Drift Corvette -Bash Bars, Radiator Install, Prepping Body Panels | Field Prep Ep.13| Donut Media
I just got em level or square this way.Now I gotta square theminside and out and thenI'm gonna tack 'em rightnow then work on the front.I got the hood fit,pretty cool with these little popper guys.It is gonna be a little bit annoyinghaving to use four hoodpins to take the hood off.But on a Corvette the hood opens this wayso It's kind of trying tothink if there was a wayto do some sort of latch and everything.But kind of just don't have the timeso it's gonna be this way for nowand if it absolutely drives me crazy,I'll try to figure some sortof hinge and do it then.But it came out good.
(upbeat music)I'm about ready to weld the plates onfor the bash bar for the rear end.Just got to clean up some of this paint,clean up some of the edges a little bitand then we'll be able toput 'em on and weld them in.Before I do that though,I have to weld the nut onthe inside of the plate.So let's get to it.(grinding)I got the plates trimmed up,I got the frame rails smoothed out.So I'm gonna weld these flange nutson the back of this flash bar plateand I drilled a hole hereso I could weld thisaround to the frame rail.I'm gonna do that to bothof these plates and thenat that point, it'll be readyto go on the frame rail.Kind of jumped the gun thereand was about to tack it without thinking.I got the nuts welded in the plate.My hole drills for the rosetteweld is now turn out well.So you can see how thispiece fits around here.I'm gonna go ahead andweld it all the way up.Do the same of the other side.And then we can put ourbash bar plates up here.
I am working on front bash bar.Have my plates here.I'll laser cut out or CNC plasma cut out.Just did my transfer, my pilot holesand what I'm gonna do is drill this outso that the nuts will go in here.I'm gonna weld the nuts to this plateon the inside of this plate.Put the plate up in here,with the nut sitting in the frame railand weld around this plateso it actually makes it much sturdier.If you look at the front of this,it's actually pretty thin andcan flex out a little bit.If I weld that plate in hereshould be much stronger.I got the bash bar platesdone, nuts welded in,I even primed the insideso it wouldn't rust'cause it's just gonna beagainst the frame rail.I got my holes drilled,I had to slot 'em with the die grinderbecause I used flanged nutsinstead of regular nuts.Kind of a stupid mistake but they fitand I'm ready to weld them up.
The next thing I'm gonna dus build a front bash bar.I just pulled my tubing out,this is an inch and aquarter O63 weld chromoly.It's really, really light butthis has the same strengthas inch and half 095 wald DOM.Which is, like the roll cageand all the other stuff is built out of.So it's light especiallysomething you wantbecause it's sticking sofar off the front end.And all it has to do it protect this.Very thin, floppy Kevlar front bumper.So I'm gonna shoot forbuilding right here,you can see that's kind ofwhere my height mark is,based off the headlight tothe middle of the plate here.I'm gonna cut this tube,line up my center markand then do my first bend.So now I need to go underneathand measure from the dashbar plate to the bumperto see how long of a forwardbar we're gonna need.It should be pretty much straight,since the frame rails are like right here.It should fit perfect in there,but I am seeing that this comes down,so I might have too twistthe bar down a little bit.I don't know.So I just went aheadand cut my end pieces.This is just a rough guess,but I have it squared up.This is the length of thewidth of the frame rail,center a tube, center a tube.I'm gonna tack it, then tack it on here.Grab the front bumper, fit it onand see if our clearance is right.It's fit, bumper clears,I'm gonna weld as muchas I can on the chassis.I'll probably take it offto weld the bottoms of it,so I'm just not tip welding on my backbut I'm gonna go ahead and take it up.I hope you guys enjoyedthis week's episode.Check back in next week.Like, comment, share and subscribe.Let us know what you think
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- What up guys, I'm Matt Field,professional Formula Drift driver.(motor revving)Except that was my 2017 car.This year we're buildinga 2013 Chevrolet Corvette.(upbeat music)Welcome to Field Prep.Welcome to this week'sepisode of Field Prep.I'm not quite done withthe fab on the chassis,so the goal is to get the bodypanels off to the body shop.Get that all painted, tealand blue falcon colors.Finish everything we needto do on the chassis.We got a lot of stuff todo, a lot of little bits,a lot of Carbon Kevlar, alot of Carbon fiber to fit.We need to get it done.So it's time to hammer down.(upbeat music)The next step we need to doin even order to fit the body,'cause that's what I needto focus on this week,is getting this trimmed out.So this is the air run out.The fans go on the back right here.This gets cut out and thefans blow the air through thisand then that pushesit through the bumper.So we need to get all ofthis fit up correctly,so that I can get the radiator mountedin its right location.Then this can get cutout in the rear bumper.Taillights can get cut out.Holes can get drilled for zip tiesand then this section willbe done and ready for paint.So that's what we're gonna do right now.Get these all cut out with the fans set upand try to finish it up.Alright, here we go.Got to cut this guy.Normally I don't screw with thisbut the last time I wascutting on the carbon stufffor days, I had carbon lung, I felt it.