My Big Mistakes: A Collection of Humorous Stories
I was selling raffle tickets to raise money to go to bat nationals, and we were selling an Easter basket. The person who went in to get the basket came out with an envelope and tickets, saying they were out of cars. I knew that was a lie because I had already sold all the car tickets. So, I picked up the basket by the top, and instantly broke it. The candy went everywhere, and I had to pick it up quickly. Luckily, the principal's wife fixed it, and we sold more tickets the next day.
I was working at McDonald's when a customer came up to me and kept asking where something was in Spanish or another language. Since I was grumpy, I yelled "go find yourself." Let's just say I don't work there anymore. One day, I didn't sleep all night because my mind was racing, and I didn't know one thing from the other. I would be putting in people's orders, and there was this one guy with a really long hair like to the middle of his back. Long hair and I gave him his receipt, saying that his number will be called in the next few minutes. But then I said "ma'am" and meant "sir," which got me the gender wrong.
A month ago, I looked for work, and when I got into the car, something landed on my hand thinking it was nothing. I just brushed it off when my shift was almost over. My boss noticed something in my hair – it was bird poop! I basically worked my entire shift with bird poop in my hair.
I might just say this; my dad asked me to help him concrete the floor for a new shed that was my job. So, we were flattening the concrete with this huge plank of wood and when I bent down to pick it up, I got hit by butt crack because I wore my loose trousers that day. Once at work, I wasn't doing good, and my boss was always getting mad at me.
One time you called me, and my coworker, and we were in your office together. We thought we were getting fired so we were both mad at the boss. But it turned out he was just calling us to come see Batman vs Superman. The whole office was invited, and it was all paid for by the boss.
I was about five years old when my mom and I were helping out at a nursery. We were on holiday in Chicago where they lived, and well, my mom thought it would be a good idea to buy some toffee popcorn for us to eat. I had never tried toffee popcorn before, and I thought it was disgusting. So, I went to hide it in the toilet. Panic set in when I heard the door open – I quickly tipped the popcorn into the toilet bowl and sat on the seat.
The next day, my mom got even more toffee popcorn and this time, she tipped it into one of the kids' diapers. Five minutes later, let's just say the baby poop my mom had to clean up was not a great hiding place for popcorn. Baby's diaper, okay? I volunteer at an animal shelter, and I had to put the puppies back in their cages. There was a wet spot where we just cleaned it, but I didn't know about it. I took one of the puppies and slipped into the concrete – I was able to save the puppy from falling, but when I was on the ground, the puppy came over to my leg and decided to pee right next to my leg.
I went home, and the dogs that smelled it all started peeing on me, too. Luckily, I don't have to deal with that again. Guys make sure you check out the last reading of your comments where I read all of your hilarious mistakes, the biggest one you've ever made – it just like that cough – and make sure you answer the question of the day, which is what is the craziest food fight or baking disaster that you've ever experienced. Put that down in the comments below, give this video a like right now, and we'll see you next time high-five.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's going on guys? Before the video starts I just wanna to let you knowThat I started a new series, so please go check it out after this video using that info card right there that just popped up.And Here is a Little Sneak PeekLast TIme On Youtube Geniusi'm Going to be Doing a Behind The Scenes Series.Ohhhhhh Don't Say That,Don't Say Behind The Scenes.Why?Yeaaa People Aren't Going To Click That.Well, I'll just put my face in the thumbnail.anymore but I shaved but people don'ttrust your face anymorewhat's going on guys i am both ice andwelcome back to reading your commentsbecause today is after allsunday and that's what i do on Sundaysguys today I'm reading your comments allabout embarrassing at times when you'reat worksomething embarrassing that happened atyour job and before we start readingthese amazingly hilarious comments aquestion of the day for a future episodeis what is the craziest food fight storyor baking disaster that you've ever hadput that down in the comments below andI may read it for a future episodelet's begin the last time i gotembarrassed that my job was that theinterviewyeah I didn't get the job that actuallyreminds me of a really funny storywhen I first was trying to get a job atjamba juice yet jamba juice which i didin fact later get the job in theinterview the guy asked me what's yourfavorite animal and I will always likemy favoriteand the more we at giraffe and he's likeokay make the sound of draft makes and Iwas like yeah and he's like and five outof 10I'm not kidding true story last time igot embarrassed that my job was when Ifigured out I don't have oneI