaned up but now it's timeto put on them finishingtouches because that'swhat really matters.We gotta dress it up.Let's make them plastics like new again!It looks so much better.I'm almost surprised withhow well it cleaned up.(percussive music)Now the exterior.A lot of people think havinga dirty car is just annoying.It's just dirty, so what?Who cares?Well, leaving dirty or otherweird substances like sapfrom trees or bird poopfrom these (beep) parrots,that can actually harm your paint.There are a few spots on theMiata that it looks like a birdpooped and it was leftfor so long the paintactually lifted off.Now, washing a car is pretty simple,but you can do it wrong.Yeah, I'm not kidding.There's a correct orderto do it in and each stephas a correct way to do it.Have you been doing it wrong?Let's find out.Well, we're gonna startwith the wheels and tires.To do that, we're justgonna use the same washthat we're gonna use for thewhole car because our wheelsand tires are pretty clean.They're only like, three weeks old.Just soap, baby.Soap and a little water.(gentle music)(washer whirring)One done, three to go!So here we've got our soaphopper for our pressure washer.You put soap in hereand then it sprays outfoamy, soapy water.You can get one that justgoes on the end of your hose.Those work all right too, butyou can also just rinse itand get right into it.So we're gonna cover the wholecar with foamy, soapy water.That'll help lift the dirtand help carry some of it awaybefore we even touch it.We're getting ready to wash the car.For that, I have two buckets.We're gonna do the two-bucket method.It's pretty simple.One bucket is just a rinsebucket for after you've got adirty mitt, you rinse it,and then the other isyour clean soap and water.That's important, but anotherthing that's importantis your sponge.There are a few different types.What's right?Now, starting with the worst are these.These cost like, 50 cents,and basically what happenswhen you wash with these,the dirt pretty much stayson the surface.So if you've got a dirty carand you're washing with this,you end up just rubbing abunch of dirt into your paint,so I wouldn't use thosefor anything but wheelsor your engine bay.Then you've got these.This is like a terrycotton, and these are okay.They're pretty cheap,but they do at least holdthe dirt a little bit deeper.So these are okay, these are usable.But this is what I like to use.This is microfiber.You've got a bunch of littlemicrofiber dreadlocks,and these are really goodat trapping dirty awayfrom the surface of the mitt.So we're gonna get ourtwo-bucket method going.We're gonna put soap and water in one,clean water in the otherand I'll see you at the car.Oh, that's fun.That's satisfying.Come check out my top.All right, so we're scrubbing the car,but it's not as easy as that.You need to think about whatorder you're doing things in.So the easiest way to rememberis to go from top to bottom,and the reason we do that isbecause the bottom of the caris where things generallyget the dirtiest.So you want to wash theclean parts for the sakeof your mitt and work your way downwards.So we're gonna do the top.The hood, the roof and the trunk,all the upward-facing panels first.(mitt scrubbing)Now that we've got afresh pad, into the soap,back to the hood.(washer whirring)All right, we've got thetop all washed and rinsed,so now we're gonna do the second layer,which is gonna be thewhole way around the carfrom the moldings up, so like,the top halves of the doors andthe fenders and the bumpers.Come on.(washer whirring)All right, we're gettingready to do the third layer.That's gonna be the lower layer.All of the moldings,all the real dirty partfrom the moldings down,all the way around.Let's get it.(washer whirring)Done!Not really.We gotta clay bar it still.So yeah, we just washedthe car and we washedit pretty good but there'sstill a bunch of stuff stuck inthe paint all over.It still looks pretty bad,so that's why we're gonna clay bar it.All of this pollen and sapand junk that's embedded inthe paint, the clay bar(clicks) knock it right out.It's just gonna takea little elbow grease.Let's get her back in the garage.All right, so before we claybar, I'm gonna dry the partsof the car that we don't need to clay bar,like the roof and the glass,just so they don't getspots on them.You can go with a bigfat microfiber like this,pulls the water away fromthe car as well as the dirt,which we talked about earlier.And it's nice.On a car like the Miata it only takes one.All right, so we've got ourclay bar and the clay bar camewith some spray.This is lubricant that youcan spray on the paint,and then you rub the clay.It's really simple.It's just a matter of doing the whole car.It just takes a long time.And you don't want to usetoo much pressure here,just a nice, light pressure.You feel it smoothing upthe more passes you make.So it's just this times the whole car.So it's not fun, but it's not hard.Now that we're done with the clay bar,we're getting ready to wax the car.We've got a paste wax andwe've got an applicator.Get a little bit of wax on the applicatorand come down here.It doesn't take much pressure.It's not like you're tryingto scrub or paint correctwith the wax.We're just trying to geta nice, even application,and it's just this for a while.You do that pretty much to the whole car,and then you buff it off.And you'll be left with a protected paintthat also looks really good.When you're doing this kind of stuff,you're gonna be workingclose to plastic trim,but you should wipe it offimmediately with a damp rag,because if you let itdry, it can stain it,and it's really hard to get out,so just wipe it off.Okay, so our wax isapplied, it's dried up,and it's ready to buff off.This is pretty easy.You just do one of thesewith a clean microfiberand admire your work.Well, we've got the wax all buffed off.It's great, looks great, feels great.There's just a couple steps left.First I'm gonna hit the outside of the carwith that dressing we were usingearlier for all our rubbersand plastics and our tires.And then we're gonna clean the windows,and that's it.(gentle music)(deeply exhales)Well, the sun has setand the car is clean.That's it, baby.There's only one step left.That's to step back and admire your work.It still looks like sh.It's shiny.You might think that this is a clean carfrom like 20 feet away,and that's really what we were going for.There's no fixing this paintjust by washing the car.I'm not insane.It does look a lot better though.And all it took was a few hours of workand some pretty simple products.So I hope you guys spendsome time in the garagecleaning your stuff.And the really good news isthat since we're not drivingthat much, this thing's gonnastay clean for a long time.So I hope you get out there and put to usewhat we talked about today and I also hopethat you subscribe to thechannel and hit the notificationbell so you can stay up todate on what we're releasing,because I'm telling youwe're releasing stuffevery single day.So, please.In the meantime, follow me on Instagramto see more of what'sgoing on with the Miata.Follow Donut Media @DonutMediaacross all social media.We'll see you guys next week.