(upbeat music)That's where the air fromthe radiator comes out,so time to cut it.No turning back now, woo!(upbeat music)Kevlar bro, looks good.So we made a template offthis stock taillight holein the rear bumper becausethe Ishq Ka rear bumperis not cut out.It's just solid, so weregonna make a template.You can see these taillightsthey have like a screw mountthat goes up into a tabhere and clips in there,so it's gonna be kind ofa mess but we'll get it.Whoa, Johnny.- Sugar free, Matt said I'm fat.Number two.(upbeat music)- We're fitting up theAeromotive brush list five gallonper minute fuel pump and the fuel filter.I just mounted the topsof the clamps here,so now we to do ribbed nut the bottom.You come to the inside here,you can see we just welded tabson the firewall on the back paneland now it holds a firewall in.And holds that in, this needsribbed nuts on the bottomsand we're good to go.(upbeat music)This is gonna go forward, downinto the front of the car.And then the feed isbasically up inside hereand it's gonna loop aroundcome right into here.Nice!(upbeat music)Just got finished makingsome radiator mounts,there rubber isolated.Hopefully that should help.My radiator was neverrubber isolated on the S-14,never cracked but obviouslythis is the right way to do it.So I welded those on, these go on here.Boom!And right now Gram isabout to rib nut two pointsin the chassis 'cause thisis where that goes there.So we got the radiator mounts on.Pretty good, it's coolbecause it can still swivel.Now we're working on the front ones.This is the layout here on 'em.We're gonna dimple dye these onesbecause they do have to belonger, so might as well.Speed holes.Now you gotta lighten upthis 16 thick material here.(hammering)(upbeat music)(grinding)This is where the radiator grommet goesand these two are are the dimple dies,so I think it's time dimple die em.(welding)It's hard to reach all away around.(upbeat music)Oh, yeah!Voom, voom, voom, voom!Got some movement, it's perfect.I have the coolant lines figured outbut what I'm gonna do work on nowis getting the water linesthrough the firewall.You can see this firewallis pretty thin so Ididn't want to just put thebulkhead fittings right to it.So I'm making this platethat gonna go on the insideand I'm gonna weld thebulk head nuts to it,so you just threadbulkheads in, tighten it up.Don't have to worry about gettingaround the back or anything.Then this will get bolted intothe car and stay in there.So hopefully, if you ever dohave to take the lines offyou just loosen from right from the front,pull the radiator or do whatever.I'm gonna run a whole saw through thisand then weld the bulkheadnuts to this platebefore I get it all marked out.This is gonna go on theinside of the firewall here,these two bulkhead fittingsare gonna come through it.These nuts are gonna get welded to it.Then the fittings will be ableto go through the firewall.You'll actually be ableto tighten them down,seriously before hand.So I put the bulkhead plateon outside as a drill guide.There was no way I was getting in therewith a case and everything else.That's not gonna work.And hopefully, yeah I can seeit's not perfectly centeredso I can correct that a little bit.(drilling)Alright, I got thebulkheads through the platewith the nuts in place.I'm gonna go ahead and weld these onlike two sides or whateverand then at that pointI'll drill out these holesto the correct size hardware.Drill out firewall and then put it inand see how the lines are gonna work.It's gonna look like thatand thread this one in right now.This is what it looks like on the back.These are where thelines are gonna come upto 90 fittings down.Water lines are gonna run along hereand go out to our frontlittle mailbox slot.Oh damn, that looks good.(upbeat music)What I'm doing right nowis finishing somethingthat I started a while ago.It's something I'm pretty excited about.Don't know why.The door poppers.I've been waiting for this piecebecause I have to put a ribbednut in this Carbon piece.There's already one in the chassis herefor it to go through.But I have to basically,I just have drill that holeget this to be lined up,mark where that next hole is gonna be.Put a ribbed nut in this Carbon pieceand then that will be mounted.You can see over here on thisside, I already got it done.Fits nice and flush.Close the door, pull itand then the door opens up.Nice.But now this is a way I canget in and out of the car.Look what I bought!It's kind of cool for some stuff.(upbeat music)Alright, yeah!This is a fuel filler cap forthe fuel safe drive right?I got the corner panel like sanded downso it's nice and smooth.And I'm gonna mark out the cornerswhere I'm gonna drill it.I'll put in the cornerpanel, drill the corner paneland then this is gonna get nutand bolted in to the corner panel.That way I can take it offand put it on a spare cornerpanel, do whatever I need.And it's gonna get painted all separately,so if the paint gets underneath there,this gets painted separately as well.