was at my work and it was lunchtime soi got my lunch so I thought I ate halfof the lunch and then I realized itwasn't mine so I went and put it backand got mineturns out the lunch i ate was my boss'sI was thankful that i didn't get firedok how do you go about meeting someoneelse's lunch like half of their lunchand then realize it's not yours like youdon't think like for a second like hey Ii forgot it didn't pack myself Brusselssprouts gross yuckin primary school we weren't allowedlollies obviouslyand whenever me and my friends havelollies and the teacher walked by we'dhide it and when the teacher passed westarted eating it and we think we wereso coolI still think so ok so I was seven yearsold and I was helping my mom served foodat her restaurant and one family orderto pack of buns to gowell I came out with the buns and a jarof water when i started to walk andbefore i knew it I'd slipped and mycrush had seen me covered in butter andwaterI don't have a job because I 13 but onedayI was volunteering at a Holiday Bazaarand they had me at the youth craft and Ihad to sell angel ornaments only problemI had a doughnut for breakfast and I hadto Correa the person in charge got madat me because the ornaments got stolenbecause i was in the bathroomthat's not your fault though you can'tcontrol of your diarrheaunless you knew donuts give you diarrheaand you still ate onebut even then that's not their donutsare amazing you can't there's no suchthing as self control around a donutI was helping my dad out of his pizzastore in a guy ask for sugar for hiscoffee on accident i gave him so insteadand then watched him down the whole cupI am a horrible person sometimes waitdid you mean to do that or did youaccidentally do that so I my job we havethis room for when you have a break andwhatever i left my phone here to chargewhile i went to the store to buy somefood when I came back I realize my phonewas no longer plugged in so I screamedwhich of you animals took my phone outof the charge my boss then said meI work at tim hortons best place ever iknow and we ran out of this lemon basethat we used to make frozen lemonade soI went to the back to grab a new onelike normal and came back out to thefront of the storebad idea as I was inserting the pumpinto the bottle it got harder trying topush it down so what did i do in frontof five customers and my co-workerswatching meI hit the top of the pump thinking itwould go into the bottle but instead iscored a ton of lemon Bates all over thefloor and meafter looking at my shirt and pants Ithen looked back up at the customers andmy co-workers to find them laughing atme I'm controllably that happened a yearago and they still bring it up every nowand thenFML this was volunteer work but I workedas a groom at a stable and wasn't doinganything at the moment so I sat down towatch the jumping event that was goingon and sat beside and Lady that my coachwas talking toeverything was fine at first but thenshe smelled really strongly of smoke andI'm asthmatic so i started coughingreally loudly and uncontrollablyso much so that I had to play latelyslink away to another seatI hope she wasn't offended I fellthrough my chairit sucked so every other friday helpbabysit for a program at a local churchwell one of the babies spat upi gaggedthe site and the smell one of the adultsin the room said we won't need to cleanup after you too will weand smiled with a chuckle I laughed itoff but i wish i could have controlledmy gag reflexI also don't like babies fit I've neverhad an actual job because i'm too youngbut I have volunteered at a local animalshelterone day I went in and I hadn't eaten inwell over 24 hours my mom didn't getpaid until the afternoon so we didn'thave any food and I was extremely hungrylong story short I got desperate and atesome of the cat food and when I thoughtno one was lookingit was gross by the way unfortunatelysomeone was looking and everyone stillcalls me Kat boy never live that downI was working in my neighbor's yard andI was humming a song and then the ownerof the house was working and walked upbehind me and started to sing along andthen she fartedyep my boss was in an important meetingand it was up to me to get his coffee ifinished making his coffee and I wasrushing to get too into the room wherehe was that I spilled some on my handnot a big deal but I walk into the roomactually slamming the door open allheads turned towards meI walk even faster towards my boss and Itrip over one of the chairs legs thecoffee port all over my boss's laptopwe're always important files and herscored let's just say I need to find anew job that doesn't involve gettingcoffee for someonewhoa that that sounds like someone wrotethat out of the beginning of a romanticcomedy rightthat's like the start of every romanticcomedy just like I don't know what I'mdoing in life I've spoonah but then you'll find love so happyending for youdoes having maggots in my locker atschool countI think the most i've been embarrassedperhaps a tad flatteredwell at my job i had a regular who camein every day and chat with me while hepurchased his beard now mind you thisgentleman was much much older than meperhaps in his late forties and I'm 25at one point he turned to my othercustomers as they came through the doorpointed at me and said I was his