PENGUIN CAKE How To Cook That Penguins of Madagascar Private

Creating a Cake for a Penguin

To create this adorable penguin cake, start by baking and cooling two layers of cake. Once the cakes are completely cool, place one layer on top of the other and frost with buttercream frosting, spreading it evenly to cover the entire surface.

To add the black trim around the edges of the cake, use a pizza cutter to create a straight edge and then push down slightly so that it is level with the rest of the cake. This will ensure that when you add the white frosting, there is no visible line where the black trim meets the cake.

Next, roll out some white fondant and cut around the template to create a smooth and rounded shape at the top. Use your finger to smooth out any imperfections and then peel the fondant off the baking paper and position it on top of the cake. Make sure that you can still see some of the black trim all the way around, as this will be the hood of the penguin.

Spread out and smooth the remaining white fondant all the way around the cake to create a seamless join with the template. Use your hands to smooth down and flatten the fondant at the bottom, making sure that it is even and flat. Then, use a pizza cutter again to trim off any excess fondant and flatten the beak area.

To add the beak, roll out some white fondant and cut around the template to create a small triangle shape. Place the beak into position on the cake, slightly angled to resemble how a penguin's beak is positioned. Decide where you want to place the eyes, using your template as a guide. Press down gently with a rounded tool to create an eye socket, making sure that the hole is not too small.

To add the gray eyelid, press down gently again with a rounded tool, checking that the size of the hole is just right for the eyeball to sit in. Do the same for the other eye ball, making sure they are evenly spaced and proportionate to the rest of the face. Next, roll out some black fondant and cut around the template to create two short stumpy legs.

To add the feet, use a little water on your finger to attach the legs to the bottom of the cake, followed by adding more white fondant to create the toes. For the flippers, roll out some black fondant and cut around the template to create two curved shapes. Place one flipper close to the body on the left-hand side and bend the other up slightly to resemble a wave.

While the fondant is still soft, add a ball of paper under each wing to support it. This will help the flippers hold their shape while they set. To finish off the head, roll out some pink fondant and wrap it around the base of the cake, followed by adding the cone-shaped hat made from white fondant.

Add more folds and pinching to create a smooth curve at the top of the hat, and then add the cone itself. Use another piece of pink fondant to create a curved shape that wraps around the base of the cone, finishing off the hat with a ball of fondant on top. Add spaghetti pieces to support the hat and place it gently onto the cake.

Tips for Adding Details

For a more realistic look, add details such as pupils or a tongue to the eyes. You can also use edible markers to draw on eyebrows or eyelashes.

If you'd like to make these cute little candy penguins as well, check out my kids' channel at for tutorials and videos.

The cake was requested by Eve Hyams, Patricia Nguyen, Mia Minion Lover 12, Jean Young, Angel Fly, Perfection Girls, Krizel Jesamian, Nita-ya, Kim, Kimberly Grace, Arora Jimenez, Allison Good, Millie Moore, Tina Cagle, and many more.