(drilling)Got the plate here, gotmy holes drilled out.I'm gonna go ahead and drill.I marked out where thecenter of this is here,so I have to go aheadand cut the corner panel.And then, should be able to bolt it on.So I got the fuel filler in.It was definitely a pain in the (beep)because this inner fender touching itbut it's got a little bitof movement so it's okay.It didn't fit exactlythe same as I intendedbut we got it to work.Pretty sweet just be ableto push right up on it.Right now I'm fitting the hoodand getting ready for hood things.And Ry, is turning out the inner fendersor the inner lip of theACK outside fenders.They come with a pretty big lip,so we want to trim themjust to make sure the tirenot gonna hit it.These are the hood pinsthat I'm gonna be using.There quick latches, pretty sweet.Super convenient, it's nice 'cause you canmiss a line in a bunch.So right now I'm figuring out where to go.I had to trim out this part of the hood.There is where the front like hinges,since the Corvette hoodhinges off the front.So I'm gonna figureout where I want these,drill a hole on both sides.That's gonna tell me where it goeson the chassis right hereand I'll make a hood pin come up to it.And I'm gonna be using these in the back,back here for my rear hood pin.And this is just a stock piecethat I trimmed up a little bit.So I have the hood markedout where they want to be.This is the backing ring to this.I have it marked out justwhere I want it on both sides.So it's time to drill a hole.(upbeat music)So I got the hood fit upthere, I made hood pins,there sitting on the framerails, I cleaned them all off.You can see these up in here.See my hood pins there,so I just got em level or square this way.Now I gotta square theminside and out and thenI'm gonna tack 'em rightnow then work on the front.I got the hood fit,pretty cool with these little popper guys.It is gonna be a little bit annoyinghaving to use four hoodpins to take the hood off.But on a Corvette the hood opens this wayso It's kind of trying tothink if there was a wayto do some sort of latch and everything.But kind of just don't have the timeso it's gonna be this way for nowand if it absolutely drives me crazy,I'll try to figure some sortof hinge and do it then.But it came out good.(upbeat music)I'm about ready to weld the plates onfor the bash bar for the rear end.Just got to clean up some of this paint,clean up some of the edges a little bitand then we'll be able toput 'em on and weld them in.Before I do that though,I have to weld the nut onthe inside of the plate.So let's get to it.(grinding)I got the plates trimmed up,I got the frame rails smoothed out.So I'm gonna weld these flange nutson the back of this flash bar plateand I drilled a hole hereso I could weld thisaround to the frame rail.I'm gonna do that to bothof these plates and thenat that point, it'll be readyto go on the frame rail.Kind of jumped the gun thereand was about to tack it without thinking.I got the nuts welded in the plate.My hole drills for the rosetteweld is now turn out well.So you can see how thispiece fits around here.I'm gonna go ahead andweld it all the way up.Do the same of the other side.And then we can put ourbash bar plates up here.I am working on front bash bar.Have my plates here.I'll laser cut out or CNC plasma cut out.Just did my transfer, my pilot holesand what I'm gonna do is drill this outso that the nuts will go in here.I'm gonna weld the nuts to this plateon the inside of this plate.Put the plate up in here,with the nut sitting in the frame railand weld around this plateso it actually makes it much sturdier.If you look at the front of this,it's actually pretty thin andcan flex out a little bit.If I weld that plate in hereshould be much stronger.I got the bash bar platesdone, nuts welded in,I even primed the insideso it wouldn't rust'cause it's just gonna beagainst the frame rail.I got my holes drilled,I had to slot 'em with the die grinderbecause I used flanged nutsinstead of regular nuts.Kind of a stupid mistake but they fitand I'm ready to weld them up.(upbeat music)The next thing I'm gonna dois build a front bash bar.I just pulled my tubing out,this is an inch and aquarter O63 weld chromoly.It's really, really light butthis has the same strengthas inch and half 095 wald DOM.Which is, like the roll cageand all the other stuff is built out of.So it's light especiallysomething you wantbecause it's sticking sofar off the front end.And all it has to do it protect this.Very thin, floppy Kevlar front bumper.So I'm gonna shoot forbuilding right here,you can see that's kind ofwhere my height mark is,based off the headlight tothe middle of the plate here.I'm gonna cut this tube,line up my center markand then do my first bend.So now I need to go underneathand measure from the dashbar plate to the bumperto see how long of a forwardbar we're gonna need.It should be pretty much straight,since the frame rails are like right here.It should fit perfect in there,but I am seeing that this comes down,so I might have too twistthe bar down a little bit.I don't know.So I just went aheadand cut my end pieces.This is just a rough guess,but I have it squared up.This is the length of thewidth of the frame rail,center a tube, center a tube.I'm gonna tack it, then tack it on here.Grab the front bumper, fit it onand see if our clearance is right.It's fit, bumper clears,I'm gonna weld as muchas I can on the chassis.I'll probably take it offto weld the bottoms of it,so I'm just not tip welding on my backbut I'm gonna go ahead and take it up.I hope you guys enjoyedthis week's episode.Check back in next week.Like, comment, share and subscribe.Let us know what you think (beep).