newwifeI kind of laughed awkwardly as he leftneedless to say conversations were bitodd and very reserved at that pointok so one day in my office it was superquietI had a meeting with my boss andcoworkers it was silent in the meetingroom and my boss walked in and I wassuper scared because he said thatchanges were going to be made so beingsuper nervous i farted and it was soloud I thought I broke the sound barrierand then he pointed at me and was likewhy are you farting in my meeting and Iwas like uh I had beans for breakfastand he was just get out and I was likeokayhuh doesn't mean any job count anyways Iwas an altar server at my church and Icouldn't help but play with the flowersnext to me the whole thing fellI just stared and did nothing i stillplay with the flowers today though Iwill be careful my friend was with me onthe altar that day before she leftI was training for taco bell on the backand left my bag out in the restaurantareas the bag had my skates hairbrushand the Taco Bell hat and twenty dollarswhen I finished I got out and it wasgoneI had to get new skates that were ahundred fifty dollars now i know not totrust miami gardens but i forgot andstarted cryingI was 17 one time I was selling raffletickets to raise money to go to betanationalswe are selling an Easter basket theperson that went in to get the basketcar envelope and tickets said that theywere out of the cars which I knew was awhy I picked up the basket by the topand instantly broke itthe candy with everywhere and i had topick it up luckily the principal's wifefixed it and we sold tickets the nextday so I was in the fruit department andwas stalking apples and then they allfell in the manager yelled at me infront of everyoneok so i was feeling rather lazy todayand I was walking around my work andthen these people came up to me and kepton asking me in spanish or some otherlanguage where something was Iunderstood the where is part of theirquestion but since i was grumpy i yelledgo find yourselfyeah let's just say I don't work thereanymore so I work at McDonald's pleasehelp meand there was this day where I didn'tsleep at all the previous night and dueto that my mind was much and I didn'tknow one thing from anotherI would be putting in people's ordersand there was this one guy with a reallylong hair like to the middle of his backlong hair and I gave him his receiptsaying that your number will be calledin the next few minutes ma'am ma'amma'am I apologize but like no one wouldlet me forget it the whole day my newrule when you're tireddon't say ma'am or sir you will get thegender wrong and you will be punishedfor ityeah that I look for work about a monthago and when I got into the carsomething landed on my hand thinking itwas nothing I just brush it off when myshift was almost over my boss noticesomething in my hairit was bird poop I basically worked myentire shift with bird poop in my hairI might just say this my dad asked me tohelp him concrete the floor for a newshed that was my jobso we were flattening the concrete withthis huge plank of wood and when I bentdown to pick it up my mother screen buttcrackbecause I wore my loose trousers thatday once at work I wasn't doing good andmy boss was always getting mad at me soone time you called me and my co workerin his officeI thought I was getting fired so I wasmad at the boss at everything he wassaying and i was correcting him afterevery sentence he was getting reallypissed offapparently though he was just calling meand my co workers could to come seeBatman vs Supermanthe whole office was invited and it wasall paid for by the bossI was so mean if he was so nice doeshelping out at my cousin's nursery countas a jobI was about five and my mom and I werehelping out at my three-year-oldsnurserywe were on holiday to Chicago where theylived and well my mom just offered onthe first day my mom thought it would bea good idea to buy some toffee popcornfor us to eatI've never tried toffee popcorn and Ithought it was disgustingnow i love it so i wanted to get rid ofit I went to hide it in the toilet Ipanic when I heard the door open iquickly tip the popcorn into the toiletbowl and all and sat on the seat turnedout it was just the wind to makeeverything worse the next day my mom goteven more toffee popcorn and this time Itipped it into one of the kids at thenurseries diapers five minutes laterlet's just say the baby poop my mom hadto clean it up yeahnot a great hiding place for popcornbaby's diaper ok I volunteer at ananimal shelter and i had to put thepuppies back in their cages there was awet spot where we just clean i didn'tknow about it I took one of the puppiesand I slipped into the concretei was able to save the puppy from thefall but when i was on the ground thepuppy came over to my leg and decided apee right next to my legI went home and the dogs that smelt itall started peeing on me tooluckily I don't have to deal with thatagain guys make sure you check out thelast reading your comments where I readall of your hilarious mistakes thebiggest one you've ever made it justlike that cough and make sure you answerthe question of the day which is what isthe craziest food fight or bakingdisaster that you've ever experiencedput that down in the comments belowgive this video a like right now andwe'll see you next time high five\n"