To see more cakes, chocolates, and desserts, click here for last week's video, here for all my other videos, and here for the website.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to how to cook thatI am Ann Reardon and today we are making acute and easy penguin cake.This one is modeled on Private from the penguinsof madagascar but you could use it for thebase of a club penguins cake or even a pingucake if you like.Firstly cut out you template and you can getthat on the howtocookthat website howtocookthat.netand I'll link to that below.Fold in his little flippers and then lineup the red circle with the circle of yourcake.Then trim off the sides of the cake followingyour template.You can use the sponge cake or the chocolatecake, red velvet cake there plenty of recipeson the website that youc an choose from youjust need two round cakes.Take your other cake and place the templateover the top lining up the edge with the topof his head with one edge of the cake.Now cut down the side and around the top ofhis head and down the other side.Now take a toothpick and poke it through thered line so you know where to cut when youtake the tmeplat off . Remove the templateand cut around following the dots that youjust made.Now place that head piece onto the penguinbody of your penguin.Take your two side off cuts and place themon top, you will need to trim the base ofone of those so it sits flat on your cake.Because it is kind of a funny shape there.Then take the other off cut and cut it intotwo pieces and place them on top either side.So you get a nice round penguin tummy.Make a batch of the basic buttercream, I havegot a video showing you how to make the frostingon the howtocookthat website or youtube channeleither one whichever one you can find easier.Spread a small amount of your frosting ontoyour cake board or plate just to stop yourcake from moving around.Then add the body part of your penguin downnear the base of your cake board.And then add some frosting around the topthere so that you can join the head on.Place that head bit in to place and kind ofsquash it down.Then cover the tummy in frosting and add youroff cuts making sure to put frosting betweeneach one so they stay together a bit likewhen you're making garlic bread.Now take your side template and fold downthe beak.Carve the penguin head and body along thattemplate, the neck part will be too low butwe will fix that in a minute.Then take the template away and round offthe sides of the tummy so that you don't havesquare edges there, you want it to look roundlike the top of a ball.You can just shave off a little at a timeof cake at at time until you are happy withit.Then at the join of the tummy and the headadd some buttercream and some of the cakeyou just cut off.Then use your template again to get the sideprofile right.Then cover the whole thing in a layer of buttercreamSmooth it off as best as you can then useyou spatula to clean up the cake board.To get a rounded cake really smooth I liketo use some flexible plastic make it intoa curve and just drag it up and over the cake.And you can do that up and over from eachside of the penguin to get it reallynice and smooth and then place that it inthe fridge.Now to make the fondant details.For the eyeballs you want to roll a ball ofwhite and then cut it in half and the reasonwe do that is so that you get two even piecesthat are exactly the same size.You want them to be the size shown on thetemplate.So just check it there and if it is the rightsize great if not just take some off or addsome one and reroll it.Now roll out some blue, if you find your fondantis sticking to the rolling pin just sprayit with a littel bit of spray oil and rubit onto rub the rolling pin.You want this blue fondant to be really thin.Because we don't want it to be bulging onhis eyeball Use a straw to cut out two roundblue circles.Then using a tiny bit of water to make itstick to the top of each eyeball.Then you want to roll really really tiny ballsof black fondant and add them to the centreof each eye.I am using the back of a paintbrush to positionit and squash it to make a flat circle.Next we want to make a thin snake of whiteand break a small piece off the end and addit to one side of the iris, this just addsthat glint in the eye just makes our penguinlook more alive.Next roll out a thin rectangle of grey fondant, you want this to be as thin as you can getit, thin like paper.Pick up your eyeball and starting at one endwrap it around.When you get back around to the beginningthere just wrap it down and pinch the basetogether and twist off any excess grey.Repeat that on your other eye, this makesan eyelid for the eye and also defines andoutlines they eyes so that when we're puttingit onto the white penguin we don't just loosethe eye.For the penguin feet roll out some orangeybrown fondant and this time we want it niceand thick and use you template to cut themout.Now for the beak take a ball of fondant andusing your thumb and fingers start to squashit down on the sides to make it into the shapeon the template.Once it is roughly there pick it up and useyour thumbs at the same time to make two indentsin the top so that you are making the middlepart come up and then you're coming down whereyour thumbs are.And then round off the corners.So from the top it looks a bit like a triangleand from the side it looks like a smile.Line it up with the template again and trimoff any excess.Then make an indent or make it a bit flatterat the base of the beak there in the middle.Rest it on something rounded because our cakeis a little bit rounded.and then use a knife to make an indent followingthe shape of the beak that you have just made.So that it looks like the beak can actuallyopenNow take some orange powdered colour and usinga dry brush brush some underneath of the beakand in the indents on the top of the beak.This just gives it a more defined 3D sortof a look.Now it's time to cover the cake.Roll out a really long rectangle of blackfondant and you don't want this too thick.Starting at one side wrap it up and aroundand just smooth it over the top just whereit naturally falls there.Smooth it round and cut off the excess withyour pizza cutter, trim it off and then addthe rest of that strip down the other side.Use your hands to smooth that down and trimit off at the base with the pizza cutter.Where it joins the buttercream push it downslightly so it is level with the buttercreamfrosting, This is so when we add the whitewe don't get a line where the black is.We don't want to see that indent we want itto be level with the rest of the cake.Then take a knife and flatten out the areawhere the beak is going to sit.Roll out some white fondant and cut aroundthe template.Making sure that you make it nice and smoothand rounded at the top there just use youfinger to smooth it out.Peel your white fondant off the baking paperand position it on top of the cake so thatyou can still see some of the black all theway around like a hood.Spread out and smooth the remaining whitefondant all the way round to the feet areaand use your hands to smooth it down and pushit flat at the bottom using your finger.And then use a pizza cutter again just totrim off the excess.Push down and flatten the beak area and addthe beak into place on a slight angle becausethat's how it goes with private, you can putit straight if you want it straight.Then decide on the position for the eyes,look at your template as a guide for wherethey go.Take something rounded and press down to makean eye socket.Check the size of the hole and if it is toosmall like this one just put the thing backin an move it around and around to make thehole big enough for the eyeball to sits inthe hole like this.Just in the hole not all the way sunken tothe head but we want most of the grey eyelidbeing covered.Do the same for the other eye ball.And then roll a thick snake and trim it tomake two short stumpy little legs.Use a little water on your finger and addthem to the cake and then add a little bitof water on the bottom and add your the feetto the bottom of those.Now we want to make out flippers wasn't sureif they are called sings or flipper but flippersapparently.roll out some black fondant and cut aroundthe template to make two of these.Add one of them which is right close to thebody on the left hand side just add it onthat's nice and easy.And on the other side we want it to bend uplike he is waving, 'just smile and wave boyssmile and wave'.While the fondant is still soft you're goingto add a ball of paper under the wing therejust to support it.That will probably only take about 20 minutesfor it to be firm enough for it to hold itself.If you want your penguin to have a hat, thenroll out some fondant in the colour of yourchoice and wrap it around an ice cream cone.Now I have trimmed this cone to make it shorter.SO that it is not a massive hat n his headand you can do that too.Then just tuck the ends of the fondant intothe cone.Roll a thin strip of another colour and makefolds in that fondant so that you get somenice curves there.Once you have enough for half a circle pinchit in at the base.Place it down flat and add the cone on top.Do that again with the rest of the fondantmaking more folds pinch it n so that you'vegot the other half of the circle and thenadd the cone on top of that.Roll a snake of pink and wrap it around thebase and then around the cone circling upto the top.To finish off the top just adl a ball of fondant,add it to the top and indent it all over usinga knife or a toothpick.Decide where you want it to sit on his head,then poke in two pieces of spaghetti to supportthe hat and place the hat on top of that.And there you have your finished penguin.If you'd also like to know how to make thesecute little candy penguins then head on overto my kids channel at have been making little candy penguinsover there and I'll link to that video belowas well.This cake was requested byEve HyamsPatricia nuyenmia minion lover 12Jean YoungAngel Fly5 perfection girlsKrizel Jesamianit-ya nara-yan-anKimberly GraceArora Jim-en-ezAllison GoodMillie MooreTina Cagleand many morePut all your request in the comments belowSubscribe to How To Cook That for more cakeschocolates and desserts, click here for lastweeks video, here for all my other videosand here for the website.Have a great week and I'll see you on Friday